HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-12-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Monday,April 12, 2021 Conducted by Remote Participation Meeting Minutes AGENDA: CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME: 6:30 p.m. Chair Kathleen Lenihan welcomed and introduced committee members SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson Eileen Jay, Vice-Chair Deepika Sawhney Scott Bokun Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Sara Mei SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent to Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development The minutes were taken by Kristen Keough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of business and to assure accurate meeting minutes. MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS/LIAISON REPORTS: Ms. Cuthbertson along with Dr. Jay and Dr. Hackett, attended the Asian Pride Rally on the Boston Common. Very proud of Lexington students that advocated and used their voices for something important. Ms. Cuthbertson thanked Ms. Lipsitz, Hastings Principal, and Ms. Colella, Bridge Principal, for welcoming School Committee members who attended their schools for a tour of their buildings. Ms. Sawhney participated in a meeting with the NEASC visiting team. LSC 4/12/21 -Meeting Minutes Approved 4/27/21 KK Mr. Bokun attended the Lexington Human Rights Committee meeting. He noted that they are working on multiple upcoming projects and events for the month of May. Dates and activities can be found on the HRC website here. Mr. Bokun attended the METCO Boston Equity Action Team presentation. The presentation was made up of METCO students discussing racial justice, red lining, and their own experiences with Black history in high school. Hoping Ms. Hamilton can send a link to the presentation for all to review. Ms. Jay echoed her thanks and appreciation of the Asian Pride Rally at Boston Common on Sunday. It was a moving event focused on hearing student voices in speaking and in song. A group of Lexington students and students throughout greater Boston performed the inaugural performance of a song written by our LHS student, Phoebe Tian. The important messages they conveyed were one of pride in their own heritage and a call for schools to integrate the Asian American history and culture into the K-12 curriculum. Ms. Jay reported on the meeting of the SHAC LGBTQ+ Subcommittee and said the GSA at the high school will hold their annual Day of Silence on Tuesday, April 27th. This event is a day for people, who chose to do so, to stay silent all day in support and solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. Ms. Lenihan watched the Acapella Jam performed by LHS and gave a special thank you to Choral Director, Mr. Ianuzzi, for always being supportive of the students. Ms. Lenihan reported that Watertown has instituted mandatory Covid testing for the students. She has reached out to the chair of the Watertown School Committee and will follow up and provide further information once it is available. Ms. Mei reported on the Student Senate meeting: • Discussion of option to go fully back in person • Discussed concerns • Possible schedules (lunches) • Administration is taking thoughtful consideration of student opinions Ms. Mei thanked Principal Stephens and the planning team for everything they are doing to get kids back into the building safely and soon. CONGRATULATIONS & CELEBRATIONS: Dr. Hackett congratulated LPS students, staff, and families for a wonderful first week of full-time, in-person learning for K-5 students. LSC 4/12/21 -Meeting Minutes Approved 4/27/21 KK SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: The Superintendent reported on the following items: • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion • COVID-19 Update • 2021-2022 Calendar Update • New Youth Leadership Opportunity for LHS Students - SustainabLY • Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fun (ESSER) III The complete Superintendent's Report can be viewed here. 2021-2022 Calendar Update Dr. Hackett provided a recommended motion for the 2021-2022 Academic Calendar. She noted that the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) issued guidance regarding the observance of Juneteenth Independence Day and the LPS Academic Calendar should be amended to reflect this guidance. Mr. Bokun motioned to amend the LPS Academic Calendar, 2021-2022 to reflect the most recent DESE guidance on the observance of Juneteenth, Independence Day on Monday,June 20, 2022, and moving the last day of school to Tuesday,June 21, 2022;seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote. (Approved 5-0) New Youth Leadership Opportunity for LHS Students-SustainabLY Dr. Hackett provided a recommended motion to have a School Committee Member serve as a member of the SustainabLY Subcommittee for the 2021-2022 school year. SustainabLY is a newly created subcommittee of the Town of Lexington's Sustainable Lexington Committee (SLC) focussed on Lexington Youth. Director of Sustainability, Stella Carr, has created this position and is collaborating with LPS to support students in joining this initiative. Dr. Lyons will serve as the district school department representative on the Subcommittee for 2021-2022 school year. In addition, the Sustainability Director for the Town of Lexington is requesting a School Committee member serve on the Subcommittee for the 2021-2022 school year. Ms. Cuthbertson motioned for Ms. Deepika Sawhney to serve as a member of the SustainabLY Subcommittee for the 2021-2022 school year;seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote. (Approved 5-0) School Committee Questions Ms. Sawhney asked Dr. Hackett for an update on the PBLA at the middle school. Dr. Hackett said it is currently still going strong and looking at the possibility of replication but depending on what the Department of Elementary and Early Education will and will not allow, we can explore in-person options with the same concept. We have more discussion and reflections to do before we are ready to talk about next year. LSC 4/12/21 -Meeting Minutes Approved 4/27/21 KK Ms. Lenihan said that on April 19th children 16 and older are eligible to receive the vaccine and commented that if students receive their first vaccine (Pfizer) by Friday the 23rd they would be eligible for their second vaccine by May 14th with a significant number of high school students fully vaccinated before they go back to school. Ms. Jay asked about the half-day professional learning days that are listed as Thursdays on the 2021-22 calendar. Is the intention to release students early on Thursday' on Professional Learning days or to move the professional learning days to coincide with the half day Friday in elementary? Dr. Hackett said she will circle back with an answer. Ms. Jay asked if there is an allocated time that the money has to be spent for the ESSER II funds. She also inquired about what the additional $10,000.00 earmarked for mental health services has been allocated toward. Dr. Hackett said the ESSER II funding expires this September, but she needs to confirm the date. The mental health supports have been earmarked for additional supports during the substitute pieces that we put in place. Dr. Hackett noted that in some schools there are additional social adjustment counselors. Committee members had a discussion on the Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) III. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion and position on Article 16g Committee members had a discussion on their position for Town Meeting Article 16g: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for capital improvements and renovations, including new construction to public facilities for g) Center Recreation Complex Bathrooms & Maintenance Building Renovation. Ms. Lenihan explained the Select Board said they are in support of Reconsideration and if Reconsideration passes they will be recommending to Indefinitely Postpone the Article. Committee members agreed to not take a position at this time and, if need be during Town meeting, they could caucus and take a position at that point. Vote to Ratify Memorandum of Agreement with LEA and ALA Ms.Jay moved that the School Committee approve the Memorandum of Agreement on COVID-19 Pandemic Plans for 2020-2021;seconded by Ms. Sawhney. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote. (Approved 5-0) LSC 4/12/21 -Meeting Minutes Approved 4/27/21 KK COMMUNITY SPEAK: Dawn McKenna, Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member, 9 Hancock Street: Ms. McKenna said she wanted to clarify some issues the Committee was having on Article 16g so they would have the information they needed in advance. Ms. McKenna noted that the Moderator ruled that the Board of Selectman wished to bring this back and (Ping it is the new information. She commented that the Board of Selectman is in support of this, as well as the Capital Expenditures Committee. In closing, Ms. McKenna said if any Committee members had specific questions they could either call or email her. Katie O'Hare Gibson: Commented in response to Juneteenth being recognized as a State holiday. She noted that while traditionally Juneteenth has been celebrated by a small group of Americans, it is not actually a cultural holiday. It is a holiday that is recognizing a moment in history. Nicola Rinaldi, 19 Garfield St.: Ms. Rinaldi commented that there are a large number of compostable containers going into trash during lunch and asked if the district could re-initiate their contract with Black Earth for the big containers that kids are getting with their lunch so containers can be composted rather than be thrown away. Jessica Patrochy, 102 Pleasant St.: Echoed Nicola's comments and asked if half-day Fridays would continue moving forward. Dr. Hackett said it is in the following year's academic calendar and if it goes well it could continue. Roger Li, 29 Solomon Pierce Rd.: Mr. Li commented on the Teachers vs. 5th graders volleyball end-of-year events at Harrington and noted that most students do not want to participate because the referees give points to the teacher team unfairly. Mr. Bokun made a motion to adjourn at 8:06 PM; so moved by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) LSC 4/12/21 -Meeting Minutes Approved 4/27/21 KK