HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-30-LEXHAB-min LexHAB Board Meeting October 30,2020-8:00 AM—HELD BY Remote Connection Open to Public Minutes of the meeting held virtually due to COVIID 19 on October 30, 2020 at 8,07 am Members present were Bob Burbidge, Bill Kennedy, Henry Liu, Les Savage, Bob Phelan, Donna Leary, Martha Wood, Gerry Howell, and Bill Hays. Also present were Pearlene Varjabedian, Housing Director and Karen Iverson, Regina Brown, Financial Administrator, Patricia S. Nelson, counsel to LexHAB. Sue Barry,Selectwoman, Bob Pressman of the Lexington Housing Partnership and Tara Mizrahi of Affirmative Investments The Chairman, Bob Burbidge presided. Minutes from the September 30, 2020 meeting were reviewed and accepted as amended. All in favor by Roll Call. Discussion took place regarding ICORI/SORI regulation. Questions regarding ICORI/SORI background checks were referred to attorney Jonathan Driscoll. Eviction Moratorium COVID-19 Affidavit discussed. Town Meeting Suzie Barry reported on the Citizens Petition presented at Town Meeting to create a surcharge for tear downs. Interested board members were directed to the Town website. See Town Meeting 2020 Article 6. RHSO Requested information on 5—10-year anticipated capital improvements for LexHAB properties to be used in connection with the 2022 Town budget process. Bob Phelan has organized a meeting next week to pull together this information. POLICY TASK FORCE TOWN EMPLOYEE HOUSING PROGRAM - Board approved Policy TF recommendation that Bob Burbidge be authorized to substitute units for inclusion in the Employee Housing Program where initial unit is not filled. - Discussion took place regarding why some units are not being filled. Christmas trees—Artificial vs Natural Robust conversation discussed at length regarding Natural vs Artificial Christmas Trees. Board agreed no changes to be made to Christmas Tree ruling at this time. Use of BBQ Grills by tenant discussed. Bob Phelan and Pearlene to add wording into rules and Regulations for review at next meeting. Karen Iverson to check with Insurance company to determine whether natural trees or grills would be in violation of insurance requirements. Pearlene Varjabedian to send reminder notice from Housing for safety for Christmas Tree rulings. FINANCIAL REPORT Gerry Howell reported • P & L Quarterly statement September 2020 comparison last year. • Much improved $695,000 Total Income • Better control of income verification and Section 8/ Housing Authority reimbursements • $78,000 Gross Income • Payroll lower than previous year-due to No Executive Director payroll • Accounting-$19,000 Karen and Regina are non-payroll contractors • Insurance policy premiums have been updated • Office expenses included $10,000 due to computer repair • Maintenance Expenses reviewed • Litigation costs reviewed • Professional expenses included closing costs and mortgage payoff • Financial Services represented the audit expense • Repair and Maintenance$135,000—broken down—general reduction 14%$108 vs. $126 last year • Net Income$225,663.79 • Additional interest income differed from previous year • Bob Burbidge suggested adding an addendum to income statement to show cash position and changes. • Karen Iverson—Les confirmed $42,000 to spend on Grove Street still. Will be adding an additional $15,000 that we know we will be spending there. Motion made to accept Treasurers report. Motion approved. —Roll Call FARIVIVIEW • Lester Savage—received the occupancy certificate. • Work to be completed -some units do not yet have cabinet facing. WRIGHT FARM • Doing floors, painting is complete, cabinets in place, countertops in place. • Waiting to hear from Minuteman Tech for work they are contracted to complete. May need to ask the General Contractor for the project to complete items. VINE STREET • 6 Applications received for architect RFQ. Lexington architect Colin Smith was chosen due to experience. • LexHAB will work with Colin to review guidelines. • Discussed notices to be sent to friends of Vine Street group and abutters within 500 feet per Assessors records. • Suggest upcoming meeting as a webinar with panelists regarding Vine Street. Town has that capability. • Date for meeting to be decided • Bob Burbidge wants this to be done ASAP OPERATIONS TASK FORCE SOLAR INSTALL Discussed - Lester indicated they spoke with one vendor who identified properties for possible placement of solar panels. Still at beginning stages with no pricing yet. Bob Burbidge stressed we should push for installing solar panels before the end of year. STRATEGIC INITIATIVE Dana Home Grant—Pearlene to review Grant requirements with Pat Nelson Next meeting Monday, November 30,2020 at 8 AM. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Chair moved to adjourn the Open Session and go into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the Lexington Housing Assistance Board and to discuss tenant matters that if considered in Open Session might adversely affect privacy rights of individuals.