HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-25-BLT-MIN%.-,ar Memorial brar a Car 1605 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON • MASSACHUSETTS ® 02420 PHONE: 781- 862 -6288 ® WEBSITE: www.carylibrary.org BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, November 25, 2003 @ 8:00 A.M. at Cary Hall, 1605 Mass. Ave. AGENDA 1. Call to Order —Rev. Dr. Peter H. Meek 2. SecretM's Report Vote required — September 23, 2003 — Trustees minutes 3. Treasurer's Report Town Expenses — September, October 2003 Trustees Expenses — September, October 2003 —Vote required. Morgan Stanley — September, October 2003 4. Administration Report Director's Report — At Meeting Assistant Director's Report — At Meeting 5. Library Department Reports 6. Construction Report —Carol Mahoney or Carl Oldenburg 7. Friends of the Library_ Isabel Jankelson 8. Unfinished Business 9. New Business Election of Executive Committee —report of the Nom inating Committee 10. Adjournment The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 8:00 A.M. at Cary Hall, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue. •tA E A O '? 4e ° C ary l ri 1 b rary at ar Hall Y P, 1605 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE ® LEXINGTON • MASSACHUSETTS ® 02420 <1� A PHONE: 781- 862 -6288 ® WEBSITE: www.carylibrary.org Report of the Nominating Committee To the Executive Committee of the Cary Memorial Library The Committee met on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 to discuss nominations. Judy Brain (clergy) was elected Chairperson. Dawn McKenna (Selectman) and Scott Burson (School Committee) were also present as members of the nominating committee. First order of business was to propose appropriate representation levels on the Executive Committee. The By -law calls for 5 representatives. Over the years it has been divided in various ways between the clergy, school committee and selectmen representatives on the full Board of Trustees. Given some of political decisions regarding the library going forward, including what to do with the East Lexington Branch, appropriate service levels for the library when it is reopened, the completion of the library and the eventually relocation back to the main branch, the committee unanimously recommended that the School Committee and Board of Selectmen be equally represented with 2 members, and that the clergy be represented by one member. We also took into consideration Peter Meek's desire to step down as chair of the committee. We then reviewed all Trustees and discussed an appropriate mix and balance of membership. Upon discussion, we agreed to speak with each proposed executive committee nominee to be sure that they wanted to serve in this important capacity. It is the unanimous consent of the nominating committee to propose to the Board of Trustees the following slate of officers for the upcoming year: Scott Burson, Chair - School Committee Dawn McKenna, Vice Chair — Selectman Helen Cohen — School Committee Bill Kennedy — Selectmen Peter Meek — Clergy Respectfully submitted this 18 day of November, 2003 OW ~ BYIA ! • S OF T� BOARD OF TRUSTEES ZEBS OF CARP MEMORIAL LIBRARY In accordance with the p rovisions of the v • , P � f l�dana Crary establishing a public lib m Lexington, the Board of Trustees Q �Y f Cary Memorial Library consists of "the Selectmen and the School Committee of the Town for the time being nd the e ' - to g settled ministers of one place. The power of the Trustees was defted b a Town Meeting in 191 w ' Y g 7 when it was voted „ That the Trustees of the Cary Memorial Lib shall have full �y and complete charge of the Library, its employees and all matters of every me and nature �' pertaining in any way to the care, operation and management of said Library, including he building in which the �ibrary g g. is established.. I MEETINGS Section 1 - R meetings The Trustees shall hold two regular meetings a year on the fourrh Tuesday of the months of A ril and October. Annual Meeting. P The October meeting . shall be the 'Section 2 - S 'al meetin s : S ' . I e pedal meetings may be called. at any time b the President, by the Executive Committee, y t , , or at a written request of two Trustees to the President, �. puxpose of such meetiu g t be stated in the. call for the meeting tmg. Section 3 - N otices : l\Totices o ' f all meetings shall be wed b the Seca - : to the Trustees at least seven y . .days before the meeting. . Section 4 - uorums: A uoru,rn ' of eight Trustees a q . shall consist , arid a mao 'ri. shall 1 � vote of those p decide all questions, the President voting only in the eve ' . g y event of a tte. II OFFICERS Section I - MM: .The officer - officers be elected at the Annual Me�� n ttif th P �n� r d ri an shah consist of a President and Vice Pre si de nt, _ -_ - -- - ., .�.. .r..„�� A dent. The Director shall serge as' I Secce - Treasurer to the `Board_ - Section 2 - Duties f e Pres , o The President shall preside at all meetin s at all special committees authorize ° calls for sjpeciaf. rnee tungs of the Board and of the � Ax:ecuuv . Committee and generail rfonn -- the e y Pe duties of a presiding - officer. 1n the absence 'of the President from a Board nneedng, the Viw Presideht s s preside, or, if the vice president is absent, the trustees shall select a temporary for of � r e meetuzg.. If the office becomes vacant, the Vice 'resident shall become Pre s i dent. - esident. 4 - Section 3 D e : o ecre a . 'Me Secretary shall keep an accurate w cunt of all �' Mee 7s s. _, issue MIMS of aJl regular m • to u�r. s; „ of the President, of all special meetings' shall have custody . � y of the minutes and other records of the Board which shad be kept in the Lib Section 4 - DutieVO.F rer: The Treasurer shall have charge of the speciat funds and income under the juris&cdon of the Trustees - - - l sign checla on the authorization of the 'ufiive Coxnzniitee, shad report . at each - � meeting on the stare of the funds; shall k a sepm acrcount of each mist fund. Alt checks i � sued by the Treasurer shall be countersigned by either the President or Vice. President. III C0Nf MTIqEES Section 1 - omi ` ' _ n ommitt : days prior to - the Ann . � '. t shall a � Meeting the a a No ' g Committee of tlu�ee Trustees ' Executive Cony to nominate officers and the rruttee to be elected at the October meeting. The Cler gy, the Selectmen and the School Committee shall each, have one rep resentative on the C - orr�rruttee. Not more than one Trust= from the Executive .Committee h - Nominating . . ttee s ail be a member of the Co ' .Section 2 - Exec `v . :. inmitt � ' - - . e o ee . The Executive Comma tee shall consist : -of officers of the Board and A ree s Ctergy , the two other trustee.. The � the S elec � . Committee shall eac - torten and. r� le School h have at least one re resen�ive. on the C • - � C . a. , The. Executive Commttt * - ee shall hold monttbiy l meetings uness otherwise voted vied b the b 'I C;aun - . mittee shall have =full. power to act in all matters Trustees between the � � for the ' Board of meetings of the. Board, but action -inconsistent with ° recorded votes of the Boar �xpress�ed policies �r d may not be taken. The Executive Com . on this Coma ,i� niittee shall , fill.. vacancies . , subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees Stew at then next meeting. . meetin � s ®f the Committee , g e Executive shall be mailed b th at least c. Notices .of the efore the i y Secrettarry seven days y me d. The P'resid _ ant of ' the sh ��� a� c�h �� 4.1%11% ��--- -�- - �. s �. TT � - � .- _ Va - -- - aaB�u� Vl I.IAC jihGLiuU.vV .►ornlauttee• the absence of the C frorr� a Committee la Ch ° the -Vice President sh�l act as air for the meeting. . e. The Secretary of the Board shall act as Secretary to the rrunutes of ea Y Executive Committee. The ch meeting of tote Co a shll abe sent ft - . to aU Trustees before of the nest meetLa Committee. _ g L An �'�cuStee nm :. . y � at meetings of �tiie Executive Corn ri�rile a puttee, and shah; have the P g - speakin : but not "Voting, tmg on any matter under discussion. g. The Executive Q o - - . • . ... . g puttee shall have authority over the selection f o .. bw M a - ' i.a' i /a0b/ + "mac ►' 1 %ice: . 0 ;1. Li "Lloil t . P, 3 �,. majority vote of the Trustees. At the request of the Executive Committee the Trustees 'm appoint a reading committee to assist in the selection of books. h. The Executive Committee shall have general charge and supervis ors of the disbursement and investment of all funds held b y the Trustees. The Executive Committee have full charge and oversight of all expenditures of the Library, and all bills shall be approved by either the President or Vice President. All investment funds shall stand in the name of the Trustees of Cary Memorial Lib The Executive Committee may annuall a a F" ce � Y � � Ulan Committee of three persons to include at least one member of the Executive Committee and one member of the Advisory Committee. The se of the Finance Committee shall be P� to supervise amp execute the ' i f funds nvestment of with an aim toward safe of p rincipal _ while � P P attempting to achieve a Treasonable return and appreciation. The Finance Co;nr�itf�ee may evaluate, and if neces&uy. employ, other assistance. p d C111 The offt= of this o . - on shall consist o a Sec f - ' or Co Ch , and a r+��xy, � who shall be chosen fronot rnemb�exs of � thus " - oz' she shall be a or tion. If there ss a Ch ; he . ber of the Advisory Committee. If there are . ' at- shad be a member o Co- Charmen, least one f C*Y Wmorial Lib 's Advisory C ' r�5' ry o;nn�ttee. The term of office for elected officers shall be one (1) year, t that an ��%eP Y offi sha]1 serge until a successor has been duly elected. The Dircctor of �easuxer ex Cary Library will. serve as - officio. The, will account Sri n fo r funds received and a nded b the e ds• � expenditures trust receive � y - . prior approval by an elected officer of the Fziends. d. Meeti.ngs of the Friends will be called - as determined by any two officers C (Pha o - Chairmen, Sec re Tr - �xy, Tr An Annual Mee be • the Co- called each year in November b Y Ch�atrrrien or Ch at wlictt dues - - for the ensuing y� w� be estabHshed and election . of officers held as squired. Until the first election can be Meld • noted abo�re. will be a ' the elect .officers appointed by a vote of the Adviso Committee IV DIRECTO The .Director sltiall be ; ..considered the. executive officer of the of the administration of the - . hoard and shall have sole Oarge �,ibrary under the direction and review - res nsible for. of the ward. The Director � b e .held. the - Care of the :bg . u me - tff cienc uildins and i P ut, for the employment and direction ofd y - of the L�bzaryy - s s . t the u - the staff,. for the - public, for the o of the Lib under - - set forth in the antlual bud a �y the - financial. conditions g t. 'hhe Director, as SeGre treasurer - �Y , : .attend all Board. mee V. : ODDER OP= USINLSS _ . - The order of. business � = at the egular meeting shall be as .foJJ W Call to order .1 Comm umcations Approyal of :minutes Unfinished business - Approval of Treasurfx� repo# . : -RePdi -of Doctor.: joumment , . ePo , o . .Upon Elie recd - - .._ � .. mmendatoat of the Execut��ve Corruttee : . . nth gior to a hoard .rr�ee ''� ui w�rYt�..ngo each Trustee one _ � . �- . . � - sing, . the :l3oax'd may b� m vote a1 - � . � - w ones. 1 ty ter or abolish any exist b laws - o g y r add �TFD : October 23 ' . -1990 `o rs MOR 775 r7"7 a X p 10 FM OfLeXiW Q N W Z V D W ; Comptroller's Office i m Z APRIL 19r" �FX1 NG John J. Ryan, Finance Director /Comptroller Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x219 Fax: (781) 861 -2794 j jyaan�� ,,ci.lexington.ma.us September 11, 2003 Carol Mahoney c/o Cary Memorial Library Trustees 1874 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Dear Ms. Mahoney: This will acknowledge your gift of $1,495.00 to the Town of Lexington Bench Fund for exclusively public purposes. The Town of Lexington did not provide goods or services in consideration, in whole or in part, for the gift described above. This gift is deductible for federal income tax purposes in 2003. Sincerely, JR/lap Town of Lexington John Ryan, Town Comptroller 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE - LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Car Memorial brar at Car Hall 1605 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE ® LEXINGTON ® MASSACHUSETTS ® 02420 PHONE: 781-862-6288 ® WEBSITE: www.car BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Tuesda September 23, 2003 * 8:OOA.M, At Car Hall. 1605 Massachusetts Avenue MINUTES f" %,arol Mahone introduced Debb Baer and Robm' Brenner to the Trustees. Secretarv's Re -- Cop on file. Scott Burson made the motion to accept the June 24, 2003 Secretar Report as presented. William Kenned seconded the motion and it was voted unanimousl Treasurer's Report — Cop on file. William Kenned made the motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Scott Burson seconded the motion and it was voted unanimousl], expected. The State bid list was used and resulted in a 55 to 75% savin on officefumiture. Jim McLau Procurement Officer,, is doin a g reat Job keepin us on time and reviewin all of the bids that have come m*. Meetin Room Po — Cop o file. Scott Burson made the motion to approve the Meetin Room Polic with the revisions of Au 25, 2003. William Kenned seconded the motion and it was voted unanimousl The capacit of the meetin room is 125 adults. Internet Poli The current Internet polic did not re an changes W . V ii A liam Kenned made the motion to adjourn. Scott Burson seconded the motion and the meetin was adjourned at 9: 1 OAM. The next meetin of the Board of Librar Trustees will be on Tuesda in #ctober 2L 2003 at Car Hall, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue,, Lexm* Kespectfull submitted,, Carol� N. Beckwith Yn Executive Secretary