HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-07-08 BOS-min Page 1 of 8 Selectmen’s Meeting July 8, 2019 A meeting of the Lexington Board of Selectmen was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 8, 2019 in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Mr. Lucente, Chair; Mr. Pato; Ms. Barry; Ms. Hai; and Mr. Sandeen were present as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. Public Comment David Kanter, 48 Fifer Lane, stated he feels that the name of the new Fire Headquarters should include “Fire and Rescue”. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Lucente stated he along with other Selectmen attended the beam raising ceremony for the new Fire Headquarters. Further, Mr. Lucente said the Board of Selectmen will embark on a new goal setting process which is initiated with a facilitator who will meet with Town Departments, Boards and Committees and each Selectmen. From these sessions, the facilitor that will create a report which will be used to guide the BOS during their initial goal setting meeting being held on July 29, 2019. Mr. Lucente reported that he, Mr. Pato and Mr. Sandeen attended the rededication th of Michelson Shoes in Lexington Center on the occasion of their 100 anniversary. Ms. Barry thanked the Lexington Lions Club for the fireworks display they put on over the 4th of July weekend. Mr. Sandeen noted he testified on the Greenworks Bill in front of the Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy; Mr. Sandeen also attended Sustainable Lexington Waste Task Force meeting and reported the Housing Partnership Board is looking to have a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen to have a presentation on 40R and 40S. Town Manager Report Mr. Malloy introduced the new Management Fellow, Katharine Labrecque. Mr. Lucente presented Ms. Labrecque with a Town Seal pin on behalf of the Board of Selectmen. Each Board member welcomed Ms. Labrecque. Mr. Malloy stated that repaving work is targeted to begin late July 2019 on the Minuteman Bikeway in the area from Seasons Four to Fottler Avenue. He said temporary bicycle lanes will be on Massachusetts Avenue. Public Hearing - Flammable Fuel Storage - 45-55 Hayden Avenue Mr. Lucente opened the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. Brian Grisaru, King Street Properties, explained the request for a Flammable Fuel Storage License at 45-55 Hayden Ave, Parcel 17-21A is for Class I Flammable liquids related to parking of cars in the parking lots and Class II Combustible Fuel related to a diesel generator and equipment. Page 2 of 8 Upon hearing no further comments, Mr. Lucente closed the hearing at 7:13 p.m. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve a Flammable Fuel Storage License for HCP/King Hayden Campus, LLC for the storage, operation and maintenance of flammable and combustible storage at 45-55 Hayden Avenue, Map 17 Parcel 21A as presented. Update on Proposed New Police Station Design Mr. Barrett, Facilities Project Manager, provided an overview of the Police Station design which included options with/without moving the Information Technology Department from the Town Office Building to the new Police Station including cost estimates. Mr. Malloy explained the analysis is being presented to the Board for consideration as an option to address the crowded space situation in the Town Office Building. A majority of the Board agreed that the IT servers and headend equipment should be located within the police station, but the Board needed more information before determining to move the IT Department staff to the police station. Mr. Pato suggested there be an examination of the Municipal Facilities Master Plan to determine all facilities needs not just one department. Police Chief Mark Corr expressed that he was not concerned with the option of having IT in the police Station design since the employees go through the same background checks as the police staff. Mr. Malloy explained the Board is also being asked if the Hosmer House should be included as a part of the design of the Police Station or if it should be relocated offsite. Mike Waters of LDA Architecture & Interiors presented the Hosmer House and Fletcher Field Master Plan resulting from the Hosmer House Reuse Study Group. Mr. Waters explained the analysis of some of the outreach performed by the committee evaluating the use of the Hosmer House if it was moved to Fletcher Park for community use or moved off site for use as a residence. The Board of Selectmen was in agreement that the Hosmer House should not be included as a part of the design of the Police Station. The Board felt the Hosmer House would be best suited to be moved offsite to be used as a residence. Further the Board agreed that additional storage for non- police uses does not need to be included in the police station design. Grant of Location for National Grid - Massachusetts Avenue to Hastings Elementary School Barbara Kelleher, National Grid, requested permission from the Board of Selectmen for National Grid to install and maintain approximately 120 feet more or less of 6 inch gas main in Massachusetts Avenue from the existing 6 inch gas main at house #2692 Massachusetts Ave westerly to the rear entrance of the new Hastings Elementary School, 7 Crosby Road in order to provide a new service to the new school. Mr. Pato expressed concern of gas leaks in Lexington noting repairs have been made but leaks continue. He said he feels there is a need for a broader policy for gas line expansion. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 4-1 (Mr. Pato voted nay) to approve petition from National Grid to install and maintain approximately 120 feet more or less Page 3 of 8 of 6 inch gas main in Massachusetts Avenue., Lexington. From the existing 6 inch gas main at house #2692, westerly to the rear entrance of the new Hastings Elementary School, 7 Crosby Road. Grant of Location for National Grid - Augustus Road Barbara Kelleher, National Grid, requested permission from the Board of Selectmen for National Grid to install and maintain approximately 90 feet more or less of 6- inch gas main in Augustus Road, Lexington from the existing 6-inch gas main at house # 5, northwesterly to house # 4 for a new gas service. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 3- 2(Mr. Pato and Mr. Sandeen voted nay) to approve National Grid to install and maintain approximately 90 feet more or less of 6- inch gas main in Augustus Road, Lexington from the existing 6-inch gas main at house # 5, northwesterly to house # 4 for a new gas service. Approve Acceptance of Donations Made to Recreation Department Ms. Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, requested that the Board accept donation of scoreboards and a bleacher system at Recreation facilities to benefit the Lexington Community. There are three separate donations for consideration: Lexington Youth Lacrosse donation of three (3) Scoreboards at Lincoln Park; Lexington Public Schools donation of one (1) Scoreboard at Dr. Harold Crumb Football Field and Lexington High School Boosters/Boys Soccer Boosters donation of a Bleacher System at Lincoln Park Field # 2 on Lincoln Street. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve and accept the donation from Lexington Youth Lacrosse (LYL) of three scoreboards at Lincoln Park. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve a and accept the donation from the Lexington Public Schools of the scoreboard at the Dr. Harold Crumb Football Field. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve and accept the donation from the Lexington High School Boys Soccer Boosters of a bleacher system at Lincoln Park Field #2. FY19 Year-End Budget Adjustments Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager of Finance, presented FY19 year-end budget transfer requests for salary adjustments, end of year transfers and revolving funds. Ms. Barry recused herself as her husband is employed by the Lexington Police Department. ● Salary Adjustments Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 4-0 to transfer $92,000 from the salary transfer account to the Adult Library regular wages account as appropriated by a vote of the Annual Town Meeting. Page 4 of 8 Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 4-0 to approve the transfer $236,013 from the salary transfer account to the Police administration regular wages as appropriated by a vote of the Annual Town Meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 4-0 to approve the transfer $420,000 from the salary transfer account to Police administration regular wages as appropriated by a vote of the Annual Town Meeting. ● End of Year Transfers Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 4-0 to approve transfer $43,000 from the Fire Administration – Other Compensation account to the Fire Administration – Vehicles account as appropriated by a vote of the Annual Town Meeting. ● Revolving Funds Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 4-0 to approve to increase the Regional Cache – Hartwell Avenue Revolving Fund by $10,000. Ms. Barry returned to the meeting. Craft'd Company - Middlesex County Beer Festival Christine Healy, Craft'd Company, stated she has submitted requests for approvals for a proposed beer festival to be held at Fletcher Park on Saturday, August 24, 2019 (rain date Sunday, August 25, 2019) featuring breweries located in Middlesex County. She said the festival will also feature live music, artists and artisans, and food trucks. Craft’d Company is seeking the approval from the Board of Selectmen for a One-Day Liquor License and Entertainment licenses for this event. Ms. Healy explained Craft'd Company was willing to develop a plan, as suggested by the Town Managers Office, to include a donation to a local organization or Town. General Board discussion ensued and the Board asked the Town Manager to investigate if a policy is warranted as it relates to the requirement of a donation from a “for-profit” organization for Special Event permitting. The Board of Selectmen tabled this item. Approve Memorandum of Understanding - Lexington Municipal Management Association (LMMA) Ms. Barry recused herself as her husband is an employee of the Town. Mr. Malloy reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Lexington and the LMMA Union for the amendments to the collective bargaining agreement. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 4–0 to approve and authorize the Town Manager to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town and the Lexington Municipal Management Association for the contract period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022. Page 5 of 8 Approve Acceptance of Gift - USS Lexington Mr. Malloy stated Mr. Charles Bonnano would like to donate a model ship of the USS Lexington to the Town. Mr. Malloy recommended accepting this gift with the understanding that the Town will find a suitable location for the gift. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to accept the gift from Charles Bonnano of the model ship USS Lexington. Town Office Building Hours of Operation Six-Month Review Mr. Malloy stated the six month pilot program for the Town Office Building hours offering a late night on Tuesday night and half day on Friday has proven beneficial to residents and businesses and the support of the staff demonstrates sufficient reason to continue the hours. He presented the results of the staff survey to the Board and noted the comments from staff regarding the day of the week for the late night. Mr. Malloy recommended making the Town Office Building hours permanent to include a 7:00 p.m. late night (day to be determined) and a 1:00 p.m. close on Friday. He explained that enhanced advertising of the hours and making the hours more prominent on the building will be implemented if the Board agreed to make these hours permanent. The Board deemed that the day of the week for the day of the week for the late night hours should be reviewed for final determination. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted 5-0 to make the current office hours permanent, with the Town Office Building hours being set at Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM; Tuesday from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM; and Friday 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM, and with the Board revisiting the day of the week for the late night hours in the next three months for finalization. Town Manager Reappointments Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager's reappointment of John Flynn to the Board of Health and Frederick DeAngelis to the Recreation Committee. Reconsideration - Masslex, LLC Liquor License Transfer at 1666 Massachusetts Avenue Mr. Lucente stated that On June 3, 2019, the Board approved a Liquor License Transfer Application for 1666 Massachusetts Ave, from Group R, Inc d/b/a Lexx Restaurant to Masslex, LLC d/b/a Clay Oven Indian Restaurant. The ABCC sent a "return no action" notification to the Board of Selectmen's Office regarding the transfer application citing that the applicant needs to submit a bank cover letter along with the draft pledge agreement and draft promissory note to the local licensing authority for reconsideration of the application. Masslex, LLC has submitted all the necessary paperwork to the Board of Selectmen's Office needed to request reconsideration. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve submission of the paperwork from Masslex, LLC d/b/a Clay Oven Indian Restaurant as requested by the Page 6 of 8 ABCC for Reconsideration of their Liquor License Transfer application for 1666 Massachusetts Avenue. Entertainment License Renewal - Bertucci's Restaurant Corporation, 1777 Massachusetts Avenue Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve an Entertainment License to Bertucci's Restaurant Corporation, 1777 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpose of providing live acoustic music in the outdoor seating area Thursday - Saturday from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Limousine License Application - D&O Limo LLC Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve the limousine application and issue one (1) Limousine License to D&O Limo, 3402 Main Campus Drive Selectmen Committee Appointments & Resignation Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to accept the resignation of Jennifer Melot from the Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee effective immediately. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to appoint Dr. Holly Sweet to the Noise Advisory Committee with a term expiration date of September 30, 2021. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to appoint Paul Chernick to the Sustainable Lexington Committee with a term expiration date of September 30, 2019. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to appoint Matthias Beebe to the Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee with a term expiration date of September 30, 2020. Discuss Potential Special Fall Town Meeting Mr. Malloy stated, at this time, 7 Hartwell and 186 Bedford rezoning are the only certain items for a fall special Town Meeting and possibly there would be some financial articles. Mr. Malloy asked the Board for consideration of having a mid-November. The Board discussed several dates in November in order to schedule a potential Special Fall Town Meeting. The Town Manager will reach out to Deborah Brown, Moderator and Julie Hackett, thth School Superintendent of School for check their availability considering November 12/13 or thth November 18/19 and get back to the Board with a date. Update Regarding Planning Department Mr. Lucente said at the May 20, 2019 Board of Selectmen meeting, the Board discussed the operation of the Planning Department and the recent departure of Planning Department Director. Page 7 of 8 At that meeting it was suggested that the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board Chair/Vice Chairs meet to discuss the issues to address related to the operation of the Planning Department. Two meetings were held and attended by Mr. Lucente, Ms. Hai, Mr. Canale, Mr. Creech, Mr. Malloy and Ms. Kowalski. Mr. Lucente stated topics of discussion included elected versus appointed versus hybrid Planning Board membership, Planning Board retreat for relationship building, changing of regulations and policies for predictability to proponents, training for the Planning Board utilizing Citizen Planning Collaborative and clarifying the rules of relationship between the Planning Board and the Staff. Mr. Lucente explained there was not consensus on most of the topics discussed, however the Planning Board was in agreement that a Planning Board retreat would be useful. It was also discussed scheduling a Joint Board of Selectmen and Planning Board meeting regarding Hartwell North. In light of consensus not being met during these two meetings regarding the issues that need to be addressed regarding the planning department, the Board felt a joint meeting of the two boards may be warranted. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted to submit a formal request for a facilitated joint meeting between the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board to discuss the issues facing the operation of the Planning Department. Consent ● Water and Sewer Commitments Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve the May Water and Sewer Commitments for the May 2019 Cycle 9 Billing in the amount of $280,221.25 and Water and Sewer Commitment for May 2019 Finals in the amount of $4,056.54. ● Water and Sewer Adjustment Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve the Water & Sewer adjustment recommended by WSAB in the amount of $3,215.20. ● Approve One-Day Liquor License Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to approve a one day Liquor License for The Lexington Players (EMACT) to serve beer and wine from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for the purpose of their Community Theater Awards Gala to be held at Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, on Saturday, August 24, 2019. Adjourn Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 11:09 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kim Katzenback Executive Clerk Page 8 of 8