August 21st 2019
Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Parker Room of
Lexington Town Office Building located at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting
convened at 7:30PM.
Historical Commission Members in Attendance:
David Kelland, Chair, Wendall Kalsow, Marilyn Fenollosa, Diane Pursley
AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:31 PM)
Public hearing on the roofline change at 63 Baker Avenue
Laura and Peter Tandara-Kuhns, Homeowners
Mark Dion, Contractor
Plans dated 7/11/2019
Photos of the existing house
Ms. Tandara-Kuhns went over plans for an addition at 63 Baker Avenue. The addition will not
be visible from the front of the house. The two dormers will be connected.
Mr. Kalsow asked if they would consider putting back the infill three inches. Mr. Dion said yes
they plan to do that. Mr. Kalsow asked how many inches back. Mr. Dion said it will be back
about four inches which will make the dormers still stand out. Mr. Kalsow feels it is an
appropriate proposal.
Moved by Mr. Kalsow voted 4-0 to find 63 Baker Avenue preferably preserved and plans
presented tonight dated 7/11/2019 are in keeping with the historic house with intention that the
infill between existing dormers will be recessed or set back from the face of the existing dormers
four inches and that shingled corners will be kept. Seconded by Ms. Fenollosa.
4-0 In favor of roofline change: Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, and Ms. Pursley
344 Lowell Street will be continued to next month, September 18'h 2019.
AGENDA ITEM #3 (7:38 PM)
Review and approval of property area form 81 Pleasant Street
-Ms. Pursley created an area form for 81 Pleasant Street that was identified as a home that should
be put on the inventory. Ms. Pursley wanted the Commission to give any feedback on the draft.
Once the Commission gives feedback Ms. Vinci will then send notice to the owner of record
then have a hearing to add the property to the inventory in September. The property is a custom
Mr. Kalsow felt the form was nicely done. Mr. Kalsow noted that this style home typically has
concrete block foundations rather than block foundations. He suggested to check details on the
foundation to be sure. Mr. Kalsow also noted to add that the home appears original and intact.
AGENDA ITEM #4 (7:50 PM)
MHC Grant RFQ Discussion
- Ms. Pursley went over the grant. The RFQ went out Monday and the responses are due
September 20''. The Commission will have a meeting September 25h at 7:OOPM to conduct
interviews and then go into Executive Session to review candidates.
AGENDA ITEM #5 (8:12 PM)
Review Historical Commission activities for the CLG Report
-The Commission reviewed the draft made by Ms. Fenollosa. Ms. Fenollosa asked the
Commission if anything else should be added to the report. Mr. Kalsow noted the Center
Streetscape was technically the Design Review Ad Hoc Committee.
AGENDA ITEM #6 (8:27 PM)
Vote to approve minutes
-The Commission will have to vote on the July minutes next month when there are more
members that can vote.
-A motion made by Ms. Fenollosa to approve the minutes dated June 19'h 2019 as amended.
Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. 3-0 in Favor: Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, and Mr. Kelland with Ms.
Pursley abstaining.
AGENDA ITEM #7 (8:32 PM)
Motion to adjourn made by Ms. Fenollosa to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Kelland
4-0 favor to adjourn Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, and Ms. Pursley