HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-03-09-LBAC-min MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: March 9, 2006; 7:00 pm; Rm G-15, Town Office Building Members Present: Stew Kennedy (chair), Harvey Bingham (scribe), John Frey, Erna Greene, Jim Wichmann Others Present: Rich Spencer (FOB) Members Absent: Marita Hartshorn, Abe Shenker, Mike Tabaczynski, Jerry VanHook Record of Votes taken and issues discussed. Minutes from the February 9 meeting were reviewed, corrected and accepted as corrected. Abutters Survey: The consensus of those present was that no further action be taken. Bikeway Signage: Regarding our survey of missing and damaged signs along the Bikeway, the inputs need to be collected, so we can report to DPW. Several of us haven’t done our surveys yet: only Rich and Harvey have reported their findings. Findings should be emailed to Abe and Stew. Miscellaneous : 1. The MWRA sewer relining project (to extend along the Bikeway about 1000 feet roughly between the two North Lexington Brook crossings east of Revere Street) is still being planned for this spring. Bids were to have closed in February, with the work possibly starting by late March. We were promised to be invited to the pre-project meeting. 2. Mike has selected May 27 for the date of the final boardwalk project in Dunback Meadow. The holiday weekend couldn’t be avoided if we want to take advantage of th LHS 9-grade Earth Science class volunteers this school year. In the preceding week we’ll need a few skilled volunteers to build the bridge over Clematis Brook so that the boardwalk material can be carried across. Mike will put the project announcement in to the school. 3. When Rich met last year with Dave Pinsonneault about the Bikeway edge mowing, Dave asked that we meet with him this spring before the mowing season arrives. At the April meeting we should decide who will do this. 4. Stew reported that Susan Bennett (Lexington Historical Society) mentioned last week that the schedule for work on the pavement behind the Depot building has been delayed and may not get done this year. Thus she asked if we’d approve the temporary return of the bike racks there. She was assured we are in favor of that. 5. The Bedford Bike Committee is hosting this year’s joint meeting of the area’s Bike Committee’s on Wednesday, April 12, 7:30 PM at the Bedford Center School Building, in the Flint Room (second floor). We are invited. Record of Friends of the Bikeway votes and discussions. Newsletter : Discussion of a new newsletter was deferred until more members are present. Bikeway Cleanup, May 6 : We decided to stick with our previously tentative date of May 6 for the spring cleanup. Stew reported being asked by a manager at the Starbuck’s on Bedford Street if they could participate in the next cleanup. They will advertise for volunteers and are confident they can provide 30 people. Given those numbers, Stew had suggested contacting Bedford and Arlington committees to see if they want to do a cleanup at the same time with Starbuck’s volunteers help. He talked with Joel Parks (Bedford) and Jack Johnson (Arlington). Both were enthusiastic about it and said they’ll see if their committees will do a cleanup that day. He then put the Starbuck’s organizer in touch with Joel and Jack. The Starbuck’s contact also mentioned her plan to submit an application for one of their “Make Your Mark” grants (which can be up to $10,000) to be used for Bike Committee purposes. If won, it could be used to buy equipment like bike racks, trail-building material, or such things as “Bikeway Volunteer” tee-shirts and caps. Earth Day festival : Plans were made for our table at the April 29 Earth Day festival. We will promote the theme of bicycling, when possible, in lieu of driving. Rich will check with the Cycle Loft and Jim with Quad Cycles for brochures and other possible handouts. John and Jim will come up with Bikeway maps – both ours and Arlington’s products – for handing out. Stew will bring Safe Routes to Schools info packets from the NIH. Harvey will print out some of his photos of the Bikeway, for display. Rich will provide the table, and Stew will bring a couple of folding chairs. Stew will bring his recumbent bike and Harvey will bring his “trash” bike for display. We need to come up with application form for joining FOB. Does Marita have them? We also need to know who can staff the table in one-hour shifts. Hours will be 10 AM to 2 PM. Volunteers please let Stew know. Miscellaneous : Harvey suggested and all agreed that the FOB subscribe for two of the commemorative bricks the Historical Society are placing between the Depot and the Bikeway: one each for Jack and Betty Eddison. We need to decide at the next meeting on the wording. Information Distributed: none Recorder Name: Harvey Bingham, scribe; Stew Kennedy, editor