HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-02-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2005 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Estabrook Hall, Cary Hall, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Kastorf with members Davies, Galaitsis, Harden, Manz and planning staff McCall-Taylor and Tap present. ************************ ARTICLES FOR 2005 TOWN MEETING ************************ Article 22, Resolution re Fast Track Auction of Surplus State Property, Citizen's Petition, Ms. Jill Stein: Mr. Kastorf recognized Ms. Jill Stein, 17 Trotting Horse Drive, who had asked for time to explain her warrant article and to solicit the Planning Board's support. The articles ask the Town to adopt a resolution that expresses its concern regarding the fast track auction law, enacted as part of the State's FY 2004 Budget, and which reduces the Town's ability to purchase or influence the disposition of State property within its borders, and other related actions. The section allows the State to ignore environmental, historical and other quality of life issues when disposing of surplus property without regard to community wishes. A case in point is land at Middlesex County Hospital that the State is eager to sell, which represents not only open space but is known to be a part of a wildlife corridor through the region. Ms. Stein pointed to the loss of transparency in government and loss of local control. A number of people in the audience concurred. Ms. Stein said she would formulate a motion and give to the Planning Board for further input. Article 9, Lot on Waltham Street (Map 5, Lot 11A) RO to CD. Ernest Rogers and Company, Inc.: The public hearing on the property owner's petition to rezone the parcel shown as Lot 11A on Town Property Map 5, on the Lexington/Waltham municipal boundaries, was opened at 8:25 p.m. Present were Mr. Ernest Rogers, the applicant, Mr. Edmund Grant, attorney, Mr. Michael Dryden, engineer, of Meridian Associates, Mr. Ed. Nilsson, architect, of Nilsson & Sider, and Mr. Charles Kalauskas, traffic consultant, of the BSC Group. Mr. Grant outlined the justification for rezoning the 30,019 square foot property, which has been vacant and often an eyesore for years. Mr. Rogers would like to build a three-story office building, including a bank with drive-through service. The intended uses would be those allowed in the surrounding CL O zoning district. Projected floor-area-ratio (FAR) would be .20. On top of improving the appearance of the land, which is at a gateway to Lexington, the Town would gain more tax revenue than the vacant lot provides. A traffic mitigation plan has been submitted and a donation to Lexpress of $12,500 will be made as well as money toward a pedestrian light. The applicant will work with Gravestar, Inc. (which owns the adjacent Waltham Plaza) and Waltham officials and area residents on putting in place a safe way to cross Waltham Street. Mr. Dryden presented plans reflecting small changes since the proposal was filed in the Planning Department on December 23, 2004. He described the stormwater management system and noted that they are working with the Conservation Commission on certain changes it is requesting. The fire lane will be widened to 18 feet at the Fire Department's request. Mr. Nilsson described some of the building's features: 45 feet tall at the highest point, steel frame with brick and glass skin; its shape defers to the wetland buffer zone. A six-foot fence is shown between the plaza and Mr. Rogers' land. Mr. Kalauskas presented results of traffic studies. He noted that 'traffic' of 150 pedestrians/hour is one of the prerequisite conditions for installing a signaled crosswalk. Minutes for the Meeting of February 2, 2005 2 Comments and Questions Planning Board Sidewalks; vehicular and foot traffic between the Plaza and the proposed building: The Board wishes to see the free flow of both kinds of traffic and safety markings for pedestrians especially. Mr. Rogers offered to recondition the existing sidewalk in front of the site. Disturbance of the wetland buffer: Mr. Galaitsis expressed concern about the amount of disturbance to the wetland buffer. Mr. Dryden indicated that the system has been changed to reduce the disturbance. Placement of building mechanical/Accurate Visual Representation: The Board indicated concerns that the mechanicals would add height to the building and be unsightly. Mr. Nilsson responded that they would be screened. The Board asked him to change the rendering to reflect the presence of the mechanicals. Parking Provided: The parking seems minimal. Mr. Grant indicated that they had "rounded down" the number of parking spaces vis-à-vis the requirement but that a CD zone can accommodate this and it does result in less impervious surface on site. 18- foot fire lane: The Board indicated that it would support a request by the applicant to the Fire Chief to reduce the width of the paved fire lane, and supplement it with a pervious material. Trapelo Road traffic impact: Mr. Hornig asked why Trapelo Road was not included in the traffic study. Mr. Rogers responded that he would ask Waltham official Frank Ching to provide some information in that regard. Town Officials, Committees and Boards, TMMs Mr. John Andrews, Kendall Road, indicated he believes that a Lexpress route to Avalon at Lexington should be reestablished if this article is approved, saying that new uses bring incremental increases in traffic. Mr. Kastorf said that the Board would defer to the Transportation Advisory Committee on this point. Mr. Frank Sandy, Pr. 6, questioned separating the Waltham Plaza parking lot from the proposed building. Mr. Dryden indicated that Gravestar cannot afford to lose spaces to a driveway between the two as it does not have enough spaces to meet the Waltham’s current requirements. Mr. Kastorf reiterated the Board's request to look into joining the new parking lot with that of Waltham Plaza and to make sure that the pedestrian connection is made pleasant and convenient. The hearing was continued to March 9, 2005 at 9:00 p.m. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* SUBDIVISION OF LAND 177 Grove Street Sketch Special Residential Development Plan, Kenneth Goodman, Presentation by the Applicant: In attendance to present a sketch special residential development plan for a 3.09-acre parcel of land off Grove Street, were Mr. Arthur McCabe, representing the property owner, Mr. Goodman; Attorney Mark Vaughan, Reimer & Braunstein; and Mr. Doug Lees, designing engineer. Mr. Lees showed a plan for eight dwelling units in four structures on a new 425-foot cul-de-sac roadway with turnaround. The units would have about 1,615 square feet of living area, smaller than the average new home being built in Lexington. Board members asked if any affordable units were being considered. Mr. Vaughan indicated that from his reading of the Zoning Bylaw he understood that smaller units would also represent a public benefit so no units affordable by 40B definitions were included. The Board indicated that its aim is to keep the town's DHCD affordable unit inventory at ten percent. Mr. Vaughan responded that this development could not support such units. The developer would rather provide diversity in housing size, as proposed. The Board indicated that contiguous open space is also a requirement and that the plan shown does not maximize the contiguous open space on the property. Mr. Lees asked if using two driveways would help – one off Dewey Road and one off Grove Street. Mr. Davies noted that a driveway off Dewey Road Minutes for the Meeting of February 2, 2005 3 would require much earth moving. Mr. Harden indicated that access from Grove Street made better sense to him. The Board recommended that the team examine the surrounding neighborhood and try to echo its character in the site design. While it welcomes the effort to provide smaller, more attainable units in the mid-price range, including affordable units that would be in town control is very desirable. It was suggested that they talk with Mr. Derby of LexHAB and with the neighbors. The Board appreciates the attached smaller units. It would like to see less impervious surface in the next plan. 31, 33 & 35 Cary Avenue Cluster Subdivision Preliminary Plan, Decision: The Board signed the preliminary plan decision approving the plan, dated January 26, 2005. ************************************* REPORTS ************************************ Staff Ms. McCall-Taylor reported the following: Pre-BRAC Process: The Four-Town Planning Committee has hired a consultant to help the Towns. Met State LIP Applications, DHCD: The Department of Housing and Community Development has not yet taken the final step that would add the Met State/AvalonBay Lexington Square affordable units to Lexington's Affordable Housing Inventory. CTPC Classes Offered: The Citizen Planner Training Cooperative is offering a number of courses for Planning Board members. Unfortunately, the Town cannot help Board members pay tuition. Accessory Apartment Presentation: Ms. McCall-Taylor agreed to present the Accessory Apartment amendment at the public hearing on February 9. Board Replacing a Board Member Who Resigns: The Board discussed the logistics of and timeline for replacing Mr. Kastorf, who plans to resign from the Board in mid-March. Mr. Harden said he would speak with the chair of the Board of Selectmen, as it would be a joint appointment by the two Boards. Hanscom Air Force Base, BRAC Process: Mrs. Manz reported she had heard from SHHAIR. The decision on whether Hanscom Air Force Base will be closed will be announced on May 16. The most likely outcome is less housing and more private uses. Should the base close there will be a Local Reuse Authority (LRA) appointed by the Office of Economic Adjustment. It will be important for the town to be represented on the LRA. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 p.m. Wendy Manz, Clerk