HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-03-15-HFA-min MINUTES
March 15 , 1988
Brad Counihan Acton
John McGovern Concord
Al Schmertzler Lincoln resident, HPA
Bill Chepolis Air Executive
Michael Dye Jet Aviation
Richard Hunt Jet Aviation
Carlo Fratini Helicopters Inc
Michelle Matteo Bedford
Robert Domnitz eierriam Hill Assoc, - Lexington
Paul V Roberts Concord
M Henry Wifholm Digital
Liz Banks Lexington Minuteman
Rick Hughto Rizzo Associates
Francesca de Van Massport
Sara Arnold Mabspot
Rick Bessom Msssport
Michelle Matteo called the meetirg to order at 7 40 p m All present
introduced themselves
1 Minutes There were no corrections D, additions to the minutes
for February 15 , 1988
2 Hanscom Field Airport Improvement Program Rick Bessom presented
plans for an addition that will be put on at the east end of the
existing maintenance building, providing two additional garaging bays
for equipment, an area for the fire truck and watch staff and night
monitor, a sand storage bin, a maintenance workshop and storage
area The cost is estimated at $1 1 million An ENF is presently
being drafted and will be submitted to MEPA on April 15 1988
Construction may last for approximately nine months
To clarify other questions , Norm Faramelli reported that plans
for this addition had been presented to HFAC before , noting the
addition was out of the Greiner Repert because the Greiner Study
covered broader issues Re also agreed to look into the possibility of
including toilet facilities in the addition for use by aircraft
A request was made that a desic2.n of the project be brought to
the HFAC
Bessom reported that some other projects will be brought
before the Commission in more detail in the early summer, as
-Expansion of the ramp in front of the Civil Air Terminal
-Inground centerline lights from taxiways Juliet to Echo
-Concrete repairs to Golf Taxiway
-Tree and brush clearing at the ends of Runways 23 , 11 , and
5 , as required by the FAA Massport will go to the appropriate
Towns and work with their Conservation Commissions
-Slurry seal the overruns of Runways 11/29
Crack seal bituminous portions of all Runways
-Installation of taxiway hold signs at 8 locations
In closing, Bessom said that an ENF will be filed for the
ramp expansion
3 Planning and Statistics Sara Arnold reported that on March
18 the military will be operating a C141 between 11 p m and 2 a m
Arnold discussed Helicopters Inc operations which started
in early January from the Jet Aviation hangar She advised
members that the company, operating for Metro Traffic , had been
departing at 6 20 a m and to date had, contrary to an earlier
report to the Noise Subcommittee , received one complaint
Arnold distributed and reviewed the summary of operations
and the EXP reports for January and February Matted asked that
there be a column for 1988 that includes the total for each
month HFAC members requested that the EXP graph be made
available next month, and that the Civilian EXP metric to include
Norm Faramelli reported that Helicopters Inc can operate
without Massport s Board approval and that an ENF to MEPA is nct
required Michael Dye then briefed the members on the history of
the new tenant Jet Aviation was approached in mid-December by
Metro Traffic to operate on a trial basis Dye said the early
morning departure is required because the commuters start their
trip as early as 6 a Irl Helicopters Inc located at Hanscom in
order to be able to utilize the critically important maintenance
service offered by Jet Aviation Noise sensitivity had been
reviewed with Helicopters Inc , and a flight path was developed to
minimize the noise impact on neighbors
Bob Domnitz commented that the Noise Subcommittee does not
believe that the night surcharge is deterring night useage, and
the issue is being addressed by the Noise Subcommittee Dye
expressed the opinion that many operators are deterred by the
night surcharge , and many won 't fly during the surcharge hours as
a matter of principle Massport reported that it would study this
issue within the next few weeks
Michelle Matteo expressed concern that there are no
regulations requiring an operator to inform Massport of an
impending operation
Faramelli reported that the Jet Aviation Charter is being
reviewed Massport is in the process of reworking the lease but
no particular operational changes are expected
Faramelli also reported that Cobey Corp has executed the
lease assignment from Gillette which will be in effect until
1994 The contract includes a limit factor to noise exposure
which does not allow for more than a 5% growth increment Bob
Domnitz requested a copy of the material
Faramelli informeu HFAC that GEIR is to be distributed
between April 7 and May 7 to libraries , town officials and the
4 Hanscom Air Force Base Hazardous Waste and Oil Spill Richard
Hughto of Rizzo Associates , Inc , retained by Massport to oversee
the issue of hazardous waste removal at Hanscom Field, reported on
his firm's findings and the Air Force 's plans He reported that
DEQE monitors the final process Four sites were chosen for
Site 1 had been the fire training center There were
solvent spills and debris Debris was removed It was found that
both shallow water and water in the Led rock were contaminated
The water will be pumped out, treated in a local treatment tower,
and pumped back to Sites 2 and 3 , taking 10-20 years to eliminate
the problem
Sites 2 and 3 were areas where drums of paint and sludge had
been disposed The drums were excavated and removed
Contaminated soil was hauled to a chemical landfill The shallow
water in these sites has been affected and will be treated as
described earlier
Site 4 was previously a sanitary landfill for the air base
It has been closed according to DEQE regulations
Members of HFAC expressed concern regarding the proximity of
Site 1 to Bedford's garden plots This had not been raised at any
of the public hearings held by the Air Force Those concerned
should contact Peter Casalis at the Air Force Base
When Matteo asked about the oil spill from the above ground
fuel storage tank , it was suggested that someone from the Air
Fcrce could best answer questions Faramelli stated that the Air
Force recognized it , informed the proper authorities , and took the
required steps to correct the situation They had someone on site
from DEQE
5 Noise SubCommittee Report Rich Theriault, who was not
present , will present the report at the next HFAC meeting
6 Nominating Committee Report Jane Farmer was not present and
there was no formal report Michelle Matteo said that the
following organizations had representatives have terms expiring
Bedford (M Matteo) Lincoln (currently open) North Lexington
Association (G Wheaton) , AOPA (B Obear) , and Beechcraft (J
Wraga) Bedford and Lincoln selectmen appoint their
representatives , suggestions for the other openings should go to
Jane Farmer, Michael Dye or Paul Roberts New Commission members
meet in June
7 Other
-It was recommended that the Operation Subcommittee review
the GEIR
-Bob Dcmnitz repotted or Massport s Board meeting notes On
the March 16 agenda , the Board will take up the PACE vote Other
Board meetings took up the award for the noise consultant for the
monitoring equipment for Logan and Hanscom, and a vote on
authorizing the Catskill Airways service as discussed at previous
-Various House and Senate bills that have been filed were
discussed Among them 1391 (night surcharges at Hanscom) and
1394 ( landing fees at Hanscom) , 1225 (Towns billing Massport , in
lieu of taxes ) , 1226 (equal distribution of fuel taxes to Towns)
and 1392 (Hanscom developments abiding by Towns zoning bylaws ,
except for developments related to aircraft) Several of those
present were concerned about being notified about hearings and
wanted Massport to assume that responsibility There was no
definitive conclusion to the discussion, except that Massport will
distribute copies of the bills with the next HFAC meeting notice
-Michael Dye reported that he had met with the Air Force,
and Beechcraft , and Lhere are plans being developed for an Air
Show on June 11 and 12
The meeting was adjourned at 9 48 p m