HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-16-HARRINGTON-min. . ........ . Harrington Elementary Schooil SK -e H RRINGTON Counic Meeting Agenda 2019-2020 Academic Year Meeting; fate/Time: Location: Thursday, January 16, 2020 Room 170, Conference Room 7:30-8:25 am Recorder- Angela, Carpenter Members V Jackie Daley, Principal V Ann Ostrowski, Family Rep. V Michelle Cardene, Community Rep. V Melissa Lee, Family Rep. Larry Freeman, Family Rep. V Angela Carpenter, Faculty Rep. V Sara Lamb, Faculty Rep. V Liz Class, Faculty Rep. ,/Emily Sayre, Family Rep. Agenda Notes 1.Welcome and Approval of November 2019 Liz motions, Angela seconds minutes 2, Building/Facilities Updates- o Introductions of his role in Lexington Chris Bouchard o New project: Solar panels for the parking lot Everything has been approved. Next step will be working on the contract with the town. Installation will hopefully happen over this summer (2020), when school is not in session and students are not on campus * Jackie shared that she had heard; May weekends, drop off equipment; June/JUly weekday work; August - hopefully finishing * Chris said the project should take the entire summer, sorne weekend work in the fall ray be needed based on construction Emily asked about snow falling off - Chris said that there is a trough that the snow will melt and fall off into Everyone is excited! o Project Update: Hallway Floors Started over Winter Break This is really not a"new"" building anymore Easier to maintain - these floors, will not need to be waxed C� Custodians will be able to do more surnmer work now, since they will not need to wax the floors o First floor will be done over April Break (Lextended Day will be in Harrington during February Break) o Liz asks if classrooms will be done. Chris says not immediately - maybe as needed. o Jackie has asked for there to be a painting "schedule" to be created. Asked for a 5 -year cycle - each year is focused on a specific pod. Obviously patch -work is ongoing. Great for general maintenance. o Custodians have painting added to their contract, so there is more efficiency with prepping rooms. 0 • Project Update: LED Lighting o Funding came from the state - DOER (Green Community Grant) - reduce consumption by 20% over 20 years. o We received a grant in 2019 for lighting o This happened over Winter Break o Depending on the space, we keep a lower level light (e.g. classroom). Hallway is brighter. • Project Update: Gasket and Weather stripping for the doors o This is through the same grant o It was time, and we got funding from the state -- all good things! • New Project: Bottle Filling Station o Bubbler will be taken out, bottle filling station will be put in there o This will happen over February Break • New Project: 5th Grade Gift will be a monitor in the lobby o Sth Grade will buy the monitor o District will install o The faculty pictures will be moved, and the monitor will go in that spot o Announcements, Upcoming Events, Pictures of kids, general communication board o We can upload from our computers o We will work up a timeline of when it will be updated -- every week, every month? • Melissa - asked about shaded areas on the playground • • o Jackie mentioned that there were conversations about having a canopy, but it had to go to another school for a specific student health need o After that, conversation stopped, but it could be continued o Michelle - wasn't there a grant a long time ago, outside PTA ... there is money ... somewhere? Not sure if it was PTA? o There has been a lot of talk about refreshing our playground among parents o Andre talked about another grant that could help with that? o Get hoops replaced? o Chris: annual safety report, walkthroughs, etc. o Jackie - can we do something in the space that LCP's playground used to be? Poison Ivy is there ... put in more parking? Lots of possibilities ... o Playground should be talked about! o Melissa: just small chances could help to give it a new look! o Jackie: maybe our gala event funds could go to this? o Michelle: there was a rendering with Elaine - where is that? o Jackie: we'll do some digging o Emily will ask a neighbor who may remember o Jackie: the playground has never been a big issue brought up o Melissa: the shade has always been a hot topic (others agree) New Project: Wireless Mics o Vince - audio/visual - came to assess o Our current system frequency is ... not good right now o Upgrade will happen the first week of February 0 4 mics - wireless, clip ons, etc. o Michelle: did anyone check with interference with kids with hearing aides? o Jackie: will ask Cathy Bakkensen about this Michelle: is there a way to showcase all these changes to the parents/kids? A presentation to show everyone that the school is becoming more energy efficient/friendly o Jackie will have a Let's Chat in the Spring that will be focused on this. o Melissa -- give the numbers to the parents - it is impressive! 3. Safety Update- Jackie • Internal Crisis Safety Team o meeting monthly to debrief on where we are at. Jackie brings back things from the District Team. o Current talks: ■ ALICE training - what will it look like? Conversation has happened at Admin Council - we don't want to overfocus on over -traumatizing kids. We will not be doing an active shooter drill with elementary aged kids. Leaning toward table -top trainings. ALICE online-trainings (similar to the "Mandatory Training" modules) - this was just purchased for the district. This will most likely be part of our Mandatory Training for 2020-21 school year. District Team will go through it first to time it, and if it is enough ... and go from there to do table top activities, etc. ■ LCA is our alternative site. We need to all walk there! In the event of that being needed, police would be there to block off the street, etc. ■ Cafeteria fire drill has been done for all grade level; debrief happened to talk about what worked well and what needs improving. Good exercise for them. We may do another one with a fire department. 4. REDISTRICTING • Jackie is on the district team working with Anna Monaco • Jan 15 week is when we will get info to share out with families • Planning on what it will look like, what schools will be doing • Trying to streamline, so all schools do the same things and the same offerings • "Move Up" day? Bus kids to new school to visit? Lots of ideas floating around. • This week - messaging will go out to families, families will make the decision to stay/to go. Then follow-up to catch families who did not respond. • End of January - will have a good list of who is staying, who is grandfathering, and looking at the full numbers • Then schools can plan for school sections, where teachers are going, etc. • Dr. Hackett has her blog -- all info is housed there S. CORE VALUES and Blue Ribbon 4. New business: Next Meeting- February 13 th, 2020