HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-09-07-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES JOINT MEETING WITH THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN AND THE LEXINGTON CENTER COLLABORATIVE, SEPTEMBER 7, 2005, FOLLOWED BY A REGULAR PLANNING BOARD MEETING Ms. Krieger called the Selectmen's meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, with members Kelley, Manz and Pagett present. Ms. Manz called the Planning Board meeting to order at 6:05 p.m., in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, with members Harden, Hornig, Canale and planning staff McCall-Taylor, Schilt and Tap present. Mr. Galaitsis arrived at 6:40 p.m. Mr. Greg Zurlow, Ms. Daphne Politis, Mr. Carl Oldenburg, Mr. Jerome Smith, Mr. Fred Johnson, Ms. Sheila Watson, Town Manager Carl Valente, Moderator Margery Battin, Mr. Julian Bussgang, and Ms. Sara Arnold were present. ******************************* LEXINGTON CENTER ****************************** Ms. Politis distributed a memo that contained the Center Collaborative's preliminary summary of the daylong charrette it held on June 11. She characterized it as a broad-brush representation of the public opinion expressed that day; some participants have not yet reported in. It is offered as an aid to discussion this evening. Mr. Johnson noted that it also provides continuity of comment to inform the two Boards' actions on issues already identified. Mr. Smith, chair of the Center Committee, said that the Collaborative broadens the spectrum of support for the ongoing concerns of the Committee that it wants to see addressed in the Selectmen's goals. Some of these are parking; improved signage, accessibility and connectivity; sidewalk, biking and walking safety; and consideration of restoring residential uses to the center. Mr. Pagett gave assurance that the Selectmen's goal setting does not entail wiping the slate clean; on-going issues will receive the Selectmen's continued attention. Ms. Manz distributed her draft list of Center initiatives and expressed the Planning Board's desire to discover interests shared by the Selectmen. The list included parking, residential use, density, traffic and other uses. Accessibility, an aspect of the Center Committee's connectivity initiative, was recognized as ADA related, although it was suggested that "universal design" might be a more appropriate and more inclusive term. Mr. Pagett asked Ms. Manz if the topics on her list are those that the Planning Board has discussed or are they priorities it supports. Ms. Manz responded that the list represented items discussed and the Planning Board would welcome the Selectmen's input on the matters. The Planning Board is interested in increasing the allowed height and density in the center but realizes that it must be analyzed in the context of the parking constraints. The question of which entity would address which subject arose and it was agreed that a wide spectrum of buy-in would be needed followed by the development of coherent regulations and a guide to those regulations. It was also recognized that working together on a set of policies and standards was imperative in terms of workload and to guarantee a coherent product. Mr. Smith commented that a single point of contact and guide for new businesses, in the form of an economic development officer, would be desirable. Mr. Canale distributed information about an upcoming panel discussion on the subject of preserving historic legacy in the face of modern life. Mr. Johnson noted that the question of the value of the Lexington Historic Districts Commission (HDC) arose during the Charrette along with an indication of dissatisfaction with the Commission. Minutes for the Meeting of September 7, 2005 2 The discussion continued on topics outside of the Center. Ms. McCall-Taylor brought up the Marrett Road-Spring Street-Bridge Street study, saying that if the Selectmen appropriated the funds, work on Phase II would start soon and would seek to identify alternative ways to improve safety at the intersection. While some stakeholders prefer no changes to be made, other constituencies such as the Safe Routes to School initiative would like to see improvements made. The Selectmen agreed to put the allocation of money for the next phase of the intersection study on their next regular agenda. Ms. Manz informed the Selectmen that the Housing Partnership would be proposing an inclusionary zoning article at the 2006 Annual Town Meeting. The Partnership is working with consultant Philip Herr on a draft proposal that will be included in the Selectmen's packets. Ms. McCall-Taylor added that Lexington would be eligible for HOME Consortium funds in FY07. Among other potential uses, the money could be used in conjunction with Supportive Living, Inc.’s effort to convert the Lexington Press building to a residence for brain injury survivors. Ms. Manz stated the Planning Board's strong interest in the Town's acquiring Geographic Information System (GIS) capability. It hopes to see GIS on the Selectmen's "radar". Mr. Hornig said that GIS has been in the future capital budgets for quite some time but it has never been in the present budget. Ms. Krieger indicated that the Selectmen would like to engage the Planning Board in dialogue about changing the floor-area-ratio limits in some commercial districts, with, perhaps, a mechanism connected to sustainability principles as a condition of a change. Ms. Manz acknowledged an earlier suggestion that an event similar to the Center Charrette be considered for the spring of 2006, to take up issues in other commercial districts. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Selectmen voted to adjourn their meeting at 7:05 p.m. The Planning Board agreed to recess until 7:30 p.m. Ms. Manz called the Planning Board meeting back to order at 7:30 p.m. *********************************** MINUTES ************************************** Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of May 4, 2005. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Galaitsis abstained from voting, as he had not been at the meeting. The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of July 27, 2005. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of August 3, 2005. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Galaitsis abstained from voting, as he had not been at the meeting. ************************************* REPORTS ************************************* Staff : Reduced Frontage Subdivision: Ms. McCall-Taylor reported that a reduced frontage subdivision plan had been filed for 73 Middle Street and would be before the Board at its September 14 meeting. She noted that it has been several years since the Board has seen a subdivision proposal of this type, formerly known as a 7.4.5 plan. Now the provision is Ch. 135-38E of the Code of Lexington. Minutes for the Meeting of September 7, 2005 3 Planning Board : MAPC Statistics: Mr. Canale distributed some draft population projection statistics created by the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (MAPC) for the region. Correspondence: Mr. Harden asked if the Board would respond to the letter from Mr. and Mrs. Pride, whose property abuts the Battle Green Inn, which listed their objections to the new redevelopment proposal by Oak Tree Development. Ms. Manz agreed to draft a reply to their letter and to one from Mr. Steve Kropper, 48 Pleasant Street, relative to the Luongo Farm Lane subdivision, for the Board's review on September 14. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* SUBDIVISION OF LAND 497 Concord Avenue, Cutler Farm Sketch 4 Cluster Subdivision Plan, Callahan: Representing the development team were Mr. Tim Callahan and Ms. Margery Callahan, applicants; and Mr. Gary Larson and Mr. Ti Johnson, landscape architects. For background, Mr. Larson presented a locus plan, an existing conditions plan, a survey of Old Shade Street, a proof plan showing four conventional lots, and a sketch plan the Board reviewed on June 22. He then presented two new sketch plans – labeled Option A and Option B. Option A: Mr. Larson indicated that the plan responds to the Board's requests by proposing a cluster scheme with five units. It would be accessed from Concord Avenue by an interior drive with a hammerhead turnaround. It proposes only one new dwelling with access from Old Shade Street. He listed the plans positive features: it relates to the site well; it provides a pedestrian corridor between the two housing nodes; it saves more vegetation than previous plans; the area of open space has increased from 37% to 44% of the property; the plan has less site coverage and less impervious surface; and the impact calculations show it to be well below the worksheet maximums. Option B: Mr. Larson stated that Option B proposes a special residential development in which the units would be closer together.. Board Comments and Questions : Ms. Manz inquired why is option A was preferred. It seems less clustered than B. The response was that the units are on individual lots making them more marketable. Mr. Hornig wanted to know the size of the units. The response was they would be an average about 3,000 square feet of living area. The Board reiterated past comments that the units should be varied in size, clustered closer together or attached and away from the wetlands. In the end, Board members were not convinced this scheme would be better for the town or for the neighborhood than a four-unit conventional development. Noting that this was the applicant's fourth time before the Board, with no apparent improvement in concept, the Board suggested that he proceed with a conventional subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, direct abutters to the site, labeled the cluster plans presented so far as completely out of character with the neighborhood and noted the lack of sight distance to safely enter that section of Concord Avenue. Johnson's Farm Cluster Subdivision; JMG Development; Request to Reduce Surety: The Board reviewed material provided by Mr. Joseph Gelormini, the developer of the Johnson's Farm subdivision, supporting his request for Board approval of a reduction in surety. Minutes for the Meeting of September 7, 2005 4 On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reduce the surety held by the Town to cover work outstanding at the Johnson's Farm subdivision from $51,801.25 to $15,200.25. Mr. Hornig raised a concern about how the impervious surface ratio is calculated in cluster and special residential developments. He felt that the bylaw required the inclusion of interior drives in the calculation, even though it might discourage cluster and special residential developments. Other members said that it had been the past practice of the board to not include interior drives in the calculation. It was agreed to review the cluster policy and guidelines where this issues has been addressed. Cedar Street Residences Cluster Subdivision, Sketch Plan 4, JMG Development: Present for the development team were Mr. Joseph Gelormini, the applicant, and Ms. Pamela Brown, attorney. Mr. Gelormini showed the Board two plans, one with 18 units and one with 17 units. In the 18-unit plan the dwellings are smaller than those in the sketch plan he presented to the Board on August 17. He listed the square footage of the dwellings and noted that he had detached two units previously shown as attached. The affordable units are still shown as attached. Ms. Brown stated that Mr. Gelormini has shown the Board three proof plans with from 9 to 14 units and that he has based his development on the smallest conventional with the least impacts. Mr. Gelormini said that he has to make his decision soon about whether to do a cluster or conventional scheme. The Board noted that only the affordable units are attached units and without garages. Mr. Gelormini responded that they actually appear to be a single-family dwelling, in keeping with the area context. As to garages, he indicated that Mr. Derby, LexHAB chair, approves of that but that he would check again. The Board was concerned that a cluttered appearance would be the result. Mr. Gelormini commented that LexHAB closely monitors its tenants in such matters. The Board indicated that the plan could advance to the preliminary stage with the loop road layout shown and preferably with 18 smaller units or with 17 units. ************************ ARTICLES FOR 2006 TOWN MEETING ************************ Potential Zoning Amendments: The Board discussed the earlier joint meeting with the Selectmen. The members agreed to work to formulate and bring before Town Meeting a zoning amendment related to center parking. They will explore the issue further in the next three weeks but would likely not propose doing away with all current parking regulations. Ms. Manz and Mr. Hornig agreed to try to draft a proposal. ****************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE ******************* October Meeting Schedule: The Board scheduled meetings for October 5, 19 and 26. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Anthony G. Galaitsis, Clerk