HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-20-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF APRIL 20, 2005 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Harden with members Manz, Galaitsis, Hornig, Canale and planning staff McCall-Taylor and Tap present. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* SUBDIVISION OF LAND 58 Colony Road, Wisteria Lane Sketch Subdivision Plan, Homes Development Corporation: This was a continuation of the discussion of this sketch plan that had begun at the April 6, 2005 meeting. Mr. Harden laid out the eight issues that had been identified at that meeting as needing further discussion. The Board then discussed them in greater detail as follows: 1) Grading- Mr. Harden pointed out that the site is relatively flat and had an average of 1½ feet of fill over the site with a 2.4-foot average where there was cut and fill. Board members asked why this was necessary and were told that the high ground water necessitated it. Ms. McCall-Taylor said there was also an issue of the number of stories if too much of the basement/ground level was exposed. All the members shared the concern about the height of the finished first floor elevation. Ms. Manz felt that the houses would tower over the others in the neighborhood and Mr. Harden said that excessive grading would result in the unnecessary destruction of the existing vegetation. Mr. Hornig said he was reluctant to change the grade just to permit taller houses. Mr. Canale said he did not hear a need expressed as to why the fill was necessary. Mr. Harden said it allowed the floor of the basement to be above the seasonal high water table as well as for marketing and construction costs reasons. Mr. Larson said that the added fill was not designed to add a story but because of the infiltrator system for the road, which had to be above the seasonal high ground water table with room for the infiltrator as well as an 8 to 10 inch dirt cover. Mr. Hornig wondered if having the infiltrator system near the property line would create a problem. Mr. Galaitsis said there were catch basins there to solve problems in neighboring lots and that the new homes should be exposed to the same risk and that they should leave everything the same. Ms. Manz said the reason they were raising the road was to get the water into infiltrator A. Mr. Galaitsis suggested that modifying the road to make the tear drop turnaround the lowest point and putting the infiltrator in the middle would eliminate the need for extra fill. Mr. Canale said he was in favor of a solution that minimizes the cut and fill and he wanted to know the cubic yardage of fill in the next submission. Ms. Gail Anderson, who grew up on the property, said that when there had been a farm in the back, soil had been taken out for a school and adding fill would bring it back up to those levels. 2) Tree near Colony Road – In order to save the large oak tree near Colony Road it might be necessary to move the road pavement off-center within the right of way and possibly move the sidewalk to the other side of the proposed street. 3) Pavement width – the width was shown as 20’. Mr. Harden felt he could accept an 18’ width in the teardrop if it were made one way. The Board indicated that 20’ would be acceptable if it was required by the Fire Department, although the Board would prefer an 18’ width in order to reduce impervious surface. They would like the applicant to explore reducing the impervious surface and suggested that the applicant check with the Fire Department regarding a one-way teardrop with an 18’ pavement width. 4) Footpath - Although the applicant said that the school was not interested in an easement for a footpath through to the Fiske School at this time and that the issue of the intervening property was still unresolved, the Board members wanted to keep this option open. They suggested exploring a pedestrian path easement that could be exercised at some point in the future. 5) Lotting – Mr. Harden asked that lot 4, which is a sliver along the right of way, be incorporated into the right of way. 6) Drainage System Maintenance – the applicant will need to provide an Operation and Maintenance covenant that includes a requirement for annual certification of the maintenance by a licensed engineer. Minutes for the Meeting of April 20, 2005 2 7) House Size – The gross floor area is 6,000 to 7,500 square feet. Mr. Galaitsis asked for a plan that shows the neighborhood context. Mr. Harden said new houses are going in with similar sizes. 8) Name of the road – Mr. Canale urged the applicant to spend time on alternative names and to look at many sources. The Board then discussed what the next step should be. They agreed if a definitive plan is filed, there will need to be a case made for the amount of fill and grading employed. On the motion of Mr. Canale, seconded by Ms. Manz, the Board voted 5 to 0 to grant a conditional approval of the preliminary plan with the expectation that the definitive plan will show: a substantial reduction in the amount of grading; changes will be made to save the oak near Colony Road; the issue of the footpath will be addressed; lotting will be changed; the Operation and Maintenance plan will be provided as well as a draft covenant that has the homeowners association providing an annual certification of compliance; and, the applicant will explore other options for the name of the road and provide a rationale for the option chosen. 177 Grove Street, Special Residential Development Sketch Plan II; Arthur McCabe for Ken Goodman: The development team—Mr. Arthur McCabe, applicant, Mr. Doug Lees, engineer, and Mr. Mark Vaughan, attorney—presented a sketch plan for Mr. Kenneth Goodman' s land at 177 Grove Street. Mr. McCabe is acting for Mrs. Goodman. Mr. Goodman died recently. Mr. Vaughan pointed out how the plan responds to comments made by the Planning Board on the previous sketch plan. In addition, Mr. McCabe said he spoke with Mr. Robert Bicknell, Housing Partnership chair about an affordable unit component. The plan, with 2 attached units and four single-family units, shows access from Grove Street on a 24-foot wide road, with no access from Dewey Road. Board Questions and Comment s: Mr. Galaitsis noted that the plan as configured is at the maximum of the impacts worksheet, instead of showing smaller and fewer units as requested at the last meeting. Mr. Lees admitted he had used the maximums from the impacts worksheet as a guide. Mr. Hornig concurred with Mr. Galaitsis, indicating that the Board seeks clear public benefit in cluster subdivisions and special residential developments. Mr. Vaughan responded that the plan does show a variety of house sizes and is under the impacts limit. Ms. Manz commented that the house sizes are a little bit better but not much. The other Board members concurred. The Board reacted favorably to sole access off Grove Street, though a 24-foot wide roadway raised the issues of drainage and loss of vegetation. The possibility of a narrower interior drive was discussed. Mr. Harden indicated that an affordable component would be a valuable contribution. Asked if specific housing types are envisioned, Mr. Lees said that so far the plan is conceptual. The Board urged him to submit another sketch plan with a more compact site design, reduced impacts and more open space, indicating that in a cluster subdivision they usually look for a range between 60 and 80 percent of the maximum impacts. DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS 21 Fairland Street, Seaver Construction: Ms. McCall Taylor informed the Board that Scott Seaver of Seaver Construction, Inc., has applied for a determination of adequate grade and construction for an unaccepted portion of Fairland Street as he wishes to demolish the house at #21 and rebuild on the lot. Mr. Hornig said that he had inspected the street and found that the pavement is in poor condition. The Board agreed that unless the neighbors speak in favor of leaving it the way it is, as has happened in other cases like this, Mr. Seaver should improve some of it. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was voted that Mr. Seaver should next present a resurfacing plan for approximately 270 feet of Fairland Street, from the eastern lot line toward Eastern Avenue. The proposed improvements would not have to adhere strictly to Town road standards, as the rest of Fairland Street is not up to those standards either. Minutes for the Meeting of April 20, 2005 3 ************************************* MINUTES ************************************** Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of January 12, 2005. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Canale and Mr. Hornig abstained, as they were not members on January 12. The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of March 17, 2005. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Galaitsis abstained, as he was not present at the meeting of March 17. The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of March 28, 2005. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Hornig abstained, as he was not present at that meeting. It was agreed to postpone reviewing the April 4 and 6 minutes to a future meeting. ****************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE ******************* Planning Board Liaisons to other Committees: The Board began to review its roster of committee liaisons. It was agreed that Mr. Galaitsis would continue as liaison to the Noise Committee and also to the Engine Run-Up Committee (Article 40 of 2004). On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to name Mr. Canale representative to the Hanscom Area Towns Committee. ************************************* REPORTS ************************************* Ms. McCall-Taylor reported the following: Hiring Senior Planner: Interviews for the Senior Planner position will be held on April 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Mr. Canale and Ms. Manz will take part along with staff. Marrett-Spring-Bridge Intersection: Responses to the Request For Proposal for possible improvements to the Marrett-Spring-Bridge intersection are due on April 21. Selection of a consultant will occur by May 10, with work to begin by the week of May 16. Mr. Hornig and Mr. Canale offered to help evaluate the proposals with staff. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 p.m. Richard Canale, Clerk