HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-05-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday,January 5, 2021 Conducted by Remote Participation Meeting Minutes AGENDA CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME: 6:00 p.m. Chair Kathleen Lenihan welcomed and introduced committee members SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson Eileen Jay, Vice-Chair Deepika Sawhney Scott Bokun Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Sara Mei SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent to Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Learning The minutes were taken by Kristen Keough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of business and to assure accurate meeting minutes. MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS/LIAISON REPORTS: Ms. Cuthbertson noted that on January 18th it will be the 8th Annual MILK Day of Service in Lexington. The topic for this year's Community Conversation on Race is Healthcare and Health Outcomes. The online discussion will begin at 10AM. Ms. Cuthbertson said there will also be the opportunity for students to do some community service during the day. More information will be provided on the town website. Ms. Sawney said that on Wednesday, January 27th from 7:00 - 8:00 PM, Lexington staff and community members are invited to attend a virtual event with Ron Berger, an expert on Project LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/2021 KK Based Learning. She noted that Mr. Berger will share the potential of high-quality project-based learning as an instructional approach to expand academic challenge, creative and critical thinking, agency and empowerment, and civic contribution for students. Ms. Caitlin Ahern, Director of Professional Learning, will send further information out to the public on this event. Mr. Bokun echoed Ms. Cuthbertson's comments on MLK Day events and said for further information go to the Human Rights Committee website. Ms. Jay provided a brief update on the Recreation Committee meeting she attended in December. She noted that LPS Athletic Director, Ms. Naomi Martin, had requested the use of the Center Track and Field complex for the Fall II football season. Ms. Jay said the Recreation Committee expressed concerns over snow plowing of the synthetic turf because snow removal, even by DPW, could void the warranty of the turf field. Ms. Jay said there were two requests made by LPS Athletics: (i) snow removal and (ii) access to the fields. The Recreation Committee voted to not allow snow removal on the fields, but have yet to vote on whether they would allow access to the fields for play during non-snow times. Ms. Sara Mei reported that LHS Senate is back in session and they are working on teacher office hours, student feedback collection, and school mural designs. Ms. Lenihan noted that on December 23, 2020 the Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced that they would be extending the deadline for children enrolled in schools to receive a flu shot from December 31, 2020 to February 28, 2021. Ms. Lenihan said there was no explanation given in the report. Ms. Lenihan said that she reached out and wrote to State Representative, Michelle Ciccolo and State Senator, Cindy Freedman asking if they can look into the reason and provide some clarification as to why the Department of Public Health would extend this deadline to nearly the end of flu season. Ms. Lenihan will provide an update once she hears back from someone. COMMUNITY SPEAK: Ms. Mona Roy, Burtwell Rd.: Ms. Burtwell thanked Ms. Cuthbertson and Mr. Bokun for their comments earlier this evening regarding the annual MLK Day in Lexington. Ms. Roy said that students can receive community service hours for attending the community conversation on race. Dr. Hackett wished everyone a Happy New Year. She said things are up and running smoothly and reminded people that we are in a remote setting during the first two weeks of January. Dr. Hackett said that the number of COVID cases in Lexington are on the rise and going remote for the two weeks after the holidays was a good decision. LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/2021 KK CONGRATULATIONS & CELEBRATIONS: Dr. Hackett noted that every year during the last block before break, the nine a cappella groups at LHS and the Madrigal Singers perform a holiday themed "getaway" concert. She commented that even though things looked a little different this year, the gifted musicians sound the same and will blow you away with their talent and holiday cheer! For anyone who missed these wonderful performances, please be sure to check them out here. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Click here for a complete copy of the Superintendent Report. During the meeting, Dr. Hackett reported on the following: • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion o Dr. Hackett reported that nearly five dozen 7th-12th graders will start meeting as part of the District's new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Student Advisory Council. She noted the Student Advisory Council (SAC) will be divided into an 18-member Steering Committee with three subcommittees focusing on curriculum work, educator recruitment, and "We All Belong," one of LPS core values. o Dr. Hackett said the Steering Committee will serve as liaison between the SAC and the various building-based equity teams in the District, as well as leaders in their own schools. 0 30 students will be meeting with curriculum leaders as part of the Curriculum Subcommittee and another two dozen students will be working on the Educator Recruitment Subcommittee, along with Monica Visco, Director of Human Resources. o Director of Equity and Student Supports, Johnny Cole, will be guiding each committee in their work. • id-Course Corrections8 fiddle School Schedule, and Student Learnin Time o Dr. Maureen Kavanaugh reported on responses and highlighted key takeaways from the middle school parent survey. o Middle School Principals, Dane Depres and Jennifer Turner, reviewed the current middle school schedules (Blue week/Gold week). o Dane Depres and Jennifer Turner reviewed Mid-Course adjustments: ■ Scheduling Constraints • Implementation Improvements • Intend to improve the quality and effectiveness of the existing asynchronous and synchronous time in the blue week schedule: o Reissuing norms for student camera use • More clearly defined synchronous blue week meetings o More clearly defined asynchronous expectations ■ Possible Additions: • Pursuing: SEL activities led by grade level counselors • Pursuing: Supervised asynchronous study block • Considering Other ideas: LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/2021 KK o Friday afternoon assemblies o "Double" synch sessions o Volunteers and/or LHS student-led opportunities School Committee questions and comments: Each member thanked Dr. Kavanaugh, Ms. Turner, and Mr. Depres for their presentation. Mr. Bokun asked when the possibilities of additions for the program would be a reality. Ms. Turner said they have already found a staff member who is going to do a math guided study hall. Ms. Turner said a communication will be going out to families to see how many would like to opt into this study and have it added to their schedules. Ms. Turner said this would be happening within the next week or two and they would like to have the same option for another subject area (English, Literacy). Ms. Sawhney asked how the remote learning students are learning executive functioning in this environment. Mr. Despres said it is challenging. The Guided Learning staff have run some programming with students who need it the most, but it is something that can be brought into the weekly sessions that are going to be run by counselors, where they can provide tips on how to digitally organize. Digital Learning coaches have been helping teachers to provide tips on how to organize their Google Drive as well. Ms. Jay noticed that some blocks in the blue week schedule are split in half and asked for clarification on why teachers have half blocks. Ms. Turner said if there is a team of 80 students during the gold week the team sees 40 of those kids. When those kids go into their blue week, the team meets with them for 1 thirty minute period throughout the course of the week. Ms. Turner said the reason why it's thirty minutes is because they didn't want to create conflicts for the students. The team teachers divide the 40 students into 2 thirty-minute sessions, once they log off with those students the teachers log back in and see the other 20 students for the second half of that block. Ms. Turner said this allows for all of the students to have no conflicts and schedule the synchronized meeting times in a way where we knew teachers and students were available. Ms. Sara Mei said a group of students at LHS have been making an enrichment Science class for 4th and 5th graders at Hastings. There would be a lot of students interested in helping out the middle school. LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/2021 KK Y 2022 uerir�ten er�t Budget reser�tai� n Presenters: Superintendent, Dr. Julie Hackett, and Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance Dr. Hackett reviewed the LPS Budget process and timeline, as well as the FY 2022 Revenue Allocation Process between the Municipal side and the School side. • $249,700,000 -Total Revenue available for allocation • $243,569,000 -Allocated across municipal and school accounts • Incremental revenue balance available for FY 22 $6,131,000 • Apply Revenue Allocation Model - LPS: 73.7%; Municipal: 26.3% • FY21 LPS Base Budget of$118,357,656 o Add $4,519,325; 3.82% increase • FY 22 Total LPS Allocation $122,876,981 Dr. Hackett reviewed the FY 2022 Budget overview slide from FY 2021 vs. FY 2022. She noted the amount is shrinking the expense side to be able to have a budget that fits in the 3.82% increase. Dr. Hackett said a 3.8% is going to be a very tight budget and is becoming more challenging in a number of different ways. Mr. Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Business, reviewed the following: • Summary of staffing changes of FTEs from FY17 - FY21 • Salary and Wage Budget FY21 & FY 22 Request • FY 22 Budget Request Changes Overview • Lean Year Budget Strategies o Phase I; Phase II & Phase III • FY 22 Budgetary Risks and Unknowns School Committee questions and comments: Ms. Cuthbertston asked about what should be anticipated in receiving additional funds for the CARES Act. Mr. Coehlo said there has been talk about a couple of different things. He noted that they did extend the CARES Act for the school side until June 30, 2021 and that they extended the Municipal side to December 31, 2021. Ms. Cuthbertson asked how much of the $1.6M [CARES Act funds for LPS in 2020] was for one time expenses (i.e., one time expense to get staff ready) Mr. Coehlo said many of these expenses are one time expenses because they are funding the additional building substitutes to help with coverage, staffing for RLA, and extended leaves. LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/2021 KK Ms. Sawhney asked about the Lean Budget strategies and when they would be implemented. Dr. Hackett replied that they are already being built into the FY 2022 budget (Phase 1). She said as we get closer to the start of school and understand what the health outcomes are looking like, the district will know more about which type of model they will be looking at. Ms. Lenihan expressed concerns about an assumption of a full return in the fall. She noted that currently there are no vaccines approved for anyone under the age of 16 (PreK-5). Mr. Bokun noted that the Special Education Stabilization fund is currently at $1.1M and they will be putting approximately $500,000 into the FY 2022 budget. Mr. Bokun asked if we've ever spent any money on the Special Education Stabilization fund. Mr. Coehlo said no and explained/reviewed the history of the Stabilization fund. Mr. Coehlo noted that this will require a / vote at Town Meeting to access the funds. Mr. Bokun asked, when the time comes to give money back, if the district can decide if some of the money can go back into the Special Education Stabilization fund. Mr. Coehlo responded that the district would need permission to do so again at Town meeting. Ms. Jay asked to what extent the district would be looking at the reduction of positions. Mr. Coehlo said there are 5 unallocated positions built into the budget. Ms. Jay echoed Mr. Bokuns concerns over the Special Education Stabilization Fund and asked about how to go about replenishing the fund regularly. Superintendent Report Continued: • A New LIPS COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Plan o Contract with Mirimus Clinical Labs o Surveillance testing process will begin in January o $220,000 in cost o Prioritizing between staff and students o Not using the results of surveillance testing to determine a particular model of teaching and learning, but will follow advice of Harvard Global Health Institute ■ Harvard Global Health Institute: Schools should use metrics of community spread as general points of information, not on/off switches for closures and opening • Covid Surveillance Volunteer Form o Monetary donations Committee members had further discussion on the surveillance testing. • LIPS Close Contact Return to School Guidelines LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/2021 KK NEW BUSINESS: Core Values Award Presenters: School Committee Members Sara Cuthbertson and Scott Bokun Ms. Cuthbertson commented on how this year has been challenging for everyone in so many ways and that we would like to recognize the people who do the little things that really add up to big things to make the school community so special. Mr. Bokun said that with such an emphasis on the district's core values, the School Committee thought it would be nice to pay tribute to the people who exemplify these core values daily. Ms. Cuthbertson said the awards are adult-initiated awards; however, kids can nominate kids, educators and staff. Ms. Cuthbertson and Mr. Bokun reviewed the Core Values: • #1: We All Belong • #2: Use Your Mind • #3: Be Curious & Have Fun • #4: Care for Yourself& Others • #5: Do Your Part • #6: Be Courageous • #7: Embrace Your Revolutionary Spirit • #8: You Are Enough To nominate someone for a Core Value Exemplar Award, you can access the nomination form at the School Committee page on the LPS website. Nominations are due February 2, 2021. Award presentations will begin at the February 23rd School Committee meeting. COMMUNITY SPEAK Theresa Wright, 35 Reed St.: Commented on the remark made earlier that LHS may not reopen fully in the fall 2021. Hoping to find a way to bring students back into the building, possibly swing shifts. Think about the balance of individual safety and the community. David Kanter, 48 Fifer Lane: Congratulated the Superintendent and the Finance Team for the budget presentation. Mr. Kanter commented on the questions raised about replenishing the Special Education Stabilization fund and noted that the Law was recently changed. Now a simple majority vote at Town Meeting allows money to be put into a stabilization fund. It still requires a % vote to take the money out. Mr. Kanter commented on the question of how to manage the funding [to replenish stabilization funds] and said the question you are stuck with is, how do you find the source to allocate? That is something that will be a function that the School Committee will have to do; either find a source within their own budget, which then it is a simple transfer, simple majority; or they find some other source within the town's general funding to provide an input to the fund. Those are the mechanisms that are in place. Mechanics of in and out are simple, finding where to source the money is your complication. Bronte Abraham, 22 Hudson Rd.: On behalf of SEPAC, asked Mr. Barbieri at LABBB if the LABBB classrooms would be included in the COVID testing program and he did not have the LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/2021 KK information. Some parents have asked if the LABBB kids on the Lexington campus would be included in this program and if staff includes all staff, such as contracted staff like Whitsons food service. Dr. Hackett said they would most definitely be involved and she will inform Mr. Barbieri. Bronte Abraham commented on the DEI Student Council Advisory group that was discussed earlier in the Superintendent's Report and asked if someone could come talk to SEPAC. She said in her advisory role, it would be useful to have a student voice and to insure that the group includes some of the students that might be in sub-separate programs or might not usually be self selecting for that group. CONSENT AGENDA: Ms. Cuthbertson motioned to approve the following items on the consent agenda A. December 18, 2020 - Payroll in the amount of$4,093,823.11 B. December 31, 2020 - Payroll in the amount of$4,038,751.05 C. December 18, 2020 -Accounts Payable in the amount of$562,086.42 D. December 18, 2020 -Accounts Payable (BOM) Bank of Montreal Reconciliation in the amount of$14,460.15 Ms.Jay motioned that the School Committee approve the following items on the consent agenda: A. June Dank Memorial Book Fund Ms. Sawhney motioned to approve the following items on the consent agenda: A. October 27, 2020 B. November 10, 2020 Seconded by Mr. Bokun;Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote; Consent Agenda Approved 5-0 Ms. Jay had a follow up to Mr. Kanter's comment regarding the Stabilization Fund and is wondering about the timing of the allocation request. Ms. Lenihan called for an adjournment;Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote;Approved(5-0). Adjournment at 9:16 p.m. LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/2021 KK LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/2021 KK