HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-14-LHRC-min Town of Lexington, Human Rights Committee Meeting Thursday, January 14, 2021 Virtual 9:OOa.m.-11:02a.m Present: Committee Members: Monami D. Roy (Chair), Tanya Gisolfi (Vice Chair), Fuang Ying Huang, Cleveland Coats, Stephanie Hayes Hsu, Melissa Interess (Town Manager's Office Member/Human Services Department), Scott Bokun (School Department Member) Meeting called to order at 9:04 AM, Quorum was present at 9:04 AM 1. Welcome 2. Update from Dr. Julie Hackett (Dr. H), Dr. Maureen Kavanaugh (Dr. K), Mr. Johnny Cole (JC) on ID�Il .r.si .L E u.it and Inclusion in the Lexin gton Public Schools — This report is the annual update to the LHRC for the purpose of updating key equity work and related data trends. Dr. Hackett opened by saying that this report helps holds ourselves accountable to tangible outcomes we can show the community as an expression of the work we are doing. a. Bullying—In the fall of 2020, the district implemented a new online reporting form which includes a section that clarifies for respondents the difference between typical conflict and that which rises to the level of bullying according to state law. • The definition of bullying see — htt s://male pislatu�eo $ov�lLa:ws/�ieneralLaws�Partl/Title ll/Cha ter7l/Section .............. 370 ........................ • Link to LPS • JC -- online reporting form has been tailored to reflect the traditional "hard copy" forms so that there is consistency across the board. Includes language to clarify guidelines of what is identified as bullying by the state law, what might be a civil rights violation, and so forth. The new form also now gives the option of anonymity and for administrators to maintain a level of confidentiality. • JC -- To date LPS only received 8 responses on the online reporting form. Six of these reached the threshold of bullying as defined by state law. Each was addressed with a focus on restorative practices. No confirmed this year. We have also had more training on bullying and civil rights. And a significant focus on restorative practices. Moving forward we are meeting with admin to refine our discipline data processes. We need more information in order to do the right things. We want to provide better guidance around bullying and what that really means, but also recognize when harm doing is happening even if it doesn't fall under bullying. • MI asked whether there is any distinction between online vs. in person bullying? Is there a place for this reporting? Is there an uptake this year? • Dr. K - Online bullying is vague and sometimes not captured in this form. We really capture this in our YRBS that will be administered later this year. • Dr. H. - We have seen an unexpectedly low incidence in the remote setting than was anticipated . Regardless of what happens with alleged bullying support is provided to both individuals. • JC - Data is often hard to collect because some of it happens outside of school • TG— Is it the principal that is the go to person in each building? Feedback on the form? If the complaint brought to teacher vs. counselor how is that treated? Are those forms also connecting to Black and Brown students (how are we tracking civil rights violations)? • JC — Reporting to principals —there are civil rights officers in each school to help with potential civil rights issues • Data to collect is to figure out who are students are going to report. Form has gotten pretty good feedback so far. • Re-emphasized the Restorative practice that schools are using to help work through potential issues. • All staff trained in bullying • Online form says where/who it will go to. • Civil Rights piece on form— even if someone doesn't say they felt it was a civil rights violation there is still follow up. • Dr. K—we will recode on the backend where we think it is necessary and help with follow-up. All of this is tracked. Working on getting all streams of information flowing together. • MDR— LHRC wants to work with you and make sure we are looped in. We need to understand what demographics feel targeted to work on programing to address the concerns not just from the community but from within the schools. It would be very helpful to have a better communication stream to help us plan programing and work with you • Public Comment by Nicole Locher (SEPAL Dyslexia Subgroup Chair) 0 2019 YRBS — what was the incidents of bullying—historical context— what did we learn? o Dr. K—reports are on the LPS website under reports. 1/10 reporting bullying. Legal definition of bullying— o Nicole Locher -- SPED children experience bullying in a different way (covert/exclusion/etc.) —this doesn't get reported because the children don't tend to report. What are we doing to combat the systemic ableism? Restorative practices are great, but what does that look like? • JC— There is the Understanding Our Differences program rolling out to show that differences are okay. New identity lessons are being rolled out. Middle School health teachers are doing programs around implicit bias, etc. to address what might not be reported. Restorative Practices include Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan - training to all staff on Restorative Practice— Circle Practice—building community— creating accountability and support. b. Suspension & Student Discipline • Latest set of results are in document—Despite improved approach and growth in handling student discipline we are still seeing evidence of disproportionality among certain student subgroups. What we are seeing this year are no suspensions, although this is in part due to COVID, it is also about how we are handling incidents . Addressing issues in a estorative manner, rather than through discipline and suspension (i.e. education around substance abuse, etc.). Suspension doesn't lead to restorative practices and impacts education. Remote learning has helped us move towards restorative practices rather than suspension. We are digging for the underlying causes and taking the time to look at why students of color are being caught more than others, even though we know that similar behaviors are happening. • TG— is there a higher level team that is looking at this as it happens or after the fact? JC —it is all of the above. We are looking at how to address these situations during these times based on what we have seen in the past. Communication between JC and schools is happening . Barbara Hamilton is a key figure in handling some of these incidents. Working as a team rather than just one person. • TG— saddened to see 6.8% which is an increase in disparity- recognize how much work is happening, this process takes so much time but these kids don't have that time. There are also continuing issues of the soft bigotry of low expectations, lack of Black kids in AP classes, and this needs to change. • MDR—We know you are working hard, but our vulnerable kids are suffering in real time. Real time pain and that is why working on this is so important. Yes there are no suspensions so far this year during remote but we are paving the way for issues in re-entiy next year which will surely lead to higher discipline disparities. We have to think ahead on re-entry to schools given the mental health/social struggles this year has handed us. We need plans now for the children who are suffering the most and have lost so much this year. Please let the public know what we need to do to help these marginalized children and if we need to advocate for more resources. • Dr. H—the 6.8% breaks my heart. It is not okay and we need to do better. We need to share this video and the work that is happening with the decision makers (and public) and the concerns for next year. Everyone is working hard and there are usually good explanations for the decisions that get made, but I think it would be helpful to have the decision-makers report out on the data themselves, rather than to always have us interpret it for you. It may increase the level of accountability for the results and lead to improved outcomes. TG— LHRC wants to partner with LPS in any way we can. • MDR— Looking at the DESE data online—the disparity numbers are even greater for children of disabilities and POC LHS. We need to continue to highlight these issues. LHRC really wants to partner with LPS. Also please address the new timeline manifest determination hearing JC depends on the student and profile. JC — Staff is absolutely working on a plan for re-entry, soft bigotry, etc. The Restorative Practice model allows us to truly address the underlying issues that have led to the incidents. We need to address as a community c. Civil Rights Harassment/Discrimination - been covered above - but Civil Rights training has been happening. d. Diverse Staffing and Professional Learning— See Table 7, page 11 —we have seen some gains with an increase in the percent of our staff identifying as African American/Black, Asian and Hispanic staff. 1/3 of our new staff hires identify as POC. Recruitment practices are being looked at. The data show we continue to make progress toward diversifying our staff racially and ethnically. Still far lower than we want it to be. Really interested in what job categories are we increasing in diversifying and where do we need to work harder (see Figure 2, pg. 17). A lot more work to do. Providing educational opportunities. • TG— concerned about Unit A & ALA for hires. Has heard in the community that a number of principals were replaced within the past few years and no non-White ones were selected. This is a concern of the greater community. • JC — this is our concern as well. Working with principals to address and acknowledge the role race is playing in education. • Dr. K—there have been some hires at the level just below • MDR—Do we have any other Asst Principals that are a POC besides one Assistant Principal at an elementary school? What are we doing to retain staff? There are also no or very few non-white SPED head teachers —how are we addressing this? SPED students as well as gen ed students need to see racial diversity in teaching staff. Is there something we can be doing to help make LPS more attractive to staff of color? We are 49%-51% POC/White but over 90% of LHS faculty are White. • JC —building diversity is part of our strategic plan. We are definitely looking at the SPED program and looking to build a diverse teaching/leadership staff • TG— look at long term substitutes that we need to bring on permanently. e. Inclusion Efforts New DLP (Developmental Learning Program) at LHS proceeded despite COVID; CIT (Community Inclusion Team) for inclusion is still planning on coming back together in the fall because it requires site visits, but are having meetings to work on inclusion; concerned about racial disproportionality issues for students of disabilities; LBGTQ+ working with LexPride have moved forward to create more inclusive experiences for our LBGTQ+ students, staff and families. Working on curriculum. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) below shows mental health stresses for LGBTQ students— working on this to ensure items are written with inclusive language and that this tool allows us to accurately understand the experiences of this group. • SB — saddened by numbers, but we aren't going to give up. We know those numbers are not reflective of what we can do. • Dr. K—We embrace opportunities to share this information so that we can bring more people together. We don't want it to stay internal so that we can work together. • TG— Thank you for the LGBTQ data since it was historically not presented. Would like to see the same data collected for black students as we do for the LGBTQ students including the mental health issues. We would like to make sure we are addressing these students' needs . Racial harassment is the highest reported category and needs to be addressed. If something doesn't rise to bullying is it put under harassment? • JC There is a legal component to harassment as well. But honestly when we have a finding of bullying or harassment both are treated almost the same— outcomes are almost the same. Intervention is provided regardless and restorative practice implemented. • MDR—we need to look at Neurodiversity—because when we talk about"We All Belong" I wonder if all SPED students feel they belong given the way they are regularly characterized in public. Needs to be a cultural shift in school and in town in how we speak about our SPED students and see them as people rather than a budget item or legal obligation. There needs to be appropriate framing. The cultural bias against SPED children has to stop —in and out of school. They are a part of our community and LHRC would like to partner with LPS to make sure we are looking at all diversity across the spectrum. • MDR—Also where is the Thomas Heir report? We need to look at this again to see what his recommendations were? We need to make sure all of our marginalized families have access to all the supports provided. Agree with TG -- we really need the same YRBS date breakdown for all groups— Racial minorities, LGBTQ, SPED, etc. the removal of other marginalized groups is the wrong optics and also the wrong substance— given what has happened during the pandemic and your own numbers, it would be concerning if we were not concerned about the mental health of other groups and reporting on the same. • TG— Is there mandatory professional training—Are we capturing the staff that really need the training? Sometimes the people that need the training the most don't get the training. • TG— As the LHRC can we partner with LPS to help bring this information to the community and to support you and our students. • MDR—We want to build on the work that SHAC is doing to create groups for all our communities and will certainly be reaching out. • MDR—Please let me mention that awesome work of the curriculum teams for considering DEI and their connecting with the larger community • JC — Everything that has been mentioned is being addressed. We need to do a better job of getting the word out there. • JC— We recognize that microaggressions are going to continue to exist and is continuous work. • Dr. K— Our partnership with the community is what is helping LPS get through this year and will work on expanding that. 3. MLK Day—Monday, January 18 —LexingtonMLK.org a. Will be live streamed on LexMedia b. Community Conversation— over-subscribed, waitlist provided and Asst Speaker of US Hosue of Representatives Katherine Clarke will be joining us. Motion to Adjourn: TG Second: SB Meeting Adjourned: 11:02am Next Meeting Date and Time January 28 at 9:00 AM