HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-14-SEPAC-min Lexington Special Education Parent Advisory Council(SEPAC) Lexington Special Education Parent Teacher Association(SEPTA) Business Meeting Minutes November 14,2019 Attendees: Patricia Jacotin,Emma Harding,Colette Powell,Carissa Black,Bronte Abraham,Kate Colburn,Scott Bokun,Sara Cuthberson,Carol Ward,Susannah Hoch,Heidi Mann,Ron Berry,Melissa Berry,Tom Sherman,Christy Waller,Lori Wright Call to order: 7:04pm Adjourn: 8:13pm Introductions Approval of minutes for 9/12/19 meeting: • Approved and seconded. Co-Chair Report: • Congratulations to the Battlegreen Run—raised$1,385. Special thanks to Lisa O'Brien. • Parent Survey: o Survey is closing tomorrow. Response is 482,so have exceeded response rate. o Timeline: ■ End of January:top-line results presented to administration ■ End of February:First draft of report and scrubbed comments presented to LPS ■ March: • Meetings with LPS lawyer • Meetings to re-draft and formulate recommendations • Individual presentations to SC members ■ April: Present the final report to School Committee ■ April/May: SEPAC sponsored Q&A ■ May/June: PPC Presentation o Scrubbing team met earlier today and are ready to go with the first round. o SC indicated they do not need individual presentations before the larger one. • DLP Updates: o Thomas Hehir report was included in SC packet at last meeting. o DLP parents met with him 10/22 where he presented results and parents asked questions. o He had a strong recommendation for a DLP high school program,and Dr.Hackett committed to have a HS program starting 2020-2021. o Also recommended exploring a co-teaching model for the DLP. o Recommendations related to aides over-supporting children,and that they should be more focused on supporting independence. o Conclusion was that LPS SPED very program-driven,which limits flexibility and makes individualization more difficult. o He indicated he'll be working more broadly on the DEI initiative across schools. o Parent feedback on Hehir was positive—he was very direct which was refreshing,but would like to know next steps as this is the second review that has said similar things and parents have been very patient. o SC and Administration were given feedback from the DLP parents. o SEPAC's response to the report was: ■ Report's comments could be applied to any program in Lexington. ■ LPS should be time-sensitive and perhaps take a mid-year budget look so that changes can be implemented in a reasonable timeframe. • DEI Community Groups: o Inclusion Community Input Team—Dr.Hackett would like those interested in serving to register interest by 11/30. o Would like more info on specifics—time commitment,how many people Officer reports: 0 Treasurer: o Revenue is far exceeding budget projections. o Had a lofty donations goal,but ahead of schedule. • Membership: o LexSEPTA 109 members. o Yahoo Groups is closing down most functionality,so have switched to a parents/guardians-only Google group. School Committee Update: • Redistricting: o Hearing will be next Monday at Clarke. o Recommendation should be shared before the meeting. • Hehir report: o Wasn't new news but was sobering for SC to hear. o Encouraged by Superintendent's response,especially with regards to the High School. o SEPAC asked for SC to recommend he speak to out of district parents as well. o ILP space had been talked about being downsized during Master Planning—questions around how that gels with adding a DLP high school program,as the ILP 3 space could be to leveraged for the DLP students. School Liaison Updates: • Fiske (Susannah Hoch): o Connected with a few parents who got her name from the website. No real concerns. o Would like to know the timeline for Dr.Hehir and when he'll be visiting different schools. • Diamond(Carol Webb): o Elise Phair joining Carol as a liaison. Met with the new ETS,was a former LLP teacher. They were impressed— he was engaged and has been a smooth transition. o A group of middle school parents who are concerned about the transition to high school are getting together tomorrow afternoon to talk to some LHS veterans. o It might be useful to start a S'h grade group to help with that transition too. • Hastings(Christy Waller): o The new website has been great—has connected with more parents. • Estabrook(Sara Cuthbertson): o A new principal this year,so is taking some time to settle. o Concerns have been raised by several families about special education children getting sent to the office excessively. Had a meeting with the ETS and they are aware of the situation. o There has been feedback that the DEI teams look beyond suspensions,also look at smaller disciplinary measures such as sending to office/guidance/etc. o Have committed to do UOD again but given that Estabrook is updating to new curriculum is taking some time and won't run until January. • Harrington(Heidi Mann): o Ran 2 units of UOD so far. Both went really well. December will be LD and Autism in Jan/Feb. o Any parents from other schools interested in observing a unit please contact Heidi. o Carol suggested it might be useful to add a disability curriculum at the middle school level. Event Updates: • ADHD Month was a huge success. Special thanks to Jenn Yarr,Marina Levitt,and Patricia Jacotin. • Rachel Kramer 4/14/20: Strategies for Anxiety in Kids with Learning Disabilities • Resource Fair 4/4/20 • SEPAC Parent Survey Q&A April/May 2020 • Inclusion Speaker S/20/20: Joe Petner o Teachers and department heads would benefit from hearing him. o Action: Will bring it up at the quarterly meeting about having him come in during one of the admin meetings. • Dyslexia movie was very helpful. Review of September Action Items: 0 All items have been completed.