Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Conducted by Remote Participation
Chair Kathleen Lenihan welcomed and introduced committee members
Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson
Eileen Jay, Vice-Chair
Deepika Sawhney
Scott Bokun
Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk
Sara Mei
Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent
Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent to Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional
The minutes were taken by Kristen Cronin, Executive Assistant to the School Committee
Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public
meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19
outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of
business and to assure accurate meeting minutes.
Sara Cuthbertson said Lexington SEPAC/SEPTA would be hosting a virtual executive functioning
and remote learning workshop with Ms. Sarah Ward on October 14th from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Ms. Jay said she has heard that a lot of people were having confusion around conference dates
and Back-toSchool nights listed on the District's school calendar which was approved last spring;
however, fall dates have changed. Ms. Jay noted that building principals are sending out
communications with new dates to families. Sheasked if anything should be done about the
calendar that is currently posted on the website to alert families that dates may change.
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Dr. Hackett replied that Dr. Lyons is in the process of revising the calendar and updating the
Ms. Sara Mei reported that elections for LHS Senate and Class Council will be going out shortly
and elections will be held in the next two/three weeks.
Ms. Mei said the full hybrid schedule begins next week and it has been posted by Dr. Stephens,
Principal at LHS, in the most recent newsletter dated October 2, 2020.
Ms. Lenihan reminded everyone to get their flu shots.
Ms. Lenihan said LexPride in conjunction with the Human Rights Committee and Human
Services Department are offering a virtual bystander training on Thursday, October 8, 2020 from
5:30-8:00 p.m. This training will help bystanders understand how they can safely interrupt
harmful situations and encourage more positive actions by others. Ms. Lenihan said two
additional training sessions will be held in November and December. Registration for this
training can be done on the town website at www.lexintonma. ov under Town Events in the
Mona Roy, Burtwell Road: Ms. Roy clarified that the virtual bystander training is being
sponsored by the Town of Lexington and the Human Rights Committee. Ms. Roy said the
October session is sold out but slots are available for the November and December sessions and
the links for registration will be posted this week.
Dr. Hackett said there was lots of good news to be celebrated. She started her first
congratulations to Hastings Elementary School. Dr. Hackett announced that on September 24,
2020, the Maria Hastings Elementary School was named a National Blue Ribbon School of
Excellence by the United States Department of Education. Dr. Hackett said Hastings is the fourth
school in the district to achieve this honor,joining three other LPS National Blue Ribbon Schools,
including Harrington and Bridge Elementary and Clarke Middle School. Dr. Hackett
congratulated Principal Lipsitz and the entire Hasting School community, including students,
staff, and families.
Dr. Hackett went on to extend her appreciation and gratitude to Central Office staff members,
Olga Feliz and Fred Pierrelouis in honor of National Custodian and Maintenance Appreciation
Day celebrated on October 2, 2020. Dr. Hackett said the district is grateful for all the LPS
custodial and facilities staff all the time, and especially during these challenging times.
Dr. Hackett's last congratulations of the night went out to the Lexington Team. The Lexington
Team is a group of 125+volunteers, ages 9-85 years old. Dr. Hackett said these volunteers are
heavily involved in making personal protective equipment and supporting the community by
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outreach activities during the pandemic. Dr. Hackett reported that the Lexington Team has
donated 1,150 masks, 1,813 mask securers, 712 scrub caps, over 2,000 disposable gowns and
face shields, and raised $1,800. This group has 63 youth volunteers involved, of which nine were
recognized with the prestigious President's Volunteer Service Award for this year.
The Superintendent reported on the following items:
• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
• LexREConnect: A Childcare Program for Town of Lexington Employees
• Enrollment Update
• LPS Employee Leaves Update
• COVID 19 Updates
• Citizens Academy
For a complete copy of the Superintendent Report click here.
School Committee Questions:
Mr. Bokun asked Dr. Hackett for an update regarding the Zoom bombing incident at Clarke
Middle School recently.
Dr. Hackett replied that Zoom bombing incidents are a challenge that many districts are facing.
She noted that the District has protocols and procedures in place to protect us from this, but
sometimes it takes reminding before those protocols take effect. Dr. Hackett said the incident
that happened recently was done by a student and the incident is being handled well. She said
the Human Rights Committee was also notified of the incident. Dr. Hackett reported that when
Zoom bombings occur they are able to figure out what happend and provide supports to the
whole school community. The principals send out a message to notify their school community,
so everyone is aware of what's happened. Counselors and support staff are available for kids if
they have trouble with the experience.
Ms. Sawhney said parents have been reaching out to her asking about SAT testing and the
College Board. Ms. Sawhney said she wants to understand what is within the school system's
power to do or not to do when it comes to exams. She asked if the district needed help with
additional staffing or taking in of the applications. Would the district be able to hold exams for
Lexington students?
Dr. Hackett said she will follow up with Dr. Stephens and Dr. Lyons. She noted that she offered
the School Committee members to help serve as proctors if needed.
Ms. Cuthbertson asked Dr. Hackett if a reminder could be sent out to families regarding the
updated Equity page for reporting a civil rights violation.
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Dr. Hackett said each building should be working on a communication to families, but she will
follow up with building principals.
Ms. Cuthbertson asked Dr. Hackett if the staff leave requests have slowed down and if the
positions have been filled temporarily.
Dr. Hackett replied that things are starting to settle.
Ms. Lenihan asked how the district would be verifying that students have received their flu
vaccinations, both remote and hybrid?
Dr. Hackett replied that Karen Rufo, the Director of Nursing, indicated that the school nurses
would keep a record of the vaccinations.
Ms. Jay asked how the district is handling the coverage for less than 12 week absences.
Dr. Hackett said the district is hiring "dedicated" subs and they are being paid extra money for
being loyal to Lexington Public Schools.
Ms. Jay asked, in the cases where educators have received remote assignments, has there been
a need for hybrid staff to do a lot of coverage for in-person students at the high school level? Is
existing staff being used for that coverage or are they using substitutes?
Dr. Hackett said the high school has seven "dedicated" subs exclusively.
Dr. Lyons addressed the calendar question that was brought up earlier in the evening. She noted
that the calendar is in the process of being updated with regard to Back-to-School nights and
conference dates. Dr. Lyons said the calendar will be updated shortly.
Presenters: Maggie Aikenhead, Bowman Literacy Coach; Becky DeSantis, Hastings Math Coach
and RLA classroom teacher; Paula Donahue, Bridge Literacy Specialist; Robyn Dowling-Grant,
PK-12 Director of ELL; Alex Kuschel, K-5 Social Studies Coordinator; Dr. Chris Lyons, Assistant
Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Professional Learning; Linda Menkis,
K-5 Math Department Head; Tammy McBride, Harrington Literacy Coach; Kathy McCarthy, K-5
ELA Department; Karen McCarthy, K-5 Science Coordinator; Catherine Murphy, Fiske ELL
Educator; Deidre Schadler, ELL Educator/Acting Assistant Principal Bridge School; Jennifer
Sheerin, Hastings K Hybrid Teacher
Some highlights from the presentation include the following:
• Hybrid model will require slower pacing, and allow for deeper dives
• Hybrid and RLA must progress at same pace
• Build coherence across grade spans
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• Create engaging and comprehensive content
• Ensure access for all learners
• Plan for the potential of going back to emergency full remote status
• Be ready to pivot and adapt as needed
Each presenter reviewed their curriculum in Social Studies, Literacy, Mathematics, ELL and
Science and Technology Engineering in the hybrid model and Remote Learning model (RLA) and
their overall goals for the 2020-2021 academic year as well as continued steps.
For a complete review of the Curriculum Powerpoint click here.
School Committee Questions:
Each committee member thanked everyone for the hard work they have done.
Ms. Cuthbertston asked if there was a Google folder for educators if they come up with
something new that they want to share with their colleagues across the district?
Ms. Colella commented that her RLA staff have been doing Professional Learning across the
district for the Remote Learning Academy and they are getting together and talking about the
things they are sharing.
Dr. Lyons commented that Ms. Caitlin Ahern has also just recently set up something to share
with teachers across the district.
Ms. Cuthbertson asked for clarification of the amount of synchronization time based on the age
ranges of the students. What does the staff expect to be a reasonable amount of time and how
that correlates to what a mini lesson would be like in the classroom?
Ms. Aikenhead commented that the synchronized times are 15-20 minutes for literacy at the K-2
level and then bumped up to a half hour. There is an expectation that students will be reading
or writing independently. Ms. Aikenhead said some students are able to carry that out more
than others; while other students have someone at home who can help them more. She replied
that the synchronized time gets bigger as the kids get older.
Ms. Jay asked: If you are a student in a Remote Learning Academy, is it going to look different
the first week and the second week the way it does for hybrid students?
Ms. Aikenhead replied that RLA students are given a two-week schedule and given the hybrid
schedule to follow if they want to, or they could mix and match the synchronized lessons over
the two weeks if they want. Ms. Aikenhead said the big goal is that the same material in the two
weeks is covered whether they are Remote Learning Academy or hybrid.
Ms. Lenihan asked what the ripple effects will be going forward. How will the district merge
back into the way it normally teaches?
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Ms. Menkis replied that Mathematics is very sequential and they are working hard in their
department to evaluate where kids are right now and what is the right pace for this year and
how deep can they go in this content. She went on to say, "How are we going to keep that
broad look at the big ideas and key understandings?" Ms. Menkis said, these are hard
conversations and said that whatever happens it will be done in a thoughtful and thorough way.
It is hard to say where kids are going to end up next June and entering in the fall next year. We
will evaluate our kids and decide what is the best path.
Ms. Kushel echoed Ms. Menkis comments. She said that the priorities and the essential
understanding are the key focus. Ms. Kuschel said it was really important to think about what
the main goal is in social studies for educating students.
Ms. Sawhney asked if there was a way to get the materials to hybrid kids or RLA kids in an
appropriate fashion.
Dr. Lyons replied that there is a system in place and it is just getting up and running. Dr. Lyons
said one of the challenges right now is that stock is low everywhere.
Ms. Cuthbertson asked for clarification about the RLA/hybrid perceived differences in the
pacing. Ms. Cuthbertson said in a regular school year this is how it would be. She said we would
have a curriculum in whatever content area, that this is what we cover in 3rd grade in math. Ms.
Cuthbertson said this doesn't prevent individual teachers from giving enrichment opportunities
for kids that are ready or for offering more support for kids that are not. Educators are really
good at getting to know their kids.
Dr. Hackett replied that it is always beneficial when people reach out to their building principal.
If something is going on, give them a chance to solve it. Dr. Hackett said the principals work
very hard and are always ready to help problem-solve.
School Committee Members took a 5 minute recess.
Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, reviewed the Budget
Guidelines and Budget Calendar for the FY 2022 budget development process.
Ms. Cuthbertson asked if the implementation of the elementary and middle school redistricting
plan costs will be implemented in the upcoming year.
Mr. Coeho replied that there were costs relative to how this was rolled out, i.e. transportation
costs. Mr. Coehlo said the district has to always consider what those additional costs might be.
Dr. Hackett noted that electric buses have been part of the conversations and suggested making
it a broad category, i.e., the solar panels, green teams, etc. Dr. Hackett also said that numbers 9
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and 14 are a three year process but no longer need to be included in the budget guidelines
process as they are already being implemented.
Committee members had further discussion and recommendations on the budget guidelines
listed. It was agreed that a vote would be made for the budget calendar tonight and that the
vote on the budget guidelines would be postponed.
Mr. Bokun moved to postpone the vote on the budget guidelines, seconded by Ms.
Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote;Approved 5-0
Ms.Jay moved to approve the FY22 Budget Calendar, seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms.
Lenihan took a roll call vote;Approved 5-0
E UEST-Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, reviewed the 5 year
technology capital request. Mr. Coehlo said the capital budget is created based on curricular
needs, the district equipment replacement plan, and infrastructure needs to support a robust
learning and teaching environment. He noted that technology is one tool that supports robust
teaching and learning and that the focus should always be on teaching and learning, not
equipment and devices.
Ms. Sawhney asked what is the difference between what was budgeted and what was
purchased, and asked if software purchases flow through building budgets or if they flow
through department budgets.
Mr. Coehlo replied that software is not traditionally a capital item. They are annual subscriptions
for certain things. He noted that certain departments like reading or math will purchase
software for grade spans or for the district to use and that is part of their budget. Mr. Coehlo
said for district-wide programs, i.e., Aspen, that is located in Mr. Martellone's operating budget.
Mr. Martellone said that he does a budget for software in the expense budget and does a
review of the software use each year. Mr. Martellone said the tech department will try to track
the use of the software to see if it is necessary to continue purchasing a certain software, i.e., if
it is being used a lot or not.
Ms. Jay asked Mr. Martellone, because of the wear on the equipment, if new equipment was
purchased for every entering 6th grader and every entering 9th grader.
Mr. Martellone said that is correct.
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Ms. Lenihan said this was a resolution that is being brought forward during Town Meeting. She
noted that this is a Citizens' Petition. Ms. Lenihan read Article 8 aloud. Mr. Bokun noted that
this goes along with the continuing DEI work and he is in full support of this resolution.
Ms. Cuthbertson moved that the School Committee support Article 8: Systemic Racism
Resolution, seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote;Approved 5-0.
Ms. Jay gave a brief update on the Policy Subcommittee meeting with Ms. Cuthbertson and Mr.
Tom Martellone, the Director of Technology. She said it was agreed at the meeting that there
would be four policies around technology use and that some of the older policies that were in
place would be eliminated. The goal would be to have four policies: a staff acceptable use
policy, a student acceptable use policy, staff electronic communications and social media, and
district and school websites.
Ms. Jay noted that the recently voted supplemental policy specifically for COVID-related issues
is in need of a few suggested amendments that have been provided by MASC.
Ms. Cuthbertson commented that the amendments are covered in other policies but the Policy
Subcommittee thought it would be best to have it in that one supplemental policy given the
The Policy Subcommittee will bring drafts of all four proposed technology policies for review at
a future date.
Mr. Bokun moved to approve the following consent agenda items:
• September 25, 2020-Payroll in the amount of$4,201,330.94
• October 9, 2020-Accounts Payable in the amount of$725,676.13
Seconded by Ms. Sawhney. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote;Approved 5-0
Mr. Bokun made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:52 PM,seconded by Ms.
Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote;Approved 5-0
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