HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-12-03-CEC-min Minutes of the J Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee CEC Meeting � " December 3 2020 APRIL,119, Location and Time: Remote Meeting; 8:00 A.M. Members Present (remote participation): Charles Lamb, Chair; David Kanter, Vice-Chair & Clerk; Sandy Beebee; Rod Cole; Wendy Manz, and Frank Smith Members Absent: None Others Present (remote participation): Staff: Department of Public Facilities (DPF): Mike Cronin, Director; Shawn Newell, Assistant Director; Finance Department: Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Jennifer Hewitt, Budget Officer; Sara Arnold, Recording Secretary (departed at 8:06 A.M.); Members of other Committees: Glenn Parker, Chair, Appropriation Committee (AC) liaison; Scott Bokun, School Committee (SC) liaison; Sara Cuthbertson, SC liaison Documents Presented: • Notice of CEC Meeting, December 3, 2020 • FY2022-2026 Capital Improvement Projects/Programs (CIPs) for DPF • CEC Provided Questions & Comments (Q&C) Regarding DPF's CIPs with DPF's Responses (DPF Q&C) (Mr. Cronin E-Mail to Mr. Lamb, December 2, 2020, at 5:02 P.M.) • Poll of CEC Members at 3 Dec 2020 Meeting Regarding Future Blackline Files (Mr. Kanter E-Mail to CEC, December 1 , 2020, at 4:19 P.M.) • Draft #3 of CEC Minutes for its November 19, 2020, Meeting (Mr. Kanter E-Mail to CEC, November 29, 2020, at 12:55 P.M.) Call to Order Mr. Lamb called this Remote (Virtual) Meeting, which had been posted as such, to order at 8:01 a.m. He reported that the requirement to have a physical presence of a quorum had been suspended in an Executive Order by Massachusetts Governor Charles D. Baker, on March 12, 2020, after having proclaimed, on March 10, 2020, a STATE OF EMERGENCY in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus, known as "COV I D-19". Mr. Lamb further reported that the documents for this meeting, which had been provided electronically to the Committee and would be available upon request, were those listed as Documents Presented. Any votes during this meeting would be taken by a roll call. This meeting is being recorded to assist in preparing Minutes, and the recording would be deleted once the Minutes were approved. Mr. Lamb took a roll-call vote and confirmed that all six Committee members were remotely participating. Review of the FY2022-FY2026 CIPs for DPF Mr. Lamb asked Mr. Cronin to briefly explain the 20-year DPF capital plan that was mentioned in the CIPs. He then requested that the discussion focus on the five-year capital plan that the CEC is required to include in its report to the Annual Town Meeting and on CEC Q&C without a response in the DPF Q&C. Page 1 of 3 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting December 3, 2020 Mr. Cronin and Mr. Newell explained that this is a transition year between the previous focus on five-year planning and a new effort to evaluate needs and projects based on a 20-year window. An architectural firm recently completed a massive needs assessment of all the Town's buildings. COVID-19 pandemic restrictions resulted in delays in completing the report, which is currently being reviewed and distilled by DPF staff. It will take another year before the results of this report can be incorporated into the out-year budget projections. Thus, the FY2022 projections should be evaluated as a single capital window, with the understanding that the current FY2023-FY2026 budget estimates being forwarded from previous projections are likely to change considerably in next year's CIPs because next year they are expected to include the broader, 20-year, perspective. There was discussion about the importance of ensuring that the CIPs describe separate project elements for a facility, as they may exist, and that they clearly identify the parameters for the funding requests, particularly as they relate to the 20-year capital plan versus the five-year capital plan. In response to questions related to the DPF Q&C, the following includes some, but not all, of the staff's further responses: • CIP #5005, Public Facilities Bid Documents: Unused funds from a previous year would be subtracted from the FY2022 request. • CIP #5009, Townwide Roofing: The level of confidence in the projections varies based on the building. The need for roofing for Lexington High School will be determined closer to FY2026. Actual costs will only be known when a bid has been received. • CIP #DPF-22-1 , Lexington Police Station Rebuild: Although it is premature to determine the amount needed for project management, an effort will be made to respond to the CEC's request for a qualified amount. • CIP #DPF-22-3, LHS Science Classroom Space Mining: The needs should be reassessed, based on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. • CIP #DPF-22-4, Center Recreation Complex Bathrooms & Maintenance Building: This building is currently a cement block "out-house" with poor lighting and access. It needs to be upgraded and made accessible. Eventually it may be incorporated into a facility that serves a new football stadium associated with a new high-school project. This cannot be combined with CIP #Rec-22-4, Town Pool Hot Water Heater Replacement, because the associated facilities are not in proximity to each other. • CIP #DPF-22-5, Space Needs for School Year 2021-22: Student enrollment in the elementary-level Individual Learning Program, particularly at the Fiske Elementary School, is creating a need for addition space, and this "bubble" will be moving up to the middle school. • CIP #DPF-22-6, HVAC Improvements Placeholder: Recent evaluations of the ventilation systems in the schools and Town buildings indicate improvement needs may be less than originally anticipated. It may also be that some State CARE funds can be used for this project. It may be possible to decrease the amount requested. • CIP #DPF-CPA-1, Playground Enhancements—Pour-in-Place Surfaces: During discussion, it was noted that if additional funding resources were to be available, it would be feasible to expand this program in FY2022. This will be explored. Page 2 of 3 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting December 3, 2020 During review of CIP #DPF-22-2, LHS Feasibility Study, Mr. Bokun reported that the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the Massachusetts School Building Authority delaying plans to determine which school districts will be selected for its core program grants until the spring or summer of CY2021 —rather than what would have been announced this month. Lexington's re-submitted Statement of Interest for replacing/renovating Lexington High School requests invitation in the now-pending cycle of that program. Member Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Kanter noted that Ms. Hewitt had offered to provide periodic blackline versions of the CIPs based on this Committee's needs. Using Mr. Kanter's December 1 , 2020, e-mail to this Committee, the various options were discussed. It was agreed that a blackline edition should include all the CIPs (changed or not) and when applicable indicate the changes since the original distribution of the CIPs. Such a blackline edition would be welcomed next month if the DPF changes had been entered. Another blackline edition and a "clean" edition of the CIPs would be requested after the FY2022 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan (the "White Book") was completed. Other Interim versions were not seen now as necessary. Mr. Kanter agreed to cover for Ms. Manz, the CEC liaison to the Community Preservation Committee (CPC), at the CPC's meeting this afternoon. Ms. Beebee reported that the Recreation Committee had approved a prioritization list identifying the Center Bathrooms and the Community Center Sidewalk as the first two projects on that list. Mr. Kanter asked that Ms. Beebe share that list with this Committee, noting that the information may be useful as the CEC takes positions on those CIPs. [Ms. Beebee's e-mail, December 3, 2020, at 9:16 A.M., subsequently did that.] Approval of Minutes Mr. Kanter presented some clarifying amendments to the Draft #3 CEC Meeting Minutes for November 19, 2020. A Motion was made and seconded to approve said Minutes, as amended. Roll-Call Vote: 6-0 Adjourn A Motion was made and seconded at 9:09 A.M. to adjourn. Roll-Call Vote: 6-0 This Minutes was approved by the CEC at its meeting on December 10, 2020 Page 3 of 3