HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-13-NAC-min Town of Lexington Noise Advisory Committee(NAC) Minutes of Meeting April 13,2021 A meeting of the Noise Advisory Committee ("NAC") was held via Zoom videoconference on Tuesday April 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM. A quorum of four members was present. NAC Members Present: Dan Koretz (Chair),Vicki Blier, Nick Afshartous, Stewart Smith, April Wang 1. Follow up from April 8,2021 Meeting Dan advised the Committee that he was able to solve the problem of distributing the mass email to landscapers ahead of the planned public forums.After discussions with the Town, NAC will be able to distribute its materials via the Town's Constant Contact account. He advised that,following approval by the Committee, he will provide the CSV and PDF Files to Town administration and expects that the materials will be sent out this week. Nick updated the Committee on the issue of potential bulk purchasing of eco-friendly equipment which would provide discounts for landscapers prepared to convert their equipment from gas to electric. He plans to follow up with Stella Carr and Rick Reibstein and hopes to be in a position to provide information to landscapers by the time of the public meetings. He noted that Caseon equipment may be able to provide group discounts. He further noted that the best discount available at this stage appeared to be Husqvarna equipment. Vicki queried whether focusing on certain wholesale providers would potentially cut out local equipment providers such as local resident Bob Smith who has been selling and servicing equipment for many years. After discussion on this matter, Dan expressed the opinion that landscapers should have the option of choosing between suppliers.This was agreed among the Committee members. 2. Town Landscaper Email List and Documents to be Circulated The Committee discussed the contents of the email cover letter and attachments and reviewed the proposed plan for the conduct of the landscaper meetings. It was unanimously agreed by the Committee that three (3) minutes of speaking time would be provided to each landscaper willing to speak during the planned meetings and that written materials could be filed by landscapers via the Town website. Stewart agreed to review the OSHA decibel limit requirements and advise at the next meeting. After further discussion on the format and content of the email cover letter the Committee voted on approval of the contents. MOTION Stewart moved to approve the email cover letter to be sent to landscapers. Seconded by Vicki. After a rollcall vote the Committee unanimously approved the motion. Regarding the email distribution list,Vicki advised that it was being finalized and that she should be in a position to provide the final version to Dan on April 14. 2021. Dan noted that he planned to send the materials to the Town on April 16, 2021. 3. Landscaper Meeting Format Dan noted that there are two options for conducting the meetings: Zoom meeting or via the Town's webinar format. After deliberation the Committee unanimously agreed to use the Town webinar format. Dan agreed to arrange a "dry run" of the webinar format with Town staff ahead of the landscaper meetings. Next meeting The next meeting of NAC will be on April 20, 2021 at 7:00pm. Adjournment There being no further business, the Meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm. Action Items Person Responsible Due Date 1. Review and update our list of towns that have Dan/Nick Ongoing regulated lawn equipment. Make calls to find success stories that can be presented to the Select Board and TM. 2. Reorganize and consolidate the information we have Stewart Complete collected over time on health effects, etc. 3. Craft one or more short blurbs and slide presentations Dan Complete based on#2,for use in approaching the groups noted below. 4. Contact the Board of Health to ask for support. We Nick (with Complete should do this ASAP as soon as we have#2 done (as we assistance from should reference specific studies on health effects in Mark S.) approaching Wendy Heiger-Bernays. 5. Request opportunities to present to Lexington civic Throughout groups, including: October and a. Sustainable Lexington a. Mark S November b. Lex GWAC b. Judith C. Citizens for Lexington Conservation c. Judith d. League of Women Voters d. Judith e. Lexington Mavens e. April f. Mothers Out Front f. Judith g. Lexington Green Teams (Cindy Arens) g. Judith 6. Create and distribute survey to collect usable data on Mark M In Progress GLB public opinion April 7. Decide whether to contact people who participated in Dan Pending earlier threads. Note that this is easier if we have something like a survey, which gives us a reason to contact them. 8. Obtain MA Medical Association resolution on leaf Stewart Completed blowers(Wendy Alker?) 9. Plan one or two virtual public meetings. Deferred Pending 10. Plan contact with TM members Deferred Pending 11. Do additional social-media work(not entirely specified Stella to assist Pending yet).