HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-15-HASTINGS-min HASMO. Mr MARIA TINGS, �� � � �� �� .� � �� &� �� N�� �� N� � �� �� � PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Meeting School Based S|teCoUMcil — &qaria Hastings Elementary Date Monday, 03/15/2021 Time 7:45 arn-8:30arn Location Join Zoom Meeting: https:/8axinQbunma-org.zoom.um/j/Q91358D1O68?pvvd=d1B|NUBFoFdVSkJjeHRHZ|ZnY0J1UTO0 &Xeebng |D: 991 3590 1068Pameoode: 061t07 Agenda l. Welcome members Z. Approve minutes from Ol/ll/ZO2lmeeting: Katie {]'Hare Gibson motions toapprove the minutes, Kim Ryan seconds the motion, all members unanimously agreed. ]. Member Topics � Principal Lipsitz retirement and search process for new Principal o Dr. Hackett iscreating asearch committee u Typically parents, staff, and other leaders in the district work together. Dc Hackett will interview candidates first before bringing them to the committee u Louise will share the names ofthe site council with Dr. Hackett and see how this group can beofhelp � What does Fall enrollment look like? o It is hard to know. Typically the kindergarten numbers are |oxv now but will continue to build in April and May. o Anticipating students coming back from home school placements o Currently we're running 3Osections- had intended on 27 sections (extra sections are due to RLA). Anticipating about 27 sections in the fall o NLAsections being offered inthe Fall isstill undecided w Are teachers getting vaccinated? o Yes, teachers are incredibly grateful for parent support o Teachers who want to look for themselves are looking o Tricky part for us-teachers need time to get vaccinated, which happens during the school day. This makes class coverage tricky. o Fire Department is providing vaccines on Thursday to certain groups of Lexington Educators • Saliva testing o We're offering saliva testing to K-2 students. We're hopeful that students grade K-5 will be able to participate. • PTO Leadership o Typically there are 2 year terms. I would reach out to Tejpreet and Rachel if you are interested in moving on- hoping at least 2 members will stay on. • Parents welcomed in the building next year? o We don't have the information right now, we can put it on the agenda for future meetings when we know more 4. Full Return for students • Looking at numbers to see how many RLA students are coming back full time and if there is a need to close RLA sections in grade levels that have more than one RLA section • This process is like starting the year all over again in April. We're focusing on: o Building community o Schedules o Specialist classes: kids stay in the room, specialists come to them o Lunch: % of the class in the cafeteria, % in the classroom ■ Can kids eat outside? We will definitely do this, we just have to find designated spaces for students to be outside. No tents will be purchased. ■ Kids should wear sunscreen and bring hats o Recess: more children will be allowed to play together than the current model o Arrival/ Dismissal: There will be more cars, it may take more time. People will need to be patient. o Spacing: Students will no longer be Eft apart- except when eating. Students will be four feet apart, masked, and facing forward. o The priority is creating a safe and welcoming environment for all students and staff 5. Building Update • Field Availability o Facilities will be coming to check to see if the sod took and the field can be open • Work on solar canopies will begin June 30th and be completed over the summer. This will finalize the project. 6. Close Meeting • Kim Ryan motions to adjourn the meeting, Beth Bristol seconded the motion, all members agre Maria Hastings Elementary School 17 Crosby Road I Lexington,MA 102421