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Conservation Commission
APRIL tY— Meeting broadcasted by LexMedia
AGENDA Monday,December 14, 2020, 6:30 p.m.
Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of
the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor's March 15, 2020 and
subsequent Orders imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in
one place, this meeting of the Lexington Conservation Commission will be conducted
via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and the
general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public and/or parties with
a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting can be found below. No in-person
attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to
ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via
technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we
will post on the Town of Lexington website or through LexMedia an audio or video
recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible
after the meeting.
This Conservation Commission meeting was held remotely via Zoom, an online meeting
platform. Public Participation via calling in or using your computer was encouraged.
Commissioners Present: Philip Hamilton, David Langseth, Kevin Beuttell, Alex Dohan, Ruth
Ladd, Duke Bitsko and Holly Samuels
Staff Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Director and Meghan McNamara, Department
6:30 PM New Business/Pendine Matters
Issue Partial Certificate of Compliance: 20 Pelham Road, ViewPoint Cloud Permit#COC-20-29,
DEP4201-1082, BL41039
The applicant is requesting a partial certificate of compliance to be issued for the work that has
been completed by the facilities construction team. A full certificate will be requested once the
solar rooftop canopies are put in. Ms. Mullins requests this be continued to the next meeting on
1/4/2021 so she can conduct a thorough review of the request.
Insignificant Plan Change Request: 4 Demar Road, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CPM-20-13,
CN0I-20-10, DEP4201-1185, BL42010
On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll
call vote to approve this request as an Insignificant Plan Change.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
Enforcement Order: 3 Solomon Pierce Road Invasive Species Management Plan, DEP4201-758,
The current owner of 3 Solomon Pierce Road, James Bowdring, is looking to sell his property
and would like to request a Certificate of Compliance for an Order of Conditions (OOC, DEP
File 4: 201-0782) issued early in 2010. The proposal, by a previous property owner, was for a
deck off the rear of the dwelling, and included roughly 15,000 square feet of Invasive Species
Management as mitigation. This mitigation effort was never completed, and the Order of
Conditions has expired. The Commission agreed to issue an enforcement order, allowing the
current owner to execute the Invasive Species Management plan (hand removal of invasive
shrubs and saplings) outside of the growing season.
Hartwell Innovation Park Draft Zoning Bylaw
Mr. Hamilton asked members of the Commission if they would like to be a part of the working
group to get in touch with him. The goal is to have draft bylaw and performance/design
standards by January.
Approve Minutes: 11/16/2020 Meeting
On a motion by Ms. Samuels and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 to approve
the minutes of the November 16, 2020 meeting.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
Schedule site visits for 1/4/2021 meeting
The Commission agreed to schedule the site visits on Saturday 1/2/2021.
Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Gardens, Community Preservation Committee, Greenway
Corridor Committee, Land Acquisition, Land Management, Land Steward Directors, and Tree
Mr. Langseth will be coordinating with Ms. Mullins and Ms. McNamara to schedule an hour
long zoom to review stormwater reports with the Commission and answer any questions that
members may have. This is not regarding a specific project, but the Commission wants to have a
better understanding of the subject.
6:57 PM (6:07:00 for LexMedia Recording)
New Public Meetings/Hearings
ViewPoint Cloud Permit#AOOC-20-11, DEP#201-1137, BL#1094
Amendment to the Order of Conditions, 127 North Street
Applicant: Ying Chen and Katherine Van Stry, Bull Realty LLC
Project: Changes include an impervious driveway instead of porous pavement as originally
proposed and approved; modified stormwater management system; removal of an additional tree.
Documentation Submitted:
-"Request for Amended Order of Conditions" and attachments, prepared by LEC
Environmental Consultants, Inc., Richard A. Kirby, Senior Wetland Scientist, dated
• "Drainage/Grading Plan", dated May 15, 2019 and revised through November
6, 2020 (Sheets C-0 and C-1)prepared by Gala Simon Associates, Inc.
• Engineering Drainage Calculations for 127 North Street Lexington,
Massachusetts revised through November 6, 2020 prepared by Gala Simon
Associates, Inc.
• "Operation and Maintenance of Drainage Systems & Construction Period
Erosion and Sediment Control", dated May 20, 2019 and revised through
November 6, 2020,prepared by Gala Simon Associates, Inc.
Richard Kirby, LEC Environmental presented to the Commission. The retaining wall design
requires that the retaining wall be anchored beneath the driveway with the geo-tech fabric which
precludes the applicant from having porous pavement. Additionally, a 27 inch tree that was not
originally picked up by survey between the foundation and North Street will have to come down.
The applicant is proposing the addition of 4 sapling red maple trees along the southwestern
property line to mitigate this.
Ms. Mullins confirmed that an engineering review has not been completed yet.
Concerns of the Commission:
- Concerned about replacing the functions of the 27 inch tree and replacing with small
- Is there a planting plan?
Responses of the Applicant:
- The proposed saplings are typically what is commercially available. Measure 4-6 feet
in height and have a 1 to 1 �/z inch caliper. The literature suggests that planting
smaller saplings is more beneficial after 10-15 years, and that the smaller saplings are
more adaptive to their new environmental conditions.
- No,there's an area of crosshatching on the Plan, along the Southeastern property line
and into the compensatory flood storage area. A native seed mix will establish a
meadow that will be mowed once annually. Feno markers are proposed along that
boundary to protect all of the naturally vegetated land on the site.
Ms. Samuels stated that she would like to see larger trees if there will only be a meadow
proposed and would like to see the trees working a little sooner. Ms. Samuels suggests 2-2 �/z
inch caliper trees. Ms. Dohan, following up with Mr. Kirby's comment about smaller trees being
more adaptive, asked if more smaller trees could be planted, if not bigger trees. Mr. Kirby
answered and proposed planting six smaller trees. Members of the Commission agreed that
diversity of the trees is a concern, in addition to the number of trees planted. Mr. Kirby and the
Commission agreed on planting one Red Maple, two Tupelo, and three Red Oak trees.
Ms. Mullins stated that the planting plan can be included in the amended order of conditions, and
that an engineering review is required before closing the hearing.
On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call
vote to continue the hearing to the 1/4/2021 meeting at the applicant's request.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
7:07 PM (17:35:00 for LexMedia Recording)
ViewPoint Cloud Permit# N0I-20-31, DEP# 201-1202
Notice of Intent, 607 Waltham Street (Map 24,Lot 69D)
Applicant: Ricci Realty Trust Two
Project: Construction of a single-family dwelling and associated site appurtenances, and conduct
site grading and build a retaining wall. Project is located within the 100-ft Buffer Zone to a
Bordering Vegetated Wetland. Erosion controls, stormwater management, and wetland and
Buffer Zone enhancements proposed.
Documentation Submitted.-
ubmitted:Notice of Intent Application and Wetland Resource Area Analysis" and attachments,
prepared by LEC Environmental Consultants, Inc., Richard A. Kirby, Senior Wetland
Scientist, dated 11/24/2020
• Bordering Vegetated Wetland & Buffer Zone Mitigation Planting Plan,
prepared by LEC, dated November 20, 2020
• "Drainage Plan" for 607 Waltham Street, C-0,prepared by Gala Simon
Associates, Inc., signed by Alberto M. Gala, P.E Civil No. 36434, Rev(2)
dated 11/6/2020
• "Engineering Drainage Calculations for 607 Waltham Street",prepared by
Gala Simon Associates, Inc., signed by Alberto M. Gala, P.E Civil No. 36434,
Rev(2) dated 10/20/2020
• "Area Delineation Exhibit", prepared by Gala Simon Associates, Inc., dated
• "Operation and Maintenance of Drainage Systems & Construction Period
Erosion and Sediment Control", prepared by Gala Simon Associates, Inc.,
dated 8/11/2020
-"607 Waltham St NOI Comments"; Memorandum from Michael Sprague, Engineering,
to Karen Mullins, Conservation; dated 12/11/2020
Rich Kirby, LEC Environmental and Al Gala, Project Engineer presented before the
Commission. Mr. Kirby provided a description of the lot stating that it is currently an
undeveloped lot next to 609 Waltham Street and was just recently given the designation of 607
Waltham Street by the Town of Lexington. LEC Environmental delineated the resource areas
and the Bordering Vegetated Wetlands boundary. The 25, 50, and 100 foot buffer zones occupy a
vast majority of the property. The applicant is proposing a retaining wall from the side (south)to
the rear of the house. Stormwater management from the house and driveway will be directed to a
single subsurface infiltration system to the north.
Questions and Concerns of the Commission:
- There's ledge within the footprint of the proposed dwelling, concerned if there is
blasting or if this has any impact on the surrounding wetland area
- The roof overhang is exactly 50 feet from the BVW boundary at its closest point.
Would like to see that shifted as builders often cannot be as accurate as the Plans.
- What is the maximum size of the retaining wall?
Responses from the Applicant:
- The surveyor identified it as a ledge but it may be a large boulder semi-buried on the
site. Blasting won't be necessary, if anything a hammer removal.
- Within 6 inches of front yard setback so being squeezed on both sides. Tried to
downsize the garage as best as they could.
- The retaining wall is about 2 �/z to 3 feet high at maximum.
The Commission would like to add a condition that an as-built foundation plan be submitted
marking the wetland flags, and to ensure that if concrete is poured incorrectly that it will be
fixed, or that overhang is shaved off. An as-built foundation plan is for the applicant's benefit to
minimize the amount they need to fix if it in fact does get poured in the wrong place.
Mr. Beuttell brought up concerns regarding the large oak on the front of the property. It is not
shown on the plan because it may be off property, however there are concerns about whether the
roots will be impacted to some degree. Mr. Beuttell suggests that any removal of the branches be
under the supervision of the certified arborist and that there be a root protection zone. Ms.
Samuels added that a construction entrance is not shown on the plan and this will be important to
see especially for the protection of the tree. Mr. Kirby followed up saying that although the Oak
tree is outside the limit of work boundary, he agrees that tree protection should be put in place,
especially for the root zone, and that a more detailed entrance can be established during the pre-
construction meeting with Ms. Mullins.
Ms. Ladd raised a concern about a tree by the proposed driveway which will be even closer and
more likely to be impacted. Mr. Kirby responded saying that this tree may have to come down
and it is within Waltham Street right of way.
On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll
call vote to close the hearing.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
7:24 PM (34:10:00 for LexMedia Recording)
ViewPoint Cloud Permit#AOOC-20-12, DEP#201-1174
Amendment to the Order of Conditions, 48 Lincoln Street
Applicant: Westview Homes
Project: An increase in impervious surfaces associated with an expansion of the approved
turnaround driveway to a circular driveway (5 10 sq. feet of driveway will be constructed of
permeable pavers), a patio area, and a paver walk with a fire pit
Documentation Submitted.-
ubmitted:-Letter Describing Requested Amendments; Prepared by: Frederick W. Russell, PE;
Prepared for: Karen Mullins, Lexington Conservation Commission; Dated: 11/23/2020
-"Stormwater Analysis 48 Lincoln Street"; Prepared and signed by: Frederick W. Russell,
PE Civil No. 36713; Dated: 11/23/2020
-"Proposed Site Plan 48 Lincoln Street"; Prepared and signed by: Frederick W. Russell,
PE Civil No. 36713; Prepared for: Westview Homes; Scale: 1"=20' and not to scale;
Dated: 11/23/2020
-"48 Lincoln St AOOC Comments"; Memorandum from Michael Sprague, Engineering,
to Karen Mullins, Conservation; dated 12/12/2020
Frederick Russell, Project Engineer, and James Barr, Contractor,presented before the
Commission. The applicant is proposing a circular driveway due to the vehicle traffic on Lincoln
Street. The circular driveway will be larger than the original plan, but the impervious footprint
will be slightly less than what was originally approved. The second modification is in the rear
yard where a paver patio is being proposed, and a trench drain is being proposed to capture
runoff from the patio. The proposal still meets performance standards with regard to peak flows
off the site for volume and rates. The third modification is a paver walkway which will runoff to
the lawn area, and which also remains in compliance with performance standards.
On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call
vote to approve the amendment to the Order of Conditions.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
7:30 PM (39:13:00 for LexMedia Recording)
ViewPoint Cloud Permit# N0I-20-32, DEP#201-1203
Notice of Intent, 72 Grassland Street
Applicant: Venkat Mannem
Project: Construct an addition to a single-family dwelling and wooden deck, within the 100-foot
buffer zone. Erosion controls and stormwater management are proposed, and wetland and Buffer
Zone restoration to improve existing site conditions.
Documentation Submitted.-
ubmitted:-"Notice of Intent Application and Wetland Resource Area Analysis" and attachments,
prepared by LEC Environmental Consultants, Inc., Richard A. Kirby, Senior Wetland
Scientist, dated 11/24/2020
• "WPA Form 3- Notice of Intent Application", prepared and signed by Richard A.
Kirby, dated 11/20/2020
• "Wetland and Buffer Zone Mitigation Planting Plan", prepared by LEC, dated
• "Drainage Plan", prepared by Gala Simon Associates, Inc., signed by Alberto M.
Gala, P.E Civil No. 36434, dated 11/3/2020 and revised 11/24/2020
• "Engineering Drainage Calculations for 72 Grassland Street",prepared by Gala
Simon Associates, Inc., signed by Alberto M. Gala, dated 11/3/2020
• "Operation and Maintenance of Drainage Systems & Construction Period Erosion
and Sediment Control";prepared by Gala Simon Associates, Inc., signed by
Alberto M. Gala, dated 11/3/2020
-"72 Grassland St NOI Comments"; Memorandum from Michael Sprague, Engineering,
to Karen Mullins, Conservation; dated 12/7/2020
-"72 Grassland Street Proposal", Letter from abutter, 39 Valleyfield Street, dated
Mr. Richard Kirby, LEC Environmental, and Al Gala, Project Engineer, presented before the
Commission. The applicant is proposing an addition off the rear of the home, within the footprint
of an existing deck and existing lawn area, and proposing that the existing deck be extended to
the side of the house for access. A planting plan is included with roughly 2,100 square feet of
wetland restoration and a small area of wetland buffer zone restoration. The basement of the
existing house contains a small utility room and the remainder of the existing basement is
finished. Pertaining to both the Commission's and abutter's concerns on groundwater
displacement, the idea for the first 8 feet across the proposed addition, that portion of the
basement will accommodate the utility room and stairs, and the remaining 12 feet will be for
crawl space storage that will remain further above the groundwater table compared to the
existing basement floor elevation.
Concerns of the Commission:
- How to justify an addition that is entirely within the 50 foot"no-build" zone and still
displaces groundwater.
- The Commission does not consider a deck to be something that justifies grandfathering,
since a deck is usually permeable.
- Concerned that the Feno markers could easily be wiped out with a lawn mower and
would like to see a more substantial demarcation.
- There is almost 5,000 square feet of disturbance, including soil removal
- The stream, though intermittent, was quite full during the site visit. Could mean 6 months
of active water flow, which is significant.
Responses from the Applicant:
- Understands that it is ambitious, did make steps to try and set this project apart from
others by revegetating a significant portion of the lawn area
- There are pavers beneath the deck that would render the land beneath as impervious.
Ms. Ladd brought up questions about the test pit data and groundwater elevations. Mr. Gala,
referring to test hole 41 in the rear of the property, said he found 19 inches of fill material, saw
mottling at 53 inches, water was coming in at 67 inches, and it stabilized at 64 inches. Ms. Ladd
asked why it was below the peat and Mr. Gala responded that it was what they could see. He
added that, to be conservative they could use the top of the peat horizon at 19 inches. Mr.
Kirby's numbers are at a higher water table and he used hand augers for the delineation.
Mr. Beuttell raised concern about what areas on the proposed plan that are not areas of
impervious surface, do not connect to the front or the rear infiltration units. Mr. Beuttell
reiterated Mr. Kirby's comment that a portion of the existing would go to the front, and then
asked if it is theoretically possible to pick up drainage from the existing bituminous driveway
and connect it to the front infiltration unit. Mr. Gala responded, saying that the driveway is
relatively flat and that the lowest point sheds towards the house slightly. Mr. Beuttell added that
it would help to mitigate the impacts of the project if as much impervious surface as possible
made its way to the infiltration units. Mr. Gala said they would look into that.
Ms. Ladd also brought up concerns about the amount of disturbance between the 25 and 50 foot
buffer zone, as flooding seems to be a big concern in the area. Mr. Kirby followed up stating that
they can remove the historic fill that was placed in the back area in the wetlands. If they are
going to use the beginning of the peat as the estimated seasonal high groundwater table that
would elevate the infiltration system in the back and require them to bring in some for fill.
On a motion by Ms. Samuels and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll
call vote to continue the hearing to the January 4, 2021 meeting at the applicant's request.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
7:57 PM (1:06:50 for LexMedia Recording)
Continued Public Meetings/Hearings
ViewPoint Cloud Permit#CNOI-20-28, DEP File#201-1201
Notice of Intent, 4 Maguire Road
Applicant: David Webb, The RMR Group, Represented by: Douglas Hartnett, Highpoint
Engineering, Inc.
Project: building and site improvements within the 100 foot buffer zone, 200 foot Riverfront
area, and bordering land subject to flooding
Previous Meeting Dates: 11/2/2020, 11/30/2020
Supplemental Documentation:
-"Response to Comments-Notice of Intent''; letter from HighPoint Engineering to Karen
Mullins, Conservation; signed by Douglas Hartnett, PE and Joseph Piccirilli, PE; dated
-"Supplemental Inspection, 4 Maguire Road''; letter from John P. Rockwood, Ph.D.,
SPWS, EcoTec, Inc., to HighPoint Engineering; dated 12/4/2020
-"Supplemental Stormwater Management Report"; Prepared for: The RMR Group;
Prepared by: HighPoint Engineering; dated 11/23/2020 and revised 12/7/2020
-"Building and Site Improvements"planset; Prepared by: HighPoint Engineering;
Stamped and signed by: Douglas J. Hartnett, PE Civil No. 37796; revised 12/7/2020
-"4 Maguire Rd NOI Comments 2"; Memorandum from Michael Sprague, Engineering,
to Karen Mullins, Conservation; dated 12/4/2020
Doug Hartnett, HighPoint Engineering, presented to the Commission the requested changes and
modifications requested at the previous meeting, referencing the planset revised on 12/7/2020.
Mr. Langseth brought a comment about the riprap spillway, noting first that it being six feet wide
is a substantial improvement. He stated that it appears to be fairly short in the direction of flow,
maybe only 3-4 feet wide, and asks whether that will be adequate for energy dissipation as the
water is leaving. Mr. Hartnett responded that they did not want to get too close to the wetland
edge and that it is a very shallow outflow area. It almost matches grade so they don't anticipate
excessive velocity.
On a motion by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll
call vote to close the hearing.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
8:05 PM (1:14:25 for LexMedia Recording)
ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CN0I-20-30, DEP#201-1200
Notice of Intent, 18 Winthrop Road
Applicant: Donald and Elizabeth Briggs, Property Owners
Project: Proposed construction of garage and living space addition to a single-family dwelling,
new driveway and walkway, stone surface deck and stone patio, and conduct site grading and
build a retaining wall. Portions of addition, deck, patio, site grading, and retaining wall are
located within the outer portion of the 100-ft Buffer Zone to a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.
Erosion controls, stormwater management, and wetland and Buffer Zone restoration are
Previous Meeting Date: 11/30/2020
Supplemental Documentation:
-"Stormwater Analysis and Calculations"; Prepared by: Eaglebrook Engineering and
Survey, LLC; Stamped and signed by: Michael J. Juliano, PE Civil No. 34093; dated
11/9/2020 and revised 12/4/2020
-Exist Plan (Sheet C-1), Site Plan (Sheet C-2), and Detail Plan (Sheet C-3),prepared by
Eaglebrook Engineering & Survey, LLC, signed by Michael J. Juliano, PE437735, dated
11/9/2020 and revised 12/4/2020
-Letter describing the revised plans and analysis; Sent to the Conservation Commission
from Eaglebrook Engineering and Survey, LLC; Signed by Michael J. Juliano; Dated
-"Wetland and Buffer Zone Restoration Planting Plan"; Prepared by LEC Environmental
Consultants; Dated 10/28/2020 and Revised 12/7/2020
Mr. Richard Kirby, LEC Environmental, and Michael Juliano, Eaglebrook Engineering,
presented to the Commission the revised changes to the plan as requested during the previous
At the last hearing, it was requested to have embedded boulders along the edge of the proposed
restoration in addition to the Feno markers. LEC Environmental included 3 embedded boulders
along a portion of the edge on the revised plan. Mr. Kirby added that the diameters of the
boulders are about 2-3 feet, compared to the diameter of the shrubs that are about 5-6 feet.
Comments from the Commission:
- Three boulders would meet minimum expectations. Would like to see two or three more,
but it is difficult to visualize on a plan what that would look like.
- The boulders do not need to be equidistant, they can be more natural looking.
- An advantage to putting boulders at both ends is that it shows the curved nature of the
yard and enhances the aesthetic appeal.
Responses from the Applicant:
- The ferns and other planting efforts could be installed more strategically around the
boulders as to hide their protrusion if it's too much
- There are intentions to have ferns in a more manicured landscaped area upgradient of the
restoration line.
Mr. Juliano presented the design changes to the Commission, referencing the revised plans that
show the existing portion of the dwelling to be taken out of service.
Ms. Mullins pointed out that a revised engineering review has not been provided to the applicant
Mr. Karsten Nielsen, abutter and property owner of 16 Winthrop Road, raised a few concerns,
including why more consideration hasn't been taken to living space outside of the 100 foot
buffer zone. Mr. Nielsen also asked what mitigation efforts have been done to the slope on the
northern side of the house, and would like a better understanding of the drainage system. Mr.
Juliano responded first, saying that on the north side of the property, the existing grade is not
changing. All of the roof runoff is being collected in the infiltration system and that there is
plenty of space to manage in those areas. Mr. Kirby followed up, saying that there is living space
proposed above the garage as well as off the back of the building. There are front yard setbacks
so the proposed addition cannot be any closer to the street. The applicant has applied with the
Zoning Board of Appeals for side yard setback relief to accommodate for the drainage system.
Mr. Nielsen responded that there is no living space proposed above the garage.
Bill Erickson, Project Architect, provided the following information; the existing house is placed
very close in a non-conforming way to the property line and that there are many internal factors
to consider. They have looked for ways to push the addition to the south side, but it makes
internal organization very difficult. On the curved part of the street,towards the south side away
from the property line, there is less and less front yard.
Mr. Nielsen also brought up a concern about the limit of work on the side yard and its close
proximity to the property line. Mr. Erickson responded that the grade is very low and the
basement level is a walkout. There shouldn't be any problem in constructing the foundation and
beyond there the stating to construct the walls are built off the floor. All the dimensions are from
the furthest projection of the roof line.
On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll
call vote to continue the hearing to the January 4, 2021 meeting at the applicant's request.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
8:27 PM
ViewPoint Cloud Permit#CDOA-20-22
Request for Determination of Applicability, 1060 Waltham Street
Applicant: Grossman Companies
Project: Re-Use an existing Drainage connection to a municipal storm drain
Previous Meeting Dates: 8/10/2020, 8/24/2020, 9/8/2020, 10/5/2020, 10/19/2020
Supplemental Documentation: None
*Request fi°om applicant to continue fi°om this meeting to 111912021 meeting
On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll call
vote to approve the request for a continuance to the January 19, 2021 meeting.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Langseth, the Commission voted 7-0 by roll
call vote to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 PM.
Record of vote as follows:
Duke Bitsko —Aye
Kevin Beuttell—Aye
Alex Dohan—Aye
Ruth Ladd—Aye
David Langseth—Aye
Holly Samuels —Aye
Phil Hamilton—Aye
Respectfully Submitted,
Meghan McNamara
Conservation Department Assistant
Approved: 1/19/2021
Submitted: 1/20/2021