HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-05-REPSC-min Residential Exemption Policy Study Committee (Ad hoc)
Friday,April 5, 2019
Hudson Room, Cary Memorial Building
Draft Minutes
Mark Andersen (chair), Vicki Blier, Sara Bothwell Allen (acting secretary), Howard Cloth, Katie
Cutler, Thomas Whelan, John Zhao, Joe Pato (Selectmen liaison).
Resident observer: Robert Pressman
Mr. Andersen called the meeting to order at 8:07AM.
Ms. Bothwell Allen agreed to serve as acting secretary.
Public Comment Period
Mr. Pressman submitted several comments for Committee consideration by email ahead of
today's meeting. Of particular consideration, with regard to the Report discussions of Katandin
Woods and potential apartment to condominium conversions, Mr. Pressman said the
comprehensive permit requires that if the owner want to convert to market rate condos,
subsidized units must be offered to the Town or to LexHAB at much lower cost–a value set
approximately 6-12 months after construction, though that value setting may not be happening at
projects in town. Information on values that should have been set cannot be located by LexHAB
members. Other factors may influence owner choice to convert units include legal costs, leases,
ability of tenants to purchase the unit and pay condo fees, rehabilitation costs. If SRE did spur
conversion to condos and offered subsidized units to the Town, this would present a substantial
capital cost for the town. For example, if units were offered at $300,000 each, the cost would
need to fund approximately $9,000,000.
Approval of minutes
The Committee approved, with minor edits, the minutes from the March 22, 2019 meeting.
Draft final report discussion
The Committee discussed the text of the entire Report as follows:
Mr. Cloth recommended a wording change in recommendation two—substitute "and/or" for "or"
between the two model proposals to indicate enacting multiple tools may better support the target
population. The Committee voted unanimously to approve this wording change.
Executive Summary
The Committee discussed several points of wording clarification throughout this portion of the
report and agreed upon a few minor wording changes.
Report Overall
The Committee discussed several points of clarification throughout the rest of the document, and
agreed upon additional text changes.
Draft Abstract Inclusion
Mr. Cloth presented a brief document entitled Primer for Lexington Residents he drafted to
summarize the Committee's work overall, much shorter than the Executive Summary (which is
12 pages long). General agreement is that this is a helpful addition that may result in more
community members' becoming familiar with the Report content particularly as it lends itself to
be read and shared as a stand-alone document, though a link to the overall Report should be
inserted at the end of this text when it is shared in that way. The Committee agreed the document
should be renamed Abstract and integrated within the body of the official report. Within the full
report, this abstract placement will be after the title page, before the table of contents, followed
by the executive summary and the main body of the report. A paragraph summarizing what the
SRE is will be added into the abstract, borrowing largely from the second paragraph in the
executive summary. Other minor edits may be needed as well, but these would not alter the
substance of this abstract.
Report Approval
Ms. Cutler moved to approve the Report and addition of the Abstract (introduced as the Primer at
this meeting) with changes discussed above, and Ms. Blier seconded this motion. The Committee
unanimously voted to approve the Report.
Next Steps
Mr. Andersen asked Mr. Pato to advise the Committee regarding timing and format for our
upcoming meeting with the Select Board. Mr. Pato suggested a hearing or a working group
format both could be options. Either way, it will be open to the public and televised on
LexMedia. This meeting would take place after Town Meeting has closed and after Patriot's
Day. Mr. Pato will confer with Ms. Barry about a date and venue.
Report Distribution
Because this is a Selectmen's Committee, this report must first be submitted to the Select Board
before it can be distributed publicly. Mr. Andersen asked whether the Report can be submitted to
the Select Board at its next meeting; Mr. Pato will confirm.
Next Meetings
Two additional meetings will be required before the Committee disbands.
1. Slide deck and meeting preparation ahead of meeting with the Select Board—date TBD
2. Meeting with the Select Board—date TBD
Meeting adjourned at 9:34AM.
Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Sara Bothwell Allen, acting secretary.