HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-12-CONCOM-min OVS MOROVI" Off` OP a M PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES A,R,L,9,„ Conservation Commission L£XtNG110� Meering broadcasted by LexMedia AGENDA Monday,April 12, 2021, 6:30 p.m. Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor's March 15, 2020 and subsequent Orders imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the Lexington Conservation Commission will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on the Town of Lexington website or through LexMedia an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. This Conservation Commission meeting was held remotely via Zoom, an online meeting platform. Public Participation via calling in or using your computer was encouraged. Commissioners Present: Philip Hamilton, David Langseth, Duke Bitsko, Alex Dohan, Kevin Beuttell, Ruth Ladd and Holly Samuels Staff Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Director and Meghan McNamara, Department Assistant 6:30 PM New Business/Pendine Matters Eagle Scout Project—Ethan Showalter, Lexington Scout BSA Troop 119, request to reconstruct two existing fire pits at Willard's Woods On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to authorize the Eagle Scout project as presented by Mr. Showalter. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 6:53 PM LUPA-34, Alexandra Wolf requesting use of Daisy Wilson Meadow for Tufts University senior rp o,ect On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to approve Ms. Wolfs requested use of Daisy Wilson Meadow. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye Conservation Plan Modification/Insignificant Plan Change—244 Wood Street(MIT Lincoln Laboratory), ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CPM-21-7, DEP4201-1120, BL41076 Mr. Christopher Nowak, VHB, presented before the Commission the request for relocation of electric utility access points, modification to switch gear pad geometry, a change from asphalt to crushed stone for the surface material surrounding the switchgear pad, a change in the site perimeter fencing, and adjustments to the restoration area limits. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to approve the Insignificant Plan Change. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 7:12 PM Informal Discussion—Regarding Amendment to Order of Conditions Request to be heard on 4/26/21, Maria Hastings Elementary School, 7 Crosby Road Mr. Fredric King, DGT Associates, and Ms. Donna DiNisco, DiNisco Design, informally presented before the Commission the request to increase impervious surface on site by 1,033 square feet for overall safety and adequate space for bus turnaround. The project team is requesting to perform this work before the formal hearing on April 26, 2021 because of April school vacation occurring in the next week. The Commission suggested that the applicant can proceed at their own risk with the work occurring prior to opening the hearing. 7:27 PM New Public Meetings/Hearings ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CDOA-21-1 Request for Determination of Applicability: 500 Shire Way Applicant: Takeda Pharmaceutical, Co. Ltd. Property Owner: Shire Human Genetic Therapies Inc. Project: repave the parking lot and associated roadways. The majority of the lot will involve pulverizing the existing asphalt in place and the new pavement will be placed over it. The paving closer to the building will be removed and replaced. The project will also include other elements to capture stormwater flow and treat the runoff. New perimeter and interior curbing will be installed as well as new site lighting poles. Documentation Submitted: — Plans: C-101 "Existing Conditions Plan", C-111 "Site Preparation Plan", C-121 "Layout and Materials Plan", C-141 "Grading and Drainage Plan", and C-501 "Details P'; Prepared for: Takeda; Prepared by: Symmes Maini and McKee Associates (SMMA); Stamped and signed by: John C. Hart, PE Civil No. 36738; Date: 3/23/21; — "Request for Determination of Applicability, Takeda-Parking Lot Improvements"; Prepared by: SMMA; Dated: 3/23/2021 — WPA Form 1 —Request for Determination of Applicability application; Prepared for: Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.; Prepared by: SMMA; Signed: 3/23/2021; John Hart, SMMA, and Brian Lawlor and Michael Allen, Takeda Pharmaceutical, presented before the Commission the request to repave the parking lot and associated roads of 500 Shire Way. Mr. Hart informed the Commission that there will be no increase in impervious areas, no trees and/or vegetation are to be removed, erosion control will be placed around the entire perimeter, and there will be minor chances to control runoff with improved curbing. The current schedule is to begin in the beginning of June 2021 and finish in the beginning of August. Questions from the Commission: • Is there erosion control at each of the outlets? The plan shows existing rip rap at some locations but not at the other outlets. • Has there been newly added area of impervious pavement in the cross hatch/upper left hand corner of the site plan? The entire area has been degraded and loaded with invasive material. There should be a condition for some type of wetland restoration from the edge of the parking lot to the wetland line. • Would like to see a plan for invasive management, including the removal of burning bush from the island. • Would like to see more signs for "no snow storage" along the edge of the parking areas. Responses from the Representative: • We are not planning to add new pipes. We could add rip rap at the other flare downs if it was a condition. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission vote 7-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the April 26, 2021 meeting at the applicant's request. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:02 PM ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CNOI-21-14 (No DEP#, Local bylaw only) Notice of Intent: 1060 Waltham Street Applicant: Core States Group Property Owner: Waltham MSG LLC (The Grossman Companies, Inc.) Project: re-use of an existing drainage connection Documentation Submitted: — Complete Planset; Civil Construction Plans for Chase—Proposed Chase Bank"; Prepared by: Core States Inc.; Stamped and signed by: Alan D. Roscoe, PE Civil No. 40163; Date: 3/23/2021; — Photographs of site; Not dated; — WPA Form 3 —Notice of Intent application; Locus: 1060 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA; Prepared for: Core States Group; Prepared by: Core States Group; Signed by: Alan D. Roscoe; Date: 3/23/2021 — "Modified Way With Rain Garden Calculations"; Not dated; — "Conventional Way Calculations"; Not dated; Mr. Alan Roscoe, Core States Group,presented before the Commission the proposal to reduce the impervious surface and construct a subsurface retention structure for volume and rate of runoff. Mr. Roscoe stated that the soils on site are not conducive to infiltration and requesting a waiver of the volume-of-runoff requirement. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the April 26, 2021 meeting at the applicant's request. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:27 PM Continued Public Meetings/Hearings ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-21-9, DEP#201-1215 Notice of Intent: 32 Fairbanks Road Applicant/Property Owner: Chung Lai Lai Project: demolish a portion of the existing dwelling and construct an addition, platform and steps within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland. Previous Meeting Dates: 3/29/2021 Supplemental Documentation: — "Plot Plan of Land"; Sheet 1 and 2 of 2; Prepared by: Sullivan Engineering Group, LLC; Stamped and signed by: John D. Sullivan III, PE Civil No. 41586 and Paul J. Finocchio, PLS No. 36115; Scale: F'=20' and as noted not to scale; Date: 2/18/21; Revised: 4/7/21; — DEP Bordering Vegetated Wetland (3 10 CMR 10.55) Delineation Field Data Form; Locus: 32 Fairbanks Road, Lexington, MA; Date: 3/30/2021; — Stormwater Analysis; Prepared by: Sullivan Engineering Group, LLC; Stamped and signed by: John D. Sullivan III, PE Civil No. 41586; Date: 3/l/21 and revised: 4/7/21; John Sullivan, Sullivan Engineering Group LLC, presented before the Commission. At the request of the Commission during the previous meeting, Mr. Sullivan provided the DEP BVW forms prepared by Norse Environmental Services. Mr. Sullivan stated that the project team was able to get the two foot separation to groundwater and now meets the stormwater standard with a pipe and stone leaching system. Ms. Ladd asked if Feno markers were being proposed. Mr. Sullivan requests that a condition be added to show Feno markers on the plan, and he will also correct the symbol for Spicebush on the site plan. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to close the hearing. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:34 PM ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-21-11, DEP#201-#### Notice of Intent: 27 and 29 Constitution Road Applicant: Town of Lexington Department of Engineering Property Owners: Andreina Toro (27 Constitution Rd), Ricardo Fernandes (29 Constitution Rd) Project: Kiln Brook culvert daylighting. An existing 36" RCP drain that discharges to Kiln Brook will be converted to an open stream channel, including a stone lined channel, native vegetation plantings, a vegetated retaining wall, and an 8'x4' box culvert. Previous Meeting Dates: 3/29/2021 Supplemental Documentation: — Memo and photographs; From: Eric A. Kelley, Environmental Partners; To: Lexington Conservation Commission; RE: Ecological Restoration Project Kiln Brook Daylighting; Dated: 4/6/2021; The Commission had no questions at this time and there is still no DEP number. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the April 26, 2021 meeting at the applicant's request. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:42 PM ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-21-13, DEP#201-1217 Notice of Intent: 3 Joseph Comee Road Applicant/Property Owner: Eman Morgan Project: Addition to an existing single-family home with proposed drywell within 100ft Buffer Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetland Previous Meeting Date: 3/29/2021 Supplemental Documentation: — Memo; From: Hancock Associates; To: Lexington Conservation Commission; RE: 3 Joseph Comee Road—Conservation Commission Meeting & Engineering Dept. Comments; Date: 4/5/2021; — Revised Stormwater Management and Erosion & Sediment Control Plan; Prepared by: Hancock Associates; Signed by: Brian Geaudreau PE and Russell Tedford, EIT; Date: 4/5/2021; — Notice of Intent Site Plan; Locus: 3 Joseph Comee Road, Lexington, MA; Prepared for: Eman Morgan; Prepared by: Hancock Associates; Stamped and signed by: Brian G. Geaudreau, PE Civil No.64495; Date: 3/8/2021 and Revised: 4/6/2020 "Cons. Comm. Comments"; Ms. Kristan Farr, Hancock Associates, presented before the Commission the revised stormwater report and provided an updated plan showing the Conservation Restriction in the rear of the property. Mr. Langseth asked if the drywells have overflows and if the inspection ports are to be graded, and he added that the normal approach is to expect that the drywells don't have overflows unless there is a good reason. Members of the Commission stated that a condition will be added that there be an overflow at the lowest downspout, and also a condition be added that the inspection port be a solid cover rather than a grated cover. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to close the hearing. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:49 PM ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-21-4, DEP#201-1210 Notice of Intent: 35 Peacock Farm Road Applicant/Property Owner: Kevin Quinlan Project: construct an addition, comprised of an in-law apartment, and install a permeable paver driveway, a concrete sidewalk, stairs, and a handicap ramp within the 100-foot buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVW). Previous Meeting Dates: 2/16/2021, 3/29/2021 Supplemental Documentation: — "Layout and Materials Plan" Sheet No. C101; Prepared for Applicant/Property Owner: Kevin Quinlan; Prepared by: Design Consultants Inc. (DCI); Date: 1/8/21; Revised: 2/15/21 (Re-build wall and patio); Revised: 3/22/21 (Landscape Notes); Revised: 3/30/21 (Add Markers); — "Civil Details" Sheet No. C501; Prepared for Applicant/Property Owner: Kevin Quinlan; Prepared by: Design Consultants Inc. (DCI); Date: 1/8/21; Revised: 2/15/21 (Re-build wall and patio); Revised: 3/22/21 (Landscape Notes); Revised: 3/30/21 (Add Markers); — "Stormwater Analysis Report"; Prepared for: Kevin Quinlan, 35 Peacock Farm Road; Prepared by: Design Consultants, Inc; Stamped and signed by: Stephen B. Sawyer, PE Civil No. 38808; Dated: December 2020; Revised: 3/30/21; — Memo: From: Stephen Sawyer, Design Consultants Inc.; To: Karen Mullins, Conservation Director; RE: 35 Peacock Farm Road Notice of Intent; Date: 3/30/21; *If hearing closes, vote to issue the Order of Conditions Mr. Thomas Hughes, and Steve Sawyer, Hughes Environmental Consulting, presented before the Commission the updated site plan with the addition of Feno markers and the revised stormwater report showing the time period as 0-24 hours as required by the Engineering Department. On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to close the hearing. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:55 PM On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to issue the Order of Conditions. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 8:59 PM New Business/Pendine Matters, Continued Issue Order of Conditions: Constitution Road Right of Way, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CNOI- 21-10, DEP4201-1216 On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to issue the Order of Conditions. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 9:00 PM Issue Order of Conditions: 17 Augustus Road, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CNOI-21-12, DEP4201-1218 On a motion by Ms. Samuels and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to issue the Order of Conditions. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 9:01 PM Schedule site visits for 4/26/2021 meeting The site visits will take place on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Approve minutes: 3/29/2021 On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to approve the Minutes of the March 29, 2021 meeting. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 9:05 PM Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Gardens, Community Preservation Committee, Greenway Corridor Committee, Land Acquisition, Land Management, Land Steward Directors, and Tree Committee, HIP Working Group, Potential Associates Mr. Hamilton was asked by the Town Manager's office how the Commission would feel about alternate Commissioners who would participate in questions and discussions but not vote. Members of the Commission feel that this is a good idea, and is a great way to get people involved and available if a regular Commission member decides to leave. Mr. Hamilton stated that there is a proposed amendment to the Article 33 tree bylaw, pertaining to trees within the setbacks of lots being developed. The amendment is to a list of procedures that need to be followed when major demolition is being planned and the owner wants to remove protected trees within the setback and does not apply to trees that are not"protected trees." On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to support the Article 33 Tree Bylaw as amended. Record of vote as follows: Duke Bitsko —Aye Kevin Beuttell—Aye Alex Dohan—Aye Ruth Ladd—Aye David Langseth—Aye Holly Samuels —Aye Phil Hamilton—Aye 9:24 PM Ms. Samuels provided an update on the latest Stewardship Saturday. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call vote to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 PM Respectfully Submitted, Meghan McNamara Conservation Department Assistant Approved: 5/10/2021 Archived: 5/11/2021