HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-01-ATM-STM1-min (postponed from March) June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting The 2020 Annual Town Meeting was held remotely due to the COV1D-19 pandemic.The Meeting was scheduled for March 23,2020 and was postponed twice by Moderator Deborah Brown on March 191h and May 13th.In order to hold the meeting remotely,a virtual platform was developed by Select Board member Joseph Pato with assistance from Board Chair Douglas Lucente.Electronic voting was conducted via the platform and results were reported as usual on the Town's website. The Moderator called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m.A quorum in excess of 100 members was present. Town Clerk,Nathalie Rice,read the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting and the two Notices of Postponement until waived.The Town Clerk read the Constable's Return of Service. 7:54 p.m. The Moderator welcomed members to the"groundbreaking"remote meeting and thanked Mr.Pato and Mr.Lucente.Members were able to attend remotely or by phone.The Moderator explained the voting process and the yes,no and questions functions.(Each member had attended a remote training on the remote technology to be used at the meeting.)Attendance was taken; 191 members were present. 8:19 P.M. The Moderator called for a vote to approve the use of remote technology for the Annual Town Meeting and for the use of the remote electronic voting system. 8:24 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Motion to approve use of remote technoloEy for the Annual Town Meetinji Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 190 0 1 June 1,2020 Special Town Meeting#1 (2020-1) 8:25 p.m. The Moderator declared the Annual Town Meeting in recess and opened the meeting under Special Town Meeting#1. 8:27 p.m. Select Board Chair Douglas Lucente moved to adjourn the Special Town Meeting #1. Seeing and hearing no objections remotely,the Moderator declared Special Town Meeting #1 adjourned. June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(continued) 8:27 p.m. The Moderator declared Annual Town Meeting open under Article 2. ARTICLE 2: ELECTION OF DEPUTY TOWN MODERATOR AND REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS AND COMMITTEES MOTION: That Barry Orenstein be approved as Deputy Moderator. 8:28 p.m. Mr.Lucente moved the election of Deputy Town Moderator,Barry Orenstein. The Moderator called for objections,and upon hearing and seeing none,declared the Motion Adopted. 8:30 p.m. The Moderator declared the Meeting open under Article 42. 8:30 p.m. Presented by Edmund Grant,Pct.6. ARTICLE 42:AMEND ZONING BYLAW AND ZONING MAP 1040-1050 WALTHAM STREET(Owner Petition) MOTION: That: a. the Zoning Bylaw,Chapter 135 of the Code of the Town of Lexington,and the Zoning Map of the Town of Lexington be amended by changing the district June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) designation of the land identified as Map 5,Lot 14 on the Assessor's Map,and described in a certain metes and bounds description and certain plans on file with the Planning Board and Town Clerk as part of a Preliminary Site Development and Use Plan dated December 19,2019,revised March 11,2020("PSDUP")from the current CLO Commercial Local Office District to a Planned Development District- 5 ("PD-5")as described in said PSDUP;and b. the zoning regulations and dimensional standards identified in the "Proposed Motion" document which is the "PSDUP Zoning Text"provided in the PSDUP as Article 42, and the"Regulatory Plans" attached thereto, shall apply to said District PD-5. 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Fl_I L4J L%d,1,M'eI FkIS C"r7YiYYeP au M�eMrm.J n Figure 2:Proposed Zoning 8:32 p.m. Mr.Kevin Sheehan of Greatland Realty Partners introduced consultants who participated in the planning phase for the rezoning.Mr. Sheehan showed the proposed plan, discussed traffic mitigation,net tax revenue,LEED certification details,the solar canopy on the rooftop and trail connections to Brookhaven.He stated that the Select Board,Planning Board and Chamber of Commerce had all approved the plan and that the Select Board had approved the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU). 8:41 p.m. The Planning Board,through Chair Robert Creech,and the Select Board through Mr.Pato,both reported unanimous support for the project.Mr.Pato reviewed the elements of the MOU. 8:45 p.m. Members asked questions related to shuttle service,use of in-office space in the context of the pandemic,consequences for future zoning proposals,and biomedical use in the building. 9:09 P.M. Steven Kaufman,Pct.5 moved the question. 9:15 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Motion to call the Question Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 166 17 7 9:17 p.m. The Moderator called for the vote on Article 42. June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) 9:22 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Article 42 Adopted by the necessary two-thirds on a vote of: Approved by Attorney General M a u ra Healey July 28,2020; Yes No Abstain posted July 29,2020. 185 3 2 9:22 p.m. The Moderator called for a brief recess. CONSENT AGENDA 9:27 p.m. The Moderator explained that the Consent Agenda included a higher than usual number of articles in an effort to be as efficient as possible in the remote Town Meeting. She stated that only those articles which were routine by nature and which had unanimous support of the Select Board,the Capital Expenditures Committee and the Appropriation Committee had been placed on the Consent Agenda.The Consent Agenda included the following Articles and subsections:Articles 3-7,9,10a-101,11-15, 16b-16j,17,18,19a,20-23,26,27 and 30- 32.She noted that an article could be taken out of the Consent Agenda by the request of ten members of Town Meeting. (Note:Articles 10(k)and 11 were later removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of a Town Meeting Member and the Chair of the Capital Expenditures Committee respectively.) 9:30 p.m. Douglas Lucente,Chair,Board of Selectmen,moved to take up the CONSENT AGENDA.Motion Adopted. 9:31 p.m. The Moderator read each article for members. ARTICLE 3:APPOINTMENTS TO CARY LECTURE SERIES MOTION: That a committee of four be appointed by the Moderator to have the charge of the lectures under the wills of Eliza Cary Farnham and Suzanna E. Cary for the current year. ARTICLE 4: APPROPRIATE FY2021 OPERATING BUDGET MOTION: That the following amounts be appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year and be raised in the tax levy or from general revenues of the Town,except where a transfer or other source is indicated they shall be provided by such transfer or other source. Program 1000:Education Personal Services $ 98,932,332 Expenses $ 19,425,324 Total Line Item 1100,Lexington Public Schools $ 118,357,656 1200 Regional Schools $ 2,863,147 Program 2000: Shared Expenses 2110 Contributory Retirement $ 6,685,537 2120 Non-Contributory Retirement $ 15,907 2130 Employee Benefits(Health/Dental/Life/Medicare) $ 30,188,039 2140 Unemployment $ 200,000 2150 Workers'Comp.(MGL Ch.40,Sec. 13A&13C,Ch.41,Sec. 111F)* $ 875,000 2210 Property&Liability Insurance $ 845,000 2220 Uninsured Losses(MGL Ch.40,Sec. 13)* $ 250,000 2310 Solar Producer Payments $ 410,000 2400 Debt Service 2410 Payment on Funded Debt $ 6,147,000 2420 Interest on Funded Debt $ 1,030,508 2430 Temporary Borrowing $ 3,339,936 2510 Reserve Fund $ 750,000 2600 Facilities $ 11,990,390 Program 3000:Public Works 3100-3500 DPW Personal Services $ 4,332,465 3100-3500 DPW Expenses $ 6,473,172 June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) Program 4000:Public Safety 4100 Law Enforcement Personal Services $ 7,079,469 4100 Law Enforcement Expenses $ 959,089 4200 Fire Personal Services $ 6,800,552 4200 Fire Expenses $ 697,682 Program 5000:Culture&Recreation 5100 Library Personal Services $ 2,372,517 5100 Library Expenses $ 586,909 Program 6000:Human Services 6000 Human Services Personal Services $ 660,748 6000 Human Services Expenses $ 826,074 Program 7000:Land Use,Health and Development 7100-7400 Land Use,Health and Development Personal Services $ 2,114,074 7100-7400 Land Use,Health and Development Expenses $ 510,687 Program 8000:General Government 8110 Select Board Personal Services $ 129,199 8110 Select Board Expenses $ 114,838 8120 Legal $ 410,000 8130 Town Report $ 13,688 8140 PEG $ 627,151 8210-8220 Town Manager Personal Services $ 845,915 8210-8220 Town Manager Expenses $ 269,785 8230 Salary Transfer Account(MGL Ch.40, Sec 13D)* $ 408,732 and further that Line 8230 is to be transferred by the Select Board for contractual settlements within departments upon recommendation of the Town Manaeer 8310 Financial Committees $ 8,262 8320 Misc.Boards and Committees $ 10,500 8330 Town Celebrations Committee $ 45,338 8400 Finance Personal Services $ 1,404,865 8400 Finance Expenses $ 497,480 8500 Town Clerk Personal Services $ 440,852 8500 Town Clerk Expenses $ 149,600 8600 Information Technology Personal Services $ 939,117 8600 Information Technology Expenses $ 1,853,600 Note:Asterisk denotes a Continuing Balance Account. and that the Town transfer the following sums to meet,in part,appropriations made at this Town Meeting: $ 750,000 from the Health Claims Trust Fund for line item 2130; $ 652,711 from the PEG Access Special Revenue Fund for line items 2130,2600 and 8140; $2,403,450 from Unreserved Fund Balance/Free Cash for line item 2430; $ 6,200 from the Betterments Fund for line items 2410,2420 and 2430; $ 40,480 from the Cemetery Sale of Lots Fund for line items 2410,2420 and 2430; $ 200,000 from the Visitors Center Stabilization Fund for line items 2410,2420 and 2430; $ 385,000 from the Parking Meter Fund for line items 3100-3500 and 4100; $ 50,000 from the Cemetery Trust Fund for line item 3100-3500; $ 141,000 from the Transportation Demand Management/Public Transportation Stabilization Fund for line items 6000 and 7100-7400; $2,200,000 from Unreserved Fund Balance/Free Cash; $ 930,001 from the Water Enterprise Fund; $ 541,663 from the Sewer Enterprise Fund;and $ 277,771 from the Recreation Enterprise Fund. June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) ARTICLE 5: APPROPRIATE FY2021 ENTERPRISE FUNDS BUDGETS MOTION: a) That the Town appropriate the following sums of money to operate the Water Division of the Department of Public Works during fiscal year 2021 under the provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 44, Section 53F%: Personal Services $804,234 Expenses $502,925 Debt Service $1,278,770 MWRA Assessment $8,030,101 Total $10,616,030 Said sums to be funded from water receipts. b) That the Town appropriate the following sums of money to operate the Wastewater(Sewer)Division of the Department of Public Works during fiscal year 2021 under the provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 44,Section 53F'h: Personal Services $366,568 Expenses $444,150 Debt Service $1,388,579 MWRA Assessment $8,248,093 Total $10,447,390 Said sums to be funded from wastewater receipts. c) That the Town appropriate the following sums of money to operate the Recreation and Community Programs Department during fiscal year 2021 under the provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 44,Section 53FY2: Personal Services $1,535,363 Expenses $1,480,045 Total $3,015,408 Said sums to be funded from recreation receipts,except that$375,000 shall be funded from retained earnings,and$218,916 shall be funded by a transfer from the tax levy. ARTICLE 6: ESTABLISH QUALIFICATIONS FOR TAX DEFERRALS MOTION: That the maximum qualifying gross receipts amount for property tax deferrals under Clause 41A of Section 5 of Chapter 59 of the Massachusetts General Laws and Chapter 190 of the Acts of 2008 be raised to$90,000,beginning in fiscal year 2021. ARTICLE 7: PETITION GENERAL COURT TO AMEND LEGISLATION REGARDING TAX DEFERRALS MOTION: That the Select Board be authorized to petition the Massachusetts General Court to enact legislation regarding real property tax deferrals in the Town of Lexington in substantially the form below,and further to authorize the Select Board to approve amendments to said act before its enactment by the General Court that are within the scope of the general objectives of this motion. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of'the same, as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2 of Chapter 190 of the Acts of 2008,is hereby renumbered to be Section 3. SECTION 2.A new Section 2 of Chapter 190 of the Acts of 2008,is hereby added as follows: June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) "Section 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the last paragraph of clause Forty- first A of section 5 of chapter 59 of the General Laws,interest on deferrals granted by the town of Lexington shall accrue at the rate provided in that clause until the conveyance of the property or, if there has not been such a conveyance, one year after the death of the person or surviving spouse whose taxes have been deferred, after which time interest shall accrue at the rate provided in section sixty-two of chapter sixty." SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. ARTICLE 9:ESTABLISH AND CONTINUE DEPARTMENTAL REVOLVING FUNDS MOTION: (a) That Section 110-1 of the Code of Lexington be amended by inserting at the end of the chart in that section,the following row: Authorized Representative or Departmental Revolving Fund Board to Spend Receipts Use of Fund Lab Animal Permit Health Director Lab Animal Expenses for consulting services Applications/Inspections Permit to perform inspections before application fee granting permit and for annual inspections of animal research labs. (b) that the Town authorize the following revolving fund limits for certain Town departments pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L.Chapter 44, Section 53E %2 for Fiscal Year 2021 beginning July I,2020 as follows: FUNDS REQUESTED: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Program or Purpose for Revolving Funds FY2021 Authorization ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... School Bus Transportation $1 150,000 Building Rental Revolyin Fund $560,000 Re Tonal Cache-Hartwell Avenue $202000 Lexin ton Tree Fund $45,000 DPW Burial Containers $502000 DPW Com ost O erations $7901000 Minuteman Household Hazardous Waste Pro ram $;52,000 Senior Services ProMR! $75,000 Residential En ineerin Review $57,600 Health Pro rams $45,000 Tourism/Libert Ride $200,000 Visitors Center $205 000 Lab Animal Permit A lications/ins ections $40,000 ARTICLE 10:APPROPRIATE THE FY2021 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OPERATING BUDGET AND CPA PROJECTS MOTION: That the Town hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee on the FY2021 Community Preservation budget and,pursuant to the recommendations of the Community Preservation Committee,take the following actions: That the Town reserve for appropriation the following amounts from estimated FY2021 receipts as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee: 1. $680,000 for the acquisition,creation and preservation of open space; 2. $680,000 for the acquisition,preservation,rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources; 3. $680,000 for the acquisition,creation,preservation and support of community housing;and June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) 4. $4,760,000 to the Unbudgeted Reserve. And further,that the Town make appropriations from the Community Preservation Fund and other sources as follows: a) That$20,000 be appropriated for Archives&Records Management and Records Conservation&Preservation,and to meet this appropriation$20,000 be appropriated from the Historic Resources Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; b) That$9,000 be appropriated for the Restoration of Margaret,Lady of Lexington Painting,and to meet this appropriation$9,000 be appropriated from the Historic Resources Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; c) That$317,044 be appropriated for the Battle Green Master Plan,and to meet this appropriation$317,044 be appropriated from the Historic Resources Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; d) That this item be indefinitely postponed; e) That$22,425 be appropriated for Daisy Wilson Meadow Preservation,and to meet this appropriation$22,425 be appropriated from the Open Space Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; f) That$69,000 be appropriated for Wright Farm Site Access Planning and Design, and to meet this appropriation$69,000 be appropriate from the Open Space Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; g) That$450,000 be appropriated for Athletic Facility Lighting,and to meet this appropriation$450,000 be appropriated from the Unbudgeted Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; h) That$100,000 be appropriated for Park Improvements-Hard Court Resurfacing-Valley Tennis Courts,and to meet this appropriation$100,000 be appropriated from the Unbudgeted Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; i) That$95,000 be appropriated for Park and Playground Improvements- Sutherland Park,and to meet this appropriation$95,000 be appropriated from the Unbudgeted Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; j) That$370,000 be appropriated for Park Improvements-Athletic Fields- Harrington,Bowman and Franklin Fields,and to meet this appropriation $370,000 be appropriated from the Unbudgeted Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; k) That$551,026 be appropriated for Parker Meadow Accessible Trail Construction,and to meet this appropriation$551,026 be appropriated from the Unbudgeted Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; 1) That$130,000 be appropriated for Lexington Housing Authority-Greeley Village Community Center Preservation,and to meet this appropriation $130,000 be appropriated from the Community Housing Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; n) That$3,968,594 be appropriated for CPA Debt Service and related costs,and to meet this appropriation$351,050 be appropriated from the Open Space Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund,$425,000 be appropriated from the Historic Resources Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund, $2,240,680 be appropriated from the Unbudgeted Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund and$951,864 be appropriated from the Undesignated Fund Balance of the Community Preservation Fund;and o) That$150,000 be appropriated for the Administrative Expenses and all other necessary and proper expenses of the Community Preservation Committee for FY2021 and to meet this appropriation$150,000 be appropriated from the Unbudgeted Reserve of the Community Preset vation Fund. ARTICLE 11:APPROPRIATE FOR RECREATION CAPITAL PROJECTS MOTION: That the following amounts be appropriated for the following capital improvements and that each amount be raised as indicated: (a)$100,000 be appropriated for design and engineering associated with renovation of the Pine Meadows Clubhouse,and that to meet this appropriation $100,000 be appropriated from Recreation Fund Retained Earnings;and June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) (b)that$80,000 be appropriated for Pine Meadows Equipment and that to meet this appropriation$80,000 be appropriated from Recreation Fund Retained Earnings. ARTICLE 12:APPROPRIATE FOR MUNICIPAL CAPITAL PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT MOTION: That the following amounts be appropriated for the following capital improvements and that each amount be raised as indicated: a) Ambulance Replacement- $325,000 for the purchase of a new ambulance and all incidental costs related thereto,and that to meet this appropriation$325,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; b) Athletic Fields Feasibility Study-$100,000 for a feasibility study to consider improvements to Town-owned athletic fields and recreation facilities,and that to meet this appropriation$100,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; c) Hydrant Replacement Program-$150,000 for the replacement of fire hydrants and all incidental costs related thereto,and that to meet this appropriation$75,000 be appropriated from Water Fund Retained Earnings and$75,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; d) Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES Compliance-$385,000 for constructing and reconstructing storm drains and all incidental costs related thereto,and that to meet this appropriation$385,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; e) Sidewalk hnprovements- $800,000 for rebuilding and repaving existing sidewalks,and all incidental costs related thereto,and to take by eminent domain,purchase or otherwise acquire any fee,easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer,with the approval of the Select Board,is authorized to borrow$800,000 under M.G.L.Chapter 44, Section 7,or any other enabling authority. Any premium received by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote,less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes,may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with Chapter 44,Section 20 of the General Laws,thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount; f) Equipment Replacement-$1,368,000 for the cost of department equipment for the Department of Public Works and all incidental costs related thereto,and that to meet this appropriation$55,000 be appropriated from the Water Fund Retained Earnings;and the Treasurer,with the approval of the Select Board,is authorized to borrow$1,313,000 under M.G.L.Chapter 44,Section 7,or any other enabling authority.Any premium received by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote,less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes, may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with Chapter 44,Section 20 of the General Laws,thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount; g) Townwide Signalization Improvements-$125,000 for the replacement of traffic and pedestrian signals and related roadway work and expenses incidental thereto,and that to meet this appropriation$125,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; h) Street Improvements- $2,634,022 for road reconstruction,repairs and resurfacing and all incidental costs related thereto,and to take by eminent domain,purchase or otherwise acquire any fee,easement or other interest in land necessary therefor,and that to meet this appropriation$2,634,022 be raised in the tax levy,and authorize the Town to accept and expend any additional funds provided or to be provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through the Massachusetts Department of Transportation; i) New Sidewalk Installations- $280,000 for constructing new sidewalks on Westminster from Lowell Street to the Arlington Town Line and on Massachusetts Avenue from Crosby Drive to approximately the Route 95 bridge,and all incidental costs related thereto,and to take by eminent domain,purchase or otherwise acquire any fee,easement or other interest in land necessary therefor;and that to meet this appropriation$280,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) j) Transportation Mitigation- $16,504.40 for the Transportation Safety Group for certain traffic, pedestrian and bike safety improvements,including the design and construction of smaller scale safety related projects and education programs related to alternative transportation and bike safety,and that to meet this appropriation$16,504.40 be appropriated from the Transportation Network Company Special Revenue Fund; k) Municipal Technology Improvement Program-$100,000 for computer equipment,and that to meet this appropriation$100,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; 1) Application Implementation-$325,000 for Town software applications and related costs, and that to meet this appropriation$325,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance;and m) Phone Systems&Unified Communications- $150,000 for new telephone systems in town and school buildings,and to meet this appropriation$150,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance. ARTICLE 13:APPROPRIATE FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS MOTION: That the Select Board be authorized to snake water distribution system improvements, including the installation of new water mains and replacement or cleaning and lining of existing water mains and stand pipes,conducting engineering studies and the purchase and installation of equipment in connection therewith,and pay all incidental costs related thereto, in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Select Board may determine, subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee,easement or other interest in land necessary therefor;to appropriate $2,200,000 for such distribution systems improvements and land acquisition; and that to meet this appropriation,$200,000 be raised through water user fees,and the Treasurer, with the approval of the Select Board, is authorized to borrow $2,000,000 under M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 8 or any other enabling authority; and further that the Treasurer,with the approval of the Select Board,is authorized to borrow all or a portion of such amount from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority and in connection therewith to enter into a loan agreement and/or security agreement.Any premium received by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote,less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes,may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with Chapter 44, Section 20 of the General Laws, thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount. ARTICLE 14:APPROPRIATE FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS MOTION: That the following be authorized,and that the following amounts be appropriated for the following capital improvements and that each amount be raised as indicated: (a)the Select Board be authorized to install sanitary sewer mains and sewerage systems and replacements thereof,and pay all incidental costs related thereto,in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Select Board may determine,subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise,in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897,as amended, or otherwise,and to take by eminent domain,purchase or otherwise acquire any fee,easement or other interest in land necessary therefor;to appropriate for such installation and land acquisition the sum of$1,000,000;and that to meet this appropriation,$100,000 be raised through wastewater user fees, and the Treasurer,with the approval of the Select Board,is authorized to borrow$900,000 under M.G.L.Chapter 44,Section 7 or any other enabling authority;and further that the Treasurer,with the approval of the Select Board,is authorized to borrow all or a portion of such amount from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority and in connection therewith to enter into a loan agreement and/or security agreement.Any premium received by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote,less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes,may be applied to the payment of costs approved by June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) this vote in accordance with Chapter 44,Section 20 of the General Laws, thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount.;and that (b) $401,200 be appropriated for pump station upgrades and all incidental costs related thereto,and to raise such amount the Treasurer,with the approval of the Select Board,is authorized to borrow$401,200 under M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 7 or any other enabling authority;and further that the Treasurer,with the approval of the Select Board,is authorized to borrow all or a portion of such amount from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority and in connection therewith to enter into a loan agreement and/or security agreement. Any premium received by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote, less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes,may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with Chapter 44, Section 20 of the General Laws,thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount. ARTICLE 15:APPROPRIATE FOR SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT MOTION: That $1,299,246 be appropriated for maintaining and upgrading the Lexington Public School technology systems, including the acquisition of new equipment in connection therewith, and that to meet this appropriation $1,299,246 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance. ARTICLE 16:APPROPRIATE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS MOTION: That the following amounts be appropriated for the following capital improvements to public facilities and that each amount be raised as indicated: b) Center Recreation Complex Bathrooms&Maintenance Building Renovation- $100,000 for design and engineering costs to renovate the Center Recreation Complex bathrooms and maintenance building,and all incidental costs related thereto,and that to meet this appropriation$100,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved balance; c) Public Facilities Master Plan-$100,000 to create a Public Facilities Master Plan,and that to meet this appropriation$100,00 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved balance; d) LHS Science Classroom Mining-$150,000 to provide design and construction dollars to modify existing interior classroom spaces at Lexington High School and all incidental costs related thereto,and that to meet this appropriation$150,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved balance; e) Townwide Roofing Program-$2,010,152 for replacing the roof at the Bridge Elementary School,located at 55 Middleby Road,Lexington,Massachusetts, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto(the"Project"), which proposed repair project would materially extend the useful life of the school and preserve an asset that otherwise is capable of supporting the required educational program,and for which the Town has applied for a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority("MSBA"),$2,010,152 amount to be expended under the direction of School Committee. To meet this appropriation the Treasurer,with the approval of the Select Board,is authorized to borrow said amount under M.G.L.Chapter 44,or pursuant to any other enabling authority. The Town acknowledges that the MSBA's grant program is a non-entitlement,discretionary program based on need,as determined by the MSBA,and if the MSBA's Board of Directors votes to invite the Town to collaborate with the MSBA on this proposed repair project, any project costs the Town incurs in excess of any grant that may be approved by and received from the MSBA shall be the sole responsibility of the Town; and that,if invited to collaborate with the MSBA on the proposed repair project,the amount of borrowing authorized pursuant to this vote shall be reduced by any grant amount set forth in the Project Funding Agreement that may be executed between the Town and the MSBA. Any premium received by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote,less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) bonds or notes,may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with Chapter 44,Section 20 of the General Laws,thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount; f) School Building Envelope and Systems Program-$239,285 for extraordinary repairs and modifications to school buildings and systems,and that to meet this appropriation$239,285 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; g) Municipal Building Envelopes and Systems-$208,962 for extraordinary repairs and modifications to municipal buildings and systems,and that to meet this appropriation$208,962 be raised in the tax levy; h) Facility and Site Improvements- $250,000 for building flooring programs, school paving and sidewalk program,and school traffic safety improvements, and that to meet this appropriation$250,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; i) Public Facilities Bid Documents-$100,000 for professional services to produce design development,construction documents,and bid administration services for capital projects,and that to meet this appropriation$100,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; j) Public Facilities Mechanical Electrical System Replacements-$672,000 for replacement of HVAC and electrical systems that have exceeded their useful life,and that to meet this appropriation$672,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved fund balance; ARTICLE 17: APPROPRIATE TO POST EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LIABILITY FUND MOTION: That$750,000 be appropriated to the town of Lexington Post Employment Insurance Liability Fund established pursuant to Chapter 317 of the Acts of 2002, and that to meet this appropriation,$750,000 be raised in the tax levy. ARTICLE 18:RESCIND PRIOR BORROWING AUTHORIZATIONS MOTION: That this article be indefinitely postponed ARTICLE 19:ESTABLISH,DISSOLVE AND APPROPRIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED STABILIZATION FUNDS INIOTION: a) That$3,500,000 be appropriated from the Capital Stabilization Fund for projects excluded from the limits of Proposition 2'/z;and ARTICLE 20:APPROPRIATE FROM DEBT SERVICE STABILIZATION FUND MOTION: That$124,057 be appropriated from the Debt Service Stabilization Fund to offset the FY2021 debt service of the bond dated February 1,2003 issued for funding additions and renovations to the Lexington High School,Clarke Middle School and Diamond Middle School as refunded with bonds dated December 8,2011, ARTICLE 21:APPROPRIATE FOR PRIOR YEARS'UNPAID BILLS MOTION: That this article be indefinitely postponed. ARTICLE 22:AMEND FY2020 OPERATING,ENTERPRISE AND CPA BUDGETS MOTION: That the following adjustments be made to the amounts appropriated as recommended by the Community Preservation Committee,and approved under Article 14 of the 2019 Annual Town Meeting: June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) From To For the acquisition,creation and preservation of open space $ 568,000 $ 634,495 For the acquisition,preservation,rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources $ 568,000 $ 634,495 For the acquisition,creation,preservation and support of community housing $ 568,000 $ 634,495 To the Unbudgeted Reserve $ 3,980,200 $4,441,465 ARTICLE 23:APPROPRIATE FOR AUTHORIZED CAPITAL Il\IPROVEMENTS MOTION: That this article be indefinitely postponed. ARTICLE 26:AMEND HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION ENABLING LEGISLATION MOTION: That the Select Board be authorized to petition the Massachusetts General Court to enact legislation amending the Historic District Commission's enabling legislation in substantially the form below,and further to authorize the Select Board to approve amendments to said act before its enactment by the General Court that are within the scope of the general objectives of this motion. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 447 of the Acts of 1956,as previously amended,is hereby amended by replacing the words"Arts and Crafts Society"with the words "Chamber of Commerce"wherever they appear,and by deleting the words"and a secretary"in section 4 of said Act. ARTICLE 27:AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS-NOISE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS MOTION: To amend Chapter 80-4(A)of the Code of the Town of Lexington(Noise Control) by deleting it and replacing it with the following: A.Construction/private service/maintenance power equipment. (i).Contractors are permitted to operate tools or equipment used in construction, including drilling or demolition work,in a manner such that this operation creates noise across a real property boundary that would disturb a reasonably prudent person only on weekdays between the hours of 7:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.and on Saturdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m. Such operation is not permitted on Sundays and legal holidays. (ii)Residents are permitted to operate tools or equipment used in Construction, including drilling or demolition work on their own property,in a manner such that this operation creates noise across a real property boundary that would disturb a reasonably prudent person only on weekdays between the hours of 7:00 a.m.and 9:00 p.m.and on Saturdays,Sundays and legal holidays only between the hours of 9:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m. (iii)In addition to the above restrictions,blasting and the use of powered equipment used in the breaking of rock and pavement, including but not limited to hydraulic or pneumatic hammers,by contractors and residents is permitted on weekdays only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and is not permitted on Saturdays, Sundays,and legal holidays. ARTICLE 30:LAND EXCHANGE(Citizen Article) MOTION 1:That the Town authorize the Select Board to lease,sell,convey,release,or otherwise dispose of any interests in certain real property with improvements thereon shown as "Proposed Land Given To MACC" on the plan prepared by Colin Smith Architecture, Inc. dated 1-22-2020 on file with the Town Clerk, being a portion of property described in a taking by the Town of Lexington dated January 16, 1961 recorded in Middlesex South Registry of Deeds,Book 9746 Page 499(the"Parcel"); June 1,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) provided that such disposition be on such terms and conditions as the Select Board deems appropriate,which may include the reservation of easements and restrictions over,along or through the Parcel. MOTION 2:That the Town authorize the Select Board to acquire by purchase,donation,eminent domain or otherwise, certain real property shown as"Proposed Land To Be Given to Town" on the plan prepared by Colin Smith Architecture,Inc. dated 1-22-2020 on file with the Town Clerk,being a portion of property conveyed to the Lexington Peace Center LLC by deed date July 3, 2019 recorded with the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Book 72969,Page 456 on such other terms and conditions as the Select Board may determine. ARTICLE 31:AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS-DEMOLITION DELAY(Citizen Article) MOTION: That this article be indefinitely postponed. ARTICLE 32:EXTEND HANCOCK-CLARK HISTORIC DISTRICT(Citizen Article) MOTION:That this article be indefinitely postponed. 9:39 p.m. Eric Michelson,Pct. 1,noted a typographical error in Article 16c. 9:41 p.m. Members asked questions about the School budget under Article 4,space mining under Article 16(d),and trail construction under Article 10(k). 10:00 p.m. Robert Rotberg requested that Article 10(k),Parker Meadow Accessible Trail Construction,be taken out of the Consent Agenda for separate discussion.More than nine members agreed with this request and 10(k)was held out. 10:07 p.m. Charles Lamb,Chair of the Capital Expenditures Committee,raised a Point of Order to note that Article 11,Appropriate for Recreation Capital Projects,had been previously removed from the Consent Agenda.He noted unanimous Committee support for the action. 10:08 p.m. Members also asked questions related to Articles 12(b), 12(1), 12(f),22 and 26. 10:23 p.m. The Moderator proceeded to the vote,excluding Articles 10(k)and 11. 10:26 p.m. Suzanne Barry,member,Select Board,recused herself from voting on Article 17, but registered a yes vote on all other articles. 10:26 p.m. The Moderator called for the vote. 10:26 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the CONSENT AGENDA Adopted by the necessary two-thirds on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 185 0 1 10:27 p.m. Mr.Lucente read a meaningful statement on behalf of the Board and many Town stakeholders to denounce racism and other forms of oppression.He invited everyone to "partner... as active `upstanders'... and to shape history and create a more compassionate,and humane world". 10:27 p.m. He thanked the many Town employees who had been instrumental in making a remote Town Meeting possible. 10:34 p.m. Mr.Lucente moved to adjourn Annual Town Meeting until Wednesday,June Yd at 7:30 p.m. With no objections heard,the Moderator declared the Meeting adjourned. A true copy. Attest: Nathalie L.Rice,Town Clerk June 3,2020 Adjourned Session of 2020 Annual Town Meeting Moderator Deborah Brown called the second session of 2020 Annual Town Meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.,Wednesday,June 3,2020 via remote participation. 7:45 p.m. The Moderator highlighted parliamentary procedures and called for the taking of attendance.A quorum of 186 members was present. 7:47 p.m. The Moderator declared the Meeting open under Article 25. June 3,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) 7:47 p.m. Presented by Douglas Lucente,Chair, Select Board. ARTICLE 25:PURCHASE OF LAND/EMINENT DOMAIN MOTION:That the Town authorize the Select Board to acquire for municipal,parking,and other purposes by purchase, donation,eminent domain or otherwise, certain real property shown as Assessor's Parcel 96,May 48 and as shown on the plan entitled"Land in Lexington Mass., Boston and Maine Railroad to Anthony R. Cataldo, dated March 1959,Plan R13.2-9-18"recorded with the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Plan number 409 of 1959 on such other terms and conditions as the Select Board may determine and that to meet this appropriation $177,000 be appropriated from the Parking Meter Fund unreserved balance. 7:48 p.m. Mr.Lucente moved Article 25. 7:48 p.m. Town Manager,James Malloy,presented a video describing the property proposed for acquisition by the Town.He answered questions from members. 7:53 p.m. The Appropriation and Capital Expenditures Conunittees registered support for the project. 7:54 p.m. The Moderator turned the gavel over to Barry Orenstein,Deputy Town Moderator,who continued with proceedings. 8:03 p.m. The Deputy Town Moderator called for the vote. 8:04 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Deputy Town Moderator declared Article 25 Adopted by the necessary two-thirds on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 187 1 1 8:09 P.M. The Moderator resumed the gavel and declared the Meeting open under Article 16(a). 8:09 P.M. Presented by Mr.Lucente,Chair,Select Board. ARTICLE 16:APPROPRIATE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS MOTION: That the following amounts be appropriated for the following capital improvements to public facilities and that each amount be raised as indicated: a) Police Outdoor/Indoor Firing Range-$125,000 for schematic design for a firing range at Hartwell Ave,and that to meet this appropriation$125,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved balance;provided that any appropriation hereunder shall be subject to and contingent upon receipt of the Criminal Justice Training Council grant or other grant and the development of a business plan accepted by the Select Board; 8:10 P.M. Mr.Lucente moved Article 16(a). 8:10 P.M. Two videos were played for members;one prepared by Police Chief Mark Corr, the second by Engineer and Project Manager for Weston and Sampson,Hank Ouimet.Mr. Ouimet presented results of a feasibility study conducted on the proposed site on Hartwell Avenue. 8:29 p.m. Jill Hai,member, Select Board,reported support of the Board(4-1). 8:30 p.m. The Capital Expenditures Committee reported support(6-0);the Appropriation Committee reported unanimous support. 8:31 p.m. Wendy Reasenberg,Pct. 8,moved to amend Article 16(a)to Refer back to the Select Board. 8:31 p.m. Matthew Daggett,Pct.2,raised objections,since no discussion had been conducted on the floor.The Moderator continued debate of the amendment. 8:34 p.m. The Select Board,through Mr.Lucente,Chair registered its majority objection to the amendment(4-1). 8:34 p.m. The Appropriation Committee registered unanimous opposition to the amendment. 8:37 p.m. Members asked a number of questions including how trainings would take place, if de-escalation training would be part of regular training,types of guns used,hours of operation, the justification for a regional facility,and how Town control of the facility would be maintained. 9:00 P.M. The Moderator gave one minute to the maker of the motion.Ms.Reasenberg summarized. June 3,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) 9:01 P.M. Mark Andersen,Pct.6 declared a Point of Order.He moved to extend debate by 20 minutes. 9:05 p.m. The Town Moderator called for the vote on the Motion to Extend Debate. 9:05 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Town Moderator declared the Motion to Extend Debate on the Amendment to Article 16(a)NOT Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 50 136 5 9:08 P.M. Mr.Andersen raised a Point of Order that he had not been given enough time.The Moderator overruled. 9:12 p.m. The Moderator called for the vote on the amendment. 9:16 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Motion to Refer Article 16(a)back to the Select Board NOT Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 61 127 3 9:16 p.m. The Moderator resumed debate on the main motion. 9:18 P.M. Robert Creech,Chair of the Planning Board,registered objections to the main motion citing noise concerns. 9:22 p.m. Members questioned training opportunities for officers,the possibility that Federal funding could restrict Lexington preferences for use,availability of grant funding,and issues of process. 9:30 p.m. Marsha Baker,Pct.7,moved the question. 9:30 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Motion to Call the Question Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 130 59 2 9:30 p.m. Mr.Lucente had no summary comments. 9:30 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Article 16(a) Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 123 65 3 NOTE:See Notice of Reconsideration of Article 16(a)on June 8, 2020. This Article was subsequently Indefinitely Postponed. 9:40 p.m. The Moderator declared the Meeting open on Article 16(k). 9:40 p.m. Presented by Mr.Lucente,Chair, Select Board. ARTICLE 16:APPROPRIATE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS MOTION: That the following amounts be appropriated for the following capital improvements to public facilities and that each amount be raised as indicated: k) Westview Cemetery Facility Construction-$3,290,000 be appropriated for the construction of a new administration and maintenance building located at the Westview Cemetery,including the costs of demolition,architectural and engineering services, original equipment,furnishings,landscaping,paving,and other site improvements incidental or related to such construction,and that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer,with the approval of the Select Board,is authorized to borrow$3,290,000 under M.G.L.Chapter 44,Section 7,or any other enabling authority.Any premium received by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes approved by this vote,less any such premium applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes, may be applied to the payment of costs approved by this vote in accordance with Chapter 44,Section 20 of the General Laws,thereby reducing the amount authorized to be borrowed to pay such costs by a like amount. June 3,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) 9:40 p.m. Mr.Lucente moved the question. 9:41 p.m. David Pinsonneault,Director of the Department of Public Works,presented a video,reviewing existing conditions,the floor plan,solar and electric readiness,the septic system,equipment storage,operational efficiencies, and costs and fees. 9:53 p.m. Suzanne Barry,member,Select Board,reported the unanimous support of the Board,and gave a brief report. 9:56 p.m. The Capital Expenditures reported unanimous support;the Appropriation Committee also reported support(8-0). 9:57 p.m. The Moderator turned the gavel over to Deputy Town Moderator,Barry Orenstein. 9:59 p.m. Members raised questions regarding the project's financials,declining burial requests,impact on the tax levy,impacts of delaying the project,and how fees are accounted for with respect to the General Fund. 10:17 p.m. With no further questions,the Deputy Town Moderator called for the vote. 10:17 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Article 16(k) Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 157 19 7 10:20 p.m. The Moderator resumed the gavel. She reviewed the schedule for the following session of Town Meeting. 10:23 p.m. Douglas Lucente,Chair,Select Board,moved to adjourn Town Meeting until 7:30 p.m.on Thursday,June 4th,2020,such meeting to be held remotely.With no objections heard, the Moderator declared the Meeting adjourned. A true copy. Attest: Nathalie L.Rice,Town Clerk June 4,2020 Adjourned Session of 2020 Annual Town Meeting Moderator Deborah Brown called the third session of 2020 Annual Town Meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.,Thursday,June 4,2020 via remote participation. 7:45 p.m. The Moderator highlighted parliamentary procedures and called for the taking of attendance.A quorum of 182 members was present. 7:47 p.m. The Moderator declared the Meeting open under Article 10(m)and stated that the two sections of 10(m)would be debated together but voted separately. 7:47 p.m. Presented by Marilyn Fenollosa,Pct. 5,Chair of the Community Preservation Committee. ARTICLE 10:APPROPRIATE THE FY2021 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OPERATING BUDGET AND CPA PROJECTS MOTION: 10(m) That the Town hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee on the FY2021 Community Preservation budget and,pursuant to the recommendations of the Community Preservation Committee,take the following actions: (1) That$75,000 be appropriated for LEXHAB—116 Vine Street Design Funds, and to meet this appropriation$75,000 be appropriated from the Community Housing Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund;and (2) That$25,000 be appropriated for LEXHAB—Hosmer House Feasibility of Reuse at 116 Vine Street Study,and to meet this appropriation$25,000 be appropriated from the Historic Resources Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund; 7:54 p.m. Ms.Fenollosa moved Article 10(m),sections(1)and(2). June 4,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) 7:54 p.m. Robert Burbridge,Chair,LexHAB,made the presentation and reported unanimous support of the Board for sections(1)and(2). 8:01 P.M. Mr.Pato,member, Select Board,made a brief statement and reported the unanimous support of the Board for both sections. 8:02 p.m. Charles Lamb,Chair,Capital Expenditures Committee,reported unanimous support for section(1),and unanimous opposition to section(2). 8:02 p.m. Glenn Parker,Chair,Appropriation Committee,reported support for section(1), (6-2),and unanimous opposition to section(2). 8:03 p.m. Robert Creech,Chair,Planning Board,reported unanimous Board support for both sections(1)and(2). 8:04 p.m. Members discussed the previous study of the Hosmer House as it related to possible placement of the structure at 116 Vine Street. 8:11 P.M. Harry West,56 Vine Street,presented a video compiled by the Vine Street residents which highlighted the open space and neighborhood values of the parcel.He stated the neighborhood's opposition to six units on the site. 8:36 p.m. Members asked questions regarding public notice and requested notification of additional members of the neighborhood.(300'is the required distance for notification of abutters.)Lester Savage responded. 8:52 p.m. Member Wendy Manz,Pct.9,spoke in favor of section(1);member Betsey Weiss,Pct.2,spoke in favor of both sections. 9:21 p.m. Brian Heffernan,Pct. 1,called the question. 9:21 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Motion to Call the Question on Article 10(m)(1)and(2)Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 146 29 7 9:26 p.m. Ms.Fenollosa deferred to Mr.Burbridge for summary conunents.Mr.Burbridge urged support for the project on Vine Street. 9:28 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Article I0(m)(1)Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 163 18 2 9:31 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Article 10(m)(2)NOT Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 43 137 3 9:34 p.m. The Moderator declared the Meeting open under Article 19(b)and(c)and stated that they would be debated together and voted separately. 9:35 p.m. Presented by Douglas Lucente,Chair, Select Board. ARTICLE 19:ESTABLISH,DISSOLVE AND APPROPRIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED STABILIZATION FUNDS 1NlOTION: b) That$111,922 be appropriated to the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund, and to meet this appropriation$111,922 be appropriated from the Affordable Housing Special Revenue Fund,and further,that in accordance with M.G.L.Chapter 40,Section 5B paragraph four,that any payments made to the Town by Symmes Lifecare,Inc.d/b/a Brookhaven at Lexington for the purpose of affordable housing be deposited into said Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund;and c) That$111,000 be appropriated from the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund to fund renovations and capital improvement projects at properties in the Town's affordable housing inventory that are managed by the Lexington Housing Assistance Board,Inc. ("LexHab"). 9:35 p.m. Mr.Lucente moved the question. 9:36 p.m. Carolyn Kosnoff,Assistant Town Manager for Finance,presented the financial details for this Article. June$,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) 9:38 p.m. Mark Sandeen,member,Board of Selectmen,made brief remarks and reported the unanimous support of the Board for 19(b)and(c). 9:41 p.m. The Capital Expenditures Committee reported a vote of(3-3)on 19(b)and(4-2) on 19(c).The Appropriation Committee reported unanimous support for 19(b)and a(6-2)vote of support for 19(c). 10:07 p.m. Eric Michelson,Pct. 1,offered an amendment to Article 19(b). His amendment came in the form of a Resolution.He referred to the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)for Brookhaven.He urged a vote of support on 19(b)as amended,and a no vote on 19(c). AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 19(b): MOTION: That the[main]motion be amended by adding at the end the following resolution: Whereas the Town of Lexington is determined to maintain diversity in its housing by increasing its stock of affordable housing units;and Whereas the Town of Lexington's affordable housing stock,as counted in the Subsidized Housing Inventory,is 1,331 units;and Whereas the Town of Lexington's Subsidized Housing Inventory is 11.14%of the total number of housing units,which is above the 10%affordable housing ratio that allows local zoning controls to govern new 40B developments;and Whereas 181 units of Lexington's current Subsidized Housing Inventory are not perpetually protected subsidized units,and could be removed from the SHI count at a future date;and Whereas in order to continue to add to the Town's affordable housing stock and not risk falling below the 10%40B threshold,residential developments that require rezoning due to higher density than allowed by right are required to produce at least 10%of their units as affordable housing units;and Whereas Brookhaven sought rezoning at 960-990 Waltham St under Article 44 of the 2017 Annual Town Meeting,to develop a net increase of 42 units in such a higher density residential development;and Whereas Brookhaven determined that they could not create any affordable housing units as part of this development;and Whereas Brookhaven agreed to meet their obligation to create affordable housing by making$1,536,369 of Affordable Housing Mitigation Payments to the Town,which when paid over 15 years those payments including interest will total $2,081,631;and Whereas the Town of Lexington created the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund to receive both this money and other money from future developments signing affordable housing mitigation agreements with the Town;and Whereas the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund was created with the purpose of funding affordable/community housing construction,renovation,and associated land acquisitions or easements,allowing this Stabilization Fund to serve multiple affordable housing related purposes;and Whereas the specific intent and purpose for the Brookhaven Affordable Housing Mitigation payments conveyed to the 2017 Annual Town Meeting,based on the presentations and discussions,was to provide the Town of Lexington a means to meet the Brookhaven affordable housing obligation;and Whereas the creation of these units is critical to the continued diversity in Lexington's housing stock; Therefore it is the will of Town Meeting that all Affordable Housing Mitigation payments made by Brookhaven under Article 44 of the 2017 Annual Town Meeting be used exclusively for the creation of new affordable housing units. June 4,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) 10:13 p.m. Mr. Sandeen spoke in opposition to Mr.Michelson's amendment,reporting unanimous opposition of the Board. 10:14 p.m. The Capital Expenditures Committee reported a(3-3)vote on the amendment;the Appropriation Committee reported opposition in a vote of(2-6). 10:18 P.M. Members asked questions in response to Mr.Michelson's amendment.Ms. Fenollosa,Mr.Burbridge of LexHAB,and Carol Kowalski,Assistant Town Manager for Land Use and Development,responded. 10:38 p.m. Mr.Malloy,Town Manager,clarified the point that if Article 19(b)failed,funds could not be appropriated out of it for 19(c). 10:43 p.m. Mr.Michelson made summary comments. 10:44 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Amendment to Article 19(b)Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 97 71 7 10:48 p.m. The Moderator declared resumption of debate on the main motion. 10:50 p.m. Steven Kaufman,Pct. 5,called the question. 11:03 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Motion to Call the Question on Article 19(b)and(c)Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 143 26 5 11:03 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Article 19(b) as amended Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 159 12 3 10:08 P.M. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Article lac)Adopted by the necessary two-thirds on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 128 36 6 11:1 1p.m. Douglas Lucente,Chair,Select Board,moved to adjourn Town Meeting until 7:30 p.m.Monday,June 8th,2020,such meeting to be held remotely. With no objections heard,the Moderator declared the Meeting adjourned. A true copy. Attest: Nathalie L.Rice,Town Clerk June 8,2020 Adjourned Session of 2020 Annual Town Meeting Moderator Deborah Brown called the fourth session of 2020 Annual Town Meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.,Monday,June 8,2020 via remote participation. 7:42 p.m. The Moderator highlighted parliamentary procedures and called for the taking of attendance.A quorum on 186 members was present. 7:45 p.m. Douglas Lucente,Chair,Select Board,explained that the Board met at 6:00 p.m. before Town Meeting and voted to offer Notice of Reconsideration of the vote on Article 16(a) Police Outdoor/Indoor Firing Range,taken on June 4th.He said if Reconsideration is voted,the Board would move to Indefinitely Postpone the Article.He explained that Notice of Reconsideration would be offered at the end of the Annual Town Meeting later in the evening. He read a meaningful statement on behalf of the Board explaining their decision to reconsider Article 16(a)and their intent to include and engage all residents in any decisions going forward. He said the Board recognized that the fabric of the community was"fragile"at this moment in time,and that the intent of the Board was to work in a manner that unites the Town. 7:47 p.m. The Moderator declared the Meeting open under Article 10(k). . June 8,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) 7:47 p.m. Presented by Marilyn Fenollosa,Pct. 5,Chair,Community Preservation Committee ARTICLE 10:APPROPRIATE THE FY2021 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OPERATING BUDGET AND CPA PROJECTS MOTION: That the Town hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee on the FY2021 Community Preservation budget and,pursuant to the recommendations of the Community Preservation Committee,take the following actions: k) That$551,026 be appropriated for Parker Meadow Accessible Trail Construction, and to meet this appropriation$551,026 be appropriated from the Unbudgeted Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund. 7:53 p.m. Ms.Fenollosa asked the Moderator to recognize Phillip Hamilton,Chair of the Conservation Commission,who made a presentation on the proposed accessible trail.Mr. Hamilton described the project's three elements;(1)parking upgrades,(2)accessible trail construction,and(3)a viewing platform. 7:58 p.m. Ms.Fenollosa reported the unanimous support of the Community Preservation Committee. 7:58 p.m. Joseph Pato,member,Select Board,reported the unanimous support of the Board. 8:02 p.m. The Capital Expenditures Committee reported support(6-0);the Appropriation Committee reported unanimous support. 8:02 p.m. Victoria Buckley,Chair,Commission on Disability,reported unanimous support of the Commission. 8:09 P.M. Pamela Lyons,Pct.5,reported the unanimous support of the Citizens for Lexington Conservation. 8:10 P.M. Members spoke in support;one members questioned the use of bikes on the accessible trail. 8:17p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Article 10(k) Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 188 0 1 CONSENT AGENDAS 8:19 P.M. The Moderator explained the upcoming two Consent Agendas.These included Citizen's Articles,8,11,24,28,29,33 and 34,which would be referred back to the Select Board, and Zoning and General Bylaw Articles 35-41,43,and 44-46,which would be referred back to the Planning Board. She stated the articles would be taken up at the Fall Special Town Meeting, and thanked board members and citizen sponsors for their patience in postponing deliberation. 8:21 p.m. Mr.Lucente moved the first Consent Agenda to refer back to the Select Board, reporting the unanimous support of the Board. 8:22 p.m. Robert Creech,Chair,Planning Board,moved the second Consent Agenda to refer back to the Planning Board,and reported the unanimous support of the Board. REFER BACK TO THE SELECT BOARD: ARTICLE 8: SHORT TERM RENTAL IMPACT FEE MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Select Board. ARTICLE 11:APPROPRITE FOR RECREATION CAPITAL PROJECTS MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Select Board. ARTICLE 24:REDUCE LEGAL EXPENSES MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Select Board. ARTICLE 28:AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS—NOISE CONTROL(Citizen's Petition) MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Select Board. June 8,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) ARTICLE 29:DECLARE CLIMATE EMERGENCY(Citizen's Petition) MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Select Board. ARTICLE 33:AMEND GENERAL BYLAW RUNNING BAMBOO CONTROL(Citizen's Petition) MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Select Board. ARTICLE 34:AUTHORIZE SPECIAL LEGISLATION—DEVELOPMENT SURCHARGE FOR COMMUNITY HOUSING(Citizen's Petition) MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Select Board. REFER BACK TO THE PLANNING BOARD: ARTICLE 35: AMEND ZONING BYLAW—DISTANCE FROM BASEMENT,SLAB,OR CRAWL SPACE AND GROUNDWATER MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 36:AMEND ZONING BYLAW-SHORT TERM RENTALS MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 37:AMEND ZONING BYLAW—SITE PLAN REVIEW MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 38:AMEND ZONING BYLAW—FINANCIAL SERVICES MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 39:AMEND ZONING BYLAW—SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 40:AMEND ZONING BYLAW—WIRELESS COl\I1\1UNICATION FACILITIES MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 41:AMEND ZONING BYLAW—TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 43:AMEND ZONING BYLAW—HARTWELL AVENUE AREA(Citizen's Petition) MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 44:AMEND ZONING BYLAW—BEDFORD STREET NEAR HARTWELL AVENUE(Citizen's Petition) MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 45:AMEND ZONING BYLAW—FRONT YARD,TRANISTION,AND SCREENING AREAS(Citizen's Petition) MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. ARTICLE 46:AMEND ZONING BYLAW—GROSS FLOOR AREA(Citizen's Petition) MOTION:That this Article be referred back to the Planning Board. 8:25 p.m. The Capital Expenditures Committee reported its support(6-0);the Appropriation Committee reported support for the Articles referred back to the Select Board. 8:26 p.m. After a procedural question about the return of all the Articles to the Fall Special Town Meeting,the Moderator called for the vote. 8:30 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Two Consent Ap-endas Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 185 0 2 June 8,2020 Annual Town Meeting(con't) NOTICE OF RECONSIDERATION OF ARTICLE 16(a) 8:32 p.m. Mr.Lucente moved Reconsideration of Article 16(a)and reported the unanimous support of the Board for Reconsideration. ARTICLE 16:APPROPRIATE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS MOTION: That the following amounts be appropriated for the following capital improvements to public facilities and that each amount be raised as indicated: a) Police Outdoor/Indoor Firing Range-$125,000 for schematic design for a firing range at Hartwell Ave,and that to meet this appropriation$125,000 be appropriated from the General Fund unreserved balance;provided that any appropriation hereunder shall be subject to and contingent upon receipt of the Criminal Justice Training Council grant or other grant and the development of a business plan accepted by the Select Board; 8:33 p.m. Robert Creech,Chair,Planning Board,reported support of the Board(4-1)for Reconsideration of Article 16(a). 8:33 p.m. Charles Lamb,Chair,Capital Expenditures Report,reported a vote of(1-0-4), stating there was"no less support of the project in the long run". 8:33 p.m. Glenn Parker,Chair,Appropriation Committee reported unanimous support of the Committee for Reconsideration. 8:38 p.m. Sean Dugan,Public Information Officer,read a statement from Shira Garbis,7 Ballard Terrace,noting the submittal of a petition to the Select Board signed by 3,800 residents. The signatories called for Reconsideration based upon poor timing of the Article,insensitivity to current local and national issues,and financial impacts. 8:40 p.m. Members asked procedural questions related to Reconsideration and expressed thanks to the Select Board for their action. 8:50 p.m. Members of the neighborhood expressed their opposition to the original Article, and expressed appreciation for Reconsideration. 9:00 P.M. With the time expired on the Motion to Reconsider,the Moderator called for the vote on Reconsideration. She explained that the vote to reconsider required a 2/3rds vote. 9:03 .m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Reconsideration of Article 16(a)Adopted by the necessary two-thirds on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 178 5 4 9:04 p.m. The Moderator declared Article 16(a)reopened. 9:04 p.m. Mr.Lucente moved to Indefinitely Postpone Article 16(a),and expressed the unanimous support of the Board. 9:04 p.m. The Capital Expenditures Committee and the Appropriation Committee reported unanimous support for the Indefinite Postponement. 9:05 p.m. The Moderator called for the vote on Indefinite Postponement. 9:06 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Indefinite Postponement of Article 16(a)Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 177 5 7 9:09 P.M. The Moderator declared Annual Town Meeting deliberations closed. 9:09 P.M. Mr.Lucente moved to dissolve 2020 Annual Town Meeting. 9:10 P.M. With no objections registered,the Moderator declared 2020 Annual Town Meeting dissolved. A true copy. Attest: Nathalie L. Rice,Town Clerk NOTE:See next page for continuation of Special Town Meeting#1 (2020-1). June 1,2020 Special Town Meeting#1 (2020-1)(continued) 9:10 P.M. The Moderator called Special Town Meeting#1 back to order after adjournment on June 1,2021. 9:11 P.M. The Moderator called for the use of Remote Technology for Special Town Meeting#1.Mr.Lucerne,Chair of the Select Board so moved. 9:12 p.m. During a break to ready the voting slides,the Moderator asked Town Counsel to explain the need for Article 1. 9:12 p.m. Christina Marshall,Town Counsel,explained that Article 1 was needed because authorization for remote Town Meetings had not been approved by the Legislature at the time the Warrant was signed by the Select Board or by the date of the first session of Annual Town Meeting. (It had been approved subsequently on Friday,June 5th.)She said the petition was filed in an abundance of caution. 9:15 P.M. The voting slides were declared ready. 9:15 P.M. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared the Motion to approve use of remote technologv for Special Town Meeting#1 Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 185 0 1 9:17 p.m. The Moderator declared Special Town Meeting#1 open under Article 1. 9:17 p.m. Presented by Douglas Lucente,Chair, Select Board. ARTICLE 1: (REQUEST FOR SELECT BOARD TO PETITION THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL COURT) MOTION: That the Town authorize the Select Board to petition the Massachusetts General Court for legislation providing that notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law or by-law to the contrary,all acts and proceedings taken by the town at an annual or special town meeting held by remote participation by electronic means between March 23 and September 30,2020,and all actions taken pursuant thereto,are ratified,validated and confirmed to the same extent as if the said Annual or Special Town Meeting had been held in full compliance with any applicable general or special law or by-law;and further to authorize the Select Board to approve amendments to said act before its enactment by the General Court that are within the scope of the general objectives of the petition. 9:18 P.M. Mr.Lucerne,Chair,moved Article 1 and reported the unanimous support of the Board.He thanked Mr.Pato,who developed the remote technology system,Town Counsel,and the many staff members who worked in support of its use for the two Town Meetings. 9:19 p.m. The Capital Expenditures Committee reported unanimous support;the Appropriation Committee reported no position. 9:20 p.m. The Moderator called the question. 9:23 p.m. Following remote electronic vote tallying,the Moderator declared Article 1 Adopted on a vote of: Yes No Abstain 185 0 1 9:23 p.m. Mr.Lucente moved to dissolve Special Town Meeting#1. 9:24 p.m. With no objection registered,the Moderator declared the 2020 Special Town Meeting#1 dissolved. A true copy. Attest: Nathalie L. Rice,Town Clerk Online Annual Town Meeting-2020 June 1,2020 -Art.2-Elect Deputy Moderator-Adopted by Approve Motion to Article 42: Consent electronic equivalent of Voice Vote/no the Use of Call the Amend Agenda: objections registered by raise of hand in Zoom. Remote Question Zoning Articles 2,3,4, Technology —Article ByLaw& 5,6,7,9,10a- 42 Zoning Map. 10j,101,10n- 1040-1050 0n- 1040-1050 10o,12,13,14, Waltham St. 15,16b-16j,17, 18,19a,20,21, 22,23,26,27, 30,31t32 First Name Last Name Keypad A Michael Barrett 1 A Deborah Brown 2 Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain A Suzanne Barry 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes A Michelle Ciccolo 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes A Jill Hai 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes A Douglas Lucente 6 Yes Yes Yes Yes A Joseph Pato 7 Yes Abstain Yes Yes A Mark Sandeen 9 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Noah Michelson 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Lucy Wall 11 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Sandhya Beebee 12 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 John Bartenstein 13 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Jean Cole 14 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Larry Freeman 15 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Robert Cunha 16 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Bella Tsvetkova 17 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Brian Heffernan 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Valerie Overton 19 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Yingjie Wei 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Hongbin Luo 21 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Eric Michelson 22 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Margaret M uckenhoupt 23 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 John Rossi 24 Yes No Yes Yes 1 Barry Sampson 25 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Carol Sampson 26 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Mary Ann Stewart 27 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Jayanthi Rangan 28 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Albert Zabin 29 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Judith Zabin 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Avram Baskin 31 Yes No No Yes 2 Ingrid Klimoff 32 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Ajay Joseph 33 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Matthew Cohen 34 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Marian Cohen 35 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Matthew Daggett 36 Yes No Yes Yes 2 Jason Denoncourt 37 Yes Yes Yes 2 Kathryn Fields 38 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Rita Goldberg 39 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Paul Lapointe 40 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Peter Lee 41 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Mark M anasas 42 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Barry Orenstein 43 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Michael O'Sullivan 44 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Margaret Ouellette 45 Yes Yes Yes 2 Ricki Pappo 46 Yes Abstain Yes Yes 2 Syed Rizvi 47 Yes No Yes Yes 2 Kenneth Shine 48 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Juan Stella 49 Yes 2 Jonathan Suber 50 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Betsey Weiss 51 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Cynthia Arens 52 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Courtney Apgar 53 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Rena Maliszewski 54 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Dan Fenn 55 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Shirley Frawley 56 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Michael Schanbacher 57 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Steven Heinrich 58 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Nancy Hubert 59 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Kevin Johnson 60 Yes No Yes Yes 3 Vineeta Kumar 61 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Jeanne Krieger 62 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 David Kaufman 63 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Henry Lau 64 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Michael Martignetti 65 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Robert Rotberg 66 Yes No No Yes 3 Letha Prestbo 67 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Glenn Parker 68 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Stanley Yap 69 Yes Yes No Yes 3 Amit Srivastava 70 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Franklin Smith 71 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Margaret Storch 72 4 Alessandro Alessandrini 73 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Nyles Barnert 74 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Gloria Bloom 75 Yes No Yes Yes 4 Michael Boudett 76 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Norman Cohen 77 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Robert Cohen 78 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Kathryn Colburn 79 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Lawrence Chan 80 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Peter Enrich 81 Yes Abstain Yes Yes 4 Katie Cutler 82 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Thomas Griffiths 83 Yes No Yes Yes 4 Kathleen Lenihan 84 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Eileen Jay 85 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Susan McLeish 86 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Lisa O'Brien 87 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Charles Lamb 88 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Claire Sheth 89 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Gerald Paul 90 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Sandra Shaw 91 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Nancy Shepard 92 Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Ruth Thomas 93 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Lin Xu 94 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti 95 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Anil Ahuja 96 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Judith Crocker 97 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Irene Dondley 98 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Aneesha Karody 99 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Marilyn Fenollosa 100 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Andrew Friedlich 101 Yes No Yes Yes 5 Anthony Galaitsis 102 Yes Yes Yes 5 Steven Kaufman 103 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Melanie Thompson 104 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 David Williams 105 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Richard Neumeier 106 5 Pamela Lyons 107 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Jerold Michelson 108 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Rita Pandey 109 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Robert Balaban 110 Yes No Yes Yes 5 Marc SaintLouis 111 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 M.Masha Traber 112 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 John Zhao 113 Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Lily Yan 114 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Mark Andersen 115 Yes No Yes Yes 6 Sara Bothwell Allen 116 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Christian Boutwell 117 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Andrea Fribush 118 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Margaret Counts-Klebe 119 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Bebe Fallick 120 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Edmund Grant 121 Yes 6 Jonathan Himmel 122 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Frederic Johnson 123 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Morton Kahan 124 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Deepika Sawhney 125 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Brian Kelley 126 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Rina Kodendera 127 Yes Yes Yes 6 Trisha Kennealy 128 Yes Yes Yes 6 Dawn McKenna 129 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Stephen McKenna 130 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Innessa Manning 131 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Dinesh Patel 132 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Bridger McGaw 133 Yes No Yes Yes 6 Vinita Verma 134 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Deborah Strod 135 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Marsha Baker 136 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Sara Cuthbertson 137 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Philip Hamilton 138 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 George Burnell 139 Yes Abstain Yes Yes 7 Mary Burnell 140 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Patricia Costello 141 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Robert Creech 142 Yes Abstain Yes Yes 7 Ravish Kumar 143 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Vikas Kinger 144 Yes Yes Yes 7 Mary Hamilton 145 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Pam Hoffman 146 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Samita Mandelia 147 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Raul Marques-Pascual 148 Yes No Abstain Yes 7 Tina McBride 149 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Harry Forsdick 150 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Benjamin Moroze 151 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Stacey Hamilton 152 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Robert Peters 153 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Christine Southworth 154 Yes Yes Yes 7 Taylor Singh 155 Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Umesh Shelat 156 Yes Yes Yes 8 Robert Avallone 157 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Elizabeth Barrentine 158 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Lauren Black 159 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Shailesh Chandra 160 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Lisa Mazerall 161 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Gang Chen 162 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Betty Gau 163 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Margaret Enders 164 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Lin Jensen 165 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 David Horton 166 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Sanjay Padaki 167 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Wendy Reasenberg 168 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Alan Levine 169 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Teresa Wright 170 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Brielle Meade 171 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 James Osten 172 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Andrei Radulescu-Banu 173 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Yu Wu 174 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Jessie Steigerwald 175 Yes Abstain Yes Yes 8 Melinda Walker 176 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Weidong Wang 177 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Alice Adler 178 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Hemaben Bhatt 179 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Victoria Blier 180 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Jeanne Canale 181 Yes No Yes Yes 9 Richard Canale 182 Yes No Yes Yes 9 Scott Bokun 183 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Rodney Cole 184 Yes No Yes Yes 9 Margaret Coppe 185 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Thomas Fenn 186 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Mollie Garberg 187 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Victoria Buckley 188 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Hank Manz 189 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Wendy Manz 190 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Thomas Shiple 191 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Philip Jackson 192 Yes No Yes Yes 9 Suzanne Lau 193 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Christina Murray 194 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Janet Perry 195 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Lisah Rhodes 196 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Dilip Patel 197 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Justine Wirtanen 198 Total 1=Yes 191 166 185 185 Total 2=No 0 17 3 0 Total 3=Abstain 1 7 2 1 Total Voters 192 190 190 186 Pass/Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Online Annual Town Meeting-2020 June 3, 2020 Article Extend Article 16 Motion Article 16 a: Article 16 k: 25: Debate— a:Amend- to Call Approp.for Approp.for Purchase Article ment the Public Public Facilities of Land/ 16a: Question Facilities Capital Eminent Amend- —Article Capital Projects- Domain ment 16a: Projects- Westview Police Cemetery Outdoor/ Facility Indoor Firing Construction Range First Pct Name Last Name A Michael Barrett A Deborah Brown Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain A Suzanne Barry Yes No No No Yes Yes A Michelle Ciccolo Yes Abstain No Yes Yes Yes A Jill Hai Yes No No Yes Yes Yes A Douglas Lucente Yes No No Yes Yes Yes A Joseph Pato Yes Abstain No Abstain Yes Yes A Mark Sandeen Yes No Yes No No Yes 1 Noah Michelson Yes No No No Yes Yes 1 Lucy Wall Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Sandhya Beebee Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 1 John Bartenstein Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 1 Jean Cole Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 1 Larry Freeman Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 1 Robert Cunha Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 1 Bella Tsvetl<ova Yes No No Yes Yes 1 Brian Heffernan Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 1 Valerie Overton Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 1 Yingjie Wei Yes No No Yes No Yes 1 Hongbin Luo Yes Yes Yes No No No 1 Eric Michelson Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 1 Margaret Muckenhoupt Yes No No Yes No Yes 1 John Rossi Yes No No No Yes Yes 1 Barry Sampson Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 1 Carol Sampson Yes No No Yes Yes No 1 Mary Ann Stewart Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Jayanthi Rangan Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 1 Albert Zabin Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 1 Judith Zabin Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Avram Baskin 2 Ingrid Klimoff Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Ajay Joseph Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 2 Matthew Cohen Yes No No No Yes Yes 2 Marian Cohen Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Matthew Daggett Yes Abstain Yes No No Abstain 2 Jason Denoncourt Yes No Abstain Yes Yes 2 Kathryn Fields Yes Yes No Yes 2 Rita Goldberg Yes No No Yes No Yes 2 Paul Lapointe Yes No No Yes Yes No 2 Peter Lee Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Mark Manasas Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Barry Orenstein Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 2 Michael O'Sullivan Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Margaret Ouellette Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 2 Ricki Pappo Yes No No No Yes Yes 2 Syed Rizvi Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 2 Kenneth Shine Yes No No Yes Yes No 2 Juan Stella Yes No No Yes Yes 2 Jonathan Suber Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 2 Betsey Weiss Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Cynthia Arens Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 3 Courtney Apgar Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Rena Maliszewski Yes No No No No Yes 3 Dan Fenn Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Shirley Frawley Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Michael Schanbacher Yes No Yes No Yes No 3 Steven Heinrich Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Nancy Hubert Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 3 Kevin Johnson Yes No No Yes Yes 3 Vineeta Kumar Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 3 Jeanne Krieger Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 David Kaufman Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Henry Lau Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Michael Martignetti Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Robert Rotberg Yes Yes No No No Yes 3 Letha Prestbo Yes Yes No Yes No Yes 3 Glenn Parker Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Stanley Yap No Yes Yes No Yes 3 Amit Srivastava 3 Franklin Smith Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Margaret Storch Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 4 Alessandro Alessandrini Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 4 Nyles Barnert Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Gloria Bloom No Yes Yes No No Yes 4 Michael Boudett Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 4 Norman Cohen Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Robert Cohen Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Kathryn Colburn Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 4 Lawrence Chan Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Peter Enrich Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Katie Cutler Yes Yes Yes No No No 4 Thomas Griffiths Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Kathleen Lenihan Yes No No No Yes 4 Eileen Jay Yes No No No Yes Yes 4 Susan McLeish Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Lisa O'Brien Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Charles Lamb Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Claire Sheth 4 Gerald Paul Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Sandra Shaw Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Nancy Shepard Yes No No Yes Yes Abstain 4 Ruth Thomas Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 5 Lin Xu Yes Yes No No No Yes Corcoran- 5 Nancy Ronchetti Yes Yes No No Yes 5 Anil Ahuja Yes No No Yes Yes No 5 Judith Crocker Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5 Irene Dondley Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 5 Aneesha Karody Yes No Yes Yes No Abstain 5 Marilyn Fenollosa Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5 Andrew Friedlich Yes No No Yes Yes 5 Anthony Galaitsis Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 5 Steven Kaufman Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Melanie Thompson Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 5 David Williams Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 5 Richard Neumeier No No Yes Yes Yes 5 Pamela Lyons Yes No No No No Yes 5 Jerold Michelson Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 5 Rita Panday Yes No Yes Yes Abstain Abstain 5 Robert Balaban Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 5 Marc SaintLouis Yes No No No No Yes 5 M.Masha Traber Yes No No Yes Yes No 5 John Zhao Yes No Yes No Abstain Yes 5 Lily Yan Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Mark Andersen Yes Yes Yes No No No 6 Sara Bothwell Allen Yes Yes Abstain No Yes Yes 6 Christian Boutwell Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Andrea Fribush Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Margaret Counts-Klebe Yes No Yes No No Yes 6 Bebe Fallick Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Edmund Grant Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Jonathan Himmel Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 6 Frederic Johnson Yes 6 Morton Kahan Yes No No Yes No Yes 6 Deepika Sawhney Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Brian Kelley Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Rina Kodendera Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 6 Trisha Kennealy Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Dawn McKenna Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Stephen McKenna Yes No No Yes Yes No 6 Innessa Manning Yes No No No No Yes 6 Dinesh Patel Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 6 Bridger McGaw Yes Yes Yes No No No 6 Vinita Verma Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Deborah Strod Yes No No No Yes Yes 7 Marsha Baker Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 Sara Cuthbertson Yes No No No Yes Yes 7 Philip Hamilton Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 George Burnell Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 7 Mary Burnell Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 7 Patricia Costello Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 Robert Creech Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 7 Ravish Kumar Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 7 Vikas Kinger Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 7 Mary Hamilton Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 Pam Hoffman Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 7 Samita Mandelia Yes No No Yes No Yes Marques- 7 Raul Pascual Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 7 Tina McBride Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 7 Harry Forsdick Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 Benjamin Moroze Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 Stacey Hamilton Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 Robert Peters Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 7 Christine Southworth Yes No No Yes No 7 Taylor Singh Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 7 Umesh Shelat Yes Yes Yes No No No 8 Robert Avallone Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Elizabeth Barrentine Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Lauren Black Yes No Yes No No Yes 8 Shailesh Chandra Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 8 Lisa Mazerall Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Gang Chen Yes No No No No No 8 Betty Gau Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 8 Margaret Enders Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 8 Lin Jensen Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 8 David Horton Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Sanjay Padaki Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Wendy Reasenberg Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 8 Alan Levine Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Teresa Wright Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 8 Brielle Meade Yes No Yes Yes No No 8 James Osten Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Andrei Radulescu-Banu Yes No No No No Yes 8 Yu Wu Yes Abstain Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Jessie Steigerwald Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 8 Melinda Walker Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Weidong Wang Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 9 Alice Adler Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Hemaben Bhatt Yes Yes Yes Yes No Abstain 9 Victoria Blier Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Jeanne Canale Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 9 Richard Canale Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 9 Scott Bokun Yes No No No No Yes 9 Rodney Cole Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Margaret Coppe Yes No No No Yes Yes 9 Thomas Fenn Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Mollie Garberg Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Victoria Buckley Yes No No Yes No Yes 9 Hank Manz No Yes Yes Yes 9 Wendy Manz Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Thomas Shiple Yes No Yes No No Abstain 9 Philip Jackson Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Suzanne Lau Yes No Yes No No Yes 9 Christina Murray Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Janet Perry Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Lisah Rhodes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 9 Dilip Patel Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 9 Justine Wirtanen Yes No Yes Yes Yes Total 1=Yes 187 50 61 130 123 157 Total 2=No 1 136 127 59 65 19 Total 3= Abstain 1 5 3 2 3 7 Pass/FailPass Pass Pass PassNEILL M, Online Annual Town Meeting-2020 June 4,2020 Motion Article Article Article Motion Article Article to Call 10 10 19(b): to Call 19(b): 19(c): the (m-1): (m-2): Amend- the Establish, Establish, Question LexHab LexHab— ment Question Dissolve& Dissolve& Article —116 Hosmer Article Approp.To& Approp.To& 10(m) Vine House 19 From From St. Feasibility (b&c) Specified Specified Design of Reuse Stabilization Stabilization Funds Funds—As Funds Amended First Pct Name Last Name A Michael Barrett A Deborah Brown Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain Abstain A Suzanne Barry Abstain Yes Yes No Abstain Yes Yes A Michelle Ciccolo A Jill Hai Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Abstain A Douglas Lucente Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Abstain A Joseph Pato Abstain Yes Yes No Abstain No Abstain A Mark Sandeen Abstain Yes Yes No Abstain Yes Abstain 1 Noah Michelson No Yes No Yes No Yes No 1 Lucy Wall Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 1 Sandhya Beebee Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes 1 John Bartenstein Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 1 Jean Cole Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Larry Freeman Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Robert Cunha Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Bella Tsvetkova No No No Yes Yes Yes No 1 Brian Heffernan Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No 1 Valerie Overton Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Yingjie Wei Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 1 Hongbin Luo Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No 1 Eric Michelson Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 1 Margaret Muckenhoupt Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 1 John Rossi Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes 1 Barry Sampson Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 1 Carol Sampson Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No 1 Mary Ann Stewart Yes Yes Yes 1 Jayanthi Rangan Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Albert Zabin Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 1 Judith Zabin Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 2 Avram Baskin 2 Ingrid Klimoff Abstain Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Ajay Joseph Yes Abstain No 2 Matthew Cohen Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Marian Cohen Yes Yes No Abstain Yes Yes Yes 2 Matthew Daggett No Yes Abstain No No Yes Yes 2 Jason Denoncourt 2 Kathryn Fields Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Rita Goldberg Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Paul Lapointe Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 2 Peter Lee Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 2 Mark Manasas Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Barry Orenstein Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Michael O'Sullivan Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Margaret Ouellette Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Ricki Pappo Abstain Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Syed Rizvi No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Kenneth Shine Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes 2 Juan Stella Yes No No 2 Jonathan Suber No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Betsey Weiss Yes Yes Yes No No Abstain Yes 3 Cynthia Arens No Yes No Abstain Yes Yes Yes 3 Courtney Apgar Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Rena Maliszewski Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes 3 Dan Fenn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Shirley Frawley Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Michael Schanbacher Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Steven Heinrich Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No 3 Nancy Hubert Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Kevin Johnson Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 3 Vineeta Kumar 3 Jeanne Krieger Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 3 David Kaufman Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Henry Lau 3 Michael Martignetti Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Robert Rotberg No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes 3 Letha Prestbo Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 3 Glenn Parker Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3 Stanley Yap Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 3 Amit Srivastava 3 Franklin Smith Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No 3 Margaret Storch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Alessandro Alessandrini Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Nyles Barnert Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Gloria Bloom No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Michael Boudett Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Norman Cohen Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4 Robert Cohen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Kathryn Colburn Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Lawrence Chan Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Peter Enrich Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Katie Cutler Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Thomas Griffiths No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Kathleen Lenihan No Yes No No No Yes Yes 4 Eileen Jay Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4 Susan McLeish Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Lisa O'Brien Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Charles Lamb Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Claire Sheth Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Gerald Paul Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Sandra Shaw Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 4 Nancy Shepard Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 4 Ruth Thomas Yes Yes No Yes No No No 5 Lin Xu Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Corcoran- 5 Nancy Ronchetti Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 5 Anil Ahuja Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No 5 Judith Crocker Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 5 Irene Dondley Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 5 Aneesha Karody 5 Marilyn Fenollosa Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5 Andrew Friedlich No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 5 Anthony Galaitsis Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Steven Kaufman Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No 5 Melanie Thompson Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 5 David Williams Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Richard Neumeier Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Pamela Lyons No No No Yes No Yes No 5 Jerold Michelson Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 5 Rita Pandey Yes No No Yes No Yes Abstain 5 Robert Balaban Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 5 Marc SaintLouis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 M.Mash@ Traber Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 John Zhao No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Lily Yan Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Mark Andersen Yes Yes No No No No Bothwell 6 Sara Allen Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6 Christian Boutwell No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 6 Andrea Fribush Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes 6 Margaret Counts-Klebe Yes Yes No 6 Bebe Fallick Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6 Edmund Grant Yes Yes Yes 6 Jonathan Himmel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Frederic Johnson Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Morton Kahan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Deepika Sawhney Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Brian Kelley Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Rina Kodendera Yes Yes No No Yes Abstain Yes 6 Trisha Kennealy Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6 Dawn McKenna Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Stephen McKenna No No No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Innessa Manning Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 6 Dinesh Patel Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Bridger McGaw Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes 6 Vinita Verm a Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Deborah Strod No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes 7 Marsha Baker Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 Sara Cuthbertson Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 Philip Hamilton Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 George Burnell Yes Abstain Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Mary Burnell Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Patricia Costello Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 7 Robert Creech Abstain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 7 Ravish Kumar No No No No 7 Vikas Kinger 7 Mary Hamilton Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Pam Hoffman Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Samita Mandelia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Marques- 7 Raul Pascual Yes No No 7 Tina McBride Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 7 Harry Forsdick Yes Yes No Abstain Yes Yes Yes 7 Benjamin Moroze Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Stacey Hamilton Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes 7 Robert Peters No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 7 Christine Southworth 7 Taylor Singh Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Umesh Shelat Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 8 Robert Avallone Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Elizabeth Barrentine No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 8 Lauren Black Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Shailesh Chandra No No No Yes No Yes Yes 8 Lisa Mazerall Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Gang Chen No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Betty Gau No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Margaret Enders Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Lin Jensen Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 David Horton No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Sanjay Padaki Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No 8 Wendy Reasenberg Yes Yes No Abstain Yes Yes Yes 8 Alan Levine Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes 8 Teresa Wright 8 Brielle Meade Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 8 James Osten Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Radulescu- 8 Andrei Banu Yes Yes No 8 Yu Wu Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Jessie Steigerwald No Yes Yes Yes Abstain Yes No 8 Melinda Walker Yes Yes Yes Abstain Yes Yes Yes 8 Weidong Wang Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Alice Adler Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Hemaben Bhatt Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 9 Victoria Blier Yes Yes No Abstain Yes Yes Yes 9 Jeanne Canale Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 9 Richard Canale No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No 9 Scott Bokun Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No 9 Rodney Cole No Yes No Yes No No No 9 Margaret Coppe Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Thomas Fenn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 9 Mollie Garberg Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Victoria Buckley No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Hank Manz Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Wendy Manz Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Thomas Shiple No Yes No Yes No Yes No 9 Philip Jackson Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes 9 Suzanne Lau No Yes No Yes No Yes No 9 Christina Murray Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 9 Janet Perry Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Lisah Rhodes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 9 Dilip Patel 9 Justine Wirtanen Yes Yes Total 1=Yes 146 163 43 97 143 159 128 Total 2=No 29 18 137 71 26 12 36 Total 3= Abstain 7 2 3 7 5 3 6 Pass/FailPass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Online Annual&Special Town Meetings-2020 June 8,2020 Article Consent Reconsid Article STM— STM-2020- 10(k): Agendas -eration 16(a): 2020-1: 1-Article CPA :Refer of Article Indef. Use of 1:Petition Projects Back to 16(a) Post- Remote General -Parker Select poned Technlgy. Court to Meadow Board Authorize Access. /PI.Bd. Legislation Trail Articles for Remote Cnstruct. :8,11, Participatn. 24,28, 29,33, 34/35, 36,37, 38,39, 40,41, 43,44, 4S,46 PC First T Name Last Name A Michael Barrett Abstai A Deborah Brown Abstain Abstain Abstain n Abstain Abstain A Suzanne Barry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes A Michelle Ciccolo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes A Jill Hai Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes A Douglas Lucente Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes A Joseph Pato Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes A Mark Sandeen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Noah Michelson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Lucy Wall Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Sandhya Beebee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 John Bartenstein Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Jean Cole Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Larry Freeman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Robert Cunha Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Bella Tsvetkova Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Brian Heffernan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Valerie Overton Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Abstai 1 Yingjie Wei Yes Yes Abstain n Yes Yes 1 Hongbin Luo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Eric Michelson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Margaret Muckenhoupt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 John Rossi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Barry Sampson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Abstai 1 Carol Sampson Yes Yes No n Yes Yes 1 Mary Ann Stewart Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Jayanthi Rangan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Albert Zabin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Judith Zabin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Avra m Baskin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Ingrid Klimoff Yes Yes Abstain Yes Yes Yes 2 Ajay Joseph Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Matthew Cohen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Marian Cohen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Matthew Daggett Yes Abstain Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Jason Denoncourt 2 Kathryn Fields Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Rita Goldberg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Paul Lapointe Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 2 Peter Lee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Mark M anasas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Barry Orenstein Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Michael O'Sullivan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Margaret Ouellette Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Ricki Pappo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Syed Rizvi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Kenneth Shine Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 2 Juan Stella Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Jonathan Suber Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Abstai 2 Betsey Weiss Yes Yes Yes n Yes 3 Cynthia Arens Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Courtney Apgar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Rena Maliszewski Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Dan Fenn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Shirley Frawley Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Michael Schanbacher Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Steven Heinrich Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Nancy Hubert Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Kevin Johnson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Vineeta Kumar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Jeanne Krieger Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 David Kaufman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Henry Lau Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Michael Martignetti Yes Yes No Yes Yes 3 Robert Rotberg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Letha Prestbo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Glenn Parker Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Stanley Yap Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Amit Srivastava 3 Franklin Smith Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Margaret Storch Alessandr 4 o Alessandrini Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Nyles Barnert Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Gloria Bloom Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Michael Boudett Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Norman Cohen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Robert Cohen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Kathryn Colburn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Lawrence Chan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Peter Enrich Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Katie Cutler Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Thomas Griffiths Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Kathleen Lenihan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Eileen Jay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Susan McLeish Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Lisa O'Brien Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Charles Lamb Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Claire Sheth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Gerald Paul Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Sandra Shaw Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Nancy Shepard Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Ruth Thomas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Lin Xu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Corcoran- 5 Nancy Ronchetti Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Anil Ahuja Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Judith Crocker Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Irene Dondley Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Aneesha Karody Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Marilyn Fenollosa Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Andrew Friedlich Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Anthony Galaitsis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Steven Kaufman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Melanie Thompson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 David Williams Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Richard Neumeier Yes 5 Pamela Lyons Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Jerold Michelson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Rita Pandey Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Robert Balaban Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Marc Saint Louis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 M.M asha Traber Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 John Zhao Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Lily Yan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Mark Andersen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bothwell 6 Sara Allen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Christian Boutwell Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Andrea Fribush Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Margaret Counts-Klebe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Bebe Fallick Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Edmund Grant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Jonathan Himmel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Frederic Johnson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Morton Kahan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Deepika Sawhney Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Brian Kelley Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Rina Kodendera Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Trisha Kennealy Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 6 Dawn McKenna Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Stephen McKenna Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Innessa Manning Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Dinesh Patel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Bridger McGaw Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Vinita Verma Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Abstai 6 Deborah Strod Yes Yes Yes n Yes Yes 7 Marsha Baker Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Sara Cuthbertson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Philip Hamilton Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 George Burnell Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Mary Burnell Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Patricia Costello Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Robert Creech Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Ravish Kumar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Vikas Kinger Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Mary Hamilton Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Pam Hoffman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Samita Mandelia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Marques- 7 Raul Pascual Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Tina McBride Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Harry Forsdick Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Benjamin M oroze Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Stacey Hamilton Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Robert Peters Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Christine Southworth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Taylor Singh Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 U m esh Shelat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Robert Avallone Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Elizabeth Barrentine Yes No No Yes Yes 8 Lauren Black Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Shailesh Chandra Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Abstai 8 Lisa Mazerall Yes Yes Abstain n Yes Yes 8 Gang Chen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Betty Gau Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Margaret Enders Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Lin Jensen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 David Horton Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Sanjay Padaki Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Wendy Reasenberg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Alan Levine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Teresa Wright Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Brielle Meade Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 James Osten Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Radulescu- 8 Andrei Banu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Abstai 8 Yu Wu Yes Yes Yes n Yes Yes 8 Jessie Steigerwald Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Melinda Walker Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 8 Weidong Wang Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Alice Adler Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Hemaben Bhatt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Victoria Blier Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Jeanne Canale Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Richard Canale Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Scott Bokun Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Rodney Cole Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Margaret Coppe Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Thomas Fenn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Mollie Garberg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Victoria Buckley Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Hank Manz Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Wendy Manz Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Thomas Shiple Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Philip Jackson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Suzanne Lau Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Christina Murray Yes Yes 9 Janet Perry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Lisah Rhodes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Dilip Patel 9 Justine Wirtanen Total =Yes 188 185 178 177 185 185 Total 2=No 0 0 5 5 0 0 Total 3= Abstain 1 2 4 7 1 1 Pass/FailPass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass A true copy. Attest: Nathalie L.Rice,Town Clerk