August 19th 2020
Call to Order: A public hearing of the Historical Commission was held remotely through
Zoom. The meeting convened at 7:09PM
Historical Commission Members in Attendance:
Marilyn Fenollosa, Chair, Diane Pursley, Susan Bennett, Robert Rotberg, Wendall Kalsow,
David Kelland, Katie Flynn
Public hearing regarding the partial building demolition and roofline change at 3 Diamond Road
Dan Hisel, Architect
Robert and Ellan Siegel, Homeowners
Photos of existing house
Proposed and existing elevations dated 6/10/2020
Mr. Hisel went over plans with the Commission. Existing 3 season room built around 1970,
built on piers and has broken seals in the doors. Proposing to demolish the porch and replace
with a 4 season room and a master suite.
Ms. Bennett likes the plan and feels it is sensitive to the site and to the front facade and is
appropriate. Mr. Kalsow feels the scale of the addition is appropriate to the historic house. The
Commission agrees.
Moved by Diane Pursley to find 3 Diamond Road preferably preserved and approve the plans
presented to the meeting tonight dated 6/10/2020. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow
4 in favor and 1 recusal: Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Bennett, Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley, Mr. Rotberg and
Ms. Flynn recusal.
Public hearing regarding the full building demolition at 40 Percy Road
Simeon and Rebecca Springer, Homeowners
Colin Smith, Architect
John Rosenburg, 64 Bloomfield Street
Brenda Dziadzio, 36 Highland Avenue
Thomas Ryan, 36 Percy Road
Letters sent to the Commission against demolition:
Helen Routh, 27 Percy Road
Gerald Beltz, 4 Eustis Street
Ann Lambertus, 29 Highland Avenue
Mona Mahtani, 37 Highland Avenue
Wendy Parrish, 932 Campbell Road Morristown VT
Photos of existing house
Proposed design elevations dated 8/6/2020
Mr. Smith went over the structure at 40 Percy Road. There is no Form B and recently added to
the inventory. The home was significantly altered and added on to about 15 years ago. The
home has many challenges such as issues of ledge. Mr. Smith is requesting a full building
demolition since there is no specific historic form for the house or any architectural details that
make the home qualify to be preferably preserved. The new house will fit the style of the
neighborhood. Proposing a colonial revival home slightly larger than the existing house.
Ms. Pursley asked if there were any structural problems and a bona-fide effort the home was
unable to be sold and would like to see in effort in preserving the house. The Commission
Ms. Vinci read letters from the public in opposition of the full building demolition. Abutters also
spoke during the meeting.
- John Rosenberg, 64 Bloomfield Street said 40 Percy is a home characteristic of the
neighborhood. If the plan is to introduce a garage in the front would be a significant detriment to
the neighborhood.
-Brenda Dziadzio, 36 Highland Avenue lives three houses down and had a question for the
Commission. If the Commission could have access to other plans other than a complete
demolition and if that could be provided to accommodate the modernization of the house, could
this be something that can be explored? Ms. Fenollosa said that had not been explored.
-Thomas Ryan, 36 Percy Road asked if there was a site plan proposed? Mr. Smith showed a
proposed site plan showing the lot lines and garage.
Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find 40 Percy Road preferably preserved and impose a one year delay
expiring August 19'h 2021. Seconded by Mr. Kelland.
6 in favor with 1 recusal of imposing demolition delay: Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Flynn,
Ms. Pursley, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Rotberg and Ms. Bennett recusal.
AGENDA ITEM #3 (7:52)
Reconsideration of Demo Delay order on 53 Hancock Street
-Ms. Fenollosa went over a status update regarding 53 Hancock Street. Last December there was
a demolition delay hearing and approved a 12 month delay. Since last December the applicant
went to the Planning Board stating that the Planning Board agreed to a site sensitive plan if the
Historical Commission accepts a Historic preservation restriction on the existing house. We are
close to final agreement.
Jillian B. Bargar, Town Attorney went over updates and answered questions from the
Commission. The site plan cannot be preserved until the Historical Commission votes on the
Ranen S. Schechner Attorney for 53 Hancock Street also attended the meeting to go over current
updates regarding the preservation restriction.
Moved by Ms. Bennett to conditionally approve the preservation restriction contingent on
approval from MHC and when the process proceeds and the special permit requirements are
satisfied to remove the demolition delay only on the garage of 53 Hancock Street with the Select
Board with approval for Marilyn to sign and pending final changes from Town Counsel once
finalized by all parties. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow
6-0 In favor of conditional approval: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Kelland, Ms.
Pursley and Mr. Rotberg
Discussion of CLG Report and updates
-Ms. Fenollosa said it is not finalized yet and would like any comments from the Commission.
-Ms. Bennett went over updates regarding the MHC grant. Ms. Bennett said we are in phase 1 of
the study. Ms. Bennett developed a list of 15 structures that seemed promising.
Vote to accept meeting minutes dated July 151h 2020
-A motion made by Ms. Pursley to approve minutes dated July 15'h 2020
Seconded by Ms. Bennett
5-0 In favor of approving minutes: Ms. Pursley, Ms. Bennett, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, and
Mr. Rotberg
Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Kalsow. Seconded by Ms. Bennett
5-0 favor to adjourn: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley and Mr. Rotberg