Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Conducted by Remote Participation
Meeting Minutes
Chair Kathleen Lenihan welcomed and introduced committee members
Kathleen Lenihan, Chairperson
Eileen Jay, Vice-Chair
Deepika Sawhney
Scott Bokun
Sara Cuthbertson, Clerk
Sara Mei
Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent
Mr. David Coehlo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations
Dr. Christine Lyons, Assistant Superintendent to Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional
The minutes were taken by Kristen Keough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee
Ms. Lenihan read Governor Baker's Executive Order from March 12, 2020 which allows public
meetings to be conducted remotely due to the state emergency related to the COVID-19
outbreak. Ms. Lenihan covered additional ground rules for an effective and clear conduct of
business and to assure accurate meeting minutes.
On behalf of the School Committee, Ms. Lenihan expressed her condolence to Clarke Middle
School and families who recently lost two faculty members. A moment of silence was held.
Ms. Cuthbertson reported that she and Mr. Bokun joined a LexSEPTA meeting earlier in the
month. She said that there were still some concerns from parents about the scheduling of the
different supports that high school students need because of how complex the LHS schedule is.
Overall parents are happy, especially the families that have students in school full time. Ms.
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Cuthbertson said some parents expressed concerns about their child not receiving the support
they need in the event the district ends up going fully remote for a period of time.
Mr. Bokun had two announcements from the Lexington Human Rights Committee (LHRC). The
No Hate November virtual event, Interrupting Racist Hatred, is taking place this evening with a
panelist discussion. The link to the event can be found on the LHRC website.
Mr. Bokun reflected on Core Value#4: Care for yourself and others. He called for everyone to
be careful and safe while celebrating Thanksgiving this year.
Ms. Sawhney thanked the Finance Department and Human Resource Department for all their
hard work.
Ms. Jay reported that the next School Committee meeting that was scheduled for December 1,
2020 would be on the same night as the LEF Trivia Bee. Therefore, the School Committee will
be moving their December 1st meeting to the following Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 6:00 PM.
Ms. Lenihan reminded people that on Friday, November 20, 2020, LexPride is hosting the
Transgender Day of Rememberance, to honor the lives of transgender people killed in
transphoebic violence. Registration is available for this event on Lexpride.org
Ms. Lenihan said she is going to reach out to the Chair of the Wellesley School Committee to see
how they went about getting the COVID surveillance testing at their school and to see if the
information will be helpful to Lexington.
Dr. Avon Lewis, President of the Lexington Education Association (LEA): Dr. Lewis read a
statement on behalf of the Lexington Public School teachers and staff members. Dr. Lewis said,
in order for staff to be safe and feel safe in the buildings, she is asking that School Committee
follow up on three things that were discussed in bargaining: (1) figure out a plan for the school
to do some sort of surveillance testing, (2) see that the school district has a clear decision
making process and thresholds for deciding when to reduce the number of students in the
building by shifting more or all students into remote, and (3) need the School Committee to take
a strong stance on the shared responsibility for all our safety (i.e., maskless basketball games in
the town courts is not acceptable; tell families not to disregard the states travel restrictions; tell
the community if they want schools open they need to close the restaurants and limit social
gatherings). Dr. Lewis urged the School Committee to take action to assure the safety of
Lexington students and staff and also to take action on behalf of the students and educators of
the Commonwealth. Dr. Lewis asked for the School Committee to write to the Governor and
the Commissioner, and urge them to respect local decision making and to value everyone's
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Arvind, 47 College Ave.: (1) Request to consider having in-person schooling for kids with big
special needs that are on IEPs; (2) Request to see if fully in-person learning could happen after
the winter break.
Dr. Hackett addressed some of the comments that were made during public comment.
Dr. Hackett spoke briefly about the School Committee/Superintendent Goals. Dr. Hackett said
she put together a draft based on what the priorities are for the Committee and for the
Superintendent. Dr. Hackett said that Ms. Lenihan suggested that they finalize the goals at a
School Committee retreat.
Dr. Hackett provided a high level overview of the Goals:
• Develop a PK-12 DEI Program
o Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Address and Narrow Equity Gaps
• LHS Graduation Criteria and LPS Core Values Community Celebration
o Redefine Success
• Develop a Middle School Project-Based Learning Academy Pilot
o Cultivate Student Agency
• Finalize the LPS Master Plan
o Innovate for Sustainable Change
Presenters: Mr. Jared Cassedy; Mr. Rob Collins; Ms. Tracy Conte; Ms. Jane Day; Ms. Julie Fenn;
Ms. Robyn Dowling-Grant; Mr. Reggie Hobbs; Mr. Kevin Kelly; Dr. Christine Lyons; Ms. Amy
Moran; Ms. Alethea Roy; Mr. Eamonn Sheehan; Mr. Andrew Stephens, Principal, LHS
Dr. Lyons said tonight's presenters from Lexington High School would explain how they
organized and planned for the year. They will provide examples of what things look like in the
schools for both the hybrid model and the remote learning model (RLA).
Some highlights from the high school presentation include the following:
• Synchronous classes: all students (hybrid & remote) follow the same schedule
• All students attend class at the same time
• Counseling Seminars & check-ins
• Advisory Structure
• Art materials sent home
• Science kits
• Ubiquitous Google Classroom use
• Video versions of instructional materials
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• Remote coding platforms for programming courses
• Schedules for 4 week cycle
• Weekly newsletter to school community
LHS Principal, Andrew Stephens, reviewed the HyFlex model and the constraints and decisions
of the model. He continued to discuss what the HyFlex model solves as well as it's challenges.
Dr. Stephens provided a brief overview of the College Admissions process and updated families
on AP courses and class assessments.
Each presenter reviewed the curriculum in their respective department: English, History &
Social Studies, World Language, Special Education, ELL, Physical Education and Wellness;
Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Science, & Mathematics in the hybrid model and Remote Learning
model (RLA). They outlined their overall goals for the 2020-2021 academic year, as well as
continued steps.
For a complete review of the Curriculum Powerpoint, click here.
School Committee Questions:
Each committee member thanked everyone for the hard work they have done.
Sara Mei said she has been compiling questions from students for the past three weeks. Ms.
Mei stressed that many students would benefit from teacher office hour blocks. She said that
iBlock was a time for students to ask questions and seek teacher support. Ms. Mai commented
that if there were designated office hours after school, teachers could do their planning or
grading, while students hop onto the zoom hours and ask their questions. Ms. Mei said this
would be a time for student/teacher connections, socially and emotionally, as well as help
students academically. Ms. Mei asked, "What could be done to create these important office
hour times and is there a reason why most teachers don't have that opportunity right now?"
Dr. Stephens explained the impossibility of building iBlock periods into the school day with the
current schedule. The challenge is the limited time available and other constraints. Mr.
Stephens said they have been discussing opportunities because this topic has been brought up
in a number of different conversations, including amongst teachers. Mr. Stephens said he does
not have an easy answer because it is a definite challenge but it is one they are looking at.
Ms. Mei expressed concerns about equitable access to tests and assignments and asked what is
being done to be sure that students have equitable access.
Mr. Stephens responded that this is the first time he is hearing of this concern from anyone. He
said he will make a note of this concern and have a discussion with department heads.
Mr. Kevin Kelly commented that when he provides quizzes or tests he makes it clear, and the
school policy makes it clear, that all students are under the same expectations in terms of their
academic integrity.
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Ms. Mei said she is concerned for teachers that are teaching fully remote and having empty
classrooms for students who are zooming in for their in-person week because of contact tracing
for attendance (i.e., marked virtually present when actually was in-person).
Mr. Stephens said there is a setting to differentiate between the kids that are in-person or the
kids that are virtual.
Dr. Hackett commented that the iBlock has come up a lot in discussions even with teachers.
One of the solutions would be to rethink the Advisory block.
Mr. Bokun asked Ms. Conte how the communication is going between SPED students, SPED
families, SPED liaisons, and also the specialist along with the Gen Ed. teachers now that we are
remote, in-person etc.
Ms. Conte said overall things are going well. She asked Mr. Bokun that if he is hearing
otherwise, she would want to hear more.
Mr. Bokun commented on the AP requirements reflected in the PowerPoint presentation.
Ms. Sawhney commented on some concerns she has heard from the community, one
specifically as to what the curriculum will look like for the remainder of the year (Jan-June).
Dr. Lyons explained that Dr. Hackett included in the Blueprint that the district has times
throughout the year where there is a pause and reflect period to take the opportunity to see
how things are working or not working. Dr. Lyons said if we discover that we can increase the
amount of curriculum that we are currently teaching, then we will do that. We need to see
what that turns into realistically.
Ms. Cuthbertson echoed Mr. Bokuns comments on the equity and social emotional pieces.
Ms. Jay asked the department heads if having to change assessments has affected how
educators teach or grade. She wondered whether this experience could potentially have a
positive effect in moving away from some of the rigid testing we are used to.
Mr. Hobbs said in Science, there has been a lot more use of formative assessment (i.e., in Zoom
using the chat in a variety of different ways, using the little reactions zoom has). In Science, the
focus is on, "Are you learning and understanding the material?" Mr. Hobbs said this has been a
shift but it is the ultimate focus, and then, "Can you apply what you've learned to a novel
situation?" Really working on those critical skills within assessment.
Ms. Lenihan had a question regarding the AP History curriculum. Mr. Collins responded that
there are a lot of materials for AP classroom practice tests and these are materials that teachers
are using so kids can access. He commented that this is an extra thing for students to access if
they want to review something.
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Mr. Bokun reminded the community that Dr. Hackett would be holding a Superintendent/LHS
Parent chat tomorrow at noon and another one with SPED families later on in the week.
Dr. Christine Lyons provided a brief update on the SATs test sessions that were administered on
September 26th, October 3rd and November 7th. The PSATs were offered on October 17th for
Juniors, and there will be a January date for Sophomores to take the PSAT.
Ms. Jay asked if the District had any way to provide Seniors priority for scheduling their SATs.
She also wanted to know if Seniors had any difficulty securing a seat.
Dr. Lyons said she would double check with Ms. Glickman. She said that as well as adding more
text dates, they did open additional seating so there was more space for students to take the
test if they wanted to.
Ms. Jay reviewed edits made to Policy EBC-Su lemental: Interim Policy Related to COVID-19
Pandemic. Ms. Jay noted that this policy was already voted on, but an amendment was made
to add a new section on Face Masks and Face Coverings, and to amend section
JLCB-Immunization of Students.
Ms.Jay moved to amend School Committee Policy EBC-Supplemental:Interim Policy on issues
Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic;seconded by Mr. Bokun. Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote-
Approved 5-0
Ms. Cuthbertson provided a brief overview of Policy KCD: Fundraising/Contributions, and Ms.
Jay reviewed the edits made in this draft compared to the existing policy.
Committee members had discussion on edits made to Policy KCD. This was the first reading for
the proposed policy changes.
Mr. Bokun moved to approve the following Payroll and Accounts Payable Warrants:
• November 6, 2020-Payroll in the amount of$4,173,420.91
• November 6, 2020-Accounts Payable in the amount of$1,087,277.06
• November 20, 2020-Accounts Payable in the amount of$1,001,529.07
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• November 20, 2020-Accounts Payable (BOM)Bank of Montreal Reconciliation in the
amount of$21,677.42
Ms. Cuthbertson moved to approve the following gifts/donations:
• Approval of$1,000.00 donation from the Russian School of Mathematics to the LHS
Mathematics Team
• Approval of$5,000.00 donation from the Rappaport Foundation to Clarke Middle
School Debate Team.
• Approval of$5,000.00 donation from the Rappaport Foundation to Diamond Middle
School Debate Team.
• Approval of$5,000.00 donation (to be awarded in increments of$1,000.00 each year
over the next 5 years beginning with the 2020-2021 graduating class)from the
Rappaport Foundation to a Lexington High School senior who has been part of the
Lexington High School's debate team.
• Approval of$15,000.00 donation from the Lexington High School PTO to Lexington
High School for COVID equipment.
Ms.Jay moved to approve the following School Committee Meeting Minutes
• September 8, 2020
• September 22, 2020
• October 6, 2020
Seconded by Ms. Sawhney;Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote- Consent agenda approved 5-0
Ms. Cuthbertson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 PM; seconded by Ms.
Sawhney; Ms. Lenihan took a roll call vote;Approved 5-0
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