HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-02-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 2,2021 Conducted by Remote Participation Meeting Minutes AGENDA: CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME: 6:00 p.m. Chair Kathleen Lenihan welcomed and introduced committee members SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson Eileen Jay, Vice-Chair Deepika Sawhney Scott Bokun Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Sara Mei SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent to Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development The minutes were taken by Kristen Keough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of business and to assure accurate meeting minutes. MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS/LIAISON REPORTS: Ms. Cuthbertson said both she and Mr. Bokun attended the SEPAC Business meeting last week and reported that they had met with LHS staff: • Some concerns that have been brought up at previous meetings are starting to be addressed for students that need more support • Addressing things in the moment while looking long-term • Student input should include neurodiverse students LSC 2/2/21 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/22/21 KK Mr. Bokun reported on the Lexington Human Rights Committee Meeting where they heard updates from the Police Working Group and the Housing Working Group. Mr. Bokun noted that this is Black History Month and said it should be taught all the time and not just for one month. Ms. Sawhney commented on the document Willie, about Bryant McBride. Ms. Jay congratulated CAAL (Chinese American Association of Lexington) for a stupendous Lunar New Year Event. Ms. Jay said in past years there was an attendance of 800 people at Cary Hall but because it was a virtual event they had over 1,400 people, not including viewers who watched it on LexMedia. Ms. Jay said on February 16, 2021 the Boston Globe will be sponsoring pre-viewing and discussion of the film CodeSwitching, a documentary about the METCO program. The film features stories from three generations of METCO students, including Lexington alumni. Mike Mascoli, one of the filmmakers, is a former Lexington METCO student. Ms. Jay said she has signed up to be a part of the LGBTQ Subcommittee of SHAC. Ms. Jay also announced that at tomorrow's Cary Library Executive Board meeting discussions would continue on when to start the in-door vestibule pick up of books. Ms. Sara Mei reported on Student Senate topics: • Early planning stages for Mental Health Day • Revisions based on student feedback to the health curriculum • Teacher feedback form was sent by administration for distribution to teachers to give their own feedback • Course advising for incoming 9th graders and 10-12 graders o LHS curriculum night is at 7:OOPM on Thursday February 4th o Incoming Freshman student and guardian night is at 6:OOPM on Thursday February 25th o Senate created a course advising time for 10-12 graders on Monday, February 8th and Wednesday, February 10th from 5:30-6:30PM Ms. Lenihan echoed comments about the CAAL Lunar New Year Event. Ms. Lenihan said she attended the 20/20 Communications Subcommittee meeting and reported on the School Committee's discussion of the upcoming survey. COMMUNITY SPEAK: NONE LSC 2/2/21 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/22/21 KK PRESENTATION: Electric Vehicle Bus Presenter: Todd Rhodes, Sustainable Lexington Committee Mr. Rhodes provided a progress update on the electric school bus feasibility study and reviewed the assessment and health impacts of electric school buses. Mr. Rhodes said there are multiple ways that LPS could begin the transition to an electric vehicle bus fleet. He reported that, in all cases, 3-5 EV buses would likely be transitioned per year into the 36 bus fleet (as diesel buses are retired), so achieving a completely electric fleet is about a 10 year process. Mr. Rhodes reviewed the proposed timeline that includes a prospective plan for integrating EV buses into fleet prior to the bus contractor RFP release this fall, and he discussed next steps: • Continue moving forward with feasibility study • Collect detailed information from potential partners and Eversource • Review experience of other EV bus towns (e.g., Concord, Beverly) • Meet with LPS staff and C&W to better understand optimal transition plan • Work with LPS staff to draft an RFP for EV bus transition • Request long term agreement bylaw change to provide flexibility Mr. Coehlo reviewed options 1-3 and the benefits and challenges with each option. For a complete copy of the Electric Vehicle Bus presentation click here School Committee Questions Mr. Bokun asked Mr. Rhodes for clarification on giving the energy back to the grid. He inquired whether the power that is left on the battery power at the end of the day then gets sold back to the grid. Mr. Rhodes replied yes. Ms. Cuthbertson asked about maintenance service on the electric buses and how long a bus would be out of service. Mr. Rhodes commented that if the region only had one or two electric buses it could have issues getting parts, however maintenance cost is cheaper because there are far fewer parts to maintain. Ms. Jay asked if the lifespan for electric buses is longer than a diesel-fueled bus and how long a typical lifespan for an electric bus is. Mr. Rhodes replied that they have heard an electric bus can run for 12 years. At the end of that you would scrap the body from wear and tear and the battery would be sold to someone else for repurpose. LSC 2/2/21 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/22/21 KK Committee members voted to continue investigating the possibility of electric buses and agreed on the next steps: • Continue moving forward with feasibility study • Collect detailed information from potential partners and Eversource • Review experience of other EV bus towns (e.g., Concord, Beverly) • Meet with LPS staff and C&W to better understand optimal transition plan • Work with LPS staff to draft an RFP for EV bus transition • Request long term agreement bylaw change to provide flexibility SUPERINTENDENT/SCHOOL COMMITTEE GOALS, 2020-2022 The Superintendent and School Committee members reviewed the 2020-2022 goals that were worked on collaboratively during a retreat. The goals are as follows: • Goal 1: Address and Narrow Equity Gaps: Continue DEI Efforts and Develop a K-12 DEI Curriculum • Goal 2: Redefining Success: LHS Graduation Criteria and LPS Core Values Exemplars Community Celebration • Goal 3: Cultivate Student Agency: Develop a Middle School Project-Based Learning Academy • Goal 4: Plan and Innovate for Sustainable Change: Finalize the LPS Master Plan For a full copy of the Superintendent/School Committee Goals, 2020-2022 click here. Dr. Hackett took a moment to recognize that what the School Committee just did, by presenting the goals, is extremely rare for any School Committee to have such coordinated effort around goals/vision and plan for the future. CONGRATULATIONS & CELEBRATIONS: Dr. Hackett extended congratulations to the LHS Music Department that had four students selected for the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) All Eastern Division Honors Ensembles. Dr. Hackett said this is an exceptionally competitive process and to get accepted is a huge accomplishment and noted that these students were selected from 1150 All-State applicants and ranked by their state presidents. For more congratulations & celebrations click here. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: The Superintendent reported on the following items: • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion • LPS COVID-19 Pooled Saliva Testing Update LSC 2/2/21 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/22/21 KK • FY 2022 Preliminary Chapter 70 Funding Update • Update on Middlesex League Athletics • Community Events and Highlights The complete Superintendent's Report can be viewed here. NEW BUSINESS: Draft School Calendar for 2021 -2022 Dr. Hackett said this is a preliminary first pass of the calendar. Dr. Lyons will provide a high level overview and then the intention is to receive feedback and make some revisions. Dr. Lyons reported the first day of school for all students as Tuesday, August 31, 2021 and reviewed school closure days for students, teachers and staff. She noted that the Lexington Learns Together day is being moved from November to March as a trial during a non-election yea r. School Committee Questions Ms. Cuthbertson said she has heard a lot of feedback from parents that they like the half day Fridays instead of Thursdays and wondered why they would revert back to Thursday. Dr. Lyons said she will go back and have further discussion about the half day Thursday for elementary and noted this year the half day Fridays were for all grades K-12 as a way to give teachers more planning time. Ms. Sawhney asked if the no homework days/weekends could be included in a linked document. Dr. Lyons said some of that information will be made available to the parents through some of the newsletters that the principals do and put out on a regular weekly basis. Ms. Mei asked why there is no school on the Friday before Labor Day. Dr. Lyons said there is a bit of history as to why there is no school on the Friday before. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Vote on Superintendent's FY 2022 Budget Mr. Bokun moved that the School Committee accept the Superintendent's FY 2022 Budget; seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote(Approved 5-0) COMMUNITY SPEAK LSC 2/2/21 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/22/21 KK Bronte Abraham, 22 Hudson Road: Ms. Abraham had a comment on the DRAFT FY 2021-2022 school calendar and asked for clarification on the staggered start. Dr. Hackett replied that they are still discussing the staggered start and will have a more definitive answer on the next draft. Carissa Black, 143 Bedford St.: Ms. Black commented on the half day Thursdays on the DRAFT FY 2021-2022 school calendar CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Bokun moved to approve the following consent agenda items: • January 29, 2021 -Payroll in the amount of$4,085,396.41 • January 8, 2021 -Accounts Payable in the amount of$1,870,304.80 Ms. Sawhney moved to approve the donation to the Lexington High School in the amount of $1,000.00 from Yankun Li Ms. Cuthbertson moved to approve the School Committee minutes from December 8, 2020 Ms. Lenihan asked for a motion on the consent agenda;so moved by Ms.Jay. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote(Approved 5-0) Ms. Lenihan made a motion to adjourn at 8:12PM,so moved by Ms. Sawhney; seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) LSC 2/2/21 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/22/21 KK