HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-26-VISION2025-min (First minutes under new committee name) Town of Lexington 20/20 Vision Committee Meeting February 26,2021 Remote Meeting 7:45 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Members Present: Fernando Quezada, Dan Krupka, Margaret Coppe, Mark Manasas,Joe Pato, Bhumip Khasnabish, Kathleen Lenihan, Robert Peters,Alan Wrigley,Andrew Dixon, and Samita Mandelia. Members Absent: Peter Lee Guests: Candy McLaughlin, Marian Cohen,Jyotsna Kakullavarapu Professional Staff Present: Katharine Labrecque, Management Analyst The meeting started but was not called to order: 7:46am The Remote Meeting Opening Script was read by the chair, Fernando Quezada. Minutes: • Minutes from the January 26, 2021 meeting were approved with minor edits. Handouts/Documents Shared on Zoom Screen: • Mark's PowerPoint slides for 2022 Town-wide survey update • ECiL Communications Action Items/Next Steps • Committee's 27 goals Action Items Summary: • Mark will add considering reaching out to local corporations for some financial assistance or donations to help offset some of the mailing costs associated with the survey to the next working group agenda. • Fernando will add the ECiL findings and townwide communication challenges and opportunities to our March meeting agenda. • Dan will craft a position letter on behalf of the committee to the Select Board regarding the formation of the Citizen Advisory Council and its connection to the Diversity Advisory Task Force. Meeting Highlights: Recruitment for Scoping Groups and for 20/20 Committee Members Vacancies: Fernando provided an update on the committee's membership status. He commented that the Select Board is the body that appoints new members. We have one additional vacancy after appointing Samita. Jyotsna said she has an IAL member interested in appointment. Mark asked Joe for clarification on what 1 the role of the committee is on identifying potential candidates.Joe confirmed that the Select Board is happy to take recommendations from the committee. Fernando and Joe are looking at increasing the size of the committee.Joe added that it's difficult to compare people and resumes in an open meeting. Joe added that ultimately it's up to the committee to decide who to recommend to the board. Fernando added that we have staggered terms with some coming to an end soon, and then it's up to that person to decide if they want to continue on. Fernando commented that he is delighted with the results from the recruitment effort because we are getting candidates not only for committee membership but also for various working groups and subcommittees.Joe added that the town as a whole has embarked on a larger recruitment effort and has set an application deadline.Joe suggested keeping applications open until the date the Town has published for all boards and committees.The committee agreed. Recommendations to Select Board on Updating Committee Name Fernando commented that the Select Board approved the committee's name change. At the last meeting,the Committee voted to recommend Vision for Lexington as the new name, as the Select Board was in approval of it. 2020 Town-wide Survey Planning Update Mark provided an update to the committee on the working group's planning efforts. Mark commented that we were invited to move on to the next phase of the CEL grant application process. We asked for $4,750 to send out mailers to all Lexington households. If we don't get the CEL grant,the group talked about including an insert in the town census mailing. Mark asked Kat if the video and presentation are posted to the website. Kat confirmed. Mark noted that we might want to do additional outreach and potentially post to the TMMA listsery the 2017 survey. Mark added that Kat confirmed with the Town Purchasing Officer that we can avoid the RFP process and award Marian,through Framingham State,the contract as a state agency. Mark shared some of the slides from the Article 8 presentation and talked about the project timeline. Mark also talked about marketing and the timing of planned mailings. Fernando asked when the contract would be awarded. Mark said it would be after town meeting votes in favor of the appropriation for$50k.Joe added that's a little too early;Town Meeting's actions are only effective after the close of town meeting and additional 3 days after. However, nothing can really start until after July V. Fernando asked if we have a contingency in the event we don't get the CEL grant. Mark responded that as a subcommittee we discussed a single mailer where households receive a QR code or a URL where they can easily take the survey,which would be the $4,750. However, if we don't get that grant,we can put a flyer into the 2022 town census that goes out in January of next year for$1,500 that would come out of the$50k budget. Fernando asked if we might want to consider reaching out to some of the large corporations in Lexington for some philanthropic donations. Mark responded that reaching out to some of these large corporations is a good idea, and the working group can discuss it at our next meeting. Enhanced communication recommendation Mark shared that he and Dan had a discussion with Sean Dugan to wrap up the Communications project. Mark displayed on the Zoom screen the top seven goals that came out of the EUL report. Mark gave an example on where having a communication plan would have been useful. Mark added that Sean is just overwhelmed right now,and perhaps doesn't have a lot of support at the moment to move some of 2 these action items forward. Fernando added that this involves a much longer discussion, and will put it on the agenda for our next meeting. Bob commented that there are really two areas of communications that we need to work on. One being the pulling of information-where residents looking for information go to the website can easily find what they are looking for. Whereas the other being the pushing of information for a specific initiative or project. Mark asked how we might push these findings along and keep the momentum. Fernando agreed that we need to think about how past reports and findings fit with our charge. Margaret commented that a townwide communications plan is important and has yet to be done. Margaret added that there is no coordination with the Town Public Information Officer, and that is an area we need to look at it because he has the expertise that different department need. Topics for future Committee consideration (post communications civic culture, emerging community values,town density, community public health, poverty pockets, e-government, others) Fernando mentioned that he has been in touch with the Assistant Town Manager for Land Use, Carol Kowalski, and the Planning Director,Amanda Loomis, as it related to some of the committee's goals. Fernando also noted that Katharine sent out the 27 committee goals put together by Candy from various conversations and events over the years. Civic culture has been the one piece that we have been most concerned with. We need to think about that and nurture what reinforces this civic process. Candy commented that she has been thinking about the existing website and using it as an archive. Candy added that the committee might want to think about how it might present its past work as we transition to a new website.The survey will validate whether these 27 goals are still relevant. Fernando added that they are not set in stone and are certainly still valid today. Candy agreed, but the new survey findings should be checked against specific pieces of what is important right now. Fernando reviewed some of the issues in the document referencing the 27 goals. Marian commented that as it pertains to public health, Melissa Interess, in conjunction with the Mental Health Task Force, are putting together a survey. Although the survey is primarily focused on mental health, it will also get information related to physical health. Marian further added that before we do anything related to that topic,we might want to review the results of the survey first. Fernando agreed. 3 Fernando asked Dan to address his thoughts about the Diversity Task Force that was recommended by the Subcommittee on Asian Communities. He expressed that he was puzzled that another group was established by the Town Manager doing the same work we recommended the task force be doing. Dan commented that he would like the committee to contact the Town Manager to see what can be done, such as expanding the charter of the working group that he has put together,which seems to be rather narrow.Joe commented that in the fall of 2019, the Town Manager and Superintendent reported on their studies and said that they were going to disband the original task force.Joe added that at that time,the school department created a DEI position for just the education side.The Town is now in the process of creating a municipal position.This work should connect to what has been done in the past, but it is not clear that it has. Fernando commented that we can certainly ask someone from the Town Manager's Office. Mark asked if it would be useful for Dan to craft a position statement or letter to the Town Manager with the committee's approval.Joe added that if the committee is looking to make a recommendation it should address the letter to the Select Board. However, if we are looking to solicit information,we can contact staff or the Town Manager. Next Meeting Date • 7:45am, March 26, 2021 • 7:45am,April 30, 2021 • 7:45am, May 28, 2021 Meeting ended at 9:00 a.m. Minutes submitted by Management Analyst, Katharine Labrecque 4