HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-02 to 1992-05-07 ATM-min a, 1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING MARCH 23,_1A2, The meeting was called to order by Moderator Margery M. Battin, at 8:00 p.11 „ , in Cary Memorial Pall. A quorum was present, 8:00 p.m. The invocation was altered by Reverend Polly Guild, Eel Ten Unitarian/Universalist Church. 8:04 p.m. Town Clerk, Bernice Fail irk, read the Town Warrant, until waived, and the Constable' s Return, The Moderator outlined procedures and conduct of the Meeting. ARTICLE 2. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES The Moderator explained that this article would remain open throughout the Meeting. 8: 14 p.m. Jane Pagett, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, moved that the report of the Appropriation Committee be accepted and placed on file. . Following a voice vote at 8: 14 p.m. the Moderator declared the report to have hcen accepted and placed on file. Mrs. Pagett comrented on the report , 8: 15 p.m. Paul Hamburger, Chairman at the Capital Expenditures Commit tee, moved Itint the report of the Capital Expenditures Committee bo aeeepted and placed on file. Following a voice vote at .; : 15 p,um , the Moderator declared the report to have been acuepted and placed on file. Mr. Hamburger reported ILI' 8: 21 p.m. Carolyn Wilson, P2 , moved that the report of the Cary Lecture Committee be accepted and placed on file and the Committee discharged. Following a voice vote at 8 :21 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage of the motion. The Moderator recognized Raymond Cul 'ler who presented the report for the Committee. 8: 25 p.mc, Jacquelyn Smith, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, moved that the report of the Town Manager be accepted and placed on file. Following a voice vete at 8:25 p.m. , the Moderator declared the report to have been accepted and placed on file, Richard White, Town Manager, presented his report. . 8 : 33 p.m. Sheldon Spector, Chairman of the School Committee, stated that. the Comm, ttee had not yet voted on the particular budget to provide to the Meeting, ARTICLE 3 . ,`,PPOLNTMENTS TO ( ARV LECTURE SERIFS '4e4 MOTION: That a committee three be appointrn by the Moderator to base the charge of the lectures. Passed - under the wills of Eliza Cary Farnham and Susanna see below E. Cary for the current year. 8:33 p.m, Presented by Selectman Barth. Following a voice vote at 8: 35 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. 2 (1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING, CONT. - MARCH 23, 1992) 8: 36 p.m. Selectman Smith moved postponement until April 29 of the following Articles: 4 , 5, 9 , 10, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 32. Following some discussion and a voice vote at 8:38 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage of the motion as offered by Mrs, Smith. ARTICLE 6. SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATIONS FOR CURRENT FISCAL YEAR ( FY 9' ; MOTION: That this article be indefinitely postponed. Indef. Post. 8: 39 p.m. Presented by Selectman McSweeney, 8:39 p.m, Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, recommended favorable action. Following a voice vote at 8 ; 40 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. ARTICLE 7. PRIOR YEARS' UNPAID BILLS MOTION: That this article be indefinitely postponed. Indef. Post. 8:40 p.m. Presented by Selectman McSweeney; 8:40 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation . Committee, recommended favorable action. Following a voice vote at 8:41 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage, ARTICLE 8. SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATIONS FOR AUTHORIZED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS MOTION: / That this article be indefinitely postponed. Indef. Post. 8:41 p.m. Presented by Selectman Dailey, 8: 41 p.m. Jane Pagett, Ar.)ropriation Committee, recommended favorable action. Following a voice vote at 8:41 p.m„ the Moderator declared unanimous passage, ARTICLE 11 . WATER MAINS MOTION: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install new or replacement water mains and line and reline water mains in such Passed - accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the See P. 3 Selectmen may determine, sti PCL to the assessment of betterments or otherwise, and -La take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; to appropriate 8250,000 for such installation and lining and land acquisition ; and to raise such amount $250,000 he transferred from the Water Enterprise Fund. 8:41 p.m. Presented by Selectman Smith, Mrs. Smith commented further. 8:45 p.m. Ronald Levy stated that a majority of the Appropriation Committee recommended approval. 8: 16 p.m. Ronald Grammont, Capital Expenditures Committee, stated approval , 3 AN..NTuAL_JpwN mEETING, CONT. - MARCH Following a voice vote at 8: 48 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage . ARTICLE 12. PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT MOTION: That the sum of $60,000 be appropriated Passed - for the purchase by or with the approval of the See below Selectmen of equipment for the Department of Public Works, and to raise such amount $25 ,000 be transferred from the Water Enterprise Fund and $25,000 be transferred from the Sewer Enterprise Fund. 8:48 p.m. Presented by Selectman Smith. Mrs. Smith described the equipment. 8:52 p.m. Ronald Levy stated that a majority of the Appropriation Committee recommended approval , 8: 52 p.m. Ronald Grammont, Capital Expenditures Committee, stated approval. There were questions as to whethe deferral would be cost effective , as to the retained earnings deficit in the Sewer Enterprise Fund and surplus in the Water Fund. Following a voice vote at 9:00 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage. 9 :00 p.m. George Burnell served Notice of Reconsideration on Article 11 , Water Mains, and Article 12, Public Works Equipment. ARTICLE 13. STREET IMPROVEMENTS MOTION: That the Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen be authorized to issue highway Reimbursement Notes of the Town ureter G.L. c. 44 , Passed - sec. 6 , as amended, in anticipation of See below reimbursement by the Commonwealth for highway reconstruction and improvements under the authority of Chapter 90 of the General Laws as funded, and that holes issued for a shorter period than two years may be refunded by the issue of new notes maturing within two years from the date of the original obligation, and that the Selectmen are authorized to accept highway funds from all sources including the $445, 801 allocated under Chapter 33 of the Acts of 1991 which are hereby appropriated for highway purposes. 9:04 p.m. Presented by Selectman Eddison, 9:04 p.m. Ronald Levy stated that the Appropriation Committee recommended approval with reluctance. 9 :06 p.m. Ronald Grammont, Capital Expenditures Committee, stated approval . Following a voice vote at 9:09 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. 4 ( 1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING, COM . - MARCH 23, 1992) 1 ARTICLE 15 . UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING MOTION: That this article be indefinitely postponed. Indef. Post. 9:08 p.m. Presented by Selectman Eddison, 9: 10 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, recommended favorable action. Following a voice vote at 9: 10 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. ARTICLE 16, PINE MEADOWS GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION SYSTEM MOTION: That the sum of $75,000 he appropriated Postponed to install an automated sprinkler watering system See P. 8 at Pine Meadows Golf Course as determined by the Recreation Committee with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, and to raise such amount $75 ,000 be transferred from the Recreation Enterprise :Fund. 9: 10 p.m. Carolyn Wilson, Recreation Committee, moved postponement of Articles 16 and 19 until March 25 . Following a voice vote at 9: 11 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage of tht motion to postpone. ARTICLE 20. ZONING BY-LAW, PET GROOMING 9 : 12 p.m. Martha Wood, Planning Board, moved that, the report of the Planning Board on Article 20 be accepted and placed on file, Following a voice vote at 9: 12 p.m. , the Moderator declared the report to have been accepted and placed on file. 9: 12 p.m. Mrs. Wood moved that the Zoning By-Laws of the Town be amended as set forth in Lie motion attached to the report of he Planning Board on this article. Postponed 14 0 T I 0 N See P. 9 That, the Zoning By-Law be amended : in Section 4 ,2 , Permitted Uses and Development Standards, Table 1 , Part B Commercial Uses, Sub Section 7, PERSONAL, BUSINESS SERVICES, by adding a new lino 7. 27, as follows: 7, 27 Pet grooming service provided that it shall be conducted entirely within the principal building and no pets shall be boarded overnight; where conducted as accessory to a kennel ( line 7 . 26 ) , those restrictions shall 1 not apply. " , by inserting the designation "Y' under the columns headed CRS, CS and CB and by inserting the designation "N" under all other' columns; and in Section 4 . 2, Permitted Uses and Development Standards, Table 1 , Part B Commercial Uses, Sub Section 16. ACCESSORY USES FOR COMMERCIAL USES, by deleting line 16. 13 in its entirety, Discussion followed concerning reluctance to vote on articles which came to the floor with no prior information and which the Meeting was seeing for the first time in the current form, 5 i1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING,_ CONT, - MARCH 23 , 19921 9: 15p.m. Iris Wheaton, P7 , movd to postpone Article 20 until March 23. Following a voice vote at 9 : 15 p.m. , the Moderator declared postponement. 9: 15 p.m. Margaret Rawls, P4 , moved that Article 21 be postponed until March 25 after Article 20, Following a voice vote at 9: 15 p.m. , the Moderator declared postponement, 9 : 20 p.m. Robert Domnitz, Planning Board, moved that Article 22 be postponed until after Article 23. Following a voice vote at. 9; 20 p.m, , the Moderator declared postponement, ARTICLE 25 . AMEND GENERAL BY-LAWS/WETLANDS PROTECTION MOTION: That Section 7 . 3 of Article XXXII of the General By-Laws be amended as set forth in the article, To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7 . 3 of Article XXXII of the General By-Laws by deleting the second sentence and substituting therefor the following: "The boundary of these wetlands is either the line within which fifty ( 50 ) percent or more of [ the vegetation community consists of wetland plant. Passed species identified in Massachusetts General Laws See below Chapter 131, Section 40 or the line within which the soil conditions meet the : echnical criterion of a hydric soil as developed and revised by the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils, whichever line or segmenL of line protects more wetlands in situations where two lines exist. " 9: 20 p.m, Presented by Joyce Miller, Conservation Commission. Following a voice vote at 9 : 22 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage. ARTICLE 26, AMEND GENERAL BY-LAWS/EARTH FILL & REMOVAL MOTION: That Article XXX of the General By-Laws be amended as set', forth in the article. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article XXX of the General By-Laws by renumbering Section 11 to Section 12 and by inserting the following now Section 11 : , I "11 . This by-law shall be enforced by the Building Commissioner, The Board of Appeals shall forward Passed - a copy of any permit granted onder this by-law to See below the Building Commissioner and the Conservation Commission shall forward a copy of any Order of Conditions authorizing or requiring removal or placement of fill on land to the Building Commissioner, " 9: 22 p.m. Presented by Joyce Miller, Conservation Commission. Following a voice vote at 9: 23 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. 6 ( 1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING, CONT,, MARCH 9:23 p.m. Notice of Reconsideration on Article 25 was served by Arthur Smith, P2 . ARTICLE 27, ZONING BY-LAW/REZONING TO RD MOTION: That this article be indefinitely Indef. Post. postponed, 9: 23 p.m. Presented by David Williams, Planning Board, Following a voice vote at 9: 23 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. ARTICLE 28. ACCEPTANCE OF MGL, CHAPTER 40; 80 MOTION: That the Town accept Section 8G of Chapter Passed - 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws, See below 9: 26 p.m. Presented by Selectman Dailey, Following a voice vote at 9: 26 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage, ARTICLE 2,9. AMEND FAIR HOUSING RESOLUTION MOTION: That the Fair Housinf Resolution originally Passed - adopted March 23 , 1981 be amended to extend its See below applical ion to persons with disahilitios. 9: 26 p.m. Presented by Selectman Marshall . Following a voice vote at 9:29 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage. ARTICLE 30, LEXINGTON EDUCATION FOUNDATION MOTION: That the Selectmen he and they hereby are authorized to petition the General Court for an Act D1 not to permit the Lexington Education Foundation to pass solicit funds by enclosing inserts in the mailings of town property tax bills or by providing a voluntary checkoff for contributions. 9:29 p.m, Presented by Selectman Marshall, Dan Penn, Jr. , P3 , presented the history of the LEE and commented on the viewpoint that ii op were not meant ,to backfill holes in the School budgc-L. lint to encourage innovation, There were comments for and against with concerns voiced as to the appropriateness of endorsing a particular group, the possible exclusion of others, the technical aspects of collection and distribution, concern about privatization, Selectman Marshall stated that a majority of the Selectmen supported the motion, 9: 57 p,m, Daniel Greenwood, PJ called the question. Following a voice vote, the Moderator stated that the ayes had the vote. Following It voice vote at 9: 718 p.m. , the Moderator declared the motion offered by Sel,ctman Marshall had not passed , 7 • L1992 ANNDAL TOWN MEETING,_CONT. - MARCH 23,_1992J ARTICLE 31 . NORTH EAST SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE MOTION: That the Selectmen are authorized to take such action as may be requested by the North East Solid Waste Committee to facilitate the refunding of bonds issued to finance the solid waste resource Passed - recovery facility referred to in the Service See below Agreement between the Town and Massachusetts Refusetech, Tnc, including without limitation the substitution of Wheelabrator Technologies Inc, for Allied-Signal Inc. as the gt:arantor of performance under the Service Agreement and the execution and delivery of such amendments to the Service Agreement and other agreements with the North East Solid Waste Committee as the Selectmen shall determine necessary and in the best interests of the Town to effect such refunding. 9: 59 p.m. Presented by Selectman Smith. 10 :00 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, recommended favorable action. Following a voice vote at 10 :00 p,m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. 10:00 p.m. Tris Wheaton, 07 , served Notice of Reconsideration on Article 30, Lexington Education Foundation. 10:02 p.m. Jacquelyn Smith, CY'airman of the Board of Selectmen, moved that the meeting be adjourned until Wednesday, March 25 , 1992 , at 8:00 p.m, , in Cary Pall . Iris Wheaton , Pi , stated that because of the banner and sign which had been displayed in the balcony during the evening some rules and resolutions should be determined. The Moderator stated that no simiiar materials would be allowed during any further meetings. 10:03 p.m. Ronald Colwell , P4 , moved that the meeting be adjourned to April 29. Following a voice vote at 10 :03 p.m. , the Moderator declared Mr, ( iwell ' s motion not to have passed . Following a yoice vote at 10 :04 p.m„ the Moderator declared the meeting to be adjourned to forctm 25 . A true copy, 2";c576 Attest: Bernice H. Fallick, Town Clerk 1 8 ADJOURNED SESSION - 1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING MARCH 25, 193 The meeting was called to order by Moderator Margery M. Battin, at 8 : 00 p.m. , in Cary Memorial Hall , A quorum was present, 8:00 p.m, The invocation was offered by Reverend Alfred Mattes, ARTICLE 2. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 8: 06 p,m. Joyce Miller, Conservation Commission, announced the establishment of a new charitable trust fund, the Lexington Nature Trust Fund, to be used for open space management, public education and community outreach programs, 8:08 p.m, Sheldon Spector, School Committee, stated that teacher contract discussions were continuing, 8: 11 p.m. Donald Chisholm, Recreation Committee, presented a review of the Recreation Enterprise. Fund, ARTICLE 16, PINE MEADOWS GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION SYSTEM MOTION: That the sum of $75,000 be appropriated Passed - to install an automated sprinkler watering system at Pine Meadows Golf Course as determined by the See below Recreation Committee with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, and to raise such amount $75,000 be transferred from the Recreation Enterprise Fund, 8: 23 p.m. Presented by Carolyn Wilson, P2 , Recreation Committee, who asked the Moderator to recognize Donald Chisholm for a report. 8: 32 p.m. Sam Nablo, Appropriation Committee, stated that a majority of the committee recommended favorable action, 8:33 p.m. Nicholas CannalongE, , Capital Expenditures Committee, stated unanimous approval . 8:34 p.m. Leo McSweeney, Board of Selectmen, stated unanimous approval. Discussion continued with questions as to enterprise fund operations, system maintenance procedures, future plans. Following a voice vote at 8: 50 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage. ARTICLE 19. HARRINGTON FIELD REHABILITATION MOTION: That the sum of $50 ,000 be appropriated to reconstruct and rehabilitate a multi-purpose Passed - recreation field at Marring on School as determined See P. 9 by the Recreation Committee with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, and to raise such amount $50,000 be transferred from the Recreation Enterprise Fund, 8: 51 p.m, Presented by Carolyn Wilson, P2 , Recreation Committee , 8: 55 p.m. Notice Of Reconsideration on Article 16, Pine Meadows irrigation, was served by George Burnell . 9 • LAwomu - MARCH 25 , 19921 8:58 p.m. Nicholas Cannalonga, Capital Expenditures Committee, stated approval , 8: 58 p.m. Sam Nablo, Appropriation Committee, recommended favorable action, 8:58 p.m. Leo Sweeney, Board of Selectmen, stated that a majority of the Board opposed the motion. 8: 59 p.m, Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, made the following motion; that the motion under Article 19 be amended by Did not pass changing the figure "$50,000" to $30,000" Discussion for and against followed. Following a voice vote at 9: 14 p.m. , the Moderator declared the amendment offered by Mrs. Pagett to have failed. Discussion continued with questions as to procedures and policies of the Recreation Department and tire Department of Public Works. Following a voice vote at 9:24 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage of the motion: offered by Mrs. Wilson. Notice of Reconsideration on , rticle 19, Harrington Fields, was served by Frank Sandy, P6. ARTICLE 20, ZONING BY-LAW, PET GROOMING MOTION: That the Zoning By-Laws of the Town be amended as set forth in the motion attached to the report of the Planning Board on this article. MOTION That the Zoning By-Law be amended: Passed - in Section 4 . 2 , Permitted Uses and Development Standards, Table 1 , Part B Commercial Uses, Sub Section 7 . PERSONAL, See below BUSINESS SERVICES, by adding a new line 7 ,27 , as follows: 7 , 27 Pet grooming service provided that it shall be conducted entirely within the principal building and no pets shall be boarded overnight; where conducted as accessory to a kennel (line 7 .26) , those restrictions shall not apply , " ; by inserting the designation "Y" under the columns headed CRS, CS and CB and by inserting the designation "N" under all other columns ; and In Section 4 . 2 , Permitted Uses and Development Standards, Table 1 , Part B CommerciaJ uses, Sub Section 16. ACCESSORY USES FOR COMMERCIAL JSES, by deleting line 16. 13 in its entirety, 9:21 p.m, Presented by Martha Wood, Planning Board, Following a voice vote at 9 : 26 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. 1.0 LADJOURNED SESSTONL_A.T.M. , CONY, - MARCH 25, 19921 ARTICLE 21 . ZONING BY-LAW, PRIVATE POSTAL SERVICES 9:27 p.m, Jacqueline Davison, Planning Board, moved that the Report of the Planning Board on Article 21 be j ! • accepted and placed on file. Passed - Following a unanimous voice vote at 9 ; 27 p.m. , the See P. 11 Moderator declared the report to have been accepted and placed file. MOTION: That the Zoning By-Laws of the Town be amended as set forth in the motion attached to the report of the Planning Board on this article, MOTI That the Zoning By-Law be amended as follows: A. by adding a new definition in Section 2, DEFINITIONS, in the proper alphabetical sequence: "PRIVATE POSTAL SERVICES: a retail use which includes private postal box rentals and mailing services. Such facility shall not be used as a distribution center, parcel delivery or commercial mail delivery center but shall remain as a retail convenience store for consumers. " B. in Section 4 , 2 , Table 1 . Permitted Uses and Development Standard_s, Part B Commercial Uses, Sub Section 7 PERSONAL, BUSINESS SERVICES, by adding a new line 7. 28, as follows: "7. 28 Private Postal Services (see definition) CM CRS CS CB CLO CRO CM N Y Y N Y Y Y" C. in paragraph 11 .3, 1 , which shows the number of off- street parking spaces required, in section 5 ) Ref-4U Business„ by adding a new line "b" , as follows: "b. Private postal services 1/200 s. f. or 1 / 50 mail boxes , whichever is greater" 9: 27 p.m. Mrs. Davison explained further. Discussion continued. 9: 37 p.m. Ephraim Weiss, P5 , ma JE the following motion: MOTION: Did not pass Under "CRS, " the "Y" be changed to "N. " Discussion continued on the amendment made by Mr, Weiss. Following a voice vote at 9:42 the Moderator declared the amendment not to have passed. Discussion and questions continued. Following a voice vote at 9:49 p.m. , which was not unanimous, the Moderator called for a standing vote which was tallied as follows: I' . : (ADJOURNED SESSION, A.T.M,,, CONT. - MARCH 25„_13121 , . Precinct Yes :No Abstain 1 12 2 2 14 2 [ 3 10 2 4 16 0 5 10 6 . . 6 14 1 7 15 1 , 8 17 2 9 18 0 At large 17 5 _ . Totals 143 21 9;52 p.m. The Moderator declared passage of Article 21 as offered by the Planning Board. : 9: 52 p.m. Jacquelyn Smith, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, moved that the meetirg be adjourned until April 29, 1992, at 8:00 p.m. , iu Cary Hall.' Following a voice vote at 9: 52 p,m. , the Moderator declared the meeting to be adjourned. --: A true copy. / 7-n , Attest: Bernice H. Fallick, Town Clerk t : 12 ADJOURNED SESSION - 1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING APRIL 29, 1992 The meeting was called to order by Moderator Margery M. Battin, at 8:00 p.m. , in Cary Memorial Hall. 4 'quorum was present. 8:00 p.m. The invocation was offered by Reverend Alden Flanders, Church of Our Redeemer. 8:06 p.m. The Moderator declared a formal recess. Sheldon Spector, School Committee, introduced the new Superintendent Jeff Young, praised the Acting Superintendent Richard Barnes, and offered retirement wishes to Frank DiGiammarino, Senator Robert Havern introduced the Lexington Merit Scholars. 8: 12 p.m. The Moderator recalled the meeting to order. ARTICLE 2. REPORTS 8:18 p.m. Renee Cochin, Human Resources Committee, moved that the report of the committee be accepted and placed on file, Following a voice vote at 8: 18 p.m. , the Moderator declared the report to have 1)- en accepted and placed file. 8: 19 p.m. Richard White, Town Manager, presented his report. 8:33 p.m. Sheldon Spector, School Committee, asked that Richard Barnes and Carol Pilarski be recognized in order. Each presented a report regarding the school budget and the teacher contract process. 8:50 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, moved that the report of the committee be accepted and placed on file. Following a voice vote at 8: 50 p.m. , the Moderator declared the report to have been accepted and placed file. 8: 58 p.m. George Burnell, Appropriation Committee, spoke for the minority opinion of the Committee. ARTICLE 4. OPERATING BUDGET MOTION: That the following amount be appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year and be raised in the tax levy except where a transfer is indicated they shall be provided by such a transfer. 8:59 p.m. Presented by Selectman Smith. The Moderator read the following line item: 1100 Public School-Education 27,772,966 8:59 p.m. Sheldon Spector, School Committee, indicated the intention of the Committee to increase the amount of the line item. 13 (ADJOURNED SESSION, A.T.M. , CONT. - APRIL 29, 19921 • • There was lengthy discussion pro and con. 9:51 p.m. James Wood, P7, made the following motion: Resolved, that it is the sense of the Town Meeting, based on the recently completed Did not pass negotiations with the teachers that neither the School Committee nor the teachers are in balance with the other public sector negotiating areas and have failed to consider the overall needs of LexingLon. 9:56 p.m. Following a voice vote at p.m. , the Moderator declared the motion not to have passed. 9:58 p.m. John Oberteuffer, School Committee, made the following motion: MOTION: that the figure $27,772,966 be changed to read $28,476,431 . passed - See P. 17 There was considerable pro and con discussion with See P. 27 members voting twice to extend the half hour discussion time. 10:59 p.m. Sheldon Spector moved for a rollcall vote and 49 others rose to support the motion. The Town Clerk tallied the roll as follows: YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT PRECINCT 1 Joel A. Adler Nancy M. Adler John P. Breen Daniel P. Busa, Jr. James A. Cataldo Chaur-ming Chou Rona G. Cohen Jean W. Cole John E. Curry Joseph J. Dini Nancy C. Gordon Ronald Levy Sam V. Nablo James A. Nicoloro Barry E. Sampson Robert F. Walton Ruth J. Walton James S. Wilson Albert P. Zabin Judith L. Zabin Daniel Ziedelis PRECINCT 2 Elizabeth H. Clarke Eric T. Clarke John T. Cunha Robert W. Cunha Karen A. Dooks Leonora K. Feeney Ellsworth H. Fisher Narita B. Hartshorn John R. Holt Myla Kabat-Zinn 14 (ADJOURNED SESSION, A.T.M. , CONT, APRIL' 29, 1992 ) Daniel A. Lucas x Kristin S. O'Sullivan x Michael J. O'Sullivan x Arthur C. Smith x Christina J. Welch x Edna M. Welch x William W. Welch, Jr. x William S. Widnall Alan B. Wilson x x Carolyn C. Wilson x Donald D. Wilson x PRECINCT 3 Samuel Berman x Joy C. Buchfirer x John P. Carroll x Robert N. Cohen x Bruce Collier x Don J. J. Cordell Jacqueline B. Davison x x Dan H. Fenn, Jr. x Erna S. Greene x Elizabeth C. Haines x Gloria V. Holland x Jeanne K. Krieger x Marjorie K, Madoff x Marilyn K. Mairson x Mary Edna Neumeier x Richard L. Neumeier x Marian C. Reilly x Adrienne D. Santamaria x Vicky L. Schwartz x Ruth F. Souza x Caleb Warner x PRECINCT 4 Lisa A. Baci x Nyles Nathan Barnert x Julian J. Bussgang x Nancy M. Cannalonga x Nicholas A. Cannalonga x Michelle L Ciccolo x Lois J. Coit x L. Gail Colwell x Ronald W. Colwell x Christina E. Coughlin x Peter David Enrich x ' Katherine G. Fricker x Carol B. Hartman x Peter C. J. Kelley x Margaret F. Rawls Nicholas Santosuosso x Sandra J. Shaw x Karsten Sorensen x Ruth S. Thomas x Judith J. Uhrig x Martin K. White x 15 : . (ADJOURNED SESSION, A.T.M„ CONT. - APRIL 29, 1992.1 PRECINCT 5 k x Cynthia L. Blumsack-,, Howard Cravis x Wallace Cupp x Marjorie M. Daggett x Elaine Dratch x Andrew J. Friedlich x Paul E. Hamaburger x John Hayward x Judith C. Leader x Carol A. Liff x Leona W. Martin x Eric Jay Michelson x Paul Newman x Samuel L. Powers x Sam Silverman x Charles T. Vail x Melinda D. Vinton x Ephraim Weiss x David G. Williams x Mary Kathryn Wolf x JoAnn B. Wortman x • : PRECINCT ,6 Margaret N. Brooke x Marshall J. Derby x Peter Diamond x i Robert H. Domnitz x Catherine S. England x Edmund C. Grant x Daniel J. Greenwood x Magdalena W. Himmel x Morton G. Kahan x Alan J. Lazarus x Judith B. Marshall x Joyce A. Miller x H. Bigelow Moore x John A. Oberteuffer x Jane Pagett x ) Edith Sandy x Frank Sandy x Sara F. Schoman x Sheldon A. Spector x William T. Spencer x Robert V. Whitman x PRECINCT 7 Catherine M. D. Abbott x . John P. Attanucci x Marsha E. Baker x Neal Ei Boyle, Jr. x George A. Burnell x Theodore D. Chaung x Renee T. Cochin x Clark A. Cowen x Robert N. Farias x Audrey J. Friend x Casimir R. Groblewski x Linda Horowitz x Fred H. Martin x Myron L. Miller x John E. Taylor x Jacquelyn H. Ward x Jeanette P. Webb x Iris G. Wheaton x James C. Wood, Jr. N , 16 (ADJOURNED SESSION, A.T.M. , CONT. - APRIL 29, 1992 ) • Martha C. Wood Polly H. Woodworth I 1 PRECINCT 8 Donald L. Bailey Richard H. Battin Susan A. Blieden Roger F. Borghesani Elizabeth J. Bryant Florence E. Connor Maria Constantinides Charles M. Cullen Diana T. Garcia Ione D. Garing Steven J. Hurley Jay R. Kaufman Kathleen Vogt Kissel Alan Mayer Levine Richard A. Michelson Gordon R. Osgood James A. Osten Jack Sarmanian Margaret Schwartz Dennis Sullivan Carolyn H. Tiffany PRECINCT 9 Alice J. Adler x Diane C. Aronson Jane P. Buckley Richard L. Canale Margaret E. Coppe Susan Hastings DelGreco Deborah B. Green James A. Hester, Jr. Frank J. Kava Louis V. T. Kava Janice A. Kennedy Eleanor H. Klauminzer Paul E. Mazerall Isabel H. Mroczkowski Janet Perry Richard M. Perry Simon Prensky Fred D. Rosenberg James J. Scanlon Richard Schaye Doris Poley Traficante AT LARGE Margery M. Battin Norman P. Cohen William J. Dailey, Jr. Stephen W. Doran John C. Eddison Bernice H. Fallick Paul W. Marshall Leo P. McSweeney Jacquelyn R. Smith . . . 17 , . ADJOUR ED SESSIIIN ' .T.M. CONT. - APRIL 29 1992 „ . . . TOTAL TALLY OF ROLL CALL VOTE PRECINCT YES NO ABSTAIN ABSENT TOTAL 1 12 7 2 21 2 16 4 1 21 3 17 2 2 21 4 19 1 1 21 5 14 7 21 6 20 1 21 7 16 4 1 21 8 14 6 1 21 9 11 7 3 21 AT LARGE 0 4 3 2 9 ,. TOTALS 139 43 . 3 13 198 1! • 11:17 p.m. The Moderator e,clared passage of Mr. Oberteuffer' s amendment to line item 1100 Public School- Education. 11 :18 p.m. Jacquelyn Smith, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, moved that the meeting be adjourned until , Monday, May 4, 1992, at 8:00 p.m. , in Cary Hall. Following a voice vote at 11 :18 p..m. , the Moderator declared the meeting to be adjourned, A true copy. .--- Attest: Bernice H. Fallick, Town Clerk ) , :,... . - . , ----- 18 ADJOURNED SESSION 1 1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING mAy 44_ U92 The meeting was called to order by Moderator Margery M. Battin, at 8:00 p.m. , in Cary Memorial Hall . A quorum was present, 8:00 p,m, The invocation was offered by Reverend Smith of Grace Chapel , ARTICLE 2. REPORTS mm 8: 1.2 p.m, Bruce Collier spoke to clarify a report on the S chools. 8: 18 p.m. Jane Pagett spoke for the Appropriation Committee, followed by Sheldon Spector and Richard White, ARTICLE d . OPERATING BUDGET 8: 17 p.m. The Moderator continued the reading of the motion: 1200 Regional Vocational T.,:hnical School 550 ,803 Assessment Myles Barnert spoke for Minuteman School . [ The Moderator continued the reading: Employee Benefit„s 2110 Contributory Pension Fund 2, 161 ,058 2120 Nor7Contributory Pension 160,000 2130 Board of Retirement Expenses 5 ,000 2140 Insurance 4,524 , 269 Debt Service See P. 27 2210 Payment on Funded Debt 1 , 163 ,500 (Of which $51 , 943 is to he transferred from the Stabilization Fund. ) 2220 Interest on Debt 637,055 2230 Temporary Borrowing 25, 000 2240 Exempt Debt 1 ,667, 538 Public Work,.s Dep,artment 3000 DPW Personal Services 2, 209, 626 (Of which $20,000 is to he transferred from the Parking Meter Fund ara $200, 000 is to he trarisfezred from the Cerme: ry Trust Funds' ) 3000 DPW General Expenses 1 , 229, 426 3400 Refuse Collection/Disposnl 2, 178 ,392 (And thatto raise such amount, the Town as a Trash Enterprie Fund pursuant to CL, e,44 , §531q and that $2, 178 ,392 he transferred from such Fund. provided that such amount shall be raised in the tax levy if the general override question appearing on the ballot, for the June 15, 1992 , special election is passed, 8: 28 p.m. Jacquelyn Smith, Board of Selectmen, spoke on the Trash Enterprise Fund. 8: 35 p,m, Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, stated that a majority of the board recommended favorable ac Lion. 18 (ADJOURNED SESSION, CONT. - MAY 4, 1992), There was discussion pro and con. 9:00 p.m. Daniel Busa, P1 , made the following motion: that all the words in parentheses under line Did not pass item 3400 be stricken Discussion continued. 9: 30 p.m. Casimir Groblewski , P7 , moved to extend debate for 7 minutes, Following a voiA.e vote at 9: 30 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage. Discussion continued on Proposition 2 1/2, whether the decision on the trash fee should be made at Town Meeting or at the polls or by the Selectmen. Following a voice vote at 9:40 p.m. , the Moderator declared the amendment not to have passed. Selectman Dailey questioned the vote. The Moderator called for a standing vote which was tallied as follows: Precinct Yes No Abstain 1 6 10 1 , 2 6 12 3 5 11 4 5 14 5 7 10 6 1 16 7 3 15 8 7 11 9 6 11 At large 6 13 Totals 52 123 1 9:45 p.m. The Moderator continued: 3600 Water Enterprise 3,846 ,449 And that to raise such amount $3 ,846,449 be transferred from the Water Enterprise Fund. ) 3700 Sewer Enterprise 5,090, 792 (And that to raise such amount $5 ,090, 792 be transferred from the Sewer Enterprise Fund, ) . There was discussion on the 3600 and 3700, followed by discussion of a septage problem on Bow Street. The reading continued: Public Safety 4100 Police Department Personal Services 2, 380,167 (Of which $111 ,076 is to be transferred from the Parking Meter Fund) . 10:02pm. Chief Furdon presented his report. There was discussion as to police presel', e in the center. The Moderator continued : 20 (ADJOURNED SESSION CONT. MAY 4, 1992) 4100 Police Department Expenses 251 , 394 (Of which $3 ,848 is to be transferred from the Parking Meter Fund. ) 10: 10 p.m. Sheldon Spector questioned the use of town cars to which the Town Manager responded. The reading continued: Fire Services 4200 Fire Department Personal Services 2,292 , 793 Chief Bergeron responded to questions on manning of the engines and mutual assistance, 4200 Fire Department Expenses 150 ,759 (And further that the Town, acting by its Fire Chief, is hereby authorized to accept and expend funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to reconfigure the present fire alarm system in the Town, ) 10:38 p.m. Jacquelyn Smith, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen,, moved that the meeYng he adjourned until Wednesday, May 6, 1992, at 8:00 p.m. , in Cary Hall, Following a voice vote at 10:38 p.m. in which a majority of the meeting was opposed to the motion, the Moderator declared the meeting not to be adjourned. The Moderator continued: Library Services 5100 Library Personal Ser\ ces 887,865 See P. 27 10:38 p.m. Ione Garing, P8, made the following motion: MOTION: to amend Line Item 5100 Library Personal Services to read $926,350 There was discussion for and against. Following a voice vote at 11 :02 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage of the amendment. The reading continued: 5100 Library Expenses 215 ,600 11 :03 p.m. Jacquelyn Smith, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, moved reconsideration of her previous motion to adjourn: That the meeting be adjourned until Wednesday, May 6 , 1992, at 8:00 p.m. , in Cary Hall. Following a voice vote at 11 :03 p.m. , the Moderator declared the meeting to be adj: urned. A true copy. At Bernice H. Fallick, Town Clerk 21 ADJOURNED SESSION - 1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ML_ . 3J,l2 The meeting was called to order by Moderator Margery M. Battin, at 8:05 p.m. , in Cary Memorial Hall. A quorum was present. The invocation was offered by Reverend Brian Dixon, First Baptist Church. ARTICLE 2. REPORTS 8: 11 p.m. Kristen O'Sullivan extended an invitation from Representative Stephen Doran to attend the Statewide Educational Reform Forum on Jun 3. 8: 12 p.m. Sandra Shaw reported for the Playground Ad-hoc Committee. Mrs. Shaw moved that the report of the committee be accepted and placed on file. Following a voice vote at 8:16 p.m. , the Moderator declared the report to have been accepted and placed file. 8: 16 p.m. Marshall Derby, IoxHAB, reported for the group. 8:20 p.m. The Moderator declared a formal recess. Selectman Eddison read a proclamation honoring Angela and Frederick Frick for all the various activities in which both have participated for many years. Presentations of gifts were made by a number of individuals and groups. 8:31 p.m. The Moderator called the meeting back to order. ARTICLE 4. OPERATING BUDGET The Moderator continued the reading of the budget: 5200 Recreation Enterprise 942,038 (And that to raise such amount $942,038 be transferred from the Recreation Enterprise Fund. ) 5300 Celebrations Committee 9, 506 5400 LEXPRESS/Transportation 225, 727 (Of which $80 ,000 is to he transferred from the Parking Meter Fund. ) 8: 32 p.m, Selectman Eddison spoke on behalf of Lexpress. The Moderator recognized Sara Arnold, Transportation Advisory Committee, who presented the Lexpress report. , 8:45 p.m. Selectman McSweeney node the following motion to substitute for the line 5400 as read by the Moderator: MOTION: 5400 Lexpress/Transportation $40,000 8: 49 p.m. Selectman Eddison stated that a majority of the Selectman supported Lexpress and apposed the amendment. 8: 50 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, stated majority, opposition to the amendment. There was discussion for and against. Following a voice vote at 2 : 15 p.m. , the Moderator declared the amendment to have failed. _ - 22 (ADJOURNED SESSION, A.T.M. , CONT. 'AY 6, 1992) The Moderator continued the reading: Council on Aging 6100 Council on Aging Personal Services 78, 346 6100 Council on Aging Expenses 97,978 Veterans 6200 Veterans Administration 19,328 6200 Veterans Expenses 50,393 Human Services 6310 Youth Services 66,542 9:20 p.m. Renee Cochin spoke for the Human Service Fund. 9:30 p.m. Judith Zabin spoke on behalf of Replace, 9: 36 p.m. Joel Adler, Pl , moved that discussion return to line item 6200 Veterans. Following a voice vote at 9: 36 p,m. , the Moderator declared passage of Mr. Adler's motion. The Town Manager responded to Mr. Adler's questions, The Moderator continued: 6320 Service to Developmentally Disabled 10,457 Inspectional Services 7110 Building Inspection Personal Services 136,979 7110 Building Inspection Expenses 4,098 7120 Board of Appeals Personal Services 24 ,565 7120 Board of Appeals Expenses 730 7130 Conservation Personal Services 54 ,249 7130 Conservation Expenses 7, 708 7140 Historic Districts Commission 2, 750 7150 Public Health Personal Services 92,629 7150 Public Health Expenses 22,824 7160 Nursing Services 7 ,500 7170 Animal Control/Rabies Clinic Personaj ServicPfdrgrPt- 24,874 7170 Animal Control/Rabies Clinic Expenses 8 ,974 Community Development 7210 Planning Personal Services 117,990 7210 Planning Expenses 6,450 General Government 8110 Selectmen Personal Services 30,000 8110 Selectmen Expenses 11 ,050 . 8120 Town Manager Personal Services 188,578 8120 Town Manager Expenses 11 ,085 Town Manager Jurisdictional 8130 Temporary Help & Overtime 32,340 8130 Clerical Pool 11 , 248 8130 Fire & Police Medical 35,400 8130 Out of State Travel 2,000 8130 General Professional Services 68,010 8130 Director of Guides 1 , 500 8130 Tuition & Training & instate Travel 25,970 8140 Town Report 4,800 Legislative 8210 Appropriation Committee 735 8220 Miscellaneous Boards & Committees 6,075 23 (ADJOURNED sEssjpNt AT. , COLT. 6, 1992) Finance 8310 Comptroller Personal Services 173 ,009 8310 Comptroller Expenses 76, 359 8320 Treasurer/Tax Collector Personal Services 101 , 578 8320 Treasurer/Tax Collector Expenses 13, 880 8330 Assessors Personal Services 130,812 8330 Assessors Expenses 4, 990 8340 Data Processing 34,300 Staff 8410 Legal Fees & Expenses 185,000 8420 Town Cleric Personal Services 101 , 137 8420 Town Clerk Expenses 2, 500 8430 Board of Registrars Personal Services 1 ,806 8430 Board of Registrars Expenses 28 ,950 8440 Elections/Town Clerk 32, 746 8450 Elections/Selectmen 26,600 9: 51 p.m. Selectman Smith moved to postpone further discussion on Article 4 until after Article 24. Following a voice vote at 9: „ii p.m. , the Moderator declared passage of Mrs. Smith' s motion. ARTICLE 5 . Salary Adjustments and . collective Bargaining Settlements MOTION: That $226,000 be appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year, in addition to those Passed - authorized under Article 4 of this warrant, to fund See below cost items (a) included n collective bargaining agreements reached between the Town and employee organizations and (b) resulting from such agreements as they bear on the Town employee wage and salary plan, and that such amount be raised in the tax levy. The amount voted is to be distributed among the personal services accounts as authorized by the Board of Selectmen. 9: 52 p.m. Presented by Selectman Eddison. 9:56 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, stated unanimous support. 9:57 p.m. Sheldon Spector, School Committee, stated the Committee would not take a position. Following a voice vote at 9 : 58 p.m. , the Moderator . declared passage. 9: 58p.m. Albert Zabin served Notice of Reconsideration. ARTICLE 9. Reserve Fund MOTION: That the sum of $250,000 be appropriated Passed - for the Reserve Fund, and that such amount be See below raised in the tax levy. 9: 58 p.m. Presented by Selectman Dailey. 9: 58 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, recommended favorable action. Following a voice vote at 9: 59 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage, 24 (ADJOURNED SESSION, A.T.M. , CONT, - MAY 6, 1992) 9: 59 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, served Notice of Reconsideration, ARTICLE 10, Unemployment Compensation Fund MOTION: That the sum of $100,000 be appropriated Passed - for the Unemployment Compensation Fund, and that See below such amount be raised in the tax levy, 10:00 p.m. Presented by Selectman Dailey. 10:02 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, recommended favorable action, Following a voice vote at 10•03 p.m. , the Moderator declared passage, 10 :03 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, served Notice of Reconsideration. ARTICLE 14 . Parking Lot Operation and Maintenance MOTION: That the sum of $85,076 be appropriated Passed - for ,parking lot operation and maintenance in the See below Town, and that such amc.nt be transferred from Parking Funds. 10:03 p.m. Presented by Selectman Eddison. 1 ' 10:07 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, stated majority approval. Following a voice vote at 10:09 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. 10:09 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, served Notice of Reconsideration. ARTICLE 17, Brook Cleaning MOTION: That the sum of $15,000 he Passed - appropriated for cleaning and maintaining See below streams and brooks in the Town, and that such amount be raised in the tax levy, 10: 10 p.m. Joyce Miller, Conse:.vation Commission, moved Indefinite Postponement, stating the intent to recognize the difficult financial problem:: of the current meeting. 10: 11 p.m. Sam Nabio, Appropriation Committee, spoke in favor of Lexington conservation and in agreement with Mrs. Miller' s motion. 10: 13 p.m. Paul Hamburger, Capital Expenditures, agreed. Following a voice vote at 10: 14 p.m„ the Moderator declared passage , 25 iADJOURNED SESSION, A.T.M, CONT. - MAY 6, 1992) ARTICLE 18. Miscellaneous School Article MOTION: That the sum of $850,000 be appropriated for remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to school buildings including the re-roofing of school buildings, the Passed - installation of elevators at Lexington High School See below and Diamond Middle School, the replacement of windows and sills at Clarke Middle School , and the remodeling and making extraordinary repairs to the Maria Hastings Elementary School, and for additional school department equipment; that to meet the appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen is authorized to borrow $850,000 under Chapter 645 of the Acts of 1948 as amended or under G,L, c,44, §7 as amended; and that the Permanent Building Committee is authorized to take all action necessary to carry out this project; and, in addition, that $27,625 be appropriated for issue expenses and first year debt service and that said am( Lnt be raised in the tax levy. 10:15 p.m. Presented by John Oberteuffer, School Committee. 10:27 p.m. The Moderator recognized John Moynihan to speak on the particular buildings. 1 10: 32 p.m. Karen Docks, Capital Expenditures Committee, stated unanimous approval and recommended bonding. 10: 35 p.m. Michael O'Sullivan, Appropriation Committee, stated that the majority, of the committee was against passage. Jane Pagett presented the minority report in favor of passage. The Moderator called for a standing vote which was tallied as follows: ,Precinct Yes No Abstain 1 11 2 2 15 0 1 3 14 0 4 14 1 5 16 0 6 12 1 7 13 3 8 16 1 9 16 1 At large 19 5 Totals 146 14 10:50 p.m. The Moderator declared passage. Notice of Reconsideration was served by Paul Hamburger. ARTICLE 23. Zoning By-Law Adjustments, Signs 10:50 p.m. Jacqueline Davison, Planning Board, moved indefinite postponement. Indef. Post. Following a voice vote at 1C- 51 p.m, , the Moderator declared indefinite postponement. 26 (ADJOURNED SESSIONL_ A.T.M. , CONT. - MAX 6„ 1992) ARTICLE 22. Zoning By-Law, Dimensional Controls, Institutional Uses 10:51 p.m. Jacqueline Davison, Planning Board, moved Indef. Post. indefinite postponement, See below Following a voice vote at 10:51 p.m. , the Moderator declared indefinite postponement, ARTICLE 24 . Conservation/Land Transfer MOTION: That the Conservation Commission be authorized to purchase or otherwise acquire, Passed - and the Selectmen be authorized to take by See below eminent domain, upon the written request of the Conservation Commission, and that the Selectmen be authorized to transfer, for conservation purposes including outdoor recreation as provided by Section 80 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws, as amended, any fee, easement or conservation restriction as defined in Section 31 of Chapter 184 of the General Laws, or other interest in all or any part of land shown as Lot lA on Assessors' Property Map 29, 10:52 p.m. Presented by Joy : • Miller, Conservation Commission, Following a voice vote at 10: 56 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage. ' 10:56 p.m. Jacquelyn Smith, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, moved that the meeting be adjourned until Thursday, May 7, 1992, at 8:00 p.m. , in Cary Hall. Following a voice vote at 16:56 p.m. , the Moderator declared the meeting to be adjourned, A true copy. Attest: • Bernica H. Fallick, Town Clerk • 27 ADJOURNED SESSION_T 1992 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING MAY 7 , 1992 The meeting was called to order by Moderator Margery M. Battin, at 8: 10 p.m. , in Cary Memorial Hall. A quorum was present. The invocation was offered by William Welch. ARTICLE 2. REPORTS 8: 13 p.m. Jacqueline Davison spoke of the exhibit presented by the Library, Planning Board, and the Met State Task Force. Selectman Marshall outlined process. ARTICLE 4 . OPERATING BUDGET 8: 19 p.m. Town Counsel Norman Cohen moved to separate out line item 2210 Payment on Funded Debt, $1 ,163,500 (Of Passed - which .$51 ,943 is to be transferred from the Stabilization See below Fund. ) for voting at this time. Following a voice vote at 8: 19 p.m. , the Moderator declared unanimous passage of Mr. Cohen's motion. Following a voice vote at 8: 20 p.m. , the Moderator declared ,unanimous passage of -0,e line item motion. --------- 8:21 p.m. Selectman Marshall made the following motion: I move to take up line items 1100 and 5100 at this time. I move to amend line item 1100 Public Schools - Education $28,476,431 by adding the following words: However that Passed - $501 ,215 of the appropriation and of the amount to be See P. 28 raised in the tax levy is contingent upon the approval of a general override question appearing on the ballot for the June 15, 1992, special election. I move to amend line item 5100 Library Personal Services $926 , 350 by adding the following words: However that Passed - $38,485 of the appropriation and of the amount to be See below raised in the tax levy is contingent upon the approval of a general override question appearing on the ballot for the June 15 , 1992, special election. Mr. Marshall explained and discussion followed. 8: 32 p.m. Ephraim Weiss, P5 , moved a one hour recess. Following a voice vote at 8: 32 p.m. , the Moderator , declared passage of Mr. Weiss's motion. During the recess discussion both pro and con occurred. 9: 34 p.m. The Moderator called the meeting hack to order. The Moderator read the amendment regarding Library Personal Services, Following a voice vote at 9:10 p.m. , the Moderator declared the line item 5100 Library Personal Services amendment as offered by Mr. Marshall to have passed. Discussion continued on the first part of Mr. Marshall 's amendment. 10: 11 p.m. Jane Pagett, Appropriation Committee, stated 28 (ADJOURNED SESSION, A.T.M. , CONT, MAY 7 , 1992 ) a minority of the Committee to be against the amendment. Following a voice vote at 10:34 p.m. , the Moderator called for a standing vote which was tallied as follows: Precinct Yes No Abstain 1 8 7 2 9 6 3 2 12 4 13 4 5 15 2 6 7 9 7 9 8 8 5 10 9 8 7 At large 14 8 Totals 90 73 10:38 p.m. The Moderator declared passage of the line item 1100 Public Schools - Education amendment as offered by Mr. Marshall . 10:38 p.m. Following a voice vote at 10:38 p.m., the Moderator declared passage of Article 4. 10: 38 p.m. Notice of Reconsideration was served by Jane Pagett, 10:38 p.m. Selectman Eddison moved Reconsideration of Article 30 Lexington Education Foundation, Mr. Eddison explained his reversal of positioi, Discussion continued, Following a voice vote at 10:47 p.m. , the Moderator declared the motion to reconsider not to have passed. ARTICLE 32 , Use of Funds to Reduce Tax Rate MOTION: that the sum of $377,625 be appropriated to reduce the tax levy for the Passed - fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and that See below such amount be transferred from the Unreserved Fund Balance. 10:48 p.m. Presented by Selectman Smith, Following a voice vote at 10:18 p.m. , the Moderator • declared unanimous passage. 10:48 p.m. Jacquelyn Smith, Charman of the Board of Selectmen, moved dissolution of the meeting. Following a voice vote at 10:48 p.m, , the Moderator declared the meeting to be dissolved. A true copy. Attest: )1.2 Bernice H. Fallick, Town Clerk