HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-09-13-BLT-EC-MIN 0 --'- Cary memorial T.,ibra,*-y 1874. :\AASSAC_HUSIETTS AIV Lti�UE LE-XINGT ON jNIASSACHtUSE i 1 S 02 1 7 3 i-S62-52 8S J AGENDA E ecutive Committee Board of Library Trustees ,e umber 13, ?000 . Union negotiations - pate %. Library construction Schedule Cost estimat a� Hall cary Hall renovations t`vl ove St ?ein ton Branch Library improvements ��blicity M E Mp \ 0/ � Cary Memorial Library v � D r", 1874 :�i?,SSACHUSETTS ,VENUE LEXINGTON • Mt3SS��CHUSETTS • 02420 •781-862-6288 /R R A � i EXECUTIVE CONMTTEE:N1EETING1 BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES 3UNE 7, 2000 - 5:00 A.M. . hIlNUTES The meeting was called to order b ',C-hairmani,,..ev.11Dr. Peter H. Meek at 8,:00 A.M. .,Present were: Cathy Abbott, and Rev. Jed N. Snyder. Also , present were Carl A. Mahoney, Library Director'and Cynthia Johnson, Assistant Director. Union The,,negotiations are going.very well Construction The I*brary::has received the`"Certificate of Appropriateness"from:the ,,,, Historic Dstric Commission. 'The project wi ll now move into the construction documents phase. .The staff had a good-meetin2:with Patience Jackson from the Massachusetts 'Board-of Library Commissioners reviewing the floor plans. Move, East Lexington Branch Hours The East Lexington Bran&Librarywill,remain open during the move. Whey ��ill keep the hours that they are using now. Monday -- 9-:00,:A.M. - 6:,00,P.M. Tuesday -- 1:00 P.M. = 8:00 P.M. Wednesday -- 9--00 A.M. - 600 F.M. Thursday -- 9:00 A.M. — 6:00 P.M- Friday 500;P.M Saturday -- 9.00 A.M. -- 1:a0 P.M. Rev. 3ed Snyder mowed to accept the Branch hours as presented. Carthy Abbott seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously. WOW 4 I WHY0,;­;1V OV"Sj QhMiflow, X­0 Z2-` loan An, W.1W two ANK a. 3% of goal I a—M WOW ON w9faNN AN ;N:01 It ��I X-2 El WMAT Not SAAWO E-, -y' 77 You-, .a _e 'sen 0 r% St I b win _-,df -0u- r d 8,_ Wans Won E,n -W-"-JW ­77 77�777-7� 3" 'eFiC7 ni-r,�! C�7 eviv "d b e, NE. k 1,7 0 e 77 2vu� 5 WE mom --p 4 fig �,R,71 C ,M_ 7- xj 77` in .ete�_._ i 77TOWENN D �,e- e .......... 8� too. P HE A R-1 Mal, Q,2. too. AnAWRO TZ 4z W11 0? SAO= ........... oil MW50_1 gum ta Si 9 0 "n &W,qo-Inn -NOT r ��Y. 5�. Way 7.-;,e -�7! C 2`0 77;, amll W� Pi A �m whom ..................... gown sma. it 0W ­6;z WIMP �A MT,ic� M 1170 of Elf 'M ,_v 'von 'V, 'd I d er t N, t _0 61; j Ryon ink,t� -,2 h, _7 Si_eC­' 0 C N IN gum 2_5 b--b tt gy is g ikf..NA,own too 7 n L-,�5,- NOVI n", MM-0 S Mom% 'Meg JAW 7 7�F -C-7, ago, i - ky: am e-r­- ec NEW _g ta SR �_j br_ py WAS& W n7 man A ]OUR e..-nr ti von _j­,1 �7 a .......... IS, �b AMW Ww"MM MW MSTAASWWIZ� MAI 1 Wil it BOX VW` �nj W 0 alas ­4'�2,44_1RXz��R� T W g� Ji, 3 �i M U x ................ I- ee ROL JS _S �nov�-tE _b-t looms ONE NAWN WACO S,� mm K._�: A�R Ho post _1 IMW "WINN yy a ag -'er M. n h -e, ih _b it a 0 now O�, 7 aS MOM _W te la�in,- WW-5W,__ I too AWSS. _VN ........................ Oo HT112000 SAWIMOS now -o 7 t 775UT 7 fu tM ............. owl im U, -Q_!Y .......... ONE R Im Am A "0F'.t Ron, —soft I . .... :�n OR its I WOE W- j OWN TomF got- 7 �_F A. woo& e ME ta ........... Yrt V.A Kt MUM MR woo. .......... 011111 low .......... ---------------- .......... on list, 2, IS to Ica!6 ­. MEE Ask: Ogg -A Mom .......... Wax-,:, VAN" ............. W.0; ..........�'11, ............. INN E Af 0 Cary Memorial Library > P- 1874 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS ® 02420 o781-862-6288 September 6, 2000 To: Donna Hooper, Town Clerk From: Carol A. Mahoney, Library Director Re: Board of Library Trustees meetings 2000 Trustee meeting schedule Tuesday September 26 8:OOAM Oval Room - Main Library Tuesday October 24 7:30AM Oval Room — Main Library Tuesday November 28 8:OOAM East Lexington Branch Library Tuesday December 19 8:OOAM East Lexington Branch Library 2000 Executive Committee schedule Wednesday September 13 8:OOAM Lexington Room — Main Library Wednesday October 41-... 8:OOAM Lexington Room — Main Library Wednesday Novem.ber .l. 8:OOAM Lexington Room — Main Library Wednesday December 6 8:OOAM To be announced