HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-06-04-BLT EC-MINE �.M Mo I r Q A Cary Memorial Librar 1874 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE ® LEXINGTON • MASSACHUSETTS ® 02420 ®781 -8b2 -6288 Board of Library Trustees Executive Committee Agenda Wednesda September ptem ber 15 200 � 4 1. Mary Green Scholarship — establishment 2. Library Celebratio date Car Memorial brar at Car Hall 1605 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE e LEXINGTON ® MASSACHUSETTS ® 02420 PHONE: 781-862-6288 ® WEBSITE: www.car I It I ff IR A F I %J it' 11 LI Im SIM - a I MEE = - - BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES A qAA REVISED MINUTES A .,,rie meet`n to order 8 Oam vacem-Chairm-an Scott Bursc)yn ca"'Ied t2 X a __ - Present from the Executive Committee: Rev. Helen Lutton Cohen and Dawn McKenna. V%&ff ff 1%ffl%& A Carol Mahone has held meetin with the staff to explain the impact 3.3 P-11cle. 1,;A1hP.* V -. I .nr hemnpan 0% of t he oV ar'" i-,- U t i � t nn^^n F -%A I I 1M F V -%� I a- a W- • Some of the old positions will be restored. ! ful! time Lb -TleChnician 4 adult pa ( without b enefits) Ir z cituaent pa i ou IFIL ,vv n, n L I • Jul and August — Saturda hours will be restored. r,-^ WE! 4 9 & A nlnAnri.pri. tmm S-liamtp-mhere. Cr 011 Hp'idav " I irgirr %A , , '%Ww L-11 11oulo 111 be ractorer' anriey june. R _ - �►CI1/tsorv. C:dt�mittee There is a need to review the b to find out the role, of the Advisor Committee, _A_ Du it; A.Z. 1-i'Dran.r_ do­--auon t It was announced that Sunday-,, September 19 ' will be the Dedication ay. A I L A no.LLee is thi %OF %t.*- - -- - -- needed to set up and Scott Burs,--,on aareed to put t he committee to Dawn McKenna volunteered to work %'�ff � I V %,-- H elen t on the committe,= Pay. Cohen made the motion to have he vice - chairman of the Trustees or the committee. Dawn McKenna seconded the mot-ion and it was voted unanimously. Director's Vacatian Carol Mahone announced that she would be on vacation from Jul 9 2004 to Au 16, 2004. C Johnson will be assumin the Director's responsibilities. It was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meetin at 8:45am. Respectfull submitted, Carol N. Beckwith Executive Secretary V A E MO • too Q- > <1 _k Car Memorial Librar at Car Hall 1605 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE * LEXINGTON • MASSACHUSETTS • 02420 PHONE: 781-862-6288 • WEBSITE: www.car r%f 2"rIvi. cory�n . %ou I I r EXE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES June 4, 2004 MINUTES Vice-Chairman Scott Burson called the meetin to order at 8:1 Oam. Present from the Executive Committee: Rev. Helen Lutton Cohen and Dawn McKenna. €override Carol Mahone has held meetin with the staff to explain the impact of the override. vvnat wouid happen if it passes: • Some of the old positions will be restored. 1 full time Librar Technician 4 adult pa ( without benefits) 2 student pa ( without benefits) • Jul and Au — Saturday hours will be restored. • Sunda hours will be restored and expanded from September- June. ACIVIS014V committee There is a need to review the b to find out the role of the Advisor Committee. Discaraea i3ooks Rev. Helen Cohen is.yrx*Kn with a g roup called "Hands Across the water. I he send discarded boOKs all over tne world. Helen in if the librar was doin an like this. It was mentioned that the Lhildren's Room sends books to the Philippines. It was thou that the U.S..Department of Education mi have some other ideas. Library Declicanion tt was announced that Sunda September 19 t'' will be the Dedication b Do A committee is needed to set this up and Scott Burson a to put the committee to Dawn McKenna volunteered to work on the committee. Rev. Helen Gohen made tine motion to have the vice-chairman of the Trustees or the committee. Dawn McKenna seconded the motion and it was voted unanimousl Directors Vacation Carol Mahone announced that she would be on vacation from Jul 91 2004 to Au 16, 2004. G Johnson will be assumin the Director's responsibilities. It was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meetin at 8:45am. Respectfull submitted, Carol N. Beckwith Executive Secretary,