HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-05-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 2005 A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held jointly with the Board of Selectmen in Commons II at Lexington High School was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Acting Chair Harden with members Davies, Galaitsis, Manz and planning staff McCall-Taylor and Tap present. Mr. Kastorf was absent due to illness. ******************* JOINT MEETING WITH BOARD OF SELECTMEN ********************* Selectmen's Goals Related to Planning Issues: Selectmen Chair McKenna asked for feedback from the Planning Board on the goals the Selectmen had identified for themselves in the fall of 2004. These included sidewalk policy, DPW operations facility options (renovate or build new), center parking and facility planning, FAR for commercial development, center vitality, housing in the center, traffic mitigation fund process and review accessory apartment bylaw. Sidewalk Policy: The Selectmen are in the process of forming a Sidewalk Committee. The Planning Board, referring to goals identified in its 2000 Comprehensive Plan, reiterated its support of an initiative to create a system of sidewalks to ensure safe walking routes to schools and commercial destinations. Construction of sidewalks can be specified during the permitting process for subdivision, though some abutters testify against installing them, wanting to retain a less structured neighborhood character. It was agreed that a member of the Planning Board would be included on the committee. Move or Recondition DPW Operations Building: Mrs. McKenna said that the Selectmen will decide on the land use aspects of the future of the DPW operations building—whether to remodel the building at 201 Bedford Street or to build a new facility on land at the former landfill on Hartwell Avenue—at their February 7 meeting. Background material is being put together for Board and Committees so they can offer their views on the issue. Mr. Harden responded that this seemed very sudden and that the Planning Board wants to be involved in this important issue and looks forward to seeing the information. Lexington Center: The Board expressed its support for the Selectmen and Center Committee in their recent moves toward improving the Center business district. Ms. Manz, Board liaison to the center committee, indicated to them that the Board looks forward to working on center issues. It will be challenging, as there are many groups that have different responsibilities for different accepts. The Planning Board can make zoning changes but where and for how long people can park is under the Selectmen’s control. FAR Review: Mrs. McKenna said she was under the impression that FAR was under review by the Planning Board. She would like to increase the FAR to encourage development and enhance the tax base. Mr. Harden said he could support the goal of increasing the commercial base within other planning constraints. The recent proposal for expansion of the Ledgemont property was rejected and FAR was part of the discussion. Mrs. Krieger said FAR in isolation makes no sense. Housing in the Center: The redevelopment proposal for Battle Green In will bring this issue forward. Process around TDM funds: Mr. Harden said that there was certainly a need for a better process. In the near future there is $250,000 in traffic mitigation money expected and there is a need to define the process better. Goals one through 18 and 22 are the only ones the Board of Selectmen will be pursuing. Mr. Harden said that the Planning Board would be working on accessory apartments, goal 21, as it has evolved from work with the Housing Partnership Board and Phil Herr. It will be an incremental change to the existing bylaw. Discussion with the Selectmen ended and the Planning Board recessed at 9:15 p.m. At 9:20 p.m., the meeting was reconvened in Room 164 at the high school. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* SUBDIVISION OF LAND Cutler Farm Sketch Cluster Subdivision Plan, Concord Avenue, Presentation by the Applicant: Present for this item were Mr. Martin Callahan and Mr. Tim Callahan, property owners and applicants; Mr. Gary Larson and Mr. Ti Johnson, landscape architects, Larson Associates. Mr. Larson presented locus, site Minutes for the Meeting of January 5, 2005 2 analysis and existing conditions plans for 4.15 acres of land at 497 Concord Avenue. Part of the land fronts on a small portion of Old Shade Street. He said that a number of alternative schemes were considered, e.g., 14 town homes; duplexes; triplexes. The current plan, showing eight units in two clusters was considered the best. It would consist of two parts: a cluster of five single-family dwellings (SFD) accessed by a 20-foot wide roadway from Concord Avenue, and a cluster of three SFDs with access via a driveway from Old Shade Street. The proposed homes would have 2,500-3,000 square feet of living area and be priced at around $900,000. Previously the Callahans had begun the 40B Comprehensive Permit process for an 11-unit development on the 497 Concord Avenue lot and received preliminary approval from DHCD. Board Comments and Questions Board member questions had to do with site coverage, the reason for a through-driveway, what is offered as a public benefit, the absence of any attached dwellings and what would be done to buffer the noise from Route 2. Mr. Galaitsis asked the applicant to provide a plan showing the density of his proposal compared with the surrounding neighborhood. He commented that it would take a very solid fence to deflect traffic noise from Route 2. He further stated that he does not support the proposal at this point because it results in impacts that are way above a conventional subdivision; if they stay with this plan, a conventional subdivision would be preferable. He later advised the applicant to review Northshore Construction and Development's Hazel Road cluster plans, saying that it is a good model in which a unit was given to the town. Mr. Harden concurred, noting the lack of public benefit in this proposal. He indicated that smaller units would be a benefit. Mr. Larson asked what would be acceptable? His firm used the Planning Board's impacts worksheet in the design process. Mr. Harden suggested one affordable unit out of eight or several moderately priced homes. Ms. McCall-Taylor noted that a plan showing the condition of Old Shade Street should be provided. In response to a query about the planned increase of grade on one of the unit sites, hence exposing the unit to more traffic noise, Mr. Larson said that the gravity flow drainage system requires it. Audience Comment Mr. Ronald Crescentini, 4 Old Shade Street, commented that Old Shade Street is too narrow to service more traffic. The Board directed Mr. Callahan to submit another sketch plan. ************************************* MINUTES ************************************* Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of December 22, 2004. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. ************************ ARTICLES FOR 2005 TOWN MEETING ************************ Zoning Articles: Center Parking – the Board agreed to defer talking about the center parking article. Accessory Apartment Amendments – The Board discussed the appropriate size limitation on accessory Minutes for the Meeting of January 5, 2005 3 apartments. Mr. Galaitsis stated his reservations about allowing an addition with no limitation on size for a Special Permit Accessory Apartment, which could be 40 percent of the living space of a dwelling, saying it is too permissive. He also questioned adding extra dwelling units on a single-family lot, which would affect the Town's affordable housing inventory. The Board considered Mrs. McKenna's concern that the changes would not allow accessory apartments in dwellings built less than five years before application is made for an accessory apartment. Public Hearing Schedule - The Board set dates for zoning article public hearings, as follows: Waltham Street rezoning on February 2; Accessory Apartments on February 9; Center Parking on February 16; Battle Green Inn Rezoning on Mar 2. Mr. Davies commented that the Board needs to define "attainable" as it applies to housing in Lexington. Ms. McCall-Taylor suggested that this subject could be a part of future discussions about the cluster guidelines and other Planning Board policy statements. ****************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE ******************* Grandview Avenue 40B Application: Ms. McCall-Taylor reported that DEBCO Properties' application for a Comprehensive Permit for a development on Grandview would be heard by the Board of Appeals in February. She asked if the Board wants to make any comments on the proposal. They did not choose to make any comments at this time. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 p.m. Wendy Manz, Clerk