HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-08 SB-min Select Board Meeting June 8, 2020 A remote participation meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 8, 2020 via Zoom remote meeting services. Mr. Lucente, Chair; Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; Ms. Hai and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. Mr. Lucente stated the remote participation meeting is being held in accordance with Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Executive Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law to allow remote participation during Massachusetts’ State of Emergency due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Mr. Lucente provided instructions to members of the public, who were watching or listening to the meeting via the Zoom application, regarding the procedure of making a public comment. Mr. Lucente explained that when this meeting was originally scheduled, it was not anticipated the Town Meeting would still be in session. Since the posted agenda contains more items than can be discussed in a one hour period, he recommended to take up the 2020 Annual Town Meeting and Special Town Meeting item followed by the Car Parade request item at tonight’s meeting and the remaining items to be rescheduled to Wednesday, June 10, 2020. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. 2020 Annual Town Meeting & Special Town Meeting -Article Discussion/Positions  Article 16a - Police indoor/outdoor firing range Mr. Lucente stated that in light of the immense community discourse related to the passing of Article 16a - Police indoor/outdoor firing range at the June 4, 2020 Annual Town Meeting session, he would like propose that the Select Board move reconsideration of Article 16a at tonight’s June 8, 2020 Town Meeting session. In addition, Mr. Lucente stated, if Town Meeting is willing to reopen 16A, then a recommended motion to indefinitely postpone the article would be put forth in order to allow for community conversation on the police indoor/outdoor firing range. All members of the Board emphasized the importance of starting a meaningful and inclusive community conversation on police and race in Lexington. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Select Board’s position of moving reconsideration of Article 16a- Police indoor/outdoor firing range at the 2020 Annual Town Meeting and moving to indefinitely postpone article 16a if the motion to reconsider is approved. The resulting chart of Select Board positions is appended to the end of these minutes. Ms. Deborah Brown, Town Moderator, reviewed the process for moving reconsideration for Article 16a. Mr. Lucente asked Ms. Christina Marshall, Anderson Kreiger, to provide Town Counsel’s advice is as it relates to Special Town Meeting and the Governor signing off on remote town meetings, retroactive remote town meetings bill. Ms. Marshall stated it that is Town Counsel’s advice that Lexington to move forward tonight with the Special Town Meeting Article 1 - Petition General Court to Authorize Legislation for Remote Participation for 2020 Annual and Special Town Meetings as an additional assurance for validity of actions taken at remote town meetings. Mr. David Kanter, 48 Fifer Lane, expressed that he hopes any discussion can take place in a timely manor and the Police Station Firing Range Article be brought back to a fall Special Town Meeting. Ms. Donya Shavrini, 12 Smith Avenue, stated she and other concerned citizens are putting together a petition for the Select Board to reconsider article 16a-Police indoor/outdoor firing range. Ms. Arielle Rosker., 32 Saddle Club Road, expressed concern regarding the passing of article 16a- Police indoor/outdoor firing range. 2. Request for Car Parade - LexPride Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the request from LexPride to have Lexington Pride car parade on Sunday, June 14, 2020 as outlined in their letter dated May 21, 2020. AJDOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kim Katzenback Executive Clerk Select Board Article Positions (as of 6/8/20) Preparation for 2020 Annual Town Meeting* Potential Consent Agenda Articles DL JP SB JH MS Article 2 - Reports C C C C C Article 3- Cary Lecture Series C C C C C Article 4 - Appropriate FY 2021 Operating Budget C C C C C Article 5- Appropriate FY 2021 Enterprise Funds Budget C C C C C Article 6 - Establish Qualifications for Tax Deferrals C C C C C Article 7 - Petition General Court to Amend Legislation Regarding Tax Deferrals C C C C C Article 9 - Establish/Continue Departmental Revolving Funds C C C C C Article 10 - Appropriate for Community Preservation Committee (Articles 10a thru C C C C C 10l and 10n thru 10o only) Article 12 - Appropriate for Municipal Capital and Equipment Program C C C C C Article 13 - Appropriate for Water System Improvements C C C C C Article 14 -Appropriate for Wastewater System Improvements C C C C C Article 15 - Appropriate for School Capital and Equipment C C C C C Article 16b - Center Recreation Complex Bathrooms & Maintenance Bldg C C C C C Renovation Article 16c - Public Facilities Master Plan C C C C C Article 16d - LHS Science Classroom Space Mining C C C C C Article 16e - Townwide Roofing Program C C C C C Article 16f - School Building Envelopes and Systems C C C C C Article 16g - Municipal Building Envelopes and Systems C C C C C Article 16h- Facility and Site improvements-Building Flooring program and School C C C C C Paving Program Article 16i - Public Facilities Bid Documents C C C C C Article 16j - Public Facilities Mechanical/Electrical System Replacements C C C C C Article 17 - Appropriate to Post Employment Insurance Liability Fund C C R C C Article 18-Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorizations- IP IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C Article 19a- Appropriate from the Capital Stabilization Fund for projects excluded C C C C C from the limits of Proposition 2½ Potential Consent Agenda Articles DL JP SB JH MS Article 20 - Appropriate from Debt Service Stabilization Fund C C C C C Article 21 - Appropriate for Prior Years Unpaid bills- IP IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C Article 22- Amend FY 20 Operating, Enterprise, CPA budgets C C C C C Article 23 - Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements C C C C C Article 26 - Amend Historic Districts Commission Enabling Legislation C C C C C Article 27 - Amend General Bylaws- Noise Construction C C C C C Article 30 - Land exchange (Citizen) C C C C C Article 31 - Historic Preservation demo delay (Citizen)- IP IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C Article 32 - Extend Hancock-Clark Historic District (Citizen)- IP IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C Article 46 - Amend zoning- Reduce GFA (Citizen)- IP IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C IP, C Potential Consent Agenda Articles - Motion will state refer back to Planning DL JP SB JH MS Board Article 35 - Amend Zoning Bylaw- Distances from basement, slab or crawl space RB RB RB RB RB and groundwater Article 36 - Amend Zoning Bylaw- Short term rentals RB RB RB RB RB Article 37 - Amend Zoning Bylaw-Site plan review RB RB RB RB RB Article 38 - Amend Zoning Bylaw- Financial services RB RB RB RB RB Article 39 - Amend Zoning Bylaw- Solar energy systems RB RB RB RB RB Article 40 - Amend Zoning Bylaw-Wireless Communications Facilities RB RB RB RB RB Article 41 -Amend Zoning Bylaw-Technical Corrections RB RB RB RB RB Article 43 - Amend Zoning Bylaw and Map- Hartwell Ave Area RB RB RB RB RB Article 44 - Amend Zoning Bylaw and Map- Bedford St near Hartwell Ave RB RB RB RB RB Article 45 - Amend Zoning Bylaw-Front year, transition, and screening areas RB RB RB RB RB Motion will state refer back to Select Board DL JP SB JH MS Article 8 - Short term rental fee RB RB RB RB RB Article 11 - Appropriate for Recreational Capital RB RB RB RB RB Article 24 - Reduce Legal expenses (citizen) RB RB RB RB RB Article 28 - Amend general bylaws- (citizen) RB RB RB RB RB Article 29 - Declare climate emergence (citizen) RB RB RB RB RB Article 33 - Amend general bylaws-Running bamboo (citizen) RB RB RB RB RB Article 34 - Amend special legislation surcharge- (citizen) RB RB RB RB RB Articles that are time sensitive Presenter DL JP SB JH MS Article 10K -551,026 be appropriated for Parker Meadow Accessible Trail JP Y Y Y Y Y Construction Article 10m - LexHab-116 Vine St Design funds using CPA JP Y Y Y Y Y Article 16a - Police indoor/outdoor firing range JH Y Y Y Y N Proposed Amendment N N N N Y Select Board Propose Reconsideration 6/8/20 Y Y Y Y Y Article 16k - Westview Cemetery building construction SB Y Y Y Y Y Article 19B – Appropriate to the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization MS Y Y Y Y Y Fund, from the Affordable Housing Special Revenue Fund Proposed Amendment Resolution from E. Michelson N N N N N Article 19C- Appropriate from the Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization MS Y Y Y Y Y Fund to fund renovations and capital improvement projects at properties in the Town's affordable housing inventory Article 25 - Purchase of land (parking spaces) DL Y Y Y Y Y Article 42 - 1050 Waltham st (developer) JP Y Y Y Y Y