HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-15-AC-min 10/15/2019 AC Minutes Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee (AC) October 15, 2019 Place and Time: Cary Memorial Building, Hudson Room, 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Glenn Parker, Chair; Sanjay Padaki, Vice-Chair; Alan Levine, Secretary; John Bartenstein; Eric Michelson; Meg Muckenhoupt; Nick Nichols; Lily Manhua Yan; Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager, Finance (non-voting, ex officio) Member(s)Absent: None Other Attendees: Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for Development; David Kanter, Vice Chair and Clerk, Capital Expenditures Committee The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. Announcements and Liaison Reports Mr. Michelson provided an update on Minuteman Regional Technical High School (Minuteman Tech), reporting that the Town of Belmont had initially voted to leave the school district at the end of the current school year but is planning reconsideration of that decision at a November Special Town Meeting (STM). Members of Minuteman Tech's school board have informally indicated that they do not object to Belmont rejoining, assuming it is under the same conditions as if the town had never left. This means that Belmont would be responsible for paying the approximately $472,000 that it would have had to pay if it had never left. During discussion, Mr. Michelson noted the following: • The capacity of the school's new facility is approximately 625-628 students, less than the original school building, and it is likely that the facility will be full within a few years. • Overhead expenses for the school are borne by member communities based on a three-year average of each community's students. A capital fee can also be charged for out-of-district students. 2019 Fall STM Article 8-Appropriate Funding for the Route 4/225 Bedford Street—Hartwell Avenue— Wood Street Transportation Improvement Project Ms. Kowalski distributed a Hartwell Avenue locus map for Article 8, which identifies the area that would be impacted by a proposed approximately $48.0 million project to improve traffic flow through the area. Such a project has been discussed for over 30 years. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation's (Mass. DOT) long-range transportation plan currently identifies Lexington's Hartwell Avenue intersections as eligible for construction funding in 2030-2034, with the understanding that the Town would be responsible for funding the design. Lexington can show its support for the project and potentially get on the State's Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)list for construction prior to 2030 if it can provide an acceptable design. Article 8 is requesting $1.5 million for 25% design funds. Ms. Kowalski anticipates a design that includes four lanes of traffic on Hartwell Avenue with a raised median, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings and bicycle access. The goal would be a design that improves flow so that traffic stays on the main roads. Roundabouts would be considered. The process would include charettes to solicit community input, with a focus on including the immediate neighborhoods. The design would include a no-build scenario and incorporate incremental development in its projections. In response to questions and comments, Ms. Kowalski added the following: 1 10/15/2019 AC Minutes • If the Town does not produce a design, the project could be removed from consideration for Mass DOT funding. • The 25% design would not include specifications; it would be a general layout of roads and sidewalks that consider safety, signalization, and operational analyses. • Lexington recognizes the need for transportation options that reduce reliance on the single occupancy vehicle and will continue to work with the 128 Business Council in that effort. • The Request for Proposals for the project would identify check-in points for presentations to the community and would require residential neighborhood and business community input, while developing a feasible option. • The consultant must follow Mass DOT's project manual, and Mass DOT would attend a required public hearing. • Mass DOT would control the project, which would be funded with federal highway funds. Ms. Kowalski agreed to get back to this Committee with the following information: • Whether the 25% design would identify the need for any eminent domain takings. • More detail about the phasing of the 25% design process, particularly as this relates to public participation. • The projected additional funds needed to reach 100% design. • The number of lanes anticipated for Bedford Street. • A list of deliverables to be included in the 25% design. Town Manager's Proposal to the Financial Guidelines Working Group Mr. Parker reported that he and Mr. Nichols had attended one meeting of the working group and that Jim Malloy, Town Manager, would be making a full presentation at tomorrow night's Fiscal Summit. Mr. Parker noted that staff is recommending that the Town continue to "tax to the levy limit", consistent with past practice. Staff is also recommending an aggressive schedule for funding the Capital Stabilization Fund (CSF), which would put pressure on controlling the operating budget. It is expected that the $27.0 million that is currently in the CSF would be used to fund existing debt; additional funds are needed for a future high school. Discussion included, but was not limited to, the following: • The use of free cash to help fund the operating budget: Ms. Kosnoff reported that it is acceptable practice to use free cash for one-time operating costs, but the Town has been using it for recurring operating costs, which is not advised. Mr. Malloy wants to control this going forward. • Contributions to the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB)Fund: Although it is not required that the Town contribute to this liability, Ms. Kosnoff explained that the rating agencies are influenced by how this is handled. The Town has been using the Health Care Trust Fund to make such contributions, but that fund will run out, making it necessary to allocate funds from other sources. It was noted that the OPEB fund gets a higher rate of return than other stabilization funds. • Maintaining reserves: Ms. Kosnoff noted that the Town uses the Government Finance Officers Association's guidelines for maintaining reserves, which she believes is providing reasonable goals for the Town. • Capital Projects: Department heads are being asked to rank their capital projects that are onetime events, such as a new police station. Continuing programs, such as new sidewalks, are not being ranked. 2 10/15/2019 AC Minutes Ms. Kosnoff reported that there will be more working group meetings to continue to flesh out the various issues. She stressed that the material that has been prepared by Mr. Malloy is an effort to develop guidelines, not establish policy. 2019 Fall STM Mr. Parker urged committee members to develop their draft material for this Committee's report to the STM by October 22nd so that it can be reviewed and voted on at this Committee's October 24th meeting. Drafts should be sent to Mr. Parker and Mr. Padaki so that they can be uploaded onto this Committee's public website. It is expected that a draft report would be prepared for approval at this Committee's October 30th meeting, with the final report being published on November 5th Ms. Kosnoff reported that the financial analysis for Article 9 LED Streetlight Conversion is to be included in the Board of Selectmen's material this coming Friday. Likewise, there should be additional information for Article 4 Amend FY2020 Operating, Enterprise, and CPA Budgets by Friday. She cautioned that new growth, which would affect the amount to be allocated to the CSF under Article 3 Appropriate to and From Specified Stabilization Funds, may not be identified prior to the opening of the fall STM. It may be necessary to use a conservative estimate. Minutes A motion was made and seconded to accept the draft September 19, 2019 Minutes. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 It was agreed to postpone voting on the October 1, 2019 minutes until Ms. Kosnoff has had an opportunity to review them. The meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sara Arnold Approved: October 24, 2019 Exhibits • Agenda, posted by Mr. Parker, Chair • Locus Map for Article 8—Appropriate Funding for the Route 4/225 Bedford Street– Hartwell Avenue–Wood Street Transportation Improvement Project 3