HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-13-TCC-min Town Celebrations Committee Meeting Minutes May 13, 2020 Virtual Meeting Members Present Lorain Marquis, Chair; June Baer, Glen Bassett, Suzanne Caton, Kim Coburn, Steve Cole, Wei Ding, Linda Dixon, Mary Hutton, Cerise Jalelian, Paul Jenkins, Gresh Lattimore, Bill Mix, Rita Pandey, Geetha Padaki, Sandy Podgorski, Sue Stering Members Not Present Karen Gaughan, Sondra Lucente, Julie Miller, Wayne Miller, Ashley Rooney, Dave Taylor, Sam Zales Guests Gina Rada, Terry Samaras (Lex Media), Regie Gibson Business: • Lorain convened the meeting at 7:06 pm and read the Town notice regarding the conduct of public virtual meetings. • Paul Jenkins read his letter to the Select Board announcing his resignation from the committee. Linda Dixon thanked Paul on the behalf of the committee for his years of service on the committee. Memorial Day 2020 (May 25, 2020): • Lorain noted that Sam Doran has asked to be part of the Memorial Day arrangements. The committee discussed ways that Sam could contribute, including Glen Bassett's suggestion that Sam be asked to read some of the Civil War-related parts of the script. • Lorain noted that Paul O'Shaughnessy will be the general narrator of the script but that several others will have speaking parts. • Mary announced that Steve Cole's family will dress in Colonial clothing and be videotaped placing a wreath at the Minutemen memorial near Buckman Tavern. • Regie Gibson asked for clarification on his role in the Memorial Day videotape. Several options were discussed, including that he might read a section of the script concerning Prince Estabrook's participation in the Revolutionary War and be taped laying a wreath on Prince Estabrook's memorial. Further discussion of Regie's role continued and a final decision about his participation was left to the sub-committee to determine later. • Bill Mix suggested that the committee should also contact Charlie Price about participating in the video. Bill volunteered to contact Charlie about it. • Linda Dixon volunteered to write up some information about Prince Estabrook and send it to Charlie for review. • Mary Hutton asked Regie to read the Gettysburg Address for the video. • Steve noted that several Minutemen have recorded several segments of the draft script and sent them to Terry Samara's Lex Media drop box. • Mary asked for clarification on who will do the wreath laying at the Civil War memorials in Munroe cemetery-- Cosgrove's grave and the Civil War Urn. It was noted that the Minutemen usually do a flag wave-over at Cosgrove's grave. Steve Cole volunteered to ask the Minutemen to do the wreath laying flag wave-over and video tape it. • Mary asked where the Muzzey brothers' graves are in Munroe Cemetery. Sam Doran was identified as someone who will know where the graves are located and it was suggested that Sam be asked to take photos of the graves. • Mary asked Terry to obtain photos appropriate for WWI, such as pictures of the graveyards in France with the rows of white crosses, and fields of poppies. Mary also asked Terry to take some photos of the trees around the Lexington Green that were planted as memorials to the Lexington residents who dies in WWI. • Sue Stering noted that she will send the list of names of Lexington WWII veterans which will be scrolled through as part of the video coverage of WWII. • Cerise reported that she had arranged for several scouts to be videotaped laying wreaths at several memorials, as requested at the last committee meeting. • Glen volunteered to take a photo of the plaque dedicated to the Lexington resident who died during the Grenada operation. Sue Stering volunteered to write up some information about that veteran to be added to the script. • Linda Dixon volunteered to write up a description of the Memorial Day video for publicity purposes. After getting more information from Lex Media about when the video will be aired, Linda will send the description to the Lexington Minuteman newspaper and Gina Rada will get the information posted to the Lexington Town web site. • Lorain volunteered to arrange with the Lexington Police to do their wreath laying and be videotaped while laying the wreath. The meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m. Next meeting: Wednesday, 5/20, at 7 pm. Respectfully submitted, Suzanne Caton, Secretary