HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-20-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 2006 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Manz with members Galaitsis, Hornig, Canale, Zurlo and planning staff McCall-Taylor, Schilt and Tap present. ************************************* MINUTES ************************************** Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of August 9, 2006. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of August 23, 2006. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW Form A/2006-5: The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required Plan for land at 169 North Street. On a motion duly made and seconded it was voted to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Burlington/Lexington, MA", dated September 6, 2006 prepared by VTP Associates Inc., Newton, MA., certified by James J. Abely, Professional Land Surveyor, with Form A/2006-5, submitted by Aldo Gallinelli, applicant, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS Earl Street, Map 72, Lot 171: The Board reviewed an application from Roberta Franks, who is interested in developing property she owns on Earl Street, an unaccepted street. Ms. Franks requested that the Board make a determination of adequate grade and construction of Earl Street. Mr. Schilt stated that he conducted a site visit with staff from the Engineering Division, who determined that the street, which was paved a few years ago, has a pavement width of 20 feet and is of suitable grade and construction. The Engineering staff noted that following construction on Ms. Franks property, the newly constructed bituminous concrete berm should be replaced. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to determine that Earl Street, an unaccepted street, is of adequate grade and construction, with the condition that the bituminous concrete berm be reconstructed after construction is completed on the property. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 28-34 Robinson Road: Joseph Marino, representing Homes Development Corporation, appeared before the Board to request that the public information meeting scheduled for this evening be postponed, and the Minutes for the Meeting of September 20, 2006 2 deadline for review of the application for a preliminary plan for a cluster subdivision at 28-34 Robinson Road be extended for an additional 45 days. The developers are still negotiating with the property owners to purchase the property, and are not ready to appear before the Board to discuss the plans. Ms. Manz stated that she had discussed the matter with the Planning staff, and there was concern about the repeated requests for extensions on this application. She suggested that the applicants consider withdrawing the application until they are ready to proceed. Members of the Board concurred. Mr. Marino stated that this would be his last request for an extension, and the applicants feel positive that they will be moving forward shortly. Mr. Hornig stated that the Board had set a precedent with extending the review period numerous times for the application for the subdivision at 177 Grove Street. Ms. Manz stated that the Grove Street plans had shown progressive changes, and the extensions were due to the applicants agreeing to work with the neighborhood and to make revisions requested by the Board. In this instance, the Board has not yet had a chance to discuss the proposal. Mr. Galaitsis suggested that the Board should either request that the applicant withdraw the application, or deny the application without prejudice. Mr. Marino stated that he would prefer to withdraw the application than to have the Board deny it. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the applicant’s request to withdraw the application on the condition that he confirms the request in writing. Lexington Hills Definitive Conventional Subdivision, Mid-Term Review: Present for this item were Gary Larson and Ti Johnson, landscape architects, Ed Grant, attorney, Habib Aminipour and Joseph Lerman, property owners, and Frederick Russell, civil engineer. Mr. Larson provided an overview of the plan, stating that the design had been revised due to comments from the Board and from the Development Review Team on the preliminary plan. The most notable revision is that the existing telecommunications tower on the site will no longer be located on the property. As a result, the proposal has gone from 18 to 19 single-family lots. Other revisions include: Sidewalks are now proposed for both sides of the subdivision streets, and the sidewalk along ?? Walnut Street runs the full length of the property frontage. The road profile has been regraded to comply with the maximum 2% slope within 75 feet of an ?? intersection. Minutes for the Meeting of September 20, 2006 3 The water line at the top of the site has been looped, and the fire hydrant has been relocated to the ?? opening of the cul-de-sac. Overhead wires will cross Walnut Street and then go underground to provide utilities to the site. ?? Snow storage areas have been delineated around the cul-de-sac and at street intersections. ?? On the proposed lots along the northern perimeter, regrading has been proposed to save more of ?? the existing trees in the pine grove. The applicants will work with staff to develop appropriate language for the property deeds and homeowners association documents to maintain the trees. Drywells have been provided on each of the individual house lots to accommodate roof-runoff. ?? The impervious surface ratio is still being determined, but all lots will be between 11 and 12%. The sanitary sewer line will be a gravity sewer connecting to a sewer main in the City of ?? Waltham. This is a line that served the former hospital, and the applicants are negotiating with Waltham to re-utilize it. Discussions are underway with the Western Greenway to identify connections to pedestrian trails ?? and where easements can be provided to provide access to trails on the abutting state owned land. A traffic analysis is being prepared, but it is not complete yet. Copies will be provided to the ?? Board before the applicants submit a definitive plan. Mr. Russell described the drainage plans. He noted that most of the site currently flows toward Walnut Street, but the area of the existing parking lot at the top of the site flows to the west, and the pine grove flows to the north. The proposed plan shows that all stormwater runoff will be directed toward drywells on the individual lots or to two infiltration areas. The impervious surface calculations were based on a net increase, factoring in the former hospital building footprints as the existing site conditions. Mr. Russell noted the buildings were demolished to prevent vandalism and not to reduce the amount of impervious surface on the site. Comments from the Planning Board on the revised plans detailed elements that should be addressed in the definitive plan: Details about development being considered for the portion of the property that is located in the ?? City of Waltham. It was noted that this area should have its own lot number for clarification. The Board had been under the impression that this area would remain undeveloped. Mr. Larson indicated that it will likely be developed as residential. The Board stated that if it is to be developed, the program should be shown and the Board will need to evaluate the impacts it will have on the Lexington portion of the property, including impervious surfaces, drainage and utility Minutes for the Meeting of September 20, 2006 4 connections. Future connections to the abutting state-owned land, and how the access will be designed so it is ?? inviting to users. It was recommended that the connections be dedicated as common open space maintained by the homeowners association as a neighborhood amenity, rather than as easements through individual lots. The Board recommended that connections should assume that the state land would be developed in the future, and that easements be provided for future right-of-way extensions. More information was requested about the proposed drainage system, including impacts with ?? development on the portion of the property located in Waltham. The existing conditions must be based on the site as it currently exists, and not take credit for the amount of impervious surface in its formerly developed state. The development program should reduce the amount of impervious surface proposed, with the ratio being less than the maximum of 12% allowed on each lot. The use of Low Impact Development techniques was recommeded by the Board in order to reduce site disturbance and utilize natural features to infiltrate stormwater runoff. Proposed swales should be located in easements. It was noted that all stormwater runoff must be accommodated on-site, and maintenance of the drainage system shall be the responsibility of the homeowners to maintain. An Operations and Maintenance Plan will be required for review and approval as part of the definitive plan submission. The traffic study should be provided to the Planning Board prior to submission of a definitive ?? plan. An independent review of the study was requested, at the applicant’s expense, to assist the Board in determining impacts and appropriate mitigation at the proposed intersections. It was suggested that the traffic consultant coordinate with staff from the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization on the findings and recommendations of the study currently being conducted for the Trapelo Road Corridor in Belmont, Waltham and Lexington. Mitigation should be considered to enhance safety along Walnut Street, including safe passage for pedestrians heading to/from Concord Avenue. An easement should also be provided for the sidewalks along Walnut Street. A mitigation plan was requested to minimize traffic impacts along Walnut Street during site construction. More information and clarification is needed pertaining to the utilities serving the site. All ?? telephone, electric and communication lines should be placed underground, including those crossing Walnut Street to serve the site. The location of the utility lines should also ensure that they will not be impacted by planting of street trees and landscape in the right-of-way. All existing fire hydrants should be shown on the plans, and how they are fed, to ensure that there ?? is adequate coverage. Minutes for the Meeting of September 20, 2006 5 Snow storage areas should be on common property and not on the individual lots. ?? Connection to the public sanitary sewer line in the City of Waltham will require a written ?? commitment from the Mayor of Waltham and the Waltham Department of Public Works stating that it will be permissible, and that there is long term capacity in the system to accommodate the proposed development. ?? Further reducing the size of the proposed work area should be considered in order to reduce the amount of site disturbance and to preserve more of the existing topography and natural features on the site. Preservation of more areas of the existing groves of trees, especially in the center of the site and around the proposed houses on the northern perimeter of the property. The landscape plan shall detail measures to protect existing mature trees during construction, and language to preserve existing mature trees should be included in the homeowners association documents and in the deeds for each of the lots. The limit of work line should be verified to ensure that no construction is proposed to be outside of the work area. ?? The definitive plan submission should include an electronic copy of the CAD files, so Mr. Zurlo can do an assessment of the changes in topography to report to the Board. ****************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE ******************* The Board discussed their upcoming schedule for the next few months, and determined that meetings will be scheduled for November 1 and 18. Discussion of revisions to Article XII will be done at the meeting of October 18. Ms. McCall-Taylor stated that if a special Town Meeting is scheduled, it might be on November 29 and 30. Ms. Manz asked the Board if they would like to recommend to the Selectmen that a warrant article be drafted for the Town to enact the Mullin Rule. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to recommend to the Selectmen to draft the warrant article for the Mullin Rule. ************************************* REPORTS ************************************* Planning Board Mr. Canale distributed a handout about upcoming business on committees he is the liaison to. The Battle Road Scenic Byway committee will meet on September 26 to discuss preparation of a ?? corridor management plan. There will be a MAGIC meeting with state legislators on October 20 in Bedford; he encouraged ?? the Board to attend. The Boston MPO will host another round of MetroFuture public workshops in early December. ?? On October 19, there will be a meeting in Concord on the Massachusetts Bicycle plan. ?? He distributed a copy of a letter from the Board of Selectmen to the Metropolitan Area Planning ?? Minutes for the Meeting of September 20, 2006 6 Council stating the Town’s interest in participating in the Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution grant program, which will provide assistance to implement Low Impact Development by-laws and regulations. The Traffic Mitigation Group is working on recommendations to the Board for revisions to ?? Article XII, and has been having discussions about safety along Hartwell Avenue. He noted that the MPO’s TIP does not include the intersection improvements for Marrett Road and Waltham Street. MassHighway may still have the ability to add the project to their work program. There will be another round of public meetings in November for the study of the Trapelo Road ?? Corridor in Lexington, Belmont and Waltham. He distributed two other handouts for programs that are being discussed, noting his interest in ?? supporting the establishment of a Scenic Road by-law and enacting the new state Chapter 43-D legislation as a way to expedite permitting along Hartwell Avenue. Ms. Manz reported on a Chamber of Commerce meeting several members of the Board recently attended that featured a panel discussion about redevelopment opportunities along Hartwell Avenue. She stated the tone of the meeting was positive, but noted general consensus among attendees that more expansion of businesses could not occur without addressing the traffic problems along the corridor. She added that the Board of Selectmen has been discussing the potential to do a traffic study of the corridor. Ms. Manz reported that there is a group of merchants in the Center that have been meeting informally to discuss ways they can work together to promote business opportunities. The group has between 25 and 40 members. Ideas currently being considered include having one night a week with extended shopping hours, and developing joint promotional materials. Mr. Galaitsis reported that the Noise Advisory Committee has agreed upon special permit forms. Mr. Zurlo reported that the Housing Partnership Board has been discussing ways to gain more support and public awareness for affordable housing and for Inclusionary Zoning, including a subcommittee that is developing an outreach structure. He also stated that the Economic Development Scoping Group has prepared their final report, which was submitted on September 14. The anticipated rollout of the Task Force is October 11. The findings of the scoping report will be presented to the Board of Selectmen on September 25. Staff Minutes for the Meeting of September 20, 2006 7 Ms. McCall-Taylor reported that she has been meeting with staff from the Department of Public Works to discuss ways to implement construction of public benefits agreed to when the Planning Board approves reduced frontage subdivisions. Staff is discussing whether the Town should accept the money from 16 Shade Street and construct trails on the conservation land rather than hold surety and have the developer do the work. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m. Gregory Zurlo, Clerk