HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-08-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JULY 8, 2009 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building, and called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairman Zurlo with members Manz, Galaitsis, Canale and planning staff McCall-Taylor and Kaufman present. Mr. Hornig was absent. ******************************* STREET ADEQUACY ********************************** 34 Young Street, determination of adequacy of the grade and construction plan for an unaccepted street: On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, that Young Street, in the vicinity of 34 young Street, was presently of adequate grade and construction, having sufficient width, suitable grades and adequate construction to provide for the needs of the vehicular traffic in relation to the proposed use of the abutting land,(one single-family house), and for the installation of municipal services to serve such land and the building to be erected thereon. **********************************TOWN MEETING*********************************** Cubist, sketch plan for amended PSDUP: Mr. Robert Buckley, attorney, David McGirr CFO of Cubist, Doug Harnett, civil engineer, and Dan Mills, traffic engineer were present. The CD zone created in 1998 was now maxed out on that site. The site with buildings 45 & 55 Hayden Avenue was owned by TA and leased to Cubist. The site with 65 Hayden Avenue was owned by Cubist. The applicants would like to rezone both lots, add 104,000 square feet to the building at 65 Hayden Avenue and maintain 45 & 55 Hayden Avenue as is. The rezoning would allow for flexibility on the site and the final plans would be submitted later this month. Mr. McGirr said that Cubist was looking to expand and would be hiring new people in 2010 & 2011. They were growing faster then originally anticipated. Due to space constraints they needed to move quickly to accommodate the increase in staff. Mr. Doug Harnett said the site consisted of 11 acres with one and a half acres of wetlands. The sewer easement and stormwater management system would be brought up to code and could accommodate the slight increase in impervious surface. Mr. Dan Mills said 50% of the traffic came from Route 2 and even with a conservative estimated increase of additional traffic the numbers still fell below the ITE trip rates. There were TDM policies currently in place and would be continued as part of the CD rezoning. Board Comments and Questions: ?? It was refreshing to see the plans in the early stages; ?? The proposal sounds reasonable; ?? With this CD rezoning the Planning Board would be the special permit granting authority (SPGA), which would help speed up the process; 2 Minutes for the Meeting of July 8, 2009 Page ?? Was TA on board with this plan? ?? Items to be considered would be shared parking, equitable treatment of all employees including those who did not utilize free parking, create incentives for public transportation and in the next submittal make sure the parking space projections were commensurate with the expected use; ?? If any manufacturing uses were being proposed be prepared to answer the questions regarding the uses in the filing; ?? Any mechanicals on the top of the building would need visual and acoustical screening; ?? Be sure to show the wetland buffers lines; ?? Break down the traffic projections and show the cumulative projected traffic impact; ?? The process would be followed and not compromised to speed up the project; ?? Has a recent study been done from Spring Street and Waltham Street? Yes, and the numbers were manageable with a less then 5% increase due to Route 2. ?? This project appeared to be an appropriate use for this site and amended CD and members encouraged to going to the next step; ?? Have Town Counsel weigh in on who would be the SPGA; ?? Were there any plans for energy conservation or LEED standards? It would be designed to LEED standards, but not certified; ?? What would be the height of the stacks? Technology has changed and the stacks do not need to be the 20’ allowed under the Bylaw; ?? Hayden Woods was a strong amenity to employees. Would it be feasible to have a second access point using the sewer easement that goes up the back of the property? ?? What was the status of TDM compliance? The continuation of the existing ones would be required and copies of the past annual reports should be provided to the Board for review; ?? The applicant should seek the advice of the Design Advisory Committee (DAC); and Audience comments: ?? This was the wrong way to rezone, this was the third major rezoning in the area and there was no regional plan to address neighborhood impacts; ?? There were three studies and without integration it would be a lost opportunity; ?? CD rezoners should get together and propose a solution; ?? Impose turning restrictions on Spring Street; ?? The previous owner promised not to come back for an increase in the FAR, and now TA was not present to promise it would not to come again for another increase in the FAR; and ?? A time limit to start construction. Building over the occupied building may extend the Page 3 Minutes for the Meeting of July 8, 2009 construction times and limits should be imposed. ?? One key thing would be to have an open dialogue and respond to public concerns to create a positive relationship. *****************************APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED****************************** Stonewall Road: On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 2-1-1, (Mr. Zurlo opposed and Mr. Galaitsis abstained) to endorse the plan entitled “Approval not required plan 10 Barberry Road & Stonewall Road (Assessors Lots11-44 and 11-45) Lexington, MA Middlesex County”, dated July 6, 2009, prepared and certified by David J. Crispin, PLS of BSC Group, Inc, Boston MA, with Form A/2009-3, submitted by Johanna D. Mollo-Christensen, the applicant, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. As this vote was not a majority of the Board, the advice of town counsel will be sought. ************************* ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT***************** 63 Paul Revere Road, act on minor change and authorize endorsement of plan: Mr. Fred Russell and Mr. Jim D’Agostine submitted plans showing the changes as requested at the last meeting. The corrections showed that the change to the gross floor area (GFA) was within the 10% of the original plans. On a motion made and duly seconded, it was voted, 4-0, for the Planning Board to endorse the modified plans in the applicant’s submittal package, dated July 1, 2009, and to have the plans held until to be the Planning Director has an opportunity to confirm that they contain the required changes. ****************************HARTWELL AVENUE AREA STUDY************************ Site Plan Review: Mark Bobrowski was hired to do the site plan review guidelines and would try to get a draft ready to circulate by the end of July. For the SPR working group the Board preferred mornings for the weekly meetings TMOD Transportation Plan: Tetra Tech Rizzo was hired to work on the TMOD and there would be an initial meeting on July 22. The Board discussed items for input for that meeting with the consultant: for working groups go internally and then through constituents; have the TMMA designate two representatives for precincts 7 and 9 along with Planning and Engineering staff; problems needed to be identified and articulated upfront to be more successful. Who should be in the working group, how large should the group be, what additional studies needed to be done, who would be in charge and how would input get collected? There was an interest in having a working group, but the Board ask the consultant as to the nature of their participation. The transportation element of the Comprehensive Plan had a successful working group. This discussion will 4 Minutes for the Meeting of July 8, 2009 Page be continued at the next Planning Board meeting on July 29. ************************************* MINUTES ************************************** Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of May 27, 2009. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to approve the minutes as amended. The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of June 10, 2009. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to approve the minutes as amended. ****************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION SCHEDULE ********************* Potential Zoning Amendments: The Center Committee would have their list of permitted uses in the Center ready by the end of the summer for a fall Town Meeting. Board of Selectmen Goal Setting: The following items would be submitted by the Planning Director to the Board of Selectmen for consideration of including in the Selectmen’s goals for the coming year: 1. A comprehensive mobility plan for the South Lexington area; 2. A town-wide policy on who and how mitigation agreements are negotiated; and 3. Continued support of the Planning Board’s efforts to provide a regulatory framework for commercial development in the Hartwell Avenue area. DEVELOPMENT ROLLOUTS Lexington Gardens, site sensitive development: Ms. McCall-Taylor advised the Board that a rough plan for a 12 lot site sensitive development (SSD) that would save the Victory Gardens was brought to staff . It would require a variance that should be supported by the Board if it is to go forward. **********************************STAFF REPORTS*********************************** Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), Clelland Road: The road was built under subdivision control law but case law has since changed and it may be that the lots are combined. **********************************BOARD REPORTS********************************** Mr. Canale said the MPO was getting ready to release the draft TIP and has released its draft work plan; August 4 is the comment deadline. One of the projects was a study to be done by CPTS on intersections on Routes 4 and 225 in Lexington and Bedford Mr. Canale said the potential collapse of the Crosby Corner’s project would have major repercussion on a Page 5 Minutes for the Meeting of July 8, 2009 number transportation issues in Lexington. MAPC was working with the Legislative committee on issues regarding LUPA and CPA2 Land Use Reform. Ms. Manz said the Historic District Commission was considering physical changes to The Lexington Flick (the new name would be The Venue). The use of the Victorian era house next to St. Brigid’s for a gallery on the lower floor was discussed, it may require a change in zoning. Mr. Canale said the Town submitted the Open Space and Recreation Plan to the Regional Planning Agency and he had received the recommendations that were suggested and asked that copies be put in the packets next time for the Board to review. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 11:02 p.m. Anthony Galaitsis, Clerk