HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-22-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday,September 22,2020 Conducted by Remote Participation MEETING MINUTES AGENDA CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME: 6:10 p.m. Chair Kathleen Lenihan welcomed and introduced committee members SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson Eileen Jay, Vice-Chair Deepika Sawhney Scott Bokun Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Sara Mei SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent to Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development The minutes were taken by Kristen Cronin, Executive Assistant to the School Committee Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of business and to assure accurate meeting minutes. Ms. Lenihan commented that this is an exciting meeting as members are meeting for the first time in public since March. She noted that they are not back in the Selectman Meeting Room but instead meeting at the LPS Central Office. No members of the public are present due to health and safety reasons. MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS/LIAISON REPORTS: Ms. Cuthbertson said she and Mr. Bokun attended the SEPAC meeting on Thursday evening. They received a lot of updates from families whose children have been in school since September 8th, as well as families and students that participated in the LexConnect phase-in period. Ms. Cuthbertson said they received a lot of positive feedback and kids are happy to be LSC 9/22//2020 Meeting Minutes-Approved 11/17/2020 KC back in school. Ms. Cuthbertson said there are a few concerns that involve scheduling, staffing concerns, and communication. Mr. Bokun said there is a town-wide community conversation happening on race and social equity, diversity, and policing on September 29, 2020. Mr. Bokun encouraged community members to attend. Ms. Sawhney congratulated 28 Lexington High School students, their families, and teachers who have been selected as semi-finalists in the 2020-2021 National Honors Scholarship Program. Ms. Sara Mei commented on her experience for the first day of school and said she experienced every technical difficulty that could happen in one day. She said she is excited for this year for both the unknowns and for being back in school with her teachers and friends. Ms. Lenihan reminded everyone that they should be getting their flu shot. She noted that flu season starts on October 1st and it's better to get your shot sooner rather than later. COMMUNITY SPEAK: Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street/Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member: Ms. McKenna asked for an update on the javelin throwing facility that the School Committee made a commitment to add separately through the school department budget. Ms. Lenihan thanked Ms. McKenna for her comment and said they will look into the process. LEXINGTON HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE: RESOLUTION/PROCLAMATION Mr. Bokun read the Resolution (Racism is a Public Health Crisis) that was put together by the Human Rights Committee. Mr. Bokun said the resolution was submitted to the Board of Health of Lexington, School Committee, and the SelectBoard in hopes that they would accept and adopt the resolution. Click here to read a copy of the Resolution - Racism is a Public Health Crisis. Mr. Bokun will work with the Lexington Human Rights Committee to have the language be more Lexington specific. Mr. Bokun moved to adopt the resolution that Racism is a Public Health Crisis;seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote - (Approved 5-0). Mr. Bokun read a Proclamation from the Human Rights Committee on dyslexia awareness. Click here for a full copy of the Proclamation. Mr. Bokun moved to adopt the proclamation of October being Dyslexia Awareness Month; seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote- (Approved 5-0). SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: LSC 9/22//2020 Meeting Minutes-Approved 11/17/2020 KC Congratulations and Celebrations Dr. Hackett extended her congratulations to Lexington's Director of Health and Student Services, Karen Rufo, along with her team of nurses, for creating the Contact Tracing Protocol for Lexington Public Schools. Dr. Hackett noted that the Board of Health is the responsible party for contact tracings, and the school nurses assist with the in-school portion of that process, such as tracking down student schedules, classroom seating charts, bus assignments, sports, and extracurricular activities. They work with the Board of Health at identifying the close contracts within the school setting. Dr. Hackett also extended her acknowledgement to the Director of Innovation and Technology and the entire Technology Department who have worked tirelessly since March to get devices into the hands of all students and staff who needed it. Many thanks to the entire Tech Team for a job well done! Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Update Dr. Hackett reported on upcoming events and new partnerships that have formed around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In August, a group of seven incoming ninth grade students approached school administration about their "Diversify our Narrative" initiative. Dr. Hackett said this group of diverse students presented a proposal to the Director of Equity and Student Supports and the middle school and high school Department chairs, advocating for more diversity in the literature curriculum. Dr. Hackett reported that the district is currently working with these students to support their initiative. Dr. Hackett reported that a series of virtual staff affinity groups are being offered for the fall. She said that several dozen staff attended groups for immigrants and refugees, anti racist educators, members of multiracial families, and those who identify as LGBTQ+. Dr. Hackett is hoping to provide some structural support to formalize these groups moving forward. Dr. Hackett reported that the district has received questions on how the schedule works for the Boston students who attend Lexington High School. She said the Lexington High School Principal, Dr. Stephens, and LPS METCO Director, Ms. Hamilton, have worked collaboratively to ensure that all students in the METCO Program have equal access and opportunities. Other topics in the Superintendent report include the following: • COVID-19 Quarantine Protocols • Superintendent School Visits • Middle School Athletics • Lexington on the Homefront • Remote Learning Academy Coach • Superintendent's Challenge to LPS Students • The USDA Extends Free Meals for Kids Click here for a complete copy of the Superintendent's Report LSC 9/22//2020 Meeting Minutes-Approved 11/17/2020 KC School Committee Questions: Ms. Sawhney asked Dr. Hackett if all of the Boston students had full access to the Internet for remote learning. Dr. Hackett replied they are almost at 100% if not already at 100%. Mr. Bokun asked Dr. Hackett about the status of the HVAC punch list (77 items remaining). Dr. Hackett said facilities completed the punch list—all 174 items in total. Ms. Jay asked Dr. Hackett if the remote learning classroom size issue has been resolved. Dr. Hackett said they are still working out some details and developing some creative solutions in order to not have disproportionate numbers in RLA or hybrid. Ms. Jay asked Dr. Hackett for clarification on the process of contact tracing, mostly at the middle school and high school level. Dr. Hackett said people should take comfort in the fact that the notification is very timely. The minute someone has a test, it gets reported to the Office of Public Health and then they follow up and let people know to quarantine. The Public Health Department is responsible for the contact tracing with assistance from the school nurses. Sara Mei asked: If students are staying home, either waiting for test results or recovering, would they be expected to participate in their classes online and be part of the other cohort for that time being? Dr. Hackett replied yes. She said if a classroom is in quarantine because there is a positive case, the idea would be that the educator, assuming that person is healthy enough, would continue everything remotely and students will learn remotely. Dr. Hackett said if that's not possible the district will find somebody who can continue the work and the learning won't stop. COMMUNITY SPEAK: Jennifer Burgess, SIA at Hastings Elementary: Ms. Burgess commented on the Human Rights Committee (HRC) statement from Mr. Bokun in regards to Covid numbers with black and brown families. She asked if there has been any pushback to the town for not providing flu shots in the community for those that do not have insurance. Ms. Burgess asked how that commitment to preventing illness in the black and brown communities is being addressed. Ms. Burgess also asked if there were black and indiginous people on the Human Rights Committee. Dr. Hackett said Karen Rufo and the district is working on a flu clinic through the schools. Patricia Jacotin, 94 Spring Street: Ms. Jacotin asked if the School Committee or LPS in general has a process of tracking how many kids may be without a teacher or substitute on days when they are not available. Dr. Hackett replied that there are formal systems in place to track who is absent. Dr. Hackett said hiring new staff to cover will be the last thing the district does and it will try to find other ways to cover a classroom first, i.e. looking for individuals who have a license to split a classroom. Dr. LSC 9/22//2020 Meeting Minutes-Approved 11/17/2020 KC Hackett said we need to explore what we have available in the district first to stay in line with the budget. In the event there is no one eligible for a large class, then they will hire. Mr. Bokun addressed the question from Ms. Burgess about the makeup of the Human Rights Committee. Mr. Bokun referred Ms. Burgess to the Human Rights Committee website where she can find a list of current members. Mr. Bokun said there are a number of people of color on that committee. POLICY MANUAL REVIEW: Ms. Jay said the Massachusetts Association for School Committees (MASC) put out guidance for potential policies that make updates, changes, and modifications to existing policy in order specifically to address some of the issues the COVID-19 pandemic. These can be implemented as supplemental policies or as modifications to existing sections of the District's policy manual. Ms. Jay said the Policy Subcommittee members, Ms. Jay and Ms. Cuthbertson had a meeting to review the MASC list. Ms. Jay said the Policy Subcommittee is proposing to create a supplemental policy that will make some changes to various subsections of the policy manual rather than going in and changing the language in each section. This policy will stay in effect until the COVID Emergency is no longer declared an emergency by the Governor. Ms. Jay and Ms. Cuthbertson presented the draft supplemental policy EBCSupplemental— Interim Policy on Issues Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic which can be found here. Committee members discussed the draft policy. Some minor changes were made. Ms.Jay moved that the School Committee adopt the Interim Policy on Issues Related to COVID-19 Pandemic, File EBC Supplemental Policy as amended;seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote-Approved 5-0 CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Bokun moved to approve the consent agenda as follows: • September 11, 2020-Payroll in the amount of$3,690,595.81 • September 11, 2020-Accounts Payable in the amount of$302,776.82 • September 25, 2020-Accounts Payable in the amount of$473,826.58 • September 25, 2020-Accounts Payable BOM(Bank of Montreal)Reconciliation in the amount of$6,792.69 Seconded by Ms.Jay;Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote-Approved 5-0 Ms. Lenihan called for adjournment;so moved by Ms.Jay. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote; Approved(5-0). Adjournment at 8:33 p.m. LSC 9/22//2020 Meeting Minutes-Approved 11/17/2020 KC LSC 9/22//2020 Meeting Minutes-Approved 11/17/2020 KC