HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-02-REC-min (includes attachments) us MOg ITIS h�G Town of Lexington �w = Recreation Committee s V APRIL Pr �FXINGI-V Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 698-4800 Lisah Rhodes, Vice Chair Fax: (781) 861-2747 Lisa O'Brien Ruixi (Ray)Yuan Francesca Pfrommer Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting June 2, 2020 A virtual meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 6:30pm through the Zoom platform. Members Present: Rick DeAngelis,Lisah Rhodes,Lisa O'Brien,Francesca Pfrommer, and Ruixi Yuan Staff Present: Melissa Battite,Director of Recreation and Community Programs,Peter Coleman, Assistant Director of Recreation, Christine Dean, Community Center Director,Kate DeAngelis,Therapeutic Recreation Specialist,Thomas Romano, Community Center Youth and Family Program Coordinator,Melinda Spencer,Administrative Director, and Hayato Tsurumaki,Recreation Supervisor Others Present: Meredith Applegate (42 Reed Street, Lexington), Suzie Barry (Select Board liaison), Sandy Beebee (Capital Expenditures Committee liaison), Tim Clackson (14 Winthrop Road, Lexington), Brendan Donahue (Lexington United Soccer Club), Eileen Jay (School Committee liaison), and Jay O'Shaughnessy(6 Brookwood Road, Lexington) 1. Meeting Minutes from May 20,2020 Lisah Rhodes moved and Francesca Pfrommer seconded the approval of the Committee Minutes of May 20th. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve the May 20 minutes. 2. Public Comment—None 3. Liaison Reports Suzie Barry, liaison from the Select Board,reported that the first session of Virtual Town Meeting went well last night, Monday, June 1st. Article 11,which was for$180,000 at Pine Meadows,was removed from the consent agenda and will be voted on at a later session. Ms. Barry stated that the FY2021 operating budget as well as the CPA capital articles all passed unanimously. Ms.Barry also commended Tom Romano, Youth and Family Program Coordinator, for the Family Feud tournament he organized between various department,boards, and committees that was held on Tuesday, May 26th. Eileen Jay, liaison from the School Committee, and Sandy Beebee, liaison from the Capital Expenditures Committee,had nothing new to report and added that they both thought Virtual Town Meeting went well last night. 4. Recreation, Community Programs, &Parks Report Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs,Peter Coleman, Assistant Director of Recreation, and Christine Dean, Community Center Director,reviewed the June 2 a Recreation and Community Programs Report. A copy of the report is attached with the meeting minutes. 2 5. FY20 and FY 21 Capital Projects Melissa Battite explained the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the capital budget. Two proposed FY2021 capital projects at the Pine Meadows Golf Club totaling $180,000 would go against a negative balance in the Enterprise Fund's retained earnings, so the article was removed from the consent agenda at Virtual Town Meeting with the intent of indefinitely postponing these projects. After a brief discussion, Rick DeAngelis, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee recommends to the Select Board and Town Manager that Article 11 of the 2020 Annual Town Meeting be indefinitely postponed." Lisah Rhodes seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. 6. Phased Reopening Discussion Melissa Battite presented the June 2nd draft of Path to RECovery—Restoration of Services. A copy of the plan is attached to the meeting minutes. Ms. Battite began by reviewing the introduction and indicated that the identifying the phases had been changed from numbers in the previous version(Phase 1,2, 3, etc.) to letters in the draft(Phase A, B, C, etc.). Phase A is currently ongoing and it is anticipated that it will last until approximately June 8th and the tentative timeframe for Phase B is mid-June until July 6th. Current guidelines state that during Phase B,no more than ten(10)people are allowed to practice in the same group. As group sizes and phases changes, the Path to RECovery will continue to be updated and revised. Tim Clackson,representative from the Lexington United Soccer Club (LUSO), asked if permitted activities will be allowed during Phase B and Ms. Battite explained that in order for this to occur, organizations will need to document that the necessary guidelines are being implemented and adhered to. During Phase C,which is tentatively scheduled to run from early July through Mid-August, the Town Pool Complex and playgrounds will remain closed, among other amenities. During Phase C,the Community Center may be allowed to reopen to the public with limited hours and reduced access based on the multi-generational population that comes to the facility. This is something that the department is working closely with the Human Services staff on. In-person summer programs, camps, and clinics may also begin during Phase C. With that being said, the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC)released its guidelines for summer programs on Monday, June Ist. These guidelines are very stringent, so if in-person programs are permitted this summer, the program delivery will be modified significantly to ensure the safety and well-being of participants and staff. Phase D,which would last from mid-August through November is very similar to Phase C,but that could change in the weeks and months ahead given the fluidity of the plan. The definitions included in the plan are based on the recreational features, amenities, services, and infrastructure in Lexington. Ms.Battite explained to the Committee that towns and cities are opening facilities differently based on the guidelines and that there has been significant pushback so far from the tennis community based on the restrictions that are currently in place,which are singles play only with members of the same household. Rick DeAngelis expressed his appreciation for the plan, stating that it does a good job of balancing people's desires to get back to some sense of normal without throwing all caution to the wind. Other members of the Committee echoed Mr. DeAngelis's sentiments and stated that this version of the plan is stronger and easier to follow and understand than the previous draft. Francesca Pfrommer expressed her concerns about the continued field usage at Lincoln Park. One day recently, there were approximately 20 people on the fields at 4:00pm and one hour later, there were approximately 100 people on the fields. This is all while there is an electronic sign at the site stating that the fields were closed. Ms.Pfrommer asked about addressing and enforcement of the guidelines during the non-permitting phase and believed that the staff and Committee should make their best effort to educate people to do the right thing. 39 MARRETT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02421 3 Ms.Battite agreed that education is necessary as vandalism with cutting off locks to soccer goals, tennis court entrances, and a gate at the Old Reservoir have been reported in recent weeks. She also assured the Committee that things will be different as the department staff and DPW staff return to work in the coming weeks. As the Committee continued to review the plan,recommendations made were to include links to the guidelines and executive orders issued by Governor Baker as part of the Path to RECovery so people could become familiar with them as well as come up with a FAQ section addressing what can and cannot happen during each phase. Ms.Battite will reach out to Sean Duggan,Public Information Officer, and Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent of Lexington Public Schools, regarding messaging so that this important information can be communicated throughout the Lexington community. Francesca Pfrommer asked about the possibility of offering signage in various translations throughout the town to be more culturally proficient. Suzie Barry, liaison from the Select Board, agreed that this is something the Town needs to be better at and has raised this concern to the Select Board previously. Melissa Battite said that she will look into this more to see what may be possible. As a part of this discussion, Francesca Pfrommer made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee recommends to the Town that important notifications and documents regarding safety and Town property and equipment have the ability to be translated into languages that are spoken fluently in Lexington besides English." Lisa O'Brien seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. After having a beneficial and worthwhile conversation, the Committee voted on a series of recommendations. 1. Golf,—Lisah Rhodes made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to confirm and rats the golf section in the Path to RECovery which states that Pine Meadows is currently open and will continue to adhere to Guidelines throughout phases and 2020 season." Lisa O'Brien seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. 2. Aquatics—Lisah Rhodes made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to accept the recommendation to keep the Town Pool Complex closed to the public for the 2020 season." Francesca Pfrommer seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. 3. Programs/Camps/Clinics—Rick DeAngelis made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to accept the recommendation to offer a limited number of programs. This will be determined based on licensing capacity with the Board of Health, access to adequate space at the schools and Community Center and financial resources to fund the programs." Ruixi Yuan seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4-0-1 to approve this motion. 4. Parks—Ruixi Yuan made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to accept the recommendation for parks to remain open with limited access; implement the phases following appropriate guidelines an ability to comply." Lisa O'Brien seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. 5. Parks—Rick DeAngelis made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to accept the recommendation for organized use to be permitted with organizations ability to follow the guidelines through the phases and 2020 season. This includes Individual Sports &Activities Contact, Individual Sports &Activities Non-Contact, Team Sports &Activities Contact, and Team Sports &Activities Non-Contact." Ruixi Yuan seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4-0-1 to approve this motion. 39 MARRETT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02421 4 6. Community Center,—Rick DeAngelis made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to accept the recommendation to offer limited hours, 8am-4pm (hours may be altered or adjusted), Monday Friday through October 1, 2020 with limited access; implement the phases following appropriate guidelines and ability to comply. A separate reopening plan is being developed in collaboration with the Human Services Department and Cary Library." Francesca Pfrommer seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. At the conclusion of the votes,Ms. Battite indicated that staff will begin to process refunds and notify staff and participants about the closures and cancellations this summer. At the next Recreation Committee meeting in two weeks the document will be formatted in a way that will allow for the latitude to make decisions between meetings. Suzie Barry indicated that she would announce the votes from the meeting at the Select Board meeting on Wednesday, June 3rd. Prior to adjourning the meeting, the Committee reviewed two requests that were submitted by Lisa O'Brien on behalf of the Lexington High School Boys and Girls Lacrosse programs. These requests were made in an attempt to recognize and celebrate the graduating seniors from the girls and boys varsity lacrosse teams. The first request was to hang two banners on the softball field outfield fence along Worthen Road for the month of June. The second request was for the LHS girls lacrosse team to have a small ceremony at Lincoln 93 on Tuesday,June 9th from 2:00- 3:30pm. Before voting,it was agreed upon that any additional requests should be submitted by Naomi Martin, Lexington High School Athletic Director,to the Recreation and Community Programs Department's staff. After a brief discussion, Rick DeAngelis made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to approve the request of hanging banners for the Class of 2020 members on the LHS girls and boys lacrosse teams as submitted by Lisa O'Brien on May 30, 2020." Lisah Rhodes seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. Then, Lisah Rhodes made the following motion: "The Recreation Committee moves to approve the request for field access at Lincoln 93 by the LHS girls lacrosse team on Tuesday, June 91" fi^om 2:00-3:30pm to recognize members of the Class of 2020 on the team, as submitted by Lisa O'Brien on May 30, 2020." Francesca Pfrommer seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 5-0 to approve this motion. Regarding the vacancy on the Recreation Committee, outreach will continue and Mr. DeAngelis and Ms. Battite will conduct interviews with the applicants in the upcoming weeks. The next virtual meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, June 17"at 6:30pm through the Zoom platform. The June 2" 2020 meeting of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 8:35pm. Respectfully submitted, Peter Coleman Assistant Director of Recreation The following documents distributed at the meeting are attached: • June 2°a Recreation & Community Programs Report • Memo on Reopening Tennis/Pickleball Courts,Basketball Courts,and the Skate Park • Path to RECovery—Restoration of Services (draft—6.2.20) • LHS Lacrosse Requests 39 MARRETT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02421 Lexington...., RECREATION&d.OMM9.I 4II IIY U"tl�111 NA Town of Lexington Recreation and Community Programs Melissa Battite, CPRP Tel: 781-698-4800 Director of Recreation and Community Programs Fax: 781-861-2747 Recreation & Community Programs June 2020 Report NNMNNNNNNNNNNNNNMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMMNNMNNNNN----- --------------NNMNNN---NIVIVIV--- Pine Meadows: • The golf course reopened on Friday, May 8, 2020. Play continues to be steady, the weather has been a huge help. Additionally, on May 25th the use of motorized carts was approved by the Governor for single riders or two riders from the same family. Virtual Programs &Services With the spring session of classes cancelled, we have coordinated virtual opportunities for participants to keep up their fitness routines. • All virtual offerings can be found at htt s:j/www.leXintonmaegov/recreation-community-programs/virtual-pro rams. Recreation Division: Programming: • Staff have been in contact with instructors and vendors in recent weeks regarding the status of summer camps and programs. Decisions about operating versus cancelling are still being made. For in-person programs that are cancelled, offering virtual opportunities with those vendors and others will be explored. • Summer program registration may resume in early to mid-June and likely a new summer program of opportunities to meet the Guidelines set forth in the reopening plans provided by the Commonwealth. Operations: • The tennis/pickleball courts, basketball courts, and Skate Park will reopen by Friday, June 5th. A limited number of tennis/pickleball courts and basketball courts will reopen during this phase of the reopening with certain restrictions in place (no permitted use, no pick-up games, no shared equipment, singles only play for tennis, etc.). as ua Nazxin we Im��n .xaaw/�Aa creation ...... ......... fL,ulc.Q:i a 1ex6in toInrrui,&.gym 39 MARRETT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MA 02421(office) 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420(mail) The department has been are a Facility Recovery Grant from the United States Tennis Association (USTA) in thea of$2,000. This grant will help defray some of the tennis-related expenses associated with reopening our tennis courts such as tennis balls and equipment, clean ing/sanitizing efforts, and other qualified reopening expenses. Community Center: Programming: • Tom Romano has been talking with LYC (Lexington Youth Commission) on possibly having a drive-in at the LCC later in August. Details are currently being discussed. • Staff are continuing to pursue virtual and outside offerings for the summer. • A Departmental Family Feud was held on May 261h with staff from the Select Board, School Committee, Recreation, and Town Managers Office. • Virtual 60+ programs still have a strong registration with at least 15+ participants in each of the 9 classes offered. • A new session of virtual 60+ programs will open this month for classes July—August. This session will be funding by the Dana Home Foundation. Building& Facility: • The raised gardens beds continue to be maintained by garden club volunteers despite the building closure. They flowers are coming in beautifully will add a nice feature for those visiting the grounds this summer. • The building has remained closed to public and there has been one staff member in the building for when is on wheels employees and volunteers are present to coordinate the meal delivery. • Staff will start returning to the building this month. Increased sanitation and disinfection protocols, as well as directional patterns throughout the building, are just a few of the safety measures that will beimplemented. Budget &Capital: • FY20 Operating o The Recreation Enterprise Fund is experiencing a significant loss of revenue. This loss of revenue, refunds and credits will require a creative and strategic plan with regards to the Retained Earnings Fund, Capital planning and operations for several fiscal years. • FY2020 Capital: 0 Work continues on the Community Needs Assessment. The statistically-valid survey has been mailed to residents and staff are conducting park and program assessments. o The Center Track & Field reconstruction project is nearing completion. The track needs to be lined and it is anticipated that this will be completed in mid-June. The facility will remain closed until all athletic fields reopen. • The bid opening forte Diamond Middle School it renovation project was held on Thursday, May 14t' and the bid results came in within budget. The contractor is tentatively scheduled to mobilize in early June and the project will last through the summer months. • The contractor for the Adams tennis/basketball court resurfacing project will be mobilizing on Monday, June 15th and it is anticipated that this project will last through the end of July. • The sub-bid opening for the plumbing, electrical, and the work associated with the Old Reservoir bathhouse renovation project was held on Thursday, May 28th and the general bid opening will be held on Thursday,June 4 th FY2021: o The virtual 2020 Annual Town Meeting began on Monday,June 1-It. o Theo ri capital budgets will be rebuilt in the coming months in preparation for the Fall 2020 Special Town Meeting. Lex1n'9LQ9 RECREA!I 1113P4&COMMUI11fl FY -NI 11 0 1 111 A�111 III MEMORANDUM To: Recreation Committee From: Peter Coleman,Assistant Director of Recreation Date: June 1, 2020 Subject: Phase A Reopening of Tennis/Pickleball and Basketball Courts and the Skate Park I am pleased to announce that select tennis/pickleball courts, basketball courts, and the to Park will reopen as of this Friday, June 5th! This will mark the beginning of Phase A for our reopening plan. During Phase A, approximately half of the courts will reopen in an effort to ensure that proper social distancing is maintained. As oft is Friday, the following courts will be available for use: • Gallagher—Courts#2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 (which are located on the tree line side) will be open (Courts #1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, located on the track side, will remain closed) • Clarke—Courts#1 and 3 will be open (both courts are lined for tennis and pickleball; Court#2 will remain closed) • Valley—Court#1 will be open (Court#2 will remain closed) • Adams—these courts will remain closed due to the upcoming resurfacing project. The following restrictions will be in place during Phase A: • The United States Tennis Association (USTA) has created signs that provide tips and recommendations regarding player safety. An example is attached to this email and signs will be posted at all of the courts. • Singles play only and only members from the same household may use the courts during this phase. • Players must not exceed using the courts for more than one (1) our each day. • There will be no shared equipment for tennis or pickleball, players must bring their own racquet and water bottle (using your own tennis balls or pickleballs is also recommended). • Players should remain on their side of the court for the entire time. • No permits will be issued for group gatherings and there will be no organized games or tournaments. • The lights at Gallagher will not be on, so the courts will be available for use until dusk. These measures will be in place during Phase A based on the guidelines that were provided by Governor Baker. We ask all players to abide by the and demonstrate personal responsibility when using the courts. Since permitting of the courts is not allowed during Phase A of the reopening, the PlayLocal online reservation system will not be activated at this time and courts will be available on a first- come, first-served basis. A decision about when the courts will be available to reserve through PlayLocal will be made in the coming weeks. With that being said, registration for tennis/pickleball memberships will begin this Friday, June 5'h at 9s am and people may purchase their membership online. A LexRec Rgppen page has been added to our website. This page will contain all information about our phased reopening and be updated frequently in the coming weeks, so be sure to check this link on a regular basis as we progress towards additional phases of the reopening. Cc: Melissa atie® Director of Recreation and Community Programs Dave Pinsonneault, Director of DPW Chris Fila oro® Superintendent of Public Grounds 2 4 1 Lexington IC @P`VCPrv;R'07.pRld;4':a¢eMtukhdd ti'b' V Town of Lexington Recreation and Community Programs Melissa Battite,CPRP Tel: 781-698-4800 Director of Recreation and Community Programs Fax: 781-861-2747 Path to RECovery Restoration of Services DRAFT 6.2.2020 INTRODUCTION The Recreation and Community Programs Department remains closed to the public due to the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting State of Emergency declared by Governor Charlie Baker. The closure includes the cancellation of the entire spring session of indoor and outdoor programs, services and facilities. Discontinuing access to health and wellness, organized and drop-in activities, athletic leagues in addition to public use of playgrounds, tennis and basketball courts and fields has significantly impacted the community. The spring season typically includes preparations for summer including thousands of registrations, onboarding hundreds of staff and volunteers in addition to the traditional seasonal opening of the Town Pool. Virtual services continue and the Pine Meadows Golf Club has reopened with reduced services, following safety guidelines. The Recreation and Community Programs Department has operated as an Enterprise Fund since 1991. Programs are self-supported by setting user fees to cover all expenses. The Director of Recreation and Community Programs, through the Recreation Committee, sets fees with the approval of the Select Board. The Recreation and Community Programs Department operating budget supports staff that manages and delivers recreation programs, services and facilities along with the supplies needed to operate and deliver services. Surplus revenues generated through the Enterprise helps fund Capital Improvement Projects and financially supports the professional staff to administer the department in addition to the In Direct costs associated with support from Town Services such as those provided directly by the Department of Public Works and various town departments. The cancellations of programs, services and facility closures has devastated the Recreation Enterprise Fund. The loss of this revenue stream is forecasted to total over$1M. The Retained Earnings balance of the Enterprise Fund is approximately$670K and will be completely absorbed by this revenue loss and will likely require support from the Tax Levy for FY20. Thoughtful, creative and fiscally sound decisions will be necessary for building a financial recovery plan for FY21 and beyond for financial viability. Staff is in the process of developing plans for how programs, services and facilities may be feasible as restrictions are lifted. As services resume, we will adopt a phased approach where the health, safety and well- being of our staff, volunteers and patrons guides us towards full restoration of services. A measured approach and adhering to the guidelines is necessary to ensure forward progress and to prevent further closures. Jg�M.tonma.goyLgLc Lea don 39 MARRETT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MA 02421 Services will be addressed holistically as well as site/service specific based on the local decisions and ability to meet Guidelines received through the Massachusetts Reopening Task Force. It is important to note that the Town of Lexington is developing phases for Reopening Lexington, which may not mirror that of other cities and towns. The core services will be addressed by categories including Golf, Programs/Camps/Clinics,Aquatics, Parks, Athletics and the Community Center, each of which will have an individual plan towards the restoration of services. This document will evolve as information changes and as the town resumes staff capacity in early June and the estimated dates and phases may change at any time. The Service Categories and Definition of Terms along with links to the guidelines can be found at the end of this document. Path to REg9very Phase A: Currently and through mid-June (approx. 6/8/20) Closed to the public o Community Center o Town Pool o Athletics—Individual Sports &Activities- Contact o Athletics—Team Sports&Activities- Contact o Athletics—Team Sports &Activities - Non-Contact o Programs/Camps/Clinics o Playgrounds o Gaga Pit—Center Recreation Complex o Public Restrooms, Water Fountains, Grills o Athletic Fields Open to the public—following Guidelines o Pine Meadows of Club o Capital projects o Virtual services o Parks and Trails- Open dawn to dusk without athletic fighting o Athletics—Individual Sports &Activities—Non-Contact Phase B: Mid-June to early July(approx.July 61h) -approximately 3 weeks after previous phase • Closed to the public o Community Center o Town Pool o Athletics—Individual Sports &Activities-Contact o Playgrounds o Programs/Camps/Clinics o Public Restrooms, Water Fountains, Grills • Open to the public—in accordance with the Guidelines o Pine Meadows Golf Course o Capital projects o Virtual services o Parks and Trails- Open dawn to dusk without athletic lighting o Athletics—Individual Sports &Activities- Non-contact o Athletics—Team Sports&Activities: Contact; no games or scrimmages o Athletics—Team Sports &Activities—Non-Contact; no games or scrimmages Phase C: Early July to mid-August(approx. August 23,d)-approximately 3 weeks after previous phase • Closed to the public o Town Pool o Athletics—Individual Sports &Activities- Contact o Playgrounds o Gaga Pit—Center Recreation Complex o Public Restrooms, Water Fountains, Grills • Open to the public—in accordance with the Guidelines o Pine Meadows Golf Club o Capital projects c) Virtual services * Parks and Trails- Open dawn to dusk without athletic lighting * Athletics—Individual Sports &Activities- Non-contact * Athletics—Team Sports &Activities: Contact * Athletics—Team Sports &Activities—Non-Contact * Community Center /limited hours &access * Athletic Fields—complying with it Permit Policy ■ https:/Zwww.lexingtonma.govlfield-reservations * Programs/Camps/Clinics (ifs ace allows) Phase D: Mid-August—late November(approximately 3 weeks after previous phase) Closed to the public o Town Pool o Athletics—Individual Sports&Activities-Contact o Playgrounds o Gaga Pit—Center Recreation Complex o Public Restrooms, Water Fountains, Grills Open to the public—in accordance with the Guidelines o Pine Meadows Golf Club o Capital projects o Virtual services o Parks and Trails- Open dawn to dusk without athletic lighting o Athletics—Individual Sports &Activities- Non-contact o Athletics—Team Sports &Activities: Contact o Athletics—Tea Sports &Activities—Non-Contact o Community Center /limited hours &access o Athletic Fields �::a Programs/Camps/Clinics LexRec— Definitions of Terms Aquatics—swimming activities provided at the Town Pool (Old Reservoir closed for construction) Athletic Fields—playing areas that are designed in order for specific sports to be played such as baseball, softball, lacrosse,field hockey, track&field, soccer using natural grass or synthetic surfacing. Athletics—activities as defined in the guidelines for Urban Recreation and Youth Programming during the duration of Governor Baker's Phase I plan as it may be modified or supplemented thereafter. 0 Athletics—Individual Sports&Activities—Contact—Sports/Activities that require more than I individual and require physical contact to compete. Examples: Wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts, 1-1 sport specific skill drills (soccer, basketball, etc) a Athletics—Individual Sports&Activities- Non-contact-activities that require less than 10 people to participate, but do not require individuals to be closer than 6 feet together to be able to engage in the activity or sport. Examples: Tennis (singles), Golf, running, Pickleball (singles),Skateboarding, Kite Flying, Fishing, Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, Low Impact Fitness Courses, Self-guided Fitness courses, hiking, walking, solo birding, trail running. 0 Athletics—Team Sports&Activities:Contact—Traditional team sports that require multiple individuals and close proximity as part of the competition. Examples: Soccer, basketball,football, baseball, softball, hockey, lacrosse, rugby,field hockey 0 Athletics—Team Sports&Activities—Non-Contact-Sports and activities that require multiple individuals to be in close proximity to participate, even though they may not be competing against each other. Example: Baseball, softball,team biking, swimming, handball, volleyball Golf—9 hole municipal if course open 7 days a week. Guideline-a directive, limitation and or restriction received from the Massachusetts Reopening Task Force, regarding a specific service,facility or experience derived from resources such as the CDC, NRPA, Public Health leaders and state and local authorities Capital projects-fiscal FY20 and FY21 funded capital improvements that may be active or become active during the phases. Community Center- multi generational facility that provides indoor and outdoor space to participate in formal and informal enrichment opportunities. Hard Court Surfaces—playing areas that are designed in order for specific sports to be played, such as tennis, pickleball, basketball and skate parks Parks-a parcel of open space on public land that may include active and or passive opportunities for individual or group activities; typically compromised a variety of amenities including playgrounds, athletic fields, public restrooms, trails, track, etc. Permit—preapproved permission and access for use of a specific location for a predetermined amount of time for a specific use. Can be for one time use or multi use at multi locations and times Phase-a period that will last approximately three weeks and could last longer before moving to the next phase. playgrounds-a permanent structure within a park that is comprised of climbing apparatus, slides and or swings designed for children ages 5—1 years olds Programs/Camps/Clinics-organized activities that require preregistration and staff support Trails-formal or informal walkways creating connectivity within a park or park system Virtual programs—organized activities and resources that can take place via the internet LexRec - Service Categories Recommendations 1) Golf—Currently open and will continue to adhere to Guidelines throughout phases and 2020 season. 2) Aquatics—recommendation to keep the pool closed for the 2020 season. 3) Programs/Camps/Clinics—recommendation to offer a limited number of programs. This will be determined based on licensing capacity with the Board of Health, access to adequate space at the schools and Community Center and financial resources to fund the programs. 4) Parks—recommendation for parks to remain open with limited access; implement the phases following appropriate guidelines and ability to comply. 5) Athletics— recommendation for organized use to be permitted with organizations ability to follow the guidelines through the phases and 2020 season. This includes (Individual Sports &Activities—Contact; Individual Sports&Activities—Non-Contact;Team Sports &Activities: Contact; Team Sports & Activities—Non-Contact 6) Community Center—recommendation to offer limited hours, Sam—4pm, Monday—Friday through October 1, 2020 with limited access; implement the phases following appropriate guidelines and ability to comply. A separate reopening plan is being developed in collaboration with the Human Services Department and the Library. Resources • Massachusetts Reopening Task Force—Four Phase Approach htt�as wwww,mass oov�inffo-details/reoinenin -four- hase-a roach • Outdoor Recreation Task Force Guidelines https/�wwwomass v/ s / t �a lr-recreation-task-fforce-presentation 18 20LdownUoad • Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs htts: www.ma.sso ovdoc arks-o en-s ace-and-outdoor education-best- ractuces-5-18- 9Ldown0oad • National Recreation and Park Association htt s: wwwonr a.or about natoona0-recreatoon and nark-as.socoation��press..room/NRPA-statement- ..............................._....................................... ,irk„- ..sjD - arks-and-_o ein-s ace-wh°Le-.m.aoVit .,n .i.in.g-.socoa0-distancun • Field Guide for Camps on Implementation of CDC Guidance htt s: www4 aib�uc ardens.or. resources fuead- uide..cam s-irrr� lementatuon-cdc- u6dance To: Recreation Committee Re: LHS Lacrosse Request From: Lisa O'Brien, on behalf of the LHS Boys and Girls Lacrosse programs Date: May 30, 2020 Dear Recreation Committee Members, I'm submitting this on behalf of the LHS Boys and Girls Lacrosse programs. Given the spring season cancellations due to COVID-1 9, the LHS lacrosse programs would like to recognize their graduating seniors, nine on each team (18 total players). For your consideration: 1. Hanging Banners The Boys and Girls programs request to hang one banner each (two total banners) on the softball field fences along Worthen Road, for the month of June. Please see below for dimensions and further information. 2. it program - Field Access The LHS Girls Varsity Lacrosse coach, Stacey Freda, requests access to Lincoln 3 on Tuesday, June 9th, from 2-3:30pm. During that time, Coach Freda will present gifts to and take a picture with her graduating seniors. Also, the team plans to hang posters honoring the seniors prior to their arrival at 2.45pm - one poster per senior, and seniors will take their posters with them when they leave the field. Social distancing (6 feet) will be maintained at all times. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request and for your support of student athletes. Best, Lisa O'Brien on behalf of LHS Boys and Girls Lacrosse programs cc: Stacey Freda, LHS Girls Lacrosse Coach Dave Walsh, LHS Boys Lacrosse Coach ltu �ates our Sem Go Lex ixon Charfie D' Drew Cafit" h o es Doan en ' lacich a�TUC ke r C ' ` , /,, Max White i r �rier�i/oa Lexington QHS GirlsLacrosse Congratulates our Senjors H�N�T�Mrx Go Lex LAS! Nairi ErirightArij Rarriari Jessie a[es, ro