HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-17-REC-minp 77 � � o > APRIL 19'" Fx, �_f Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Richard Thuma, Vice Chairman Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING June 17, 2009 Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Town office Building — Room G15 7:00 P.M* Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x262 Fax: (781) 861 -2747 Members Present: Rick DeAngelis, Dick Thuma, Wendy Rudner, and Sandra Shaw, Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Dave Pinsonneault, Jessica Miele and Sheila Butts Others Present: Hank Manz, Board of Selectmen AGENDA 1. Citizens and other Boards Karen Simmons introduced Jessica Miele who is spending her summer in Lexington as an intern. Jessica just completed her senior year at the University of New Hampshire. She will graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Recreation Management upon the completion of her internship. The Recreation Committee welcomed Jessica. 2. Meeting Minutes from May 20, 2009 Wendy Rudner moved to accept as written the Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2009. Sandra Shaw seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4 — 0 to accept as written the Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2009. 3. Community Preservation Committee -- Recreation Representative Karen Simmons related to the Recreation Committee that Sandra Shaw has served as the Recreation Committee representative on the Community Preservation Committee since its inception three years ago. Sandra has been and continues to be a strong advocate of Recreation within the Community Preservation Committee and is interested in continuing to serve as the Recreation Committee representative on the CPC. Chairman Rick DeAngelis asked if there were another member of the Recreation Committee interested in serving on the Community Preservation Committee. Rick DeAngelis, Wendy Rudner and Dick Thuma 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 each indicated that they were not interested in being considered for the position. Dick Thuma noted that while he thought Sandra Shaw has done an excellent job representing the Recreation Committee and Recreation Department on the CPC, the Committee should "be cognizant of not always having the same person on a committee". Sandra Shaw agreed in principle that, as Mr. Thuma indicated, "new blood is good ", but suggested that the Recreation Committee representative to the Community Preservation Committee should always be a Town Meeting member because of all the information that affords the representative. Dick Thuma made the following motion: The Recreation Committee voted to approve Sandra Shaw as the Recreation Committee's representative to the Community Preservation Committeefor a term that will expire on June 30, 20119 Rick DeAngelis seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 3 — 0 —1 (Sandra Shaw abstaining) to approve the motion. 4. Recreation Report • Karen Simmons reported that the draft of the Town's open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) is complete. She has received comments from some of the Recreation Committee members after they reviewed the document. These comments have been incorporated into the final draft. Rick DeAngelis moved, with Sandra Shaw seconding, that `The Recreation Committee was pleased to review the draft of the Town of Lexington's Open Space and Recreation Plan for 2009. The Committee has reviewed the goals and objectives and the S- -year action plan and would like to express its full support. " The Recreation Committee voted unanimously (4 -0) in support of the motion. Rick DeAngelis will submit a letter to Karen Simmons on behalf of the Recreation Committee expressing its support for the open Space and Recreation Plan. This will be included in the OSRP. • Recreation program revenues are down slightly this spring as compared to 2008. Weather has played a significant factor in revenue figures as shown in the daily income at the Pool and Old Reservoir, which is down approximately 75 %. Additionally, the Department has seen some unexpected and unbudgeted plumbing expenses relative to the Pool and electrical expenses with the baseball and softball lights. On a positive note, program registrations have picked up since May. Some programs have filled and others are holding steady with registration numbers on a par with 2008. • On June 16 I the Hastings School held it annual fifth grade party at the town pool from 10:00 a.m.. 1:45 p.m. The Hastings School PTA pays for the pool staff that work at the function. The weather cooperated and the children, parents and teachers had another successful outing. • Karen Simmons reported that she will be working with the Town Clerk and the Board of Selectmen to have the Board of Selectmen's Park and Recreational Facilities .Regulations adopted as a bylaw and codified next year. The Recreation Committee reviewed and discussed these regulations at the February 22, and March 29, 2007 2 meetings. At the March 2007 meeting the Recreation Committee recommended the following changes: o "except for Pine Meadows' be added to regulation # 9. o "under voice control" be deleted from regulation 11. o Change regulation I I to indicate that "horses are prohibited from any recreation facility ". o Add: "It is forbidden to use playing fields except as allowed by the Recreation Department Field Use Policy." Dick Thuma asked if this would be a warrant. article at the 2010 Town Meeting. Hank Manz responded yes. The reasoning behind this move is to clarify the regulations and assist the Police Department in enforcement of the rules and regulations. Dick Thuma asked if the Recreation Committee could be sent another copy of the Board of Selectmen Park and Recreational Facilities Regulations. Karen Simmons said that these would be included with the meeting minutes. • Dick Thuma Asked about the status of the Center Basketball Courts and Valley Tennis Courts. Karen Simmons told the Recreation Committee that the paint on the courts would be tested, as blisters have appeared on the surface after rainstorms. In addition, the paint is chipping off. The Town has not accepted the Valley Tennis Court and Center Basketball Project. Hank Manz asked what next steps would be taken after the tests are complete. Karen Simmons replied that the contractor would like to sand and scrape the paint to remove it and then reapply new paint and lines. The Town is not convinced this will solve our problem and will wait for the results of the paint test. Dick Thuma recommended that the consultant hired by the Town and the Town Engineer should determine the remediation process, not the contractor. Any repairs should be at the expense of the Contractor, not the Town. Karen Simmons told the Committee that she is working closely with Town Counsel on this issue. 5. 'arks Report • Dave Pinsonneault reported that Stantec would begin the second phase of the Center Play Fields Drainage Study after July 1, 2009. • The Lions Club Carnival will be held at the Center Fields again this year. The Board of Selectmen has issued a letter to the Lions Club detailing the conditions of the permit, including the responsibility of the Lions Club to pay directly for any contractors who are secured by the Town to repair "damages to the fields, irrigation system, site amenities or any other portion of the Center Playfields as a result of the carnival." Dick Thuma and other members of the Recreation Committee expressed concern about the location of the Carnival. Sandra Shaw noted that a new location should be found for the Carnival. Dick Thuma said that it is not our responsibility to find another location, but the Recreation Committee and Recreation Department must "make it clear that after the fields are fixed we would look askance at any vehicular traffic on the fields." Hank Manz suggested that it be included in the final drainage plan. Mr. Thuma expressed concern that the Recreation Committee was not made aware that the Lions Club permit was being discussed and approved at a recent meeting. Karen Simmons explained that there is an internal Special Event Permit process and she has been actively involved. Dave Pinsonneault and Karen Simmons attended the Town carnival planning meetings with the Lions Club. Rick DeAngelis was selected last year to work with the Lions Club to see if an alternate location were available. No alternate site has been found to date. Hank Manz added that the Board of Selectmen has final permitting authority only for the Battle Green. The Town Manager has final approval for all other facilities. Dave Pinsonneault told the Committee that work has been approved for the Community Preservation Act funded project at Pine Meadows. He and Karen Simmons are working with the Town Engineer and developing a plan of action for the project. • Karen Simmons distributed copies of the USGA Turf Advisory Service Report. The course is in good condition. Dick Thuma suggested that New England Golf should be involved in a walk through to get their input as to future projects. Karen Simmons explained that she meets with the President of New England Golf and the Course Superintendent weekly to discuss Pine Meadows, including plans for further improvements to the course. The course has improved each year. There are more projects to do, including rebuilding the 8th green, repairing tee boxes and continuing to address drainage issues on holes 1 and 2. Hank Manz stated that pictures of the course over the years should be compiled. He has some pictures that he would make available. Dick Thuma suggested that the Recreation Department should create a photographic record of the improvements to Pine Meadows since its initial purchase by the town. - * Dave Pinsonneault reported that the Old Reservoir Storm water Mitigation Project 319 grant application has been submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection. The Engineering Department worked closely with the Louis Berger Group to develop the grant proposal. The Town should be informed of the outcome by December 2009. Dick Thuma asked about the status of the removal of trees on the Old Reservoir damn. Dave Pinsonneault answered that currently trees less than 2" in diameter will be cleared. John Livesy, Town Engineer, is working with the State regarding the appropriate manner in which to address removal of the larger trees. Work will begin again on the reconstruction of the gatehouse. work should be completed within a month. Once completed, access to the valves controlling the level of water in the Old Res will be outside the reservoir. • Karen Simmons, Dave Pinsonneault and representatives of the Town Engineering Department had a preconstruction meeting on June 17, with the contractor hired to install the slurry wall at Lincoln Park. The project should take one to one and a half months to complete and, during the construction, will include shutting down one entrance to the park, creating a slurry pond behind the little league fence, and temporarily eliminating some parking near the front entrance. The construction area will be fenced off and all trenches will be covered. The Engineering Department is in charge of following and monitoring the project. Both Karen Simmons and Dave Pinsonneault expressed confidence that the Engineering Department would make sure that the project would run smoothly. Sandra Shaw inquired as to the extent of work currently being done at Lincoln Park by the Lincoln Park Sub Committee (LPSC). Dick Thuma expressed his dismay that members of the subcommittee have not come before the Recreation Committee to receive approval. Wendy Rudner, Recreation Committee Liaison to the LPSC briefly explained what has taken place, and noted that the LPSC has gone to the Conservation Commission for approvals. Dave Pinsonneault noted that many of the projects the LPSC undertakes are preceded by submission of a plan and requests for approval. Dick Thuma expressed his opinion that when the LPSC goes out and does work at Lincoln Park they are "us" (i.e. Recreation Committee). Mr. Thuma suggested that the Conservation Administrator and representatives of the LPSC attend a Recreation Committee meeting to discuss if the subcommittee has met all of the necessary Conservation requirements prior to beginning any work at the park: Dave Pinsonneault reported that recently there have been issues with the equipment at the Skate Park There has been vandalism at the park along with graffiti, but of primary concern is the fact that the material on the ramps is breaking down. and needs replacement. He and Sheila Butts have met with other vendors about replacing the ramp surfaces and/or replacing the ramp structures. Unfortunately, no other companies make ramp surfaces that could be used on the current skate park events. Dave has spoken with Bob McConnell and alga Cutag, both of whom were instrumental in getting the. park built, and they will contact the original designer, builder and installer of the events, Torn Noble. The Skate Park Committee has some money remaining in their account and the Recreation Department has some Capital money remaining in the Skate Park Article. The Recreation Committee discussed options, costs and the pros and cons of the park. Dave will keep the Committee informed of progress. ■ Sandra Shaw asked if and when the lining of the Minuteman Bikeway would be completed. Dave Pinsonneault responded that it would be done next week. 6. New Business Sandra Shaw told the committee that she has met with Dan Fenn, Bob Kent and Karen Simmons, and sent an email to Board of Selectmen Chair, Dorman Cohen regardin g the Irving Mabee Memorial. It is the recommendation of both Karen Simmons and Sandra that a bronze plaque similar to the one at Pine Meadows for Don Chisholm be installed on the brick surface of the Pool Building. Mr. Dent and Mr. Fenn initially wanted to install the plaque on a rock outside of the pool building. However, this could prove to be a safety issue, and the brick surface outside of the main entrance to the Pool Building is "highly visible, out of reach of children's mischief and an integral part of the pool complex." The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, July 1S, 2009 at 5. p.m. at thePine Meadows Golf Club. A tight supper will be served. Sandra Show moved to adjourn the meeting. Wendy Rudner seconded. The June Recreation Committee Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 5