Tuesday,January 19, 2021
Conducted by Remote Participation
Meeting Minutes
Chair Kathleen Lenihan welcomed and introduced committee members
Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson
Eileen Jay, Vice-Chair
Deepika Sawhney
Scott Bokun
Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk
Sara Mei
Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent
Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent to Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional
The minutes were taken by Kristen Cronin, Executive Assistant to the School Committee
Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public
meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19
outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of
business and to assure accurate meeting minutes.
Ms. Lenihan opened the Public Hearing on the FY 2022 Superintendent's Budget
Mr. Coehlo reviewed the FY 2022 Superintendent's Bud et presentation initially presented at
the School Committee meeting on January 5, 2021 and Public Hearing on January 12, 2021.
Public Comment:
Carissa Black, 143 Bedford St.: Ms. Black asked for clarification on accessing the stabilization
funds and what the funds would be used for.
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Mr. Coelho responded that the stabilization fund was created in 2008 to deal with the cost of
special education. Mr. Coehlo said these funds can be used to utilize tuitions, or transportation
for special ed students.
Ms. Black asked if the district is expecting larger than normal out-of-district tuitions, or "is this
because of the shortfall in the budget?"
Mr. Coehlo said the funding is geared to cover the potential cost of out-of-district tuitions. He
noted that if those costs don't arise, then the funds won't be used.
Dr. Hackett commented that this budget also includes a significantly lower reimbursement for
circuit breaker than budgets in the past.
Mr. Bokun had questions about the staffing summary section on page 21 of the budget book.
Mr. Coehlo replied that he will double check the numbers and update him.
Ms. Lenihan said it seems highly likely that the district would be in Phase II at some level since
by the fall there will not be a vaccine ready for children, there will be the need for some remote
learning for the students. She asked what the timeframe would be to decide where the money
would come from.
Mr. Coehlo replied that they would need to look at a couple of benchmarks or threshold dates
to start revising. Mr. Coehlo said the first date would possibly be sometime in March as we see
what has taken place in terms of the vaccination schedule for staff and perhaps older students.
He commented that in May/June they would look at finalizing FY 2021 and finding out where
those funds are for leveraging into FY 2022 and what is the process for opening up the ESY
program for summer school and the possibility of what September is going to look like. Mr.
Coehlo commented that it is all going to be dictated by where we are on that path.
Ms. Lenihan made a motion to end the public hearing, so moved by Ms.Jay. Ms. Lenihan took
a roll call vote;Approved 5-0.
Ms. Lenihan opened the regularly scheduled School Committee meeting.
Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public
meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19
outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of
business and to assure accurate meeting minutes.
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Ms. Cuthbertson commented that the Association of Black Citizens of Lexington unveiled their
banners, located in Lexington center, as part of the Black History of Lexington Project.
Mr. Bokun reported on the virtual events that were held on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Mr.
Bokun noted that the Dyslexia Task Force will be up and running again. They are discussing the
implementation of the early testing for dyslexia, what happens after the assessments, and the
components of the reading curriculum. Mr. Bokun reported on the Human Rights Committee
meeting on January 14th where Dr. Hackett, Dr. Kavanaugh, and Mr. Cole presented an updated
report on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Lexington Public Schools' efforts to reduce the
systemic barriers. In closing, Mr. Bokun reported that the Towndecided not to purchase the
property of the Boston Sports Club due to the required updates needed for the pool area and
due to the many other capital and financial challenges the Town is currently facing.
Dr. Jay announced that the CAAL Lunar New Year celebration will be held virtually this year on
Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 813M. The event will be live-streamed on YouTube, Facebook, and
Ms. Sawhney provided a brief update on the Community Input Team for Inclusion (CIT) that she
attended on January 12, 2021.
Ms. Sawhney provided an update on the Ron Burger event on Project Based Learning that will
be held on Wednesday,January 27, 2021 at 713M.
Ms. Mei said during their Senate meeting they discussed updating the website and setting up
course advising with a student-led panel on course selection for underclassmen and incoming
freshman. Ms. Mei said Senate members are also working on teacher feedback forms and
updating them to have COVID-specific questions regarding classroom pacing and learning
Ms. Mei reported that Mr. Cole has published the winter Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Newsletter and the "We All Belong" Subcommittee is excited to work with Mr. Cole on further
efforts around Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
Ms. Lenihan reported that the Department of Public Health said they are now not requiring
students to be vaccinated because the flu season has been so mild and low to date.
Ms. Lenihan said today marks a horrible milestone in our country with over 400,000 deaths due
to COVID-19.
A moment of silence was held for the 400,000 people who passed from COVID-19.
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Christina Lin, 2 Eustis St.: Ms. Lin asked if the Discipline report that was shared last Thursday
would be covered at an upcoming School Committee meeting and if data from the YBS surveys
would also be shown by race and not just LGBTQ.
Congratulations and Celebrations:
Dr. Hackett thanked the 60+ educators who volunteered to serve LPS students with disabilities
in-person during the remote status from December to January 19th.
Dr. Hackett thanked the LPS school nurses as they continue to do an extraordinary job of taking
on all of the added responsibilities that come with keeping students and staff healthy and safe
during this pandemic, including flu vaccinations, contact tracing, and their new roles in COVID
A complete copy of the Superintendent Report can be found here .
Dr. Hackett read the letter that was sent out to the LPS community regarding the events at the
Capitol on January 6th. Click here for a copy of the letter. Dr. Hackett noted that this is a tough
time for students, families and staff of color and thanked the members of AREA-L (Antiracist
Educator Alliance of Lexington) and the President of the board, Ms. Gretchen Segars, for
providing the school community with helpful ways to make the Lexington community feel safe
during crises like the Capitol siege. For a copy of the AREA-L letter click here.
Dr. Hackett continued her report on the following:
• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
o Annual Report of LPS Efforts to Reduce Systemic BarnersP 2020-2021
o Dr. Hackett noted an important update in the Annual Report includes information
on disproportionality in special education, which is a shared challenge for general
and special educators. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
requires states to collect and examine data to determine whether significant
disproportionality, based on race and ethnicity, is occuring in school districts with
respect to: (i) The identification of students as students with disabilities,
including the identification of students with disabilities in accordance with a
particular impairment; (ii) The placement in particular educational settings of
such students; and (iii) the incidence, duration, and type of disciplinary removals
from placement, including suspensions and expulsions.
• LPS COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Updates
• Full Return Community Input Team
o Dr. Hackett said initially she was going to provide details of how to get the CIT up
and running, but looking at the data, in a very short time Lexington has gone
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from yellow, orange, to red. Dr. Hackett said when the number of positive cases
start trending in the right direction, and Lexington is back in the "yellow
category" or has "community spread" with no more than 9/100,000 positive
cases and there are no additional and unforeseen complications flagged by public
health experts, she said she would convene the CIT for Full Return.
• Community Events and Highlights
School Committee questions and comments:
Mr. Bokun asked if full time students that are in the building every week will be tested with one
cohort or if they will be tested every week.
Dr. Hackett said they can be tested every week if families of those students chose to do so. They
can contact their building principal or school nurse to help with that.
2022 LHS Field Trip to Spain
Committee members agreed to revisit the Field Trip policy that was in the process of being
revised prior to COVID-19.
Appoint Liaison to Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee
Committee members had discussion around appointing a voting liaison to the Comprehensive
Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC). It was agreed that Ms. Lenihan would remain the liaison to
the CPAC and if she could not attend a meeting another member would attend. No vote was
Ms. Lenihan said the 2020 Vision Committee would like the School Committee's feedback on the
2020 Survey. Ms. Lenihan will send a doodle poll out to set up an additional meeting to discuss
this topic.
School Committee/Superintendent Goals, 2021-2023
Dr. Hackett asked Committee members to review the goals and take a look at the new format.
Dr. Hackett said if the format works she will apply it to the remaining three goals and will have it
updated within the week.
Ms. Lenihan suggested reviewing the goals at an upcoming meeting to remind the community
what the goals are and what is being worked on. Click here for a copy of the goals.
2021 Spending Freeze
Dr. Hackett noted that the district has a spending freeze. She said the district is doing fine but
being more than fiscally prudent and LPS is asking staff to hold on all optional spending, and
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even some that may not feel so optional, for the remainder of the year. Click here for the 2021
Spending Freeze memo.
Accessing Special Education Stabilization Funds
Mr. Coehlo said part of the financial solution in the FY 2022 recommended school budget is
accessing $500,000 in funding from the Special Education Stabilization Fund. He noted that
because the account is controlled by Town Meeting, unlike those controlled by the School
Committee such as the Special Education Circuit Breaker fund, the district needs to show the
use of the fund as a revenue source in the presentation of the budget funding allocation for
Annual Town Meeting (ATM). Mr. Coehlo said if the Committee approves the FY 2022 budget as
recommended and use of the Special Education Stabilization Fund, the Committee should
request that the Select Board include in the article for setting the FY 2022 school budget
appropriation a provision for using the fund and the appropriate voting mechanism at ATM.
Click here for the full memo.
Ms. Jay asked Mr. Coehlo if he has had conversations with the municipal staff on when the
deadline for an internal article to be included on the warrant would be.
Mr. Coehlo said he has spoken with municipal staff and has not been provided a date. Mr.
Coehlo said he will follow up to be sure nothing is missed.
Jennifer Burgess, LPS Staff: Commented on Dr. Hackett's remarks about the anti-racist work that
Lexington is doing. Ms. Burgess said language means a lot to her and she is asking for some
language to change, such as instead of using the word "slaves" to say "enslaved people or
enslaved Africans." Ms. Burgess asked to not tell BIPOC staff that they are safe and instead
suggested saying "we commit to making our environment safe" and "we stand with you and we
will stand up for you."
Mr. Bokun moved to approve the following items on the consent agenda
A. December 31, 2020 -Payroll in the amount of$4,038,751.05
B. January 15, 2021-Payroll in the amount of$3,949,410.31
C. January 8, 2021-Accounts Payable in the amount of$1,870,304.8o
Ms. Cuthbertson moved to approve the following items on the consent agenda:
A. Donation to the Lexington Public Schools in the amount of$200.00 from
Lueders Environmental
Ms. Sawhney moved to approve the following items on the consent agenda:
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A. November 17, 2020 Minutes
Seconded by Ms.Jay;Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote; Consent Agenda Approved 5-0
Ms. Lenihan called for an adjournment;so moved by Ms. Cuthbertson Ms. Lenihan took a roll
call vote;Approved(5-0). Adjournment at 8:37 p.m.
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