HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-09-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, March 9,2021 Conducted by Remote Participation Meeting Minutes AGENDA: CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME: 6:00 p.m. Chair Kathleen Lenihan welcomed and introduced committee members SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson Eileen Jay, Vice-Chair Deepika Sawhney Scott Bokun Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Sara Mei SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS PRESENT Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent to Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development The minutes were taken by Kristen Keough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of business and to assure accurate meeting minutes. MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS/LIAISON REPORTS: Ms. Cuthbertson said on Thursday, March 4th SEPAC hosted a webinar, presented by Sam Johnston, an LPS Parent and Director at CAST. Ms. Cuthbertson said Ms. Johnston talked a lot about technology and remote learning. Once the slides become available Ms. Cuthbertson will share them with the School Committee. Ms. Jay said a few School Committee members attended an event titled "International Mother Language Day." Ms. Jay commented that it was a wonderful event with people from around the world celebrating their mother tongue. LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK Ms. Jay reminded the community that this Saturday, March 19th is the virtual Parent Academy and she encouraged people to sign up. Ms. Sawhney reported that the Electric Bus Task Force (EV Bus) presented to the Select Board last evening and was well received by the members. The Select Board gave their blessing to the Task Force to continue with their work and research on the feasibility of having electric buses. Ms. Sawhney reminded members that the contract for the buses will be expiring soon and sent out for bids. The hope is to have some electric school buses in the next 1-5 or 10 years . Mr. Bokun said he will be attending the METCO seminar on Wednesday evening, March 10th about segregation in public schools and on Thursday evening, March 11th will be attending the Lexington Human Rights event on "The Impact of Racism on Asian and South Asian American Communities: Helping, Caring & Wellness." Mr. Bokun said on Saturday, March 13th (after the Parent Academy) that Lexpride is hosting a "Stories of Envisioning Public Safety" event. This will be an online interactive performance and community sharing with True Story Theater. Mr. Bokun spoke about the statement made by the Massachusetts Commissioner, Jeffrey Riley, on forcing students to return to in-school classrooms full time on April 5, 2021. Mr. Bokun thanked three members of the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for standing tall with their convictions on the vote. Mr. Jasper Coughlin, Ms. Darlene Lobos, and Lexington's own, and former School Committee member, Ms. Mary Ann Stewart. Ms. Sara Mei said during this week's Senate meeting they discussed "brain breaks in class" and "the trashcan resolution", they are thinking of painting the trash cans in brighter colors to help decrease litter and to help spread cheerfulness. Ms. Mei reported that they are considering reopening the mural design contests and narrowing the spaces at LHS to have the mural reside. In closing, Ms. Mei said the Senate held course advising sessions last month. Both sessions were a success and they are looking forward to running the sessions again next year. Ms. Lenihan thanked everyone in the Town Clerk's Office who managed the Town Election on Monday, March 1, 2021 and to all of those who voted for Ms. Deepika Sawhney and herself. Ms. Lenihan thanked the Human Rights Committee for offering an Active Bystander Training at the end of April and June. COMMUNITY SPEAK: Amy Selinger, 197 Follen Rd.: Ms. Selinger thanked all the faculty and staff of the public schools, especially at LHS. She commented that this is not an easy time to be an educator and she is grateful for all their time and continued efforts. Ms. Selinger asked for clarification in the Critical Decisions Summary plan in regards to the high school in comparison to the middle school and elementary, and asked for clarity on why there was no statement made that the district will make every effort to have a full time in-person learning plan for the high school. LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK Lori Giterman, 26 Eldridge St.: Ms. Giterman read a statement on behalf of 100+ parents dedicated to supporting in-person learning for K-12 students full time. Sasha Uljun, 22 Peacock Farm Road: Ms. Uljun said it was her idea to have each person in support of Ms. Giterman's statement to raise their hand during Community Speak. She wanted the Committee to recognize that each person could take three minutes to speak but instead, in trying to be respectful of the time while showing support, they called in individually. Chris Doucette, staff member: Mr. Doucette thanked Dr. Hackett and all other Superintendents who sent a letter to Commissioner Riley. Mr. Doucette is hoping to have doses of vaccines sent to Lexington and noted staff members would feel safer returning to the buildings if they had their first vaccine or both. Ramona LaTronica, staff member: Ms. LaTronica expressed safety and logistical concerns of students returning back into the classrooms full time. Alexandra and David Elliott, 24 Swan Lane: They are in support of students going back to school full time and expressed concerns about high school students possibly not being able to attend full in-person learning. Caitlin Sawka, staff member: Ms. Sawka expressed concerns about the emotional implications a quick turnaround of a full return to in-school could have on the students who have been successful with the remote learning. Ms. Sawka said it should be taken into consideration all the hard work that was done to make this year as successful as it has been. Theresa Wright, 35 Reed Street: Ms. Wright spoke in regards to the back to school plan and expressed concerns that LHS would not be returning to a full return in the fall. Ms. Wright also expressed concerns that the budget supports a full return to school and now discussion is being had for hybrid/remote for the high school. Elizabeth Warren, 9 Fulton Road: Ms. Warren read off the list of names and addresses of the people who supported the statement read by Ms. Giterman. CONGRATULATIONS & CELEBRATIONS: The School Committee and the Superintendent decided that one of their goals would be to find ways to celebrate the school community, and that includes staff, parents, students, and school community members. In doing so, they came up with the LPS Core Value Awards. Tonight's recipients of the awards exemplify three of the core values: Care For Yourself& Others; Do Your Part; and Embrace Your Revolutionary Spirit. Ms. Deepika Sawhney introduced the three Project Managers in charge of the saliva pool testing who would receive a core value award: Ms. Emma Harding; Ms. Vanessa Keeney; and Ms. Dongzi Yu. LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK Ms. Karen Rufo gave a brief background on the work the Project Managers did in order to get the saliva pool testing kits ready to be distributed. She said within a week of meeting they had things up and running with volunteers and orchestrated over 20,000 kits. Dr. Hackett thanked the Project Managers and Ms. Karen Rufo for all the hard work they have done and continue to do, and provided Ms. Rufo with a Core Value award as well. Dr. Hackett continued the congratulations and celebrations part of her report by recognizing the students and faculty members who participated in the LHS Science & Engineering Fair and those that participated in the National Oceanic Science Bowl, as well as the Lexington High School Chamber Singers on their first virtual choir video. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: The Superintendent reported on the following items: • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion • LPS COVID-19 Updates • Full Return to School Process • Letter from Middlesex League of Superintendents • LHS Statement of Interest MSBA Timeline • Tiered Focus Monitoring The complete Superintendent's Report can be viewed here. School Committee Questions Ms. Cuthbertson had the following remarks: • Easing into K-2 would have allowed students to have full support for kids that may have difficulty with this transition • What kind of additional burden will this put onto our educators & staff? o Removing the 6 ft. distance o Not fully vaccinated o Support kids with emotional burdens Ms. Cuthbertson said when this transition happens all at once, the community can do a lot to support the educators. Ms. Cuthbertson responded to the remote learning comments. Dr. Hackett noted in the preliminary planning document it's worth thinking about the possibility of learning something from the pandemic and doing something creative. While these discussions are being had, at the same time, the State is saying it is unlikely that they will allow that kind of learning. Dr. Hackett said she would hate to have everything that the district has LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK gone through and not be able to preserve something that worked and something that the district learned differently. Ms. Sawhney had a few comments/recommendations: • Send out a communication about the information on the full return to the community • Operational details that need to be figured out o Space for sick children/staff members Dr. Hackett said the busses have been figured out and would be returning to normal operations: • kids 3 ft. apart • windows down • full capacity Dr. Hackett stressed that under no circumstances would students be eating at less than 6 feet apart. She noted that most of the cases of transmissions occur in break rooms. Ms. Sara Mei asked about testing, she noted that the current schedule shows that survey testing ends in April which is when the proposed plan for full return of elementary would start. Ms. Mei asked if testing would continue until the end of the year? Dr. Hackett commented that if everyone was not fully vaccinated by April break, LPS would have to possibly expand the testing. Ms. Lenihan asked for clarification on whether everyone who is in remote learning can do so for the remainder of this year. Dr. Hckett said that is correct for Lexington and the Commissioner said that is what could be done. Ms. Lenihan said if Lexington was allowed to do remote learning for 2021-2022, it would not look the same as it has this year. Dr. Hackett said the hyflex model would not be an option for a remote academy. It would be more along the line of a PBLA. Ms. Lenihan noted all 16 & 17 year olds are eligible for a vaccination and asked what the availability of 12, 13, 14 & 15 year olds would be for the full return to school. She asked if that was contingent upon the vaccine being available for those young adolescents, and what would happen if only half of high school students could be vaccinated. Dr. Hackett replied that the district would have to come up with more creative plans. Ms. Lenihan commented again that the district is planning a full return to in-person learning for everyone in the fall but that doesn't mean it will be a pre-COVID type of learning. LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK Dr. Hackett replied that it would be a "fuller" return, because we do not know what the variables would be. Ms. Jay commented on the announcement made earlier about returning to full in-school learning for middle school. She said given the scheduling model that is set up at the middle school, it is going to be very challenging. Ms. Jay said it is sensible to do an increase of in-person learning as much as possible but questioned the full return without having to change the middle school schedule. Ms. Sawhney asked for clarification on the teams that are working on the Path to Full Return. Dr. Hackett said the CIT (Community Input Team) has 37 members including teachers, parents, administrators, and union leaders. She is seeking input as well from Joint Council members which include all the administrators, ETS's, and curriculum supervisors in the system. In addition, Administrative Council which comprises Central Office administrators and principals will weigh in NEW BUSINESS: Members had discussions on the Town Meeting articles and took votes on School Committee positions on certain articles. Article 4: Appropriate FY2022 Operating Budget Mr. Bokun moved that the School Committee support Article 4;seconded by Ms. Sawhney. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote. (Approved 5-0) Article 8: Appropriate for 20/20 Vision Survey Mr. Bokun moved that the School Committee support Article 8;seconded by Ms. Sawhney. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote. (Approved 5-0) Article 9: Establish and Continue Departmental Revolving Funds Ms.Jay moved that the School Committee support Article 9;seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote. (Approved 5-0) Article 15: Appropriate for School Capital Projects and Equipment Ms. Cuthbertson moved that the School Committee support Article 15;seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) Article 16: Appropriate for Public Facilities Capital Projects LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK Ms.Jay moved that the School Committee support Article 16, section B, F, G, & H; seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote. (Approved 5-0) Article 19: Establish,Amend, Dissolve and Appropriate to and from Specified Stabilization Funds. Mr. Bokun moved that the School Committee support Article 19 section D;seconded by Ms.Jay. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) Article 23: Appropriate From Debt Service Stabilization Fund Ms. Cuthbertson moved that the School Committee support Article 23;seconded by Ms. Sawhney. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote(Approved 5-0) Article 24: Appropriate for Lexington High School Feasibility Study Ms.Jay moved that the School Committee support Article 24;seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote(Approved 5-0) Article 29: Clean Heat-Authorize Special Legislation to Regulate Fossil Fuel Infrastructure and Adopt Bylaw Amendment Enabling Legislation School Committee members agreed to table this article until they received more information. Article 30: Full Inclusion Resolution Ms. Cuthbertson moved that the School Committee support Article 30;seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) [10 Minute Recess] Ms. Jay asked Mr. Coehlo if voting to authorize use of the special education stabilization fund is part of Article 19, or is it covered by voting on the Operating Budget in Article 4? Mr. Coehlo said he will get confirmation to be sure it is done in the correct order and under the appropriate article. NEW BUSINESS: Resolution on MCAS Ms. Lenihan read the following MCAS Resolution: I move that the Lexington School Committee vote to reaffirm our support of Resolution #1: MCAS and High-Stakes Testing, which was approved by the delegates to the Massachusetts LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK Association of School Committees by a vote of 112-9 with 2 abstentions at the MASC Annual Meeting on November 7. 1 further move that the Chair of the Lexington School Committee be instructed to inform Governor Charlie Baker, Secretary Peyser, Commissioner Jeffrey Riley, and our state legislators of our position in favor of canceling the MCAS tests this year. Click here for a copy of the Resolution Committee members had further discussion on this topic. Ms.Jay moved that the School Committee support the Resolution on MCAS;seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) Vote to Terminate EDCO Dr. Hackett read the proposed motion: On May 1, 2020 the Lexington School Committee voted to withdraw as a member of EDCO, effective lune 30, 2021. Subsequent to the EDCO Board of Directors vote on February 10, 2021 to terminate and dissolve EDCO effective June 30, 2022, 1 make a motion that the Lexington Public Schools vote in accordance with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Collaborative closing guidelines to terminate EDCO with an effective termination date of June 30, 2022;so moved by Ms. Cuthbertson;seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote(Approved 5-0) [NOTE: Due to an error in the date of its prior vote, the School Committee took a revote with a revised motion at the end of this meeting. See the minutes below for the revote.] Policy Reading#2: IJOA- Field Trip Ms. Jay reviewed edits made to the Field Trip Policy IJOA Ms. Cuthbertson made a motion to approve BOA Policy on Field Trips as amended;seconded by Ms. Sawheny. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) Policy Reading#1: JJH -Student Travel Ms. Jay reviewed edits made to the Student Travel Policy JJH. She noted that this draft of JJH incorporates the content of current policy JJH-R Student Travel Regulations, therefore, JJH-R will be eliminated. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Clarification on DESE Calendar for 2021-2022 LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK Dr. Lyons provided a brief update on the description that DESE had for the structured learning time and requirements. Dr. Lyons noted that the district is currently on track to meet time on learning requirements for the school year ending June 2021. Ms. Sawhney asked what the time of learning is supposed to be. Dr. Lyons said at the elementary level it is 900 hours per year and at the secondary level it's 990 hours per year. SY 2021-2022 Academic Calendar (DRAFT) Dr. Lyons reviewed edits made on the 2021-2022 Academic Calendar • No staggered start • August 31 first day of school for all students • All Fridays are half-day dismissal for Elementary Schools Ms. Jay asked if there was sufficient feedback on the half-day Friday for all educators and family members. She asked about programs that ran on the half-day Thursdays in previous years and if some of those issues have been addressed; such as band & string, Family & Friends. Also need to be sure transportation is aware of the half-day Friday. Ms. Sawhney suggested letting Lextended Day be aware of the calendar as well. Ms. Jay questioned the June 19th (Juneteenth) as being recognized as a school closure day for students. She said it can still be recognized as a holiday but does not need to have schools closed. Ms. Cuthbertson made a motion to approve the DRAFT 2021-2022 school calendar minus Juneteenth as a school closed day;seconded by Mr. eokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) COMMUNITY SPEAK: Dr. Jennifer Smith Kennedy, 98 East Street: Dr. Kennedy spoke in support of full in-person learning this Spring. Natalie H., 2 Hancock Avenue: Spoke on her children's disappointment of remote learning in school. Expressed disappointment by the School Committee in lack of full return for students and feels silenced by the School Committee that were not allowed to speak earlier in the meeting. Fully supporting kids walking in crowded hallways at the high school, does not see any risks. LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK Heidi P., 51 Ward St. Thanked the School Committee, teachers and staff for all of their hard work. Would like to know how contact tracing is going to work with double the students in the building. Lana P., 28: Lana said her sister's children that live in Moscow, Russia will be attending school over the summer to make up for the loss of hours this past year. Suggested to add back the 3:30 p.m., return to 280 days, also assess the level of the academic learning of students. Dr. Avon Lewis, President of LEA: Dr. Lewis thanked the School Committee for the MCAS Resolution. Malka Burnt, 57 Spring Street: Commented on the high school and the full return. One concern is looking at a return to normalcy under the conditions of COVID. Would like the School Committee to keep in mind that COVID mortality rate will be similar to or less than the seasonal flu. We will never be in a world where COVID is eliminated. Elizabeth Warren, 9 Fulton Road: Shared information on access for vaccines. She noted that PTO parents have been volunteering to be paired with educators to schedule vaccinations on their behalf. CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Bokun moved to approve the following consent agenda items: • March 5, 2021 -Accounts Payable in the amount of$1,669,931.00 Ms. Cuthbertson motioned for approval of PTO donation to Estabrook Elementary School in the amount of$600.00; Ms. Sawhney moved to approve the School Committee Minutes from January 5, 2021; January 12, 2021; January 19, 2021 & February 1, 2021; Ms. Lenihan asked for a motion to accept the consent agenda; so moved by Ms. Jay, seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll can vote (Approved 5-0) Ms. Jay moved that the School Committee go into Executive Session under Exemption 3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) EXECUTIVE SESSION The School Committee entered into Executive Session at 9:53 PM. The Committee rejoined in Open Session at 10:43 PM. LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Ms. Lenihan made a motion at 10:45PM to leave Executive Session;seconded by Ms. Sawhny. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) School Committee members came back from Executive Session and took a re-vote of the EDCO vote made earlier in the evening. Revote on Termination of EDCO Ms. Jay made the following motion: In the Spring of 2020 the Lexington School Committee voted to withdraw as a member of EDCO effective June 30, 2021. The EDCO Board of Directors voted on February 10, 2021 to terminate and dissolve EDCO effective June 30, 2022. Therefore, 1 make a motion that Lexington Public Schools vote in accordance with the Mass Department of Elementary and Secondary Collaborative closing guidelines to terminate EDCO with an effective termination date of June 30, 2022; seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote (Approved 5-0) Ms. Lenihan made a motion to adjourn at 10:49 PM so moved by Mr. Bokun; seconded by Ms. Cuthbertson. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote -Approved 5-0 LSC 3/09/21 -Approved 3/22/2021 KK