HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-10-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF MARCH 10, 2021 Minutes of the Lexington Planning Board Held on March 10, 2021, Virtual Meeting per Governor Baker’s Order at 7:03 pm Present: Charles Hornig, Chair; Robert Peters, Vice-Chair; Michael Schanbacher, Clerk; Melanie Thompson; and Robert Creech, Michael Leon, Associate Planning Board Member. Also present was Amanda Loomis, Planning Director and Sheila Page, Assistant Planning Director. Mr. Hornig stated that this remote participation meeting was being held in accordance with Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Executive Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to allow remote participation during the State of Emergency due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Mr. Hornig provided instructions to members of the public, who were watching or listening to the meeting via the Zoom application, regarding the process for making a public comment. *********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION************************ Subdivision Modification (109 Reed Street) Kay Tiffany Way : Mr. Hornig explained to the Board that they need to determine if this was a major or minor modification to this project. Mr. Todd Cataldo, applicant was present and said he was making a request to not construct the sidewalk as proposed on the plan. Constructing the sidewalk as proposed would threaten or remove a hemlock border, while moving it to the other side of the street would interfere with telecommunication utilities. Board Member Comments and Questions:  Mr. Hornig said since the sidewalk was part of the complete streets regulations he felt that this was not a minor change and should go through the regular process.  Mr. Peters and Mr. Schanbacher both agreed with Mr. Hornig that it should go through the normal process.  Mr. Creech asked for clarification on what would be there if it were not constructed.  Ms. Thompson agreed that it should go through the normal process. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board determine that the modification request for 109 Reed Street was a major modification. Robert Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED *****************************TOWN MEETING********************************** Discussion and Review Article 36 Development Surcharge: Mr. Hornig spoke with Mr. Daggett and they agreed that this would be presented at the next meeting. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of March 10, 2021 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Public Hearing: Article 44, Amend the Use and General Regulations including Table 1, Permitted Uses and Development Standards; § 5.1 Off-street Parking and Loading; §9.5, Site Plan Review; and §10, Definitions) and updates from the 2020 Special Town Meeting (such as Short-Term Rentals and requirements from the Attorney General review); or act any other manner in relation thereto: Mr. Hornig opened the continued public hearing for Article 44. Ms. Loomis presented the revised draft article based on comments from the public hearing process, Town Counsel, and Planning Board. Ms. Loomis said that Town Counsel, Mina Makarious was present at the meeting. Board Member Comments and Questions:  Ms. Thompson asked for clarification on the removal of food trucks and restaurants. Audience Comments and Questions:  Todd Rhodes from the Sustainable Lexington Committee said a memo was sent from the committee regarding this revised version for Article 44 and highlighted the recommended edits and asked for clarification on some of the changes. Mr. Makarious responded to the questions presented in the list presented by Mr. Rhodes. Mr. Hornig’s computer was frozen and Mr. Peters, vice chair continued and requested the next audience member be allowed to speak.  Mr. DeAngelis had a minor edit to the number of loading bays that should have been caught earlier. Mr. Hornig rejoined the meeting. Mr. Creech asked for clarification on Mr. Rhodes’ example on new parking spaces, charging stations, and being wired.  Mr. DeAngelis said in 9.5.5 to add back language to be consistent with the zoning bylaw.  Mr. Dan Voss from the Sustainable Lexington Committee asked for the definition of newly constructed parking spaces regarding existing parking lots. Mr. Hornig responded it was only for the net increase in parking spaces.  Mr. Jerry Michelson from the Lexington Center Committee asked if would pertain to the entire Town. The committee would be discussing this article tomorrow and Minutes for the Meeting of March 10, 2021 Page 3 take a closer look at it.  Mr. Meyers said regarding Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations provided information that the LEED version also add incentives and requirements to add charging stations and the Board should keep that in mind. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board close the public hearing for Article 44. Robert Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Continued Public Hearing: Article 45, Hartwell Innovation Park (C-HIP): Amend Zoning Map to create a new Hartwell Innovation Park (HIP) Zoning and further amend the Lexington Zoning Bylaw by adding new Special District Regulations, and amend related zoning sections of the Zoning Bylaw, including the Table of Use; Mr. Hornig opened the continued public hearing for Article 45. Ms. Loomis presented the revised draft article based on comments from the public hearing process, Town Counsel, and Planning Board and other stakeholders. Board Member Questions:  Mr. Schanbacher asked for clarification that the applicant would only be required to show that the project could be LEED certified, but not actually be certified. Audience Comments and Questions:  Ms. Cindy Arens from the Sustainable Lexington Committee said there was another part of the memo regarding this revised version for Article 45 and highlighted the recommended edits.  Mr. Voss said that the LEED gold should be the standard set in this article.  Mr. Meyers said they agreed with what was said and that LEED version 4 silver was an exceptional standard for Hartwell Avenue given the inability to achieve location transportation context and the limited public transportation which would need to be robust. He wanted to address and respect those interests regarding LEED gold standards with energy and water.  Ms. Jensen wanted to support the Sustainable Lexington changes requested tonight. She asked for clarification if the changes would be acceptable to the Attorney General and if Article 16 and/or 45 was not approved due to the incentive zoning process could these two clauses be severed so the rest of the bylaw could survive and be approved? Mr. Makarious said the Attorney General’s review is only a first step review and does not bar additional conflict in the future for a particular project, but this language does not seem to raise additional risk at this time for approval from the Attorney Generals’ Office. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of March 10, 2021  Mr. Rhodes wanted to make sure the Board was aware of the meeting with the EDAC and Boston Properties and to include the language presented tonight. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board close the public hearing for Article 45. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Discussion and Review Warrant Determine Positions on Town Meeting Articles: Board discussion of the updated draft of Article 44 Board Member Comments:  Section 2- the table: The Board agreed to accept the recommended change to requirements for loading bays.  Section 7- for EV charging stations from Sustainable Lexington Committee: Mr. Peters supported the change to 25 or more parking spaces and the other additions which would improve the goal of building EV charging capacity. Mr. Schanbacher agreed with the language from the Sustainable Lexington Committee. Mr. Creech agreed with the changes. Ms. Thompson agreed with the changes. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board recommend that Town Meeting approve the motion under Article 44 as amended at this meeting and permit staff to make any necessary corrections of scrivener’s errors. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Board Discussion of the final draft Article 45 Board Member Comments:  Section 3- Schedule of Dimensional Controls: Mr. Hornig said that the suggestions from Sustainable Lexington introduced only confusion since footnote (i) already referred to which contained all the restrictions. He believed that we would want to lead with the attractive height for a quick look and get their attention. Mr. Peters, Mr. Schanbacher, Mr. Creech and Ms. Thompson all agreed with Mr. Hornig’s recommendation. Ms. Thompson requested that they try to get the footnote on the same page as the table.  Section 7: The Board discussed the wording regarding requirements for LEED gold and silver standards to provide clarity on the expectations. Mr. Peters, Mr. Minutes for the Meeting of March 10, 2021 Page 5 Schanbacher, Mr. Creech all agreed to leave at the LEED silver standard for now and require a check list with project applications and a review every five years of the zoning bylaw. Ms. Thompson suggested to make the language more aspirational by adding making the highest level achievable.  Parking garages- Mr. Creech asked if we could add language to require the parking structures have attractive panels and solar on the roof. Those should be placed in the regulations to achieve that.  Table of Uses -Mr. Hornig suggested removing all the columns except the C-HIP when incorporated into the motion for Town Meeting since some items may be incorrect and cause confusion. Mr. Peters suggested CM should be illustrated in the presentation. Ms. Thompson asked about taxicab garages to allow Lyft, Uber, and ride-sharing parking areas to be allowed by a special permit. Mr. Creech did not see the point to allow it. Mr. Hornig, Ms. Thompson, and Mr. Peters would support this use by special permit. Ms. Page said the concern was it did not fit the vision for increasing the taxable base. This use would be added as allowed by special permit. Mr. Creech expressed concern about neighbors having the cars in and out in the middle of the night. He said that he was not sure that the Board should be making changes to the Use Table (Table 1) and making the change part of Article 45 where people were unlikely to notice it. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board recommend that Town Meeting approve the motion under Article 45 as amended at this meeting and permit staff to make any necessary corrections of scrivener’s errors. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Reconsideration of Article 40 recommendation-Retaining Walls: Mr. Hornig explained that the language that we ended up with after all the changes was out of scope and it was recommended that the Planning Board indefinitely postpone it to allow it to be brought forward at another time. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board reconsider the prior recommendation that Town Meeting approve the motion under Article 40. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board recommend that Town Meeting indefinitely postpone Article 40. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board request that the Select Board place Article 40 on the consent agenda for Town Meeting. Bob Creech seconded the motion. Page 6 Minutes for the Meeting of March 10, 2021 The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED The Board recessed at 9:55 and returned at 10:00 p.m. Review of Planning Board Town Meeting Report Recommendations: Article 37, Stormwater Management: Bob Creech moved that the Planning Board adopt the report on Article 37 to Town Meeting. Michael Schanbacher seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board authorize the chair to sign all documents on behalf of the Planning Board during the extent of the COVID-19 State of Emergency. Robert Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board authorize the Planning Director to endorse all plans on behalf of the Planning Board during the extent of the COVID-19 State of Emergency. Robert Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Article 38, Changes to the Tree Bylaw: Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board adopt the report on Article 38 to Town Meeting. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Article 39, Historic Preservation Incentives: Mr. Creech recommended some wording changes and will send to staff. Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board adopt the report on Article 39 to Town Meeting as amended. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Article 40, Retaining walls: Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board adopt the report on Article 40 to Town Meeting. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the Minutes for the Meeting of March 10, 2021 Page 7 motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Article 41, Sheds: Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board adopt the report on Article 41 to Town Meeting. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Article 42, Floodplain Management: Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board adopt the report on Article 42 to Town Meeting. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED Article 43, Technical Changes: Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board adopt the report on Article 43 to Town Meeting. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Call: Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Peters – yes; Robert Creech – yes). MOTION PASSED *************************BOARD ADMINISTRATION**************************** Staff Updates: There were none. Board Member Updates: Ms. Thompson said there was a 15-minute CPAC meeting today and the committee would send information out with an update. Mr. Hornig said there would be a SPRD meeting on Tuesday for the first time in months. The Planning Board will meet March 17, 2021. Town Meeting begins March 22, 2021. The Planning Board articles not on the consent agenda will come up on the same day and the Moderator would let us know when they would be presented. Review of Meeting Minutes February 10, 17 and 24, 2021: Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board approve the minutes of the February 10, 17, and 24, 2021 meetings as distributed. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-1 (Roll call: Robert Peters – yes; Melanie Thompson – abstained; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Creech - yes). MOTION PASSED Robert Peters moved that the Planning Board adjourn the meeting of March 10, 2021. Bob Creech seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll Page 8 Minutes for the Meeting of March 10, 2021 call: Robert Peters – yes; Melanie Thompson – yes; Michael Schanbacher – yes; Charles Hornig – yes; Robert Creech - yes). MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned at 10:28 p.m. The meeting was recorded by LexMedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on the Planning Board website in Planning Board packets. 109 Reed Street:  Sidewalk Tree Impact Plan, dated February 19, 2021 (1 page).  Modification requested, dated February 7, 2021 (1 page).  Photos (1 page). Town Meeting:  EDAC Annual Town Meeting Recommendation for Article 44 and 45, dated March 3, 2021 (2 pages).  Draft Article 44, Town-wide changes, dated March 9, 2021 (6 pages).  Draft Article 45, Hartwell Innovation Park, dated March 9, 2021 (7 pages).  Draft Article 37, Stormwater, dated March 9, 2021 (2 pages).  Draft Article 38, Trees, dated March 9, 2021 (2 pages).  Draft Article 39, Historic Incentives dated March 9, 2021 (4 pages).  Draft Article 41, Structures in Setbacks, dated March 9, 2021 (4 pages).  Draft Article 42, Flood Plain Administrator, dated March 9, 2021 (3 pages).  Draft Article 43, Technical Corrections, dated March 9, 2021 (3 pages).  Draft Article 40, Retaining Walls, dated March 9, 2021 (3 pages). Michael Schanbacher, Clerk of the Planning Board