HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-22-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 22, 2020 Minutes of the Lexington Planning Board Held on January 22, 2020, in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 6:45pm Present: Robert Creech, Chair; Charles Hornig, Vice-Chair; Robert Peters; Ginna Johnson; and Richard Canale. Also, present were Amanda Loomis, Planning Director; Eve Tapper; and Lori Kaufman, Department Assistant Robert Creech, Chair, read the agenda into the record, introduced members of the Planning Board and Planning Department Staff and called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m. on Wednesday, January 22, 2020. Board Administration 1. Security for 443 Lincoln Street Balanced Housing Development – Hobbs Brook Present for the public discussion: Jeffrey Rhuda, Symes Development and Permitting, LLC Robert Creech opened the public discussion regarding a request to provide security in lieu of two CO presently held by the Town. Mr. Creech questioned if Mr. Rhuda had any questions or comments. Mr. Rhuda provided no questions or comments. Mr. Creech requested comments from members of the Planning Board. The following comments were provided:  Charles Hornig requested clarification regarding items being requested by the Developer relative to the letter from Sheila Page, Assistant Planning Director, RE: Balanced Housing Special Permit Residential Development – 443 Lincoln Street – Hobbs Brood, dated January 22, 2020. Mr. Rhuda provided a brief review of his concerns regarding the Gross Floor Area (GFA), but further stated that they will comply with all other items outlined in the letter.  Robert Peters and Ginna Johnson did not have any comments at this time.  Mr. Creech reviewed the request and provided an outline of expectations.  Richard Canale requested clarification regarding the cost associated with winter storms and if the security deposit was appropriate.  Mr. Hornig stated that the amount requested by the Planning Board for surety should not be less than $125,000. Mr. Rhuda agreed to the requested amount of surety as proposed by the Planning Board. Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board release the two (2) Certificate of Occupancy (CO)s contingent on the completion of the three items outlined in the January 22, 2020 memo and signed off by the Department of Public Works (DPW), in addition to a deposit of $125,000 surety in a suitable format accepted by the Town. Furthermore, the Building Commissioner shall certify that the Gross Floor Area (GFA) meets the requirements as shown on the approved plans. Richard Canale seconded the motion. Mr. Rhuda introduced into the record an amendment to the fence type to be the same as the Grey Oaks fence and the relocation of the adjacent path. The Planning Board discussed this matter. Ms. Johnson stated that she would be recusing herself from the vote due to recusing herself from the original project vote. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of January 22, 2020 Mr. Hornig stated that staff shall hold all documents until all conditions are complied with by the developer. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 4-0-0. MOTION PASSED 2. Security Release for 1371, 1373, 1375, 1377 Massachusetts Avenue Balanced Housing Development Present for the public discussion: Todd Cataldo, Sheldon Corporation Inc. Robert Creech opened the public discussion for the requested release of security deposit for the properties at 1371, 1373, 1375, and 1377 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Creech requested clarification regarding the status of the private pathway. Mr. Cataldo provided a brief update. Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board vote to release the security bond held for the properties at 1371, 1373, 1375, and 1377 Massachusetts Avenue. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board allow for Robert Creech to sign-off for the Planning Board on the release of security. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED 3. Public Hearing: 109 Reed Street – Definitive Subdivision Plan Present for the Public Hearing: Michael Capachietti, EIT, Meridian Associates; and Todd Cataldo, Sheldon Corporation Inc. Robert Creech opened the public hearing at 7:06 p.m. and requested a presentation from the applicant. Mr. Capachietti provided a brief presentation of the project including a review of existing conditions, natural and manmade features, the filing of an ANRAD application with the Conservation Commission, as well as review of soil testing and associated items. Furthermore, Mr. Capachietti provided a review of the number of proposed lots, the stormwater management system, the roadway, review of the topography, and landscaping. Mr. Creech requested comments from members of the Planning Board. The following comments were provided.  Ginna Johnson requested clarification regarding the species of trees being proposed for the project. Ms. Johnson suggested an alternative to the White Ash due to the Ash Bore. Ms. Johnson requested clarification regarding Lot D being located within the one-hundred (100) foot buffer and the location of the proposed house. Mr. Capachietti provided a review of the three (3) required Conservation Commission Notice of Intent (NOI) filings. Ms. Johnson requested further clarification regarding the location of the stormwater management system and why such systems was not located under the landscaped cul-de-sac. Ms. Johnson questioned the total number and caliper of the trees being removed. Mr. Capachietti stated that forty-five (45) trees would be removed for a total of six-hundred and thirteen (613) diameter at breast height (DBH). It was noted that presently there are four-hundred and seventeen (417) trees on-site, totaling five- thousand one-hundred and eighty-two (5,182) caliper inches.  Charles Hornig requested copies of drafts, easement, covenants, etc. for the Planning Board to review. Mr. Hornig requested clarification regarding the proposed water system and whether it would be looped or not. Mr. Hornig stated that he strongly suggests access is provided to the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway. Mr. Cataldo questioned if the pathway leading to the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway had to be ADA accessible. Mr. Hornig requested information about the proposed water lines and if the project would be connected to gas. Mr. Hornig Minutes for the Meeting of January 22, 2020 Page 3 questioned if the roadway had a name. Mr. Cataldo stated that they would be naming the road Tiffany Way after the previous owner.  Richard Canale requested a copy of plans for the proposed pathway. Mr. Canale requested clarification as to how the developer would relocate or manage the existing stonewall. Mr. Canale requested further clarification regarding the existing house. Mr. Cataldo provided a brief review of the intentions for the stonewall and that the house would be razed.  Robert Peters stated that he did not have any comments at this time.  Mr. Canale questioned if the developer has considered relocating the stones from the stonewall. Mr. Creech opened the floor for public comment. The following public comments were provided:  A statement regarding the clearance of trees and the number of lots being proposed.  A statement of appreciation knowing that the name of the road will be Tiffany Way after a long time resident.  A statement regarding the location of the stone wall within the project.  A statement regarding the path to the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway, and further request that quick access to the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway is provided. The Planning Board concluded the public hearing with questions about the easement requested by the Department of Public Works (DPW) which Mr. Cataldo agreed to grant to the Town. In addition, the Planning Board requested clarification regarding the loss of trees and the ability to save some of the trees. Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board continue the public hearing to Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. Ginna Johnson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED 4. 1050 Waltham Street – Amend Zoning By-law and Map Present for the public hearing: Kevin Sheehan and Phil Dorman, Greatland Realty Partners; Edmund Grant, Esq., Nicholson, Sreter & Gilgun; Robert Michaud, P.E., MDM Transportation; Steve Woods, IBI Placemaking; Kristen O’Gorman, SGA; Nicholas Skoly, VHB; Peter Tamm, Esq., Goldston and Storrs Robert Creech, Chair, opened the public hearing at 7:43 p.m. and requested a presentation from the applicant. Mr. Sheehan presented the project to the Planning Board. The presentation included an overview of Greatland Realty Partners, a review of the existing conditions of the property, amendments to the proposed project since the November 2019 letter of comment from the Town, along with a brief review of the proposed project. Ms. O’Gorman provided a review of the proposed building, interior layout and amenity space, in addition to amendments to the architecture of the structure. Ms. O’Gorman further reviewed the interior layout of the parking garage which included potential screening options (living façade) and inclusion of solar. Mr. Woods provided a review of the landscaping, circulation of the site, and accessibility all relative to pedestrian and appearance of the project from the street. Mr. Skoly provided a review of the project that focused on utilities stating that all utilities will tie into Waltham Street, in addition to stormwater management, and the required filing of a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Conservation Commission relative to enhancing wetland plantings. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of January 22, 2020 Mr. Michaud reviewed bicycle lanes, visibility, considerations of Brookhaven, review of public transportation, and review of off-street parking Attorney Tamm provided an overview of the proposed amendments relative to the Annual Town Meeting Article, in addition to Proposed Development Data (Existing Zoning – CLO vs. Proposed Zoning (PD-5). Attorney Tamm further mentioned the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the status of the document. Mr. Sheehan provided a review of the draft MOU, project benefits that touched upon transportation, sustainability, design, etc. Mr. Creech requested comments from the Planning Board. The following comments were provided:  Robert Peters provided compliments relative to the revisions. Mr. Peters stated his concerns regarding the off-street parking provided, and requested information relative to the employee population. Mr. Peters provided his support for the solar canopy – questioning if the parking garage would shade the residents at Brookhaven.  Ginna Johnson provided support for the project but did not feel fully comfortable with the project as designed. It was noted that the project remains urban. Ms. Johnson requested clarification regarding pedestrian flow through the project. Ms. Johnson reviewed the accessibility of the project, the amenity space to the north of the property, and site access. Ms. Johnson provided a review of the materials utilized for the façade and requested that the parking garage and the building be unified. Ms. Johnson concluded her comments noting concerns with the penthouse, relative to the height.  Charles Hornig stated that he was happy with the proposed changes. Mr. Hornig provided comments that were technical in nature about the parking garage, fire access on Waltham Street, and site circulation. Mr. Hornig provided a technical review –of Section 3.1, 3.2, and 6.1 of the Zoning Bylaw.  Richard Canale agreed that the project has been improved since it was last presented to the Planning Board. Mr. Canale stated confusion about the off-street parking, in addition to concerns regarding extra off-street parking spaces for other uses. Mr. Canale stated that he had similar questions about the technical questions proposed by Mr. Hornig. Mr. Canale requested clarification about the twenty-five (25) percent design. Mr. Canale questioned if the applicant had received comments from the Town that were sent earlier in the day.  Mr. Creech requested shuttle service for employees and greater energy usage awareness. Mr. Creech requested clarification regarding the phasing of construction. Mr. Creech questioned if it was an option to prewire the garage for the installation of future electric vehicle charging stations. Overall, Mr. Creech stated his support for the project. Mr. Creech opened the floor for public comment. The following comments were provided:  A suggestion for public transportation to and from Alewife.  A statement that commuters will not do three (3) modes of transportation, they will do one (1) and possibly two (2), but not three (3).  A statement of concern regarding shadows, noise pollution, and light pollution, followed by an urge to the developer to be concerned about the impacts on the abutters.  A statement regarding the reverse shuttle for the public is more preferable, in addition to providing transportation options.  A question about heating and cooling – heat by electricity or natural gas. The Planning Board provided additional comments for the development team to consider. Minutes for the Meeting of January 22, 2020 Page 5  Mr. Canale stated his appreciation of the renderings of the site views in the winter, followed by a request for evening sketches.  Ms. Johnson requested compliance with the Lexington Sign Bylaw.  Mr. Hornig stated that the Planning Board would want to see input from the Department of Public Works (DPW). Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board continue the public hearing to Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED Town Meeting 1. Amend Zoning By-law Public Hearing – Financial Services Robert Creech opened the public hearing at 9:29 p.m. for the Financial Services Annual Town Meeting Article. Charles Hornig provided an overview of Financial Services Town Meeting (ED-K: Financial Services). Such review included the background for such amendment, the need for the amendment, and the proposed language. The Planning Board briefly discussed the proposed topic and the article. Mr. Creech opened the floor for public comment. The following comments were provided:  A statement of support for the proposed article, with a request for clarification regarding accessory uses of ATMs. The Planning Board provided additional comments. Ginna Johnson questioned if the Center Committee had reviewed the draft article and whether they were ok with it or not. Mr. Creech responded that he had emailed a copy of the proposal to Center Committee members Michelson, Levin and Beaudette some weeks earlier and had received no reply. He said that he would follow up. Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board voted to close the public hearing at 9:45 p.m. for the Financial Services Article for Annual Town Meeting. Robert Peters seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board vote to make a favorable recommendation to Annual Town Meeting on the Financial Services Article. Richard Canale stated that he would like to think about the language prior to voting. Motion was not seconded. MOTION FAILED Mr. Creech requested a straw poll to determine the will of the Planning Board. Members of the Planning Board support the article with a few minor edits. 2. Amend Zoning By-Law Public Hearing – Technical Corrections Robert Creech opened the public hearing at 9:48 p.m. for the Technical Corrections Annual Town Meeting Article. Eve Tapper provided a brief presentation of the proposed article. Charles Hornig provided a brief review of the history associated with the proposed amendments. Mr. Creech opened the floor for public comment. No comments were provided. Page 6 Minutes for the Meeting of January 22, 2020 Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board vote to close the public hearing at 9:53 p.m. for the Technical Corrections Article for Annual Town Meeting. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board vote to make a favorable recommendation to Annual Town Meeting on the Technical Corrections Article. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED 3. Amend Zoning By-Law Public Hearing – Site Plan Review Robert Creech opened the public hearing at 9:54 p.m. for Site Plan Review Annual Town Meeting Article. Charles Hornig presented a brief presentation to the Planning Board regarding the proposed amendments to Site Plan Review. Richard Canale requested clarification regarding the number of off-street parking spaces that would trigger the need for site plan review. Ms. Loomis requested that the Planning Board not close the public hearing and continue the discussion to th February 12. Mr. Canale requested clarification regarding the notification to abutters. Both Ms. Loomis and Mr. Hornig provided the requested information. Ginna Johnson stated that the trigger should not be anything greater than ten (10). Ms. Johnson further stated that the Planning Board needed to provide language associated with a modification of a previously approved site plan. Mr. Creech also supported a ten (10) parking space trigger for Site Plan Review. Mr. Canale stated his concerns regarding notice to abutters, especially about renters vs. landowners and who receives notification. Mr. Creech opened the floor for public comment. The following comments were provided.  A statement of opposition relative to the elimination of advertising in the Minuteman Newspaper. Charles Hornig moved that the Planning Board continue the public hearing to Wednesday, February 12, 2020 to 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. Richard Canale seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED Board Administration 1. Meeting Schedule The Planning Board discussed meeting dates for the month of March. The Planning Board concurred to ththth meet on both March 4 and March 11. Ginna Johnson stated that she would be away for March 11 meeting. Mr. Creech stated he that he would be away April 2 through April 17. Charles Hornig announced an invite received from the League of Women Voters relative to an event held th on February 13. The Planning Board discussed the invited and suggested that the Planning Board put it on their agenda and post the meeting. 2. Board Member and Staff Updates  Eve Tapper announced that this was her last meeting with the Planning Board. The Planning Board thanked Ms. Tapper for her service to the Town of Lexington. Minutes for the Meeting of January 22, 2020 Page 7  Members of the Planning Board did not have any updates. 3. Minutes of January 15, 2020 The Planning Board reviewed the draft minutes of January 15, 2020. Robert Peters moved that the Lexington Planning Board approve the minutes of January 15, 2020. Ginna Johnson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED Adjournment Robert Creech moved that the Planning Board adjourn the meeting of January 22, 2020. Robert Peters seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0. MOTION PASSED The Planning Board adjourned the meeting of January 22, 2020, at 10:36 p.m. The meeting was recorded by LexMedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on the Planning Board website in Planning Board packets. 443 Lincoln Street BHD:  Project decision dated 7.26.18 (16 pages).  Conservation Order of Conditions (28 Pages).  Staff Site Visit photos captured 1.14.20 (3 pages).  Remaining items for applicant to complete (2 pages). 1371- 1377 Massachusetts Avenue:  Project decision dated 7.13.11 (7 pages).  As-built dated 1.15.20 (1 page).  Compliance letter (2 pages). 2020 Annual Town Meeting Articles:  Draft language Site Plan Review Amendment (2 page).  Draft language financial services amendment (2 pages).  Draft language technical corrections amendment (1 page). 1050 Waltham Street PSDUP:  Project cover letter dated 12.19.19 (4 pages).  Project application dated 12.19.19 (5 pages).  Petition for zoning change (4 pages).  PSDUP proposed zoning text (9 pages). Page 8 Minutes for the Meeting of January 22, 2020  Parking and transportation Demand management plan, dated 12.17.19 (6 pages).  Non-regulatory plans dated 12.19.19 (7 pages).  Environmental Impact and Infrastructure Assessment, dated 12.19.18 (48 pages).  Traffic study (67 pages).  Traffic Study appendix (297 pages).  Final Impact analysis dated 12.17.19 (14 pages).  Attorney’s support letter, dated 12.18.19 (6 pages).  Applicant’s response to Planning Board comments dated 12.19.19 (11 pages).  Regulatory plan set, dated 12.19.19 (8 pages). 109 Reed Street:  Project cover letter and application dated 12/4/19 (11 pages).  Stormwater report dated 12.4.19 (156 pages).  Proposed definitive subdivision plan set (14 pages).  Staff comments (4 pages). Robert Peters, Clerk of the Planning