HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-14-LBAC-min ,.Iron of I1...eiinten Bicycle AdvisoryCommittee 11 /141 UNAPPROVED MEETING NOTES 1.4 November 2019 7:00 113M I113airlkeirIM t iiiii Room Members present: Peggy Enders (Chair) , Bob Hausselein (FoLB Chair) , Mike Tabaczynski , Kevin Falcone, Matt Beebe, Omar Khudari , George Gagliardi Member absent: Lou Savarino Others attending: Joe Pato (Select Board liaison) , Susan Barrett (Transportation Services) , Ross Morrow (DPW) , Sgt. Paul Callahan (PD) , Mark Sandeen (Select Board) , Betty Gau AGENDA I.,. III,,,, ° IM t iii ii Ilf::mol ow,,,,,,up Kevin commented that he was wrong about who owns Lime Bikes October 2019 Meeting notes approved by unanimous consent 2. IB°�iii Ikew „� y Siginiage lumlmllpuroumlmini° Mike: Trying to improve behavior and maybe safety by improving signage because of so many complaints about bad behavior. Omar went to Shining Sea path in Falmouth and photographed and measured all their signs. They convey a lot of information with 4 icons per sign, and they are flexible. We decided 4 icons is too many for bicyclist traveling at high speed. Our message ideas are mostly aimed at all users (not just bikes or just pedestrians) . We thought of making the signs changeable so we could have fewer signs and rotate the messages. Possibly could be magnetized sheet that can easily be moved from place to place. Would need to be locked or secured in some way. Maybe make the icons humorous. How many and where: we thought 16 locations to correspond with the number of intersections. We came up with 8 messages (with no artwork drawn yet) : 1. Speed "limit" 15mph 2. Pass safely 3. Everyone keep right 4. Keep pets under control 5. Keep Children under control 6. Use lights at night 7. Bikes Ride single file/ Peds walk 2 abreast 8. Don't impede others We thought about special caution signs for congested areas like downtown (yellow diamond shaped) Question: speed limit on every sign? No, but we will prioritize and make more of the high priority signs. Peggy heard at TSG that Arlington is not going to adopt the speed limit, but this may be just a rumor. The staff bike coordinator in Arlington is in the planning department; he told Peggy he would take the idea to the town manager in a few months. 15mph is not a legal speed limit. Could just say "15mph" or could say "recommended." Paul: What about the meaning of white vs yellow? Ross: If it doesn't say "Speed Limit" then it can be white. Mass DOT is in the process of developing standard signage for shared use paths. We will not wait for them, just act as a pilot. MassBIKE is eager to improve courtesy. Mark: what about mile markers? Betty: Shining sea signs the speed limit pops the most Peggy: passing messages are very important, and also hard Peggy: Jim Molloy (Town Manager) asked us for this info. Michelle jarvis is designing kiosks. There is money already allocated to Tool Design 3. IB°�iiilk f' ° y aiind Courtesy I1131rogiraimlm Susan Barrett: We did bike/walk/bus week, and we want it to be more than a week. There is not much staff time dedicated, looking for more volunteers. We are focused on biking and walking but also transit planning. We have proposals out to MBTA. We need to think holistically. I have a transportation advisory committee. We used to put out a transit guide every year until 2004. So we used to think more holistically, and we want to again. Towns now get a fee (10 cents) from every Uber and Lyft ride that originates. We got $28,000 for 2017 and 2018. Town staff decided to use the funds for "active and alternative" transportation. Town Meeting must appropriate the funds. So staff has written a Program Improvement Request based on Peggy's informal request to Select Board that will come up at the spring town meeting. Cambridge has great materials and told us we could use anything as long as we credit them. We are getting pricing for design of a map similar to Cambridge's map. It will be $12,000-22,000 for map. Peggy: we should do a bike festival like Davis. Susan: we kick off planning for bike week in January, looking for volunteers. Omar volunteered. BWB week is 3rd week of May. Susan: We could sell or give away products like safety vests. We will use a professional designer. Peggy: Bikeway signs and printed materials should be coordinated. Kevin: Cambridge has just had an election that replaced a lot of City Councilors with more pro-bike people. Peggy: We need to convince the schools to incorporate bike safety education. Susan: Town staff met with schools in August. Transit study recommended we merge transportation budget with school transportation budget for better efficiency. We cannot use School buses but students can ride public transit. Parents want an MBTA-type service that is more flexible than school buses. Town responded with school bus plus Lexpress. Peggy: we need covered bike racks at the High School. Susan: Safe Routes to School is run by volunteers. We need to recruit more volunteers. Peggy: in many towns, SRS is a staff position. 4. I16°�i Ilk e s IIc ur Peggy: Had hoped Casey Haggerty from Economic Development would come tonight. Zagster costs the town $18,000 per year. Town does not want to continue that. Possibly could find corporate sponsors. Bedford might adopt Zagster. Tourism committee has vetoed corporate sponsorship idea because sponsorship should be reserved for more worthy programs. Zagster costs were about $35 per ride. Tourism wants bike share to be docked, not dockless. Kevin: never understood the point of Zagster to town residents. Might be useful for tourists. Bedford and Arlington both need to replace Lime. Arlington might go with Blue Bikes. Peggy: MAPC did a report that dockless is not as sustainable as docked. Jump has a charging dock, a non-charging dock, and allows parking at bike racks. Kevin: corporate sponsorship should be limited to appropriate sponsors. Or sponsor gets to have a dock in front of their building. Peggy: commuters prefer electric bike share. Cost of Hubway was $44,000 initial cost. Now they are Blue Bikes, and cost is different, but we don't know what it is. 5. M immlb it llh°iii llp Peggy: One opening, two applicants. Maybe one current member will step down and create second opening. Kevin: OK for someone to step down to make way for new blood. However, we don't want to lose the knowledge of Bob or Peggy. "TSG Peggy presented our recommendation about yield signs & stops signs to TSG. Captain McLean wants all stop signs. II,,,,„iii „iii oii Reports 1. Sgt. 113aul CallaIhaiin Y..�IC: b u c y c e c it a s h g e irn e it a : 12 I3 H Ilse vs vele '�c Le w 18 Ass '�st IF hire code: 10 2. Ross IMoirurow Will put a caution sign at Maguire & Hartwell "look for bikes." Money for 2546 design of Hartwell/Bedford St redesign was approved. In the meantime we will not spend money on Hartwell. Patching is done. Will be lined soon. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 ACTION ITEMS 1. Peggy will contact Pete Sutton (Bike/Ped coordinator for Mass Dot) . 2. Susan Barrett will email Omar about BWB week. Friends of Lexington Bikeways Meeting We have plenty of money in bank for plowing. McLaughlin Plowing will be same rate as last year. We will put signs on bike path reminding people to contribute to Friends for plowing. Web site: Kevin is working on it. Idea: sponsor community showing of the documentary film, Motherload. Potluck will be at Bob Hausseline's house. Peggy will coordinate.