HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-BOS-min 61-1 Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes August 11, 1997 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, August 11, 1997 in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Fenn, Mr. Busa, Mrs. Eddison; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Chairman McSweeney explained that Mr. Enrich is on vacation and will not be attending this evening’s meeting. New England Telephone Company Grant of Location Hearing - Parker Street Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company to lay and maintain underground conduits and manholes, with the wires and cables to be placed therein, under the surface of Parker Street starting at pole number 76/8 on the easterly side of Parker Street, place conduit in a northwesterly direction, a distance of 56 feet±. Consent Agenda Sewer/Water Payment Deferral - 11 Hilltop Avenue Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a water/sewer payment deferral for 11 Hilltop Avenue. Commitments and Abatements of Water/Sewer Charges Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following commitments and abatements of water and sewer charges: a. Commitment of water charges for 7/1/97 to 7/31/97 $3,080.67 b. Commitment of sewer charges for 7/1/97 to 7/31/97 $5,005.60 c. Comitment of water charges for 7/19/97 (Cycle 9) $118,949.81 d. Commitment of water charges for 8/6/97 (Cycle 9) $142,824.43 e. Adjustments of water charges for 7/1/97 to 7/31/97 $3,380.06 f. Adjustments of sewer charges for 7/1/97 to 7/31/97 $7,190.90 61-2 Selectmen’s Meeting - August 11, 1997 School Renovation Project Update Permanent Building Committee Chairman Bill Bruckman reviewed a major component of the school renovation project which is to provide swing space during the construction season. This can be achieved by using portable classrooms or building a new Fiske School. There are pros and cons for each option; however, the School Committee is leaning more toward the portable classrooms and not building a new Fiske School. There was much discussion of the need for and breakdown of cost estimates of the project components. Mr. Bruckman hopes to have more cost information available over the next few weeks. Debt Exclusion - Town Capital Projects Mr. White reviewed potential debt exclusion options for Town projects which include: DPW Operations Building Study - $100,000; New DPW Operations Building - $10,000,000; Street Resurfacing catch up - $2,960,000; Street Resurfacing 5 Year Requirement - $5,550,000; Street Reconstruction Study - $200,000; Street Reconstruction - $12,000,000; Crack Sealing - $50,000; Sidewalk Construction - $11,665,000; DPW Equipment Replacement - $2,250,000; Street Lights - $1,200,000; Storm Drain Improvements - $1,500,000; Lowell Street Trenchless Drain - $200,000; and Town Building Envelope - $1,000,000. Mr. White suggested the appointment of a committee to make a recommendation concerning the DPW building. Mr. White also mentioned that these capital projects do not include the Fire Department Headquarters and an Intergenerational Facility that will need to be addressed in the future. There was some discussion about: getting software for a GIS (Geographic Information System) and perhaps doing it on a regional basis; much needed work on Cary Memorial Hall and possibly using Cary Hall while Cary Library is being reconstructed; and the need for a considerable amount of equipment between DPW and the Fire Department. Bonding Finance Director John Ryan reviewed several draft scenarios concerning the school debt over the next 28 years as it relates to the School Renovation Project. He indicated he would be back to the Board again as soon as he has a better fix on the cost of the project and what projects the Town intends to include in the debt override. There was much discussion on the Town’s debt payment practice and using interest earned to reduce the tax rate. Chairman McSweeney asked for input from the Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee as to the level of funding they would recommend in the debt override. 61-3 Selectmen’s Meeting - August 11, 1997 Common Victualler License - Gingerbread Construction Company Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue a common victualler license to Gingerbread Construction Company. Accept Ellalou Dimmock Fund Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the Ellalou Dimmock Fund which will be administered by the Trustees of Public Trusts. Conservation Restriction - 573 Lowell Street Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a conservation restriction at 573 Lowell Street as requested by the Conservation Commission. Grant Proposal - Granite Marker on Battle Green Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve submission by the Town Manager on behalf of the Town and the Lexington Historical Society of a grant application for a granite marker to be installed on the Battle Green. Appointments to Town Celebrations Subcommittee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Karen Jean Smith and Perry Pollins to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for a one-year term expiring June 30, 1998. Appointment to PILOT Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following individuals to the PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) Committee: Ed Grant, Setha Olsen, Cathy Abbott, Chuck Benson, Diana Garcia, Peter Kelley, Wade Tambour, Frank Smith and Steve Hastings. The Appropriation Committee and Recreation Committee will be asked for liaison representation. Selectmen Liaison Representation Mr. McSweeney explained that the Board Members will be looking over the liaison assignments to the various boards and committees of the Town and at a later meeting when the full Board is present reassignments will be made. 61-4 Selectmen’s Meeting - August 11, 1997 Relocation of Transportation Services Mr. White presented a proposal to move the Transportation Services office to the Department of Public Works/Engineering office. He cited several reasons for the proposal: better service to the public by having the office open all day; better use of Transportation Coordinator’s time; and a further decrease in the number of small departments. Mr. White also confirmed plans to keep the Transportation Services office visible and maintain a separate budget for the office. Mr. White indicated the cost of the move should not exceed $4,000. Former Transportation Advisory Committee Chairman Sara Arnold expressed the thanks of the Committee for being consulted and kept informed of the progress of the suggested move. Ms. Arnold felt the Manager had addressed the concerns of access and visibility expressed by the committee and said she hoped if there is a problem with the move in the future it will be reconsidered. Mrs. Eddison voiced approval for the proposal and stressed the need for signage within the Town Office Building. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Manager’s proposal for the relocation of the Transportation Services Office to the Public Works/Engineering office. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meetings of July 14, July 23, July 25 (as amended) and July 28, 1997. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of the meeting of July 23, 1997. Sewer Betterment Assessments Town Engineer Frank Fields reviewed a proposed sewer betterment assessment schedule with the Board and indicated he would be asking the Board at its meeting on August 25 to vote a % assessment to the property owners which will be applied to the number of feet of frontage of the properties bettered. 61-5 Selectmen’s Meeting - August 11, 1997 Fee for Brush Disposal Mr. White and DPW Director George Woodbury presented a proposal to charge customers for grinding brush at the composting site. There is an ongoing demand for the Town to accept brush larger than one-inch in diameter at the composting site. It costs the Town $600 per hour to grind the material into a compostable size. Grinding of the material decreases the amount of composting time. Mr. Woodbury is proposing a charge of $5/cubic yard. Private companies charge $9 to $15/cubic yard for this service. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a composting fee of $5/cubic yard as recommended by the DPW Director. Acting Town Manager Mr. White reviewed his vacation and Conference attendance plans with the Board and his plans to appoint, with the Board’s approval, Linda Crew Vine as the Acting Town Manager during his absence. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Manager’s appointment of Linda Crew Vine as the Acting Town Manager from August 17 through August 23 and from September 12 through September 17, 1997. Proclamation 50th Anniversary of India Independence Mr. McSweeney read a proclamation declaring the week of August 11 to August 18 as India Week in Lexington as a means of celebrating the 50th anniversary of India’s independence. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the proclamation declaring the week of August 11 to August 18 as India Week in Lexington. Hanscom Issues Mr. Fenn reported that the final draft report from Daylor is in the offices of Cary Library, Planning, Town Manager and Selectmen. Comments are welcome and should be put in writing and sent to the Selectmen’s office by the third week in September to be transmitted to Daylor. Mr. Fenn also reported that he will be coming back to the Board with revised goals concerning Hanscom. 61-6 Selectmen’s Meeting - August 11, 1997 The RFP by Massport for development of non-aviation land at Hanscom is moving along. Mr. Fenn explained that we need a better feeling for the impact the proposals will have on Lexington. He asked the Board to approve an expenditure of up to $5,000 to have Daylor review the four proposals and report back to the four towns on the impacts of each proposal to each town. This work would be supplemental to the original agreement with Daylor and will cost approximately $20,000 in total. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the expenditure of up to $5,000 for the Daylor study of the four proposals for non-aviation use of Hanscom land. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 by roll call vote: Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Fenn, Mr. Busa and Mrs. Eddison to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of litigation, real estate and collective bargaining matters with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:58 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk 61-109 Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes August 25, 1997 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, August 25, 1997 in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Fenn, Mr. Busa, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich; Mr. White, Town Manager, Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Hearings NYNEX/Boston Edison Company Grant of Location - 38 Woburn Street Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company and Boston Edison Company to relocate poles, wires, cables and fixtures, including anchors, guys and other such necessary sustaining fixtures to be owned and used in common by the petitioners, along and across the following public way: Relocate pole #42/60 from its present location on the southerly side of Woburn Street at Lowell Street, in a southwesterly direction, a distance of 10 feet±. Boston Edison Company Grant of Location - Apollo Circle Boston Edison Representative Carol McManus reviewed plans to install conduit in order to improve service reliability to Apollo Circle. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of the Boston Edison Company to lay and maintain underground conduits and manholes, with the wires and cables to be placed therein, under the surface of Apollo Circle easterly approximately 135 feet from Kendall Road, thence turning and running southerly, a distance of about 160 feet±. Consent Agenda Conservation Restriction - 117 Vine Street Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a conservation restriction at 117 Vine Street as requested by the Conservation Commission. 61-110 Selectmen’s Meeting - August 25, 1997 Town Clerk Bond Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to fix the amount of the Town Clerk’s Bond at $8,000. Assistant Treasurer Bond Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to fix the amount of the Assistant Treasurer’s Bond at $50,000. Application for Sewer Rate Relief Funds Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was vote to sign the application for sewer rate relief funds for Fiscal Year 1998. School Renovation Project Permanent Building Committee Chairman Bill Bruckman reported that the Selectmen will have the first edition of a detailed analysis on the school project for its meeting on September 8. He expressed concern that if an override election is not held until the Spring, the project will be delayed a year. Board members discussed the steps that need to take place before calling for a special town meeting and debt exclusion override election. Mr. McSweeney cautioned the Permanent Building Committee about going beyond the $1.2 million already spent. Muzzey Agreement LexHAB Chairman Marshall Derby reviewed the request by the Muzzey Condominium Association to include the cost of the Muzzey roof in the resale cap. Mr. White reviewed the intent of the Board of Selectmen in May 1993 when the resale cap was raised from 4% to 5% from the purchase of the individual units. The 1% increase was to take care of past and future deficiencies arising from the original reconstruction of Muzzey to condominiums. It was also the intent of the Board to give any future consideration of an individual unit having major capital expense resulting from poor construction to be at the sole discretion of LexHAB. Board members all agreed that it is critically important to keep the units affordable. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to not approve any increase to the cap in the Muzzey Agreement. 61-111 Selectmen’s Meeting - August 25, 1997 Sewer Betterment Assessments Town Engineer Frank Fields reviewed several different scenarios of betterment assessments that he had provided the Board members at their last meeting. Mr. Busa suggested maintaining a 50% assessment which had been instituted and remained constant since 1925. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a 50% sewer betterment assessment. Maple Street Bridge Project Mr. Fields reported that he had visited the site of the Maple Street Bridge project. The bridge is completed and the remaining work entails putting a binder course on, paving and replacing curbing and sidewalks. It is anticipated that the street will be open to traffic by September 8. Household Hazardous Waste Facility Public Works Director George Woodbury reported that the Town of Lexington has been awarded a grant in the amount of $163,000 for a regional household hazardous waste facility at the Hartwell Avenue Landfill. Mr. Woodbury has asked the communities to delay their household hazardous waste day until the facility is in place. The facility will be open one Saturday a month for eight months a year with possibly one or two additional days. Once the operation gets going there will be no cost to the Town. Board members congratulated Mr. Woodbury on his efforts and asked to be kept informed as the project goes forward. Relocation of Cary Library During Construction Library Director Carol Mahoney was present to discuss their efforts to find a location for the library operation during construction. With the favorable economy, there is no building for rent that can accommodate their needs. They have looked at Cary Memorial Building and have determined that with some electrical, plumbing and ventilation work and the installation of a lift the building could work very well for their operation over the next two years. They have offers from the Museum of Our National Heritage and the School Libraries to take some of their collections and the East Lexington Branch Library will be used as the Children’s Library. The cost of the work on Cary Memorial Building is estimated to be $500,000. Board Members suggested that all users of the building be contacted and all attempts be made to assist them in finding an interim location for their events. Mr. White indicated that he would have the parking situation addressed, possibly providing satellite parking for employees. There will be no parking available at the library during construction. 61-112 Selectmen’s Meeting - August 25, 1997 Mr. McSweeney requested that they come back with a list of alterations and associated costs to Cary Memorial Building and a parking plan. Board members agreed that they should go forward with their plans to use the building. Use of Battle Green - Lexington Pre-School PTA Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Lexington Pre- School PTA to use the Battle Green on Saturday, October 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for their annual Halloween Parade. Bond Anticipation Notes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the sale of a $4,675,000 3.90 percent Bond Anticipation Note of the town dated August 29, 1997 and payable April 15, 1998, to BankBoston, N.A. at par and accrued interest plus a premium of $6,192.56. Hackney Carriage License Renewal Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue eight hackney carriage licenses to Harrison Transportation Service, Inc. d/b/a A-1 Taxi subject to inspection by the Lexington Police Department. Theatre License Renewals Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue Theatre Licenses for Cinema I and II for weekdays and Sundays and Public Entertainment on Sunday Licenses for Cinema I and II. Proclamation Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a proclamation setting aside Saturday, September 20, 1997 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the First Parish Church in Lexington. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of August 11, 1997. 61-113 Selectmen’s Meeting - August 25, 1997 Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of the meeting of August 11, 1997. New Area Code for Lexington Mrs. Eddison suggested that the Board write a letter to Acting Governor Cellucci urging him not to reverse the decision to change Lexington’s Area Code from 617 to 781 effective September 1, 1997. The change has been anticipated and many small businesses have spent a considerable amount of time and money in arranging for the change and a reversal of the plans at this late date would have a very negative impact on them. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to send a letter to Acting Governor Cellucci urging him to go forward with the change in Lexington’s Area Code to 781 effective September 1, 1997. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:55 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk 61-114