HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-00-REPSC-Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey Lexington Town Services and H Costs Survey Purpose: The following survey seeks to understand town services used by Lexington households and affordability of living in Lexington. Your answers are greatly appreciated as Lexington continues to look for opportunities to be responsive to residents. Privacy: Survey analysis will not identify individual responses. Answers will be used in aggregate and to produce correlations across questions. Please answer the questions as best as possible for your household. You may choose "N/A" (not applicable) for an answer if you do not have information or are uncomfortable with a question. This survey is intended ONLY for Lexington residents. Only Lexington residents should respond, please. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete all three sections of this survey. Thank you for your time. Town Services https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1 grEr5UMNP4Gk7211 JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 1/10 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 1. In the past 12 months, has any household member done the following? (Check all that apply) Mark orily ore oval per row Yes No N/A tf,................................11% ................. Visited the Community Center (...................................... (I....................................... ......................... ............................... ............................. ............................ Used town swimming facilities Used town recreational fields or courts ................ .................................... I................................ ...................................%, Used Pine Meadows golf course ................) /......................... ................................ ll...............................//"" Used a school or neighborhood playground e ............................ ......................... Used the Minuteman Bikeway /............... /............................. Used Lexpress bus ............................ ................ ............................. Visited Lexington conservation areas ////............................ /.................................. .1) Directly received fire or police services ...............................)` ',............ .................................., Attended Lexington public schools (" Participated in any town provided program or .......................... �oo..........................//////////,, seryice for seniors ......................... su ............................... ................................... .........................""", Used Cary library or attended a library event `` ry ^ Served town government in any capacity ............................. (employee, committee member,town "", .............................. ........................... /.............................. meeting member, elected representative) Affordability https://docs.google.com/forms/d/lgrEr5UMNP4Gk7211JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 2/10 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 2. Are you aware that the Recreation & Community Programs Department offers financial aid for programs and services? Mark only one oval. //............................... ) Yes ......................�,,) 1 ... No,11,.......................................... Abp N/A 3. Has a household member received this type of financial assistance to participate in a program or service? Mark only one oval. Yes ("............................................. ............................................... N 0 ....................................).......... N/A 4. If your primary residence is rental, please indicate your monthly rental cost: Mark only one oval. ) -$1499 ,......... ,,,) $0 $1500-2999 )���...........�),), $3000-$4499 $4500+ ,, N/A https://docs.google.com/forms/d/lgrEr5UMNP4Gk7211JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 3/10 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 5. If you own your primary residence, please indicate your total monthly housing payment (mortgage, insurance, property taxes): Mark only one oval. ............................... <$2,000/month .....................�,,)) $2,001-$4,000 $41001-$6,000 $6,001-$8,000 ...............................) U,, $81001-$101000 $10,0 01+ .......................................... ((. .....) N/A 6. Do you receive a property tax deferral or property tax credit due to limited income? Mark only one oval. ,........... Uj Ye s (.............. N 0 N/A 7. What level of stress does your household experience with payment of monthly housing costs? Mark only one oval. f, J None Little ........................... Some .................................... (".....`..................................... Significant SU b s t a n t i a l ( . N/A....................................,, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/lgrEr5UMNP4Gk7211JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 4/10 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 8. Please elaborate or share any additional thoughts. 9. Thinking about all the costs of living in your owned property or rental (rent/mortgage, home maintenance, condo fees, property taxes, insurance, utilities), what portion of these costs do you estimate is related to property taxes? Mark only one oval. .........................."I'll",", .................................,,) None /........................................ Little (1-25%) Some (26-50%) Significant (51-75°x°) ..... Substantial (76-100°x°) N/A 10. Are you responsible for the housing costs at your residence (i.e. owner or lessee)? Mark only one oval. (Il/..................................../' )) Yes ...........................................""' N 0 ..............................)),))"") N/A https://docs.google.com/forms/d/lgrEr5UMNP4Gk7211JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 5/10 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 11. Are you considering relocating away from Lexington in the next 10 years? Mark only one oval. ( (........................................................... Definitely Not ................................"I"', ....................... Unlikely Undecided - Possible ............... Likely ................................ Definitely Have not considered NSA ................................. Demographic Questions 12. Age (respondent) Mark only one oval. H..n J under 30 years 31-39 years 0-49 years . 4 .................................... 50-59 years (("/.............. //...... 60-69 years 70-79 years fir. .......... .................................", .................................... 80 years and over "......... . ....................... N/A https://docs.google.com/forms/d/lgrEr5UMNP4Gk7211JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 6/10 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 13. Size of household (number of people) Mark only one oval. (.......................................... ................. //""................................" 2 ""',........................ 3 4 ................................ N/A 14. Disabilities within household (check all that apply) Check all that apply. with a hearing difficulty ................................. with a vision difficulty ................................. with a cognitive difficulty with an ambulatory difficulty with a self-care difficulty ................................. with an independent living difficulty none of the above ............... NSA ................................. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/lgrEr5UMNP4Gk7211JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 7/10 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 15. Length of time living in town (respondent) Mark only one oval. (.......................................... moved in 2015 or later moved in 2010-2014 1,11,........................ moved in 2000-2009 ............... moved in 1990-1999 � dmoved in 1980-1989 moved in 1979 and earlier N/A .....................................)) 16. What type of property is your residence? Mark only one oval. .........................................)) (,,,................................. single family home multi-family home condominium ............. apartment ," other ,..................................... ell"111................................ ........ N/A https://docs.google.com/forms/d/lgrEr5UMNP4Gk7211JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 8/10 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 17. Approximate market property value of your Lexington residence (if owned): Mark only one oval. (.......................................... vya ................. I don't live in a property owned by a family member ................................" Less than $500,000 yyj $500,000-$749,999 ,,, $7501000-$999)999 ................................ $1,000,000-$1,249,999 N $1,250,000-$1,499,999 $115001000-$11749,999 -................................. ...................................... $1,750,000-$1,999,999 ,. w,1 $2,000,000 and more ........ ) .................................., ............................��" N/A 18. Please indicate your approximate household income in the past 12 months Mark only one oval. Less than $35,000 ,, $350000-$49,999 ........... ti t......... $50,000-$74,999 .............. .................... $75,000-$99,000 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000-$199,999 $200,000 and over N/A 19. Please indicate how the survey was shared with you (any groups or lists or whether it was forwarded to you.) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/lgrEr5UMNP4Gk7211JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 9/10 10/6/2020 Lexington Town Services and Housing Costs Survey 20. Please share any comments to the survey team about this survey. Thank you. This urs is neither created nor endorsedIby Google. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1 grEr5UMNP4Gk7211 JIbXR4gHUwch-f5kWJf6Pi2zByA/edit 10/10