HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-15-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES May 151h 2019 Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Parker Room of Lexington Town Office Building located at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting convened at 7:30PM. Historical Commission Members in Attendance: David Kelland Chair, Marilyn Fenollosa Vice Chair, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran, Diane Pursley AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:30 PM) Public hearing on the full building demolition at 186 Bedford Street APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Joseph Ciampa, Owner ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): None SUMMARY: Mr. Ciampa came to request a full building demolition of the main house and barn at 186 Bedford Street. Mr. Ciampa has been working with the Planning Board over the last year and hopes to keep the main structure and barn. Unfortunately they cannot come to an agreement yet on the space. Mr. Ciampa does not want to lose the structure and the barn but has to think about the worst case scenario. He hopes to be able to work with everyone to come to an agreement on the space. HC COMMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Ms. Pursley to find the property and barn at 186 Bedford Street preferably preserved and impose a one year demolition delay expiring May 15th 2020. Seconded by Mr. Doran. VOTE: 5-0 In favor of demolition delay: Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa and Mr. Doran. AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:35PM) Updates -Ms. Fenollosa told the Commission the first meeting for Lexington's earliest houses will be May 291h. Ms., Fenollosa and Ms. Pursley will attend. -Mr. Doran said the Pierce Lockwood NCD is planning their first meeting for the month of June. -The Hosmer house working group has a public information session to solicit feedback. There will be another meeting May 21st. They are discussing options on where to move the house. AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:46PM) Approval of Meeting Minutes -A motion made by Mr. Kalsow to approve the minutes dated April 17th 2019 as amended. Seconded by Mr. Doran. 4-0 in Favor: Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Doran, and Mr. Kelland with Ms. Pursley abstaining. AGENDA ITEM #10 (7:49PM) Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Kelland to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. 5-0 in favor to adjourn Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Doran and Ms. Pursley Adjourn.