Public Hearing on FY 2022 Superintendent Budget
Tuesday,January 12, 2021
Conducted by Remote Participation
Meeting Minutes
Chair Kathleen Lenihan welcomed and introduced committee members
Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson
Eileen Jay, Vice-Chair
Deepika Sawhney
Scott Bokun
Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk
Sara Mei
Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent
Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
The minutes were taken by Kristen Keough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee
Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public
meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19
outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of
business and to assure accurate meeting minutes.
Ms. Lenihan opened the Public Hearing
FY 2022
Say erinendent Baaet Presentation
Presenter: Mr. Dave Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
Mr. Coehlo reviewed the FY 2022 Superintendent's Budget presentation initially presented at
the School Committee meeting on January 5, 2021.
Public Comment
Dr. Avon Lewis thanked the team for the thoughtful work that has been done in preparing the
FY 2022 Budget. Dr. Lewis commented that a lot of staff are doing more than their full time job
LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/21
and a number of positions have been streamlined over the last year. Appreciate the Committee
for not being afraid of the "override" word if that is where the district winds up in the near
School Committee questions and comments:
Ms. Jay asked for clarification on the Phase II slide in regards to the extra cost of doing hybrid,
and would like to know where most of those costs come from.
Mr. Coehlo replied that for FY21 it's been a learning curve and growing process to figure out
how many remote learning staff are pure adds and how many additional people were from
leaves. He said a lot of it does come from substitutes that were hired specifically for coverage
that we didn't normally have. Instead of a daily substitute, we had building subs/permanent
subs, then there was the Remote Learning Academy staff who were assigned specifically to that.
Mr. Coehlo said of the $1.6Million federal CARES ACT money, about% or% quarters of that
money will go specifically towards the coverages and other pieces that were driven by COVID
(FMLA or RLA). Mr. Coehlo said for FY 22, if we have to continue, some of that money would be
streamlined. In-school, full-time is less expensive than the hybrid/remote learning models.
Dr. Hackett noted that the district needed to hire more nurses during the pandemic in order to
get the work done. There are a few sub-nurses that will not be here the following year. There
are sub costs and there are additional FTE's to make it work.
Ms. Jay asked where the district is finding the most need for allocating extra staff. Are you
finding more need to have additional personnel given the three different models that are
Dr. Hackett said some of the need is driven by the approvals of leaves that have happened. We
kept an overflow of staff in order to service our children.
Ms. Jay asked Mr. Coehlo where most of the expenses are coming from for doing the hybrid.
Mr. Coehlo said a fair amount of it would be there if we continue hybrid. We would likely have
the same experience, it would primarily be in transportation.
Dr. Hackett commented that the aspect of this budget planning that has been the most
challenging is the high school level students. Thinking about maintaining the RLA model, plus
perhaps a full return. The issue around RLA is, if you are not doing the hyflex model, i.e.,
simultaneously teaching, then you have to limit choices. Dr. Hackett said students wouldn't
have the full compendium of electives because that would be highly costly.
Ms. Lenihan called for a motion to adjourn, made by Ms. Cuthbertson and seconded by Mr.
Bokun;Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote;Approved(5-0).Adjournment at 9:25 a.m.
LSC 1/05/2021 Meeting Minutes-Approved 3/9/21