HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-26-NAC-min Town of Lexington Noise Advisory Committee(NAC) Minutes of Meeting August 26, 2020 A meeting of the Noise Advisory Committee ("NAC")was held via Zoom videoconference on Wednesday August 26, 2020 at 7:00 PM.A quorum of four members was present. NAC Members Present: Dan Koretz (Chair), Mark McConnell,April Wang, Nick Afshartous, Stewart Smith Others Present:Jamie Banks (Quiet Communities), Rick Reibstein (Sustainable Lexington), Stella Carr (Sustainability Director Lexington),Judith Glixon (Volunteer),Ashley Lieberman (Local resident) Opening Remarks 1. Approval of the Minutes Dan presented the minutes of the July 8, 2020 meeting.The committee voted to accept them. The Committee was also pleased to receive the input of Ashley Leiberman, a Lexington Resident,who attended the virtual meeting and shared her views regarding the negative impacts of gas-powered leaf blowers (GLB). She noted that in addition to being very annoying, GLBs caused mental health and hearing issues. She expressed support for regulation.The Committee thanked her for her input. Review of Action Items/New Business 2. One Pager and PowerPoint Deck The Committee discussed the content of the One Page briefing document ('One Pager") prepared by Dan (included with these Minutes). Following substantive input from the Committee which included a question from Jamie regarding whether"string trimmers" should be included in the proposed regulation GLB,the following motions were passed: • Moved by the Chair that"string trimmers" be excluded from the One Pager and proposed GLB regulation. Seconded by several members of the Committee. After a vote, the Motion was passed unanimously. • Moved by Stewart that Dan be given authority to finalize the One Page briefing document incorporating the Committee's feedback and a schematic from Jamie in order that community outreach efforts using the document can begin during September ahead of the next Committee meeting. Seconded by several members of the Committee. After a vote,the Motion was passed unanimously. The Committee also considered the draft PowerPoint document summarizing the health impacts of GLB prepared by Stewart (included with the Minutes). It was agreed that the draft PPT would be sent to Jamie for her substantive review.Jamie also agreed to provide graphics from various sources including the EPA and CDC for insertion into the presentation. 3. Nick's Proposal to Add a Phase-Out for GLB Nick presented a series of slides detailing the experience of other local communities in seeking to regulate the operation of GLB's. He noted that Arlington had implemented a GLB ban in 2012 without a phase-out provision and with little engagement with local landscapers. He advised that in 2013 Arlington was forced to "water-down" its regulation.Jamie further noted that Arlington's problems were exacerbated by the fact that Arlington town workers were permitted to operate GLBs despite the regulation. Nick also offered the example of Chevy Chase, MD which adopted a different and ultimately successful approach. Chevy Chase enacted regulations that provided for the gradual phase-out of GBP over several years and included engagement with landscapers, an education program related to health hazards and a financial package designed to assist in the transition to electric powered equipment. Mark also commented on the experience in Newton and Jamie noted that Newton has 65dB noise limit with respect to GLBs. Dan asked Jamie for her thoughts on what common features have characterized successful attempts to regulate GLB.Jamie advised that seasonal restrictions on operation were standard. She noted that regulation in Lincoln had proceeded well although the process took several years to complete with several delays and setbacks along the way. She also noted that any bylaw, such as the one contemplated in Lexington, would require the approval of the State Attorney General. Dan expressed concern about amending the draft bylaw to include a phase-out provision. He raised a concern that such a provision may result in a failure to pass a bylaw given that the Committee,to date, does not have a well-documented public base of support for a GLB bylaw nor has it been able to fully engage with interested parties (such as landscapers) at this stage. Nick expressed his opinion that support for the bylaw would be there at the time the Select Board voted on the matter. Stewart suggested, as a compromise, that the draft bylaw presently approved by the Committee could be amended to include a phase out but could also be structured to come into effect (as to all of its provisions) after a period of time (such as one year) after approval by the Select Board and subsequent ratification by the State AG. • Dan made a motion to stay the implementation of the draft bylaw for one year after approval by the Select Board to accommodate a transition period before implementation.The Motion was seconded by Mick and Mark. It was agreed to defer a vote on this issue until the next meeting. The Committee then acknowledged the short time frame available ahead of seeking approval of the draft Bylaw at the 2021 Select Board meeting.As a result, the Committee agreed to work towards immediate community outreach over the next month utilizing the One pager and PowerPoint Health Effects summaries. In addition, it was agreed that Dan and Nick would attend the virtual DPW commercial and residential live equipment demo events on September 30 and October 1 as a first step in commencing engagement with landscaping contractors. The issue of approaching local banks to explore transition loans for landscapers and negotiating bulk purchases of battery-powered landscape equipment was also raised. Dan noted that it was very unlikely that any funding would be available from the State due to the Covid 19 response costs. It was also agreed that Dan would reach out to the Select Board and attend one of the forthcoming meetings. His attendance will allow the Committee to gauge the receptiveness of Board members to the draft bylaw as it now stands and provide the Committee with an opportunity to address any issues that might be raised ahead of seeking approval for the passage of a GLB bylaw. Survey Concerning the draft survey prepared by Mark and Stella, the Committee had general discussion concerning the content. Several revisions were proposed and agreed to. • Stewart made a motion that Dan be authorized to revise and complete the survey on the Committee's behalf and that the survey be launched as soon as possible to collect as much public feedback as possible prior to the September 2020 NAC Meeting.The Motion was seconded by Nick. Following a vote,the motion was approved unanimously. 4. Allocation of Tasks In addition to the matters already assigned during the meeting,the Committee agreed on the following additional tasks: • Based on the One Pager and PowerPoint presentations, outreach to community groups would begin in September(Judith and Mark S.) • April would translate the One Pager and PowerPoint information into Chinese, circulate to Chinese community groups in Lexington and seek/document feedback received • Dan would finalize the survey material and the Committee would release the completed version online • Dan will approach the Select Board for a presentation on the current draft bylaw and seek input on a potential ban • Jamie will review the PowerPoint for accuracy and supply graphics (CDC, EPA etc.)that can be incorporated into the presentation • Stewart will review and update the list of towns with GLB regulations and summarize the regulations for each • Dan and Nick will attend the DPW events as discussed herein Other Matters Dan noted that Mark M. has advised that he does not plan to continue as a member of the Committee as of September 2020. Dan thanked Mark for his service and asked Committee members to consider other suitable candidates for the vacancy. Adjournment There being no further business the Committee agreed that the next meeting of NAC would be at 7 pm on September 23, 2020.The meeting was adjourned. Action Items: Action Items Person Responsible Due Date 1. Review and update our list of towns that have Dan/Stewart Ongoing regulated lawn equipment. Make calls to find success stories that can be presented to the Select Board and TM.Jamie can probably help with this. 2. Reorganize and consolidate the information Stewart Complete we have collected over time on health effects, etc. 3. Craft one or more short blurbs and slide Dan Complete presentations based on#2,for use in approaching the groups noted below. 4. Contact the Board of Health to ask for Nick (with support. We should do this ASAP as soon as we have assistance from Pending #2 done (as we should reference specific studies on Mark S.) health effects in approaching Wendy Heiger-Bernays. 5. Request opportunities to present to Lexington civic groups, including: a. Sustainable Lexington Mark S. Throughout b. Lex GWAC Judith September C. Citizens for Lexington Conservation Judith d. League of Women Voters Judith e. Lexington Mavens Judith f. Mothers Out Front Judith g. Lexington Green Teams (Cindy Arens) Judith Mark M. h. Decide whether we want to field a survey to Complete/Ready collect usable data on complaints Dan to Launch i. Decide whether to contact people who participated in earlier threads. Note that this is easier if we have something like a survey,which gives us a reason to contact them. Stewart 6. Obtain MA Medical Association resolution on leaf blowers (Wendy Alker?) Deferred until Completed 7. Plan one or two virtual public meetings. August 8. Plan contact with TM members Pending 9. Do additional social-media work(not entirely Stella to assist specified yet). Pending