HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-12 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING T hurs day, November 12, 2020 Conducted by Remote Participation* 6:00 PM AGENDA ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Special Town Meetings 2020-2 and 2020-3 Article Positions/Discussion 6:00pm 2. Approve F Y2021 Water and Sewer Rates 6:15pm 3. Discuss Support for Lexington Housing Foundation Request- Item will no longer 6:25pm be taken up at this meeting SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 6:45pm *as per Executive Order regarding remote participation:http s://www.mas s.go v/d o c/open-me eting- law-order-march-12-2020/download Members of the public can view the meeting webinar from their computer or tablet by clicking on the following link at the time of the meeting:https://zoom.us/j/96178562549pwd=c21NUUR6cjkl T VNrT FpKeUhsa2doZzO9 iPhone one-tap: +13126266799„96178562549# or+19294362866„96178562549# Telephone:+1 301 715 8592 or+1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 9617856 2549 Passcode: 750452 The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Select Board will be held by remote participation on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 7:00pm. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and LeAlediia subject to change. Recorded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Special Town Meetings 2020-2 and 2020-3 Article Positions/Discussion PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Board Discussion SUMMARY: The Select Board will discuss Special Town Meetings 2020-2 and 2020-3 articles and positions. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/12/2020 6:00pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type D 2020 SIXI 2 3 Pw,.,itions(".hart f3ackup Matedal. D S'IFIM 2020 2 Afticle 16 revised,rnotiorl I lacku.]I,-)ME-iterical D SIN[2020 2 Aftich-16 Town.-Man.ager corym—ents 1-lackup TVIatenal. D S"11M.2020 2 Article 1.6 Rev is ed pos ition. 11[.3ackul')V11aterial. D SIN[2020 2 Revised Art 16]1?res entation. 1.3ackup M ate rial D S'"I'M 2020 2 Revised Art 17 pres en.tation. Backup Mutenal. D S"I'M 2020 2 Afticle 17 amendment flackup Mlaterical 0 0 A I W � � C/� CA N III � N N N N N N N N N N N N N O N N CIA N N N N N IN bA + pU.i O '� N IN ct O U '}' ct 4-4 ° O 03 IN cn aIN 4-4 03 O ct U Pam-{ o .� '� �' ct ct pIN IN .,..I _ ct ct S--r U ct ct 4-4 � M om+ ct ct 711 cn 03 COO ° Q5 N p�..l .o N N N o o N N N N N N O a N �i V1 `tom `�ee.i'� `ems `ems 4" `4e.0 `4e-'� `6c-0 -Wc `�wt `4t-0 .cW.O 4" I1 I I I1 I1 I1 I1 I I � I1 I I1 I I1 I I 0 � o ti A N P .....I 0* 00 ONO w � w 0 N CA 7� U bA 7� 7� U •� O 4 ct cn O o w O � � a w a �' ►� � U Z •cn cn ct M �k ' w O N a N � Town of Lexington Motion Special Town Meeting 2020-2 ARTICLE 16 AMEND ZONING BYLAW AND MAP HARTWELL AVENUE AREA(Citizen Petition) MOTION: That the Zoning Bylaw,Chapter 135 of the Code of the Town of Lexington be amended,effective February 1, 2021,as follows( 1thp.1.10 text is to be removed and underlined text is to be added),and further that non- substantive changes to the numbering of this bylaw be permitted in order that it be in compliance with the numbering format of the Code of the Town of Lexington: 1. Amend§ 135-4.0 Table 2,Schedule of Dimensional Controls,column CM,as follows: Table 2 CM Minimum lot area 3 AG 20,000 SF(f) Minimum lot frontage in feet 240_50 Minimum front yard in feet(a),(b)-,fh) 2-5-NR Minimum side yard in feet 2-5-1 5(f) Minimum rear yard in feet 2-5-15(f) Minimum side and rear yard adjacent to,or front yard across the street from a 440-50(f) residential district in feet Maximum nonresidential floor area ratio(FAR) 0.3 5(f)-NR Maximum site coverage NR Public and institutional buildings,maximum height: In stories: N Deleted: In feet: 45115(f)�W Other buildings,maximum height: In stories: N Deleted: In feet: 6-5-115(f)kW 2. Replace§ 135-4.0 Table 2,Schedule of Dimensional Controls,footnote(h),with the following: h.See§7.4.1. 3. Add a new§ 135-7.4 as follows: 7.4 CM District. In addition to other standards set forth in this bylaw,the following standards shall apply to development in the CM district. 7.4.1 Height Limits. 1. Height near streets.The difference between the upper elevation of each segment of a building or Deleted:¶ structure and the centerline grade of any street or bikeway shall be no greater than the distance Sustainable Construction.Buildings which are not from that segment to the centerline of a street multiplied by 1.0 or to the centerline of a bikeway designed to meet the requirements to be certified at the Silver level using the LEED v4 for Building Design and multiplied by 2.0,, Construction:Core and Shell checklist,as outlined by the United States Green Building Council,are limited to 7.4.2 Outdoor amenities. 65 feet in height.¶ o 1. At least 15/o of the developable site area of each lot shall be devoted to outdoor amenities, Carbon Emissions.Buildings utilizing on-site combustion for HVAC system operation are limited to six stories. 1 Town of Lexington Motion Special Town Meeting 2020-2 including but not limited to courtyards,street-side or rooftop terraces,plazas,or passageways for pedestrians or bicycles. 2. Outdoor amenities may be directed at the general public;directed at residents,businesses and patrons,but open to the public;or private to a specific user. 3. For the purpose of this section,multiple lots may be considered as a single lot where a binding agreement provides for shared use and maintenance of the amenities. 4. The Planning Board may adopt design standards for outdoor amenities through regulations. 7.4.3 Bedford Street front yard. Along the southwesterly side of Bedford Street there shall be a front yard of 70 feet measured from the base line of Bedford Street as shown on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts layout 4689,dated June 3, 1958,and shown as auxiliary base line 7 on the State Highway Alteration layout 5016,dated August 30, 1960. 7.4.4 Sustainable Design.The provisions below are intended to encourage construction of sustainable buildings. c ese provisions Uplies only if permittedy MGL c.40A 0 3 and otherState 1 1. Buildings which are not designed to meet the requirements to demonstrate certifiability at the Silver levelusing-the LEED v4 fog Building DesignConstruction: re and Shell checklist, as outlined by the United States Green Building Council,are limited to 65 feet in height. 2. Buildings utilizing on-site combustion for HVAC system operation are limited to six stories. 3. The Planning Board in its regulations may establish additional standards for site plan review under§9.5 incorporating sustainability principles that result in a plan that is responsive to the environment and ac ively contributes the development of a more sustainable community. 7.4 5 Special Permit. Deleted:4 The SPGA may grant a special permit modifying the requirements of§7.4. 4. Amend the Zoning Map to rezone lots 69,70A,and 81 on assessor's map 84 into the CM District. 5. Amend the Zoning Map to rezone lot 11 on assessor's map 73 into the CM District,lots l0A and 12 on assessor's map 73 into the GC District,and remove any remaining references to the CD-3 District from the Zoning Bylaw and Map. 6. Amend the Zoning Map to rezone lot 7 on assessor's map 85 into the GC District. 7. Amend the Zoning Map to rezone the portions of lots 41 F and 41 G on assessor's map 84 currently in the CRO District into the CM District. 8. Amend the Zoning Map to rezone the portion currently in the CRO District of the entire property shown on a plan recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds as Plan 400 of 1984,a portion of which is registered land,into the CM District. 9. Amend the Zoning Map to rezone lots 55A,56,57,58,59,60A,61,62A,63A,65,66,67,and 68 on assessor's map 84 and the rights of way of Garwood Avenue and Maywood Street into the GC District. (2020- - ) Deleted:10-27 2 Town Manager's comments on Article 16 There has been comments made that the petitioned Hartwell zoning is in conflict with other zoning efforts for Hartwell. It is not. Further, from an economic development effort you often have to strike while the iron is hot or opportunities become lost opportunities. While large, life science companies have been leaving the cities of Boston &Cambridge for the suburbs,this could change, especially in light of the perceived glut of office space in both cities as offices change their work patterns and large offices become available to be converted to lab space at lower costs. From Town staff, we have involved our Planning staff, Economic Development staff, Zoning staff, Building Commissioner and Conservation staff in the discussion as well as the Assistant Town Manager for Development. From a Planning process perspective: Town staff in the Land Use, Health and Development Department has participated in and provided comments to the petitioner on Article 16. The staff attended the Citizen Petitioner's public information session for Town Meeting Members on November 5 and throughout this public information session and made it clear that no conflict exists between the petitioner's article and the work that the staff is doing to bring an article forward for the 2021 Annual Town Meeting and that Article 16 dovetails into the Town's Hartwell Rezoning Initiative efforts. Further,the passage of Article 16 would allow the Planning staff to focus their efforts on the permitting processes,Table of Uses,the Hartwell Zoning Bylaw, and the Hartwell Design Guidelines for the Annual Town Meeting. From an Economic Development/Revenue Enhancement perspective: As everyone knows the Town is facing a large, planned high school project. One of the goals has been to seek to maximize economic development efforts to offset the impact to the estimated residential tax burden related to this project. Hartwell Avenue's current development does not maximize the economic development potential of this area due to the zoning that was in place at the time many of the buildings were built. While some have been renovated and had slight expansions,the potential for revenue enhancement through redevelopment of Hartwell has not been met. A good example of an impactful property redevelopment can be seen in the 1050 Waltham Street project which is shown below: Redevelopment Major Renovation 1050 Waltham' 24 Hartwe112 Pre-Development Assessed Value $ 6,377,000 $ 15,918,000 Post Development Estimated/Assessed Value $ 521478,000 $ 16,498,000 Net Increase in Assessed Value $ 46,101,000 $ 580,000 FY20 Commercial Tax Rate $ 27.22 $ 27.22 Net increase in Tax Revenue $ 1/254/869 $ 151788 1 Developer's Estimated Value 2 From 2019 Renovation Development opportunities exist in a bubble. Right now, many companies are looking to locate outside of Boston/Cambridge and are looking at Waltham, Lexington, Bedford and Burlington. Development companies need a level of certainty to initiate investment and unless Lexington modifies it's zoning to provide certainty, opportunities will be lost to neighboring communities. • Town of exington T ""I,".......... �....i i i i i i...... wrSpecial T Meeti*ng 2020d Article 16: Amend Zoning Bylaw and Map —Hartwell Ave (Citizen Petition) The Select Board recognizes and appreciates that there have been strong opinions expressed on Article 16 and we understand and appreciate that everyone has the best interests of the Town at heart. It has been a long standing priority of the Select Board in upholding our fiduciary responsibility to the residents while also balancing the needs of the Town to seek ways to help alleviate the property tax burden on residents. One such way is to expand the Town's commercial tax base. Increased commercial tax dollars will help the Town to continue to balance our budget without the potential of an operating override and also help mitigate our current debt from our recent building projects and finance our future major capital infrastructure projects including a new High School and a new Police Station. Lexington has long been an attractive location for companies to call home due to its proximity to Cambridge/Boston, and its access to Route 95 and Route 2. Several years ago, Lexington started showing up on the radar of commercial developers as a more cost effective location to develop lab space than locations in and around the Cambridge area. During that time Lexington attracted a wide variety of lab related businesses from the young/early start ups to the more established international corporations. We saw projects built with no tenants signed up at the time of groundbreaking yet prior to the certificate of occupancy being issued, the building was fully leased. Our neighboring cities and towns noticed our early success with lab space and have now positioned themselves to compete actively with Lexington and against Lexington at a much higher level to attract commercial business. Lexington no longer exists in a bubble when it comes to lab space outside of the Cambridge area. Recent articles in the Boston Business Journal and the Boston Globe indicate that the pandemic is shifting the type of commercial space developers are looking to engage in; the market for and use of office space is changing as companies reevaluate how to cost effectively deploy their work force, yet the market for lab space in the greater Boston area is in higher demand and does not show signs of slowing down anytime soon. Our current commercial zoning in the Hartwell Avenue/Bedford Street area simply does not keep up with the changing market conditions and a failure to act to update our Zoning will leave Lexington behind. 1 It should be noted that the proponent of Article 16 has worked with the Planning Staff, the Economic Development Advisory Committee, the Sustainable Lexington Committee and several residents on this article, having heard their concerns which are now incorporated into the language of this article including specific sustainability components in acknowledgement of Lexington's Getting to Net Zero plan. This article does not contain a housing component at this time. Housing will be brought forward as part of the Hartwell Initiative Project at Annual Town Meeting in Spring of 2022. Madam Moderator, The Select Board is comfortable with the assurances we have received from our Town Manager, Mr. Malloy and the Planning Staff that they are not in opposition to any of the proposed Zoning Bylaw and Map changes contained in Article 16 and the Board feels Article 16 will not have a negative impact on the current work being done by the Planning and Economic Development Staff to bring the larger Hartwell Avenue Initiative Plan forward at the 2021 Annual Town Meeting. The Select Board feels strongly that the time to act on rezoning the Hartwell Avenue/Bedford Street area has arrived and should not be delayed or further"kicked down the road" Madam Moderator by a vote of 5-0 The Select Board Unanimously supports passage of Article 16. Madam Moderator, would you please recognize our Town Manager Mr. Jim Malloy . 2 C**4 CIO co � Q 3 Q a� c� Q 0 N O N N Q N N O N i � 0 E -0 a�i (D C: a) A.—O QL CL 0 (1) 0 Co c a) N 0 41-- > cn 0- 0 0 D 0� 0 (3) �y cn N 1 3: (=)1 :3 Im N � C � �'� N to CIO r O � V co cl) QL (j) C*4 (1) (1) 0 12 A.—a lot FM co CN L N 0 c 4-j Q (3) 0 Clq w E 4-j co M Cl) U) -0 4-j 0 04 QL 0 01 C/) Lm M 0 0 m v,; E �o �o �o �o (D (D (D (D a- 0 0 0 (D 0 (D (D 0 (D (D (D a) 0 o � � O • OCA �zl ct rz$ c ct 4-4 c ct U p •r, N 4-4 4-4 ct c� ct ct ' ct --� ct � '� � p :� 4� •O c� ct P—, 0 L N C N 3 O Cf) (1) C) cn m C) O N cn \ 0 E N %4MMMm CD Q Al � 'MID CN cn 0 LL/ M MMMMM' > IMMOMMEM 3: co o m cn M 0 0 wimmo E 0 Q O � � � O E m cn o U) m 'L :� U cn Q N = � O cn IM om V/ cn Nm O �v 0 =a w � C: 0 (� w cn a U) N C) W N N E o co co 0 0 cn cn cm cm C: C: W W Ln r- q- oltyr Ll CL+ C) CD I � '% ///////O/%% ;// f/ CD AAA Ln 0 CD f r �// • 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 , 1 N t W cn mo U C)mCL 3 OU O � }� O N N 0 N ■ U O Z U L cn N co � li O li � LO M U) C/) C/) � (00 N O (r; M c� t Q t O O � O A--j A--j C/) U) U) U) W N 0 O � � O 07 0 v U C) (y) C) ) U) 12 LL O M ? 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Robert Creech for the Planning Board AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve F Y2021 Water and Sewer Rates PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Carolyn Ko sno ff,Assistant Town Manager for Finance I.2 SUMMARY: Staff will present revised,proposed water and wastewater rates for fiscal year 2021. Since the public hearing on October 26, 2020, projected usage numbers have been updated based on new information from the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority, and from Lexington's actual meter reading data as section 2 data for Fall readings have been completed. These two sources are consistent in showing that Lexington's usage in the summer and early fall months of calendar 2020 have increased, contrary to originally presented data. This updated usage data has a material downward impact on rates, which will be presented and explained by the finance staff. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move that the Board approve proposed FY2021 water and wastewater rates as presented on slide#4 of the attached presentation. FOLLOW-UP: Staff will incorporate the F Y2021 voted rates into the Fan water and wastewater bills which will be mailed later this month. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/12/2020 6:15pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type D Water and Sewer Rate Memo I.Z(.,,v 11.6.20 Vll.erno ........... 11-12 Presentation. ........... MIMRA Water Use(kaphs uil,,)dated l3ackup Mllate.rial. Memoranda To: James Malloy, Town Manager From: Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance Date: November 6, 2020 Subject:Proposed FY2021 Water and Wastewater Rates- REVISED The attached packet contains information in support of the proposed FY2021 water and wastewater rates. The information in this packet has changed materially since the water and sewer rate hearing on October 26, 2020. Staff have been working with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority to review Lexington's calendar year 2020 year-to-date water usage. Initial reports from MWRA indicated that usage had dropped significantly from prior year, which was counter to expectations due to the dry summer, and inconsistent with all other suburban communities. Upon review, the MRWA confirmed that preliminary use reports were incorrect due to a metering issue on the Town's fire by-pass line which is only utilized during the summer months, or during an emergency. They have provided revised estimates of Lexington's usage from June through September. In addition, since the initial presentation, the Town has completed the fall reading of sections 1 and 2. This internal usage data is consistent with the updated information provided by MWRA. The reading of the Town's meters in section 3 is still in process. The Town's water and wastewater budgets remain unchanged from the original presentation. Therefore the increase in usage takes pressure off of the Town's water and sewer rates, as increased usage decreases the cost per unit. The updated combined water and wastewater rate increase is approximately 4.0%, compared to 7.9% in the original proposal. Proposed Proposed FY20 FY21 Residential/ FY20 Water FY21 Water Wastewater Wastewater Commercial/Industrial Rates Rates %Change Rates Rates %Change Tier 1 $4.10 $4.40 7.3% $8.15 $8.34 2.3% Tier 2 $6.14 $6.59 7.3% $13.30 $13.61 2.3% Tier 3 $8.11 $8.70 7.3% $21.15 $21.64 2.3% irrigation $8.11 $8.70 7.3% NA NA NA municipal $2.97 $3.21 8.1% $3.50 $3.50 0.0% Hanscom/Lincoln Labs $6.04 $6.48 7.3% NA NA NA VA Hospital $7.22 $7.75 7.3% NA NA NA Bedford-water $3.00 $3.24 8.0% NA NA NA Flat Sewer Rate(annual) NA NA NA $373.00 $381.70 2.3% 1 The following updated reports and supporting material are included for your reference along with the revised rates: a. Water consumption history and chart for FY2013 to FY2020 including estimates of FY2021 usage to be used in calculating proposed FY2021 water and wastewater rates b. Water consumption graphs provided by MWRA- MWRA system wide CY2018 - CY2020; and Lexington CY2018 - CY2020 c. Proposed FY2021 water and wastewater rates d. A history of water purchased from the MWRA, by month, from 1999 through September 2020 e. A presentation of the combined impact of FY2021 water and wastewater rates at various levels of annual usage f. Community comparison of water and sewer charges and assessments from MWRA's 2019 Annual Water and Wastewater Retail Rate Survey 2 Q �> \ o \ \ \ \ \ o o \ \ o \ \ o �-. 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Su btotal 950,000 $5,237,100 Irrigation All @ Tier 3 Rate 355,000 $8.70 $3,088,500 ' Municipal Flat Rate 22,000 $3.21 $ 70,620 Hanscom/Lincoln Labs Flat Rate 230,000 $6.48 $1,490,400 ' VA Hospital Flat Rate 7500 $7.75 $ 58,125 ' Bedford Water Agreement Flat Rate 640,000 $3.24 $2,073,600 Subtotal 1,254,500 $65781,245 Total 2,204,500 $121018,345 Estimated Gross Water Charges $1210187345 Collection Rate 95% Estimated Net Revenue $11,417,428 Revenue Target $1154149329 Surplus/(Deficit) $ 3,099 6 PRELIMINARY FY2021 WASTEWATER RATES FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 FY16 FY15 FY14 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Wastewater Budget $10,663,319 $10,453,931 $10,057,978 $9,682,514 $9,396,747 $9,151,553 $9,511,297 $9,225,900 Investment in Capital/ $100,000 Infrastructure Estimated Non-Rate $(362,000) $(362,000) $(365,000) $(363,000) $(363,000) $(320,000) $(322,000) $(70,300) Revenue Use of Retained $_ $_ $_ $- $- $- $(50,000) $(100,000) Earnings Net Revenue to be Raised from $%401,319 $%0919931 $996929978 $997699360 $990339747 $8,8319553 $991399297 $990559600 Wastewater Charges a b c d e f Estimated Tier Range Tier as%of Consumption ' Tier (HCF) Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 67.3% 642,000 $ 8.15 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 2 41-80 10.3% 88,000 $ 13.30 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 22.4% 198,000 $ 21.15 Municipal Flat Rate 10,000 $ 3.50 Total 938,000 Estimated Tier as%of Consumption % Rate on• • ' Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Revenue Increase Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 69.5% 6521000 $8.34 $543700 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 2 41-80 9.4% 88,000 $13.61 $17197,680 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 21.1% 198,000 $21.64 $472841720 ' Municipal Flat Rate 10,000 $3.50 $ 35,000 Total 948,000 $10,955,080 Estimated Gross Wastewater Charges $10,955,080 Collection Rate 95% Estimated Net Revenue $10,407,326 Revenue Target $1094019319 Surplus/(Deficit) $ 6,007 7 LO O 00 LO 1` N m 1` M m O M LO N LO f� I` O M m M Co 1` 6 M 4 6 I` 6 ('M 00 66 � 00 6 � � O N r 00 � O O f` O H O 1` O E M 00 N Cfl N Cfl 00 N Cfl ,I- It It M (D 00 TOM 00 O 00 O I` 1` 00 1` 1` 1` co 00 co 00 00 � O O 00 M O 00 00 CD N T- T- (V T- T- I � T- I� T- � lr- Ir T- I (V Ir T- Ir T- T- CO 1` O CO O 1` N M f` N CO cl- r 0 M Cfl � Cfl N O r 00 N 1` 1` Cfl O r- Li O ti 00 Ln M O Ln O ti O M 4 ui N M M 1� 1` Cfl Cfl (fl 00 O LO O 00 CO 00 00 co f` O co 00 O 00 Ln C r CN � � � � N � � N N N � N � N r N N M M CO S O N CO M CO CO M N M CO L-) Ln M Ln f` O Cfl N I` N 6 O N CO 00 00 6 O 1` N 1` 00 6 M O o0 00 M T" RS 00 It co CO Ln Ln M � L6 It CO Ln 't Ln � ti It Ln It ti N N O N ':I- N I` N CO CO CO mt 00 CO ,I- Ln N CO 1` CO CD CD L CO O Cfl O O M 6 N O M 1-� M N 6i 4 00 Cfl c6 (6 N 00 Q LO M CO CO M N N N N CIO N � � LO N N N N TM r cq q 1` L CDI*-- M � I` I` O N Ln M � M CO ti s Ln M � N � 0 0 1,� 00 00 M 6 6 CO 6 1-� 4 ti 6 CO CO O 00 CO � CD O L M Ln M N M N � N N � N O N O N � N N N r N � Ln Ln O tt CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 1` CO CO � CO N N w M t� m C6 Ln 00 O O I` 6i 1` cM o0 CO o0 4 O 4 N o0 M (M 6 Ln M 00 ti 0 ,;1- N M 't N O O O O O O O O O N O 0 0 CD r O O CO 1� "t CO Ln O LO � M CO 1� M LO Ln CO LO CO "t r to N 00 Ln 00 14 M Cfl C6 N 1` Ln O 1` C6 O ('M ui 00 Cfl Cfl 6i I` r M � CO CO Ln N N M N O N N M CO N N N N ♦..r M r r r 0 M M f` N M CO O O M O 't CO 00 CO M V) O M M LO Ci Cfl C� N N Ln ti ti Cfl I` O ti Ln L6 L6 4 M Ln Cfl N 1� 6 6 6 r 1` CD 00 N N 't N N N O O N O � N — � co N r r 0 Ir- � � � � Ir- � � Ir- � � Ir- � Ir- Ir- l r r r a O O � M � O 1, CO 1` Ln M O M 00 M O M N N M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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IL IL IL IL IL IL LL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL Q IL r Q IL Lo a U. Combined Water/Wastewater Bill for Low, Average & High Users: Impact of Proposed Rate Changes FY2020 FY2021 Proposed Water $ 205.00 $ 220.00 Wastewater $ 407.50 $ 417.00 Combined $ 612.50 $ 637.00 $ Change from FY20 $ 24.50 % Change from FY20 4.0% Ki .o o i o i o i o Me IM iioi io 0 0 o f o i o i FY2020 FY2021 Proposed Water $ 287.00 $ 308.00 Wastewater $ 570.50 $ 583.80 Combined $ 857.50 $ 891.80 $ Change from FY20 $ 34.30 % Change from FY20 4.0% FY2020 FY2021 Proposed Water $ 573.60 $ 615.60 Wastewater $ 11184.00 $ 11211.60 Combined $ 17757.60 $ 17827.20 $ Change from FY20 $ 69.60 % Change from FY20 4.0% FY2020 FY2021 Proposed Water $ 17468.00 $ 17575.20 Wastewater $ 37408.00 $ 37487.20 Combined $ 41876.00 $ 51062.40 $ Change from FY20 $ 186.40 % Change from FY20 3.8% off FY2020 FY2021 Proposed Water $ 71631.60 $ 81187.20 Wastewater $ 19,482.00 $ 19,933.60 Combined $ 271113.60 $ 28,120.80 $ Change from FY20 $ 19007.20 % Change from FY20 3.7% 9 ANNIUAL Ki W SEWER Jk I. l N, f ( �,,,� ° r FM M TH E MW RI A, � � l ,� V n 1, 1 Water Se , l ,, "III ° '"'a 16445SO ;,00 wf nm „ ly ; 62RAO in mi If G,OJ,W I, ,« ,f rri%ai 131 bW I �, �I r� °, .. ; ',' F rl An go am I Wf 6 1 920,80 440 ON ON ME v r � �;' '�, rr ,76 ............... o �o M &MII H y Vr HAD,it Ib 'S' a Ift k,'5 as Nimdllham l Ifl)m 4,72,20 ° W M. 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C� C! 1 0! 1 0! CD Lun CD � o � a 0 cc o D w a�w ry a p o E 3 11111111 a mTCR N = i r M soo a _ _ - Q V Ln NccM d 01 4 � � E a u - 0 d - L - N M d� y �IT I 'a M � 4 40 1 Ln LO V.- w p") umO� m � 41 m1111111 {Q CL 7 to qRT JIM 11 il P% 60. _ _ 48 W m n w A a ; d Ojl Is ; cm= C � N s 'd Zr R � N � �C F mm e � eF UmF �10 fl��l a G I"'0�1 I AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Support for Lexington Housing Foundation Request - Item will no longer be taken up at this meeting PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Select Board Chair L3 SUMMARY: Please note that this item will no longer be taken up at the meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 11/12/2020 6:25pm