HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-12-02-CONCOM-min OVS MORPVI"G Off` OP aw PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES APRIL 19- Conservation Commission Meering broadcasted by LexMedia AGENDA Monday, December 2nd, 2019 6:30 p.m., Parker Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 02421 Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, Duke Bitsko, Alex Dohan, Kevin Beuttell and Ruth Ladd Staff Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Director 6:30 pm New Business/Pendine Matters Issue Order of Conditions: 5 Howard Munroe Place DEP 201-1164 BL 1119 On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 5-0 to issue the order of conditions with the condition that the applicant add markers along the 25 foot buffer zone. Issue Order of Conditions: 25 Middleby Road DEP 201-1165 BL 1120 On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 5-0 to issue the order of conditions with the condition that the restoration project be completed as soon as possible by showing substantial compliance from their wetland professional. Request for Partial Certificate of Compliance: 11 Vine Brook Rd (201-1113, BL 1071) On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 5-0 to issue a partial certificate of compliance. A full certificate of compliance will be requested once the required monitoring period has ended. Approve Meeting Minutes: 10-1-2019, 11-4-2019 and 11-18-2019 On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 5-0 to approve the meeting minutes from October 1, 2019. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 5-0 to approve the meeting minutes from November 4, 2019. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 5-0 to approve the meeting minutes from November 18, 2019. Review Site Visit Schedule The site visit date will be changed from Saturday, December 7-until Saturday, December 141h 7:00 pm Continued Hearing DEP 201-1162 NOI, 0 Hartwell Avenue (Hanscom Field) Viewpoint Cloud Record 4CNOI-19-17 Applicant: Massport Project: Vegetation Management within wetland resource areas Mr. Jim Stolecki presented before the Commission. Per the prior meeting, approval was still required by Natural Heritage in regards to how the project would impact the endangered species on site. Natural Heritage submitted a letter giving their approval. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 5-0 to close the hearing. 7:1Opm New Meetings/Hearings RDA, 489 Concord Avenue ViewPoint Cloud 4CDOA-19-34 Applicant: Activitas, Inc. Project: Installation of fence and plantings within the 100 foot buffer zone Documentation submitted: • Request for Determination of Applicability application with attachments • Plans, "Permitting Documents: November 12, 2019, Cotting School, 489 Concord Avenue Fencing"prepared by Activitas. Dated November 12, 2019 • Memorandum, prepared by Activitas. Dated November 12, 2019 Ms. Meg Buczynski and Ms. Bridgette Irish presented before the Commission. The applicant is proposing to install plants and a vinyl fence within the 100 foot buffer zone. A parking area currently exists which the applicant is asking to continue to use. Invasive species management may be suitable to add as a condition to this permit. Concerns of the Commission: • Why the applicant has to retain the four parking gravel spaces instead of retaining parking spaces in the location of the proposed tree screening area. • The applicant implied earlier that all parking would be outside of the buffer zone in previously applications. • The gravel area has not been used as parking and has become overgrown with vegetation. • What the drainage patterns are in the area. • The amount of parking spaces proposed given the use of the dwelling. Response of the Applicant: • The current parking area has to be turned into tree screening due to setback restraints and grading. Appropriate tree screening was required by zoning. • The proposed gravel parking was never stated to be removed. • The applicant revised their proposal to retain 2 parking spots instead of 4 parking spots. • The invasive species removal will be completed manually or mechanically. An abutter, Ms. Fink from 485 Concord Avenue mentioned that the access path to the parking area will be lit. The Commission asked the applicant to submit a revised plan and to include invasive species removal details as a condition in the order of conditions. On a motion by Mr. Bitsko and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 5-0 to issue a negative determination with conditions. 7:30pm RDA, 3 Westwood Road ViewPoint Cloud 4CDOA-19-35 Applicant: Joseph Ciampa(Beacon Point Development) Project: Confirm absence of jurisdictional resource areas Documentation submitted: - Determination of Applicability with attachments. Prepared by Oxbow Associates. Signed and stamped by Frederick W. Russell, Jr. Civil No. 36713 Mr. Scott Smyers of Oxbow Associates presented before the Commission. Mr. Jonathan Shuster of Oxbow Associates has conducted tests at the site and has not found any jurisdictional areas. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 5-0 to issue a negative determination. 7:31pm DEP XBLX NOI, 9 Philip Road (Bowman School) ViewPoint Cloud 4CNOI-19-29 Applicant: Ameresco, Inc. Project: Construction of parking canopy solar photovoltaic energy system over existing parking lot and vegetated areas Documentation submitted: - MassDEP Notice of Intent application with attachments prepared by Wood Massachusetts, Inc. Dated November 12, 2019 - Stormwater Management Summary Report for Lexington Solar Partners, LLC—Bowman Elementary School - Memo, Re: Bowman Elementary School Solar PV Carport Stormwater Evaluation. Prepared by Wood Massachusetts, Inc. Dated: December 9, 2019. Mr. Steve Herzog, project engineer from Wood and Mr. Jackson Dowdy and Mr. Paul Mankers from Ameresco, Inc. presented before the Commission. The applicant is proposing three solar systems in the form of canopy parking structures within the 100 foot buffer zone and 200 foot riverfront area. The canopies proposed will be supported by posts embedded in concrete. A total of 35 square feet of canopy posts within the 50 foot buffer zone, 91 sq. ft. within the 100 foot buffer zone and 28 sq. ft. in the riverfront area. Concerns of the Commission: • How the stormwater gets to the ground. • How high the panels are from the ground. • The posts' location within maintained lawn as opposed to the asphalt that is currently there. • The canopy cover over a large amount of impervious surface (the grassy edge area). • How the stormwater will impact erosion, etc. • The absence of a stormwater management plan. • The setback from the canopy from the delineated wetland. • Are any trees going to be removed? • Could the applicant shift the panels closer to the building and further away from the wetlands? • The solar panels proposed extend beyond the pavement and over the lawn. • Setting a precedent given the current project conditions for future solar panel projects. • How many of these solar panels are site dependent? I.e., could the solar panels be concentrated at fewer schools? • Looking for assurance that the applicant has exhausted every other possibility regarding total square footage of paneling, panel locations, etc. • Could impervious surface area be removed from elsewhere on the property? Response of the Applicant: • The panels are 3.5 feet by 6 ft. with gaps in between each panel. Water will make its way in a"V" formation, pitched to the middle of the canopies. The panels slope up from south to north. • The panels will be a minimum of 14.5 feet to 17 feet above the ground. • The water will fall in a 14 foot vertical sheet. • Only two of the canopies are due to be constructed due to costs. The canopy to the farthest east is not expected to be constructed. The third canopy is the only proposed canopy with a tree proposed to be removed. • The quality of the wetland closest to the two primary canopies is not high. • One canopy is a one degree pitch. Another canopy is a three degree pitch. • The applicant is proposing as many solar panels as possible on as many sites as possible. The applicant did not submit a stormwater management plan. Mr. Shawn Newell, Assistant Director of public facilities stated that for the financial modelling, it was the "behind the meter" savings specifically for each building so would moving to another location change the financial outlook? The applicant confirmed that the savings were specific to each school. Mr. Newell stated that it is the goal of the school facilities to each reach net zero. The proposed solar canopies would cover 45% of the energy production of the building. The panels additionally have to be a certain height for vehicle passage. The Commission asked that the applicant submit a stormwater mitigation plan, updated site plan and to pull the proposed panels from the lawn area and solely onto the pavement. On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 5-0 to continue the hearing until December 16, 2019 at the applicant's request. 8:1Opm DEP XBLX ViewPoint Cloud 4CNOI-19-30 NOI, 17 Stedman Road Applicant: Ameresco, Inc. Project: Construction of parking canopy solar photovoltaic energy system over existing parking lot and vegetated areas Documentation submitted: - MassDEP Notice of Intent application with attachments prepared by Wood Massachusetts, Inc. Dated November 12, 2019 - Stormwater Management Summary Report for Lexington Solar Partners, LLC—Clarke Middle School - Memo, Re: Clarke Middle School Solar PV Carport Stormwater Evaluation. Prepared by Wood Massachusetts, Inc. Dated: December 9, 2019. Mr. Steve Herzog, project engineer from Wood and Mr. Jackson Dowdy and Mr. Paul Mankers from Ameresco, Inc. presented before the Commission. The applicant is proposing two solar systems in the form of canopy parking structures and electrical interconnection within the 100 foot buffer zone and 200 foot riverfront area. The canopies proposed will be supported by posts embedded in concrete. The concrete posts will all be located within the 100 foot buffer zone and 200 foot riverfront area. Concerns of the Commission: • What trees will be removed and replaced? • The trees that will replace the ones that will be removed should be planted within the riverfront area and not elsewhere on the property. • Is there an increase in water flowing to the protected resources? • Water flow from the solar panels onto the vegetated areas increases the risk of sediment runoff. • The change in solar exposure and how it impacts the ground cover. • If crushed stone is installed then as many plants as possible should in installed in conjunction. Response of the Applicant: • The trees that will be removed will be replaced. The Commission asked the applicant to submit a planting plan for the vegetated islands, stormwater mitigation plan and updated site plan. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 5-0 to continue the hearing until December 16, 2019 at the applicant's request. 8:30pm Ms. Ladd recused herself. DEP X NOI, 244 Wood Street ViewPoint Cloud 4CNOI-19-28 Applicant: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory Project: Electrical modifications to building Documentation submitted: • MassDEP Notice of Intent application with attachments, prepared for Massachusetts Institute of Technology, prepared by VHB. Dated November 2019. Mr. Chris Nowak, professional engineer with VHB presented to the Commission. The proposed project includes modifications to existing electrical infrastructure and construction of stormwater management infrastructure within the 100 foot butter zone. Parking spaces within the 100 foot buffer zone will be removed and planted. Overall, there will be a reduction in impervious cover in the buffer zone. This is the second phase of a three part project at the site. Concerns of the Commission: • If the new plant area could include plantings besides grass. Response of the Applicant: • The applicant will look into alternative plantings. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 4-0 to continue the hearing until December 16- at the applicant's request. Ms. Ladd re joined the Commission. 8:47pm Continued Public Meetings/Hearings DEP XBLX NOI, 6 Moon Hill Road ViewPoint Cloud 4CNOI-19-26 Applicant: Linda Pagani Project: Drainage modifications to approved project Ms. Linda Pagani, homeowner, and Mr. Peter Gammie, project engineer, presented before the Commission. Mr. Gammie stated that the impervious driveway that was installed instead of the approved pervious driveway is hydraulically equivalent to the approved driveway. The Commission determined that, since this project had been approved before 2008 in order to gain approval, now it is best to withdraw the applica\tion and issue a certificate of compliance for the previous order of conditions. DEP 1154 BL 1109 NOI, 4 Tidd Circle ViewPoint Cloud 4CNOI-19-16 Applicant: Maliha Karim Project: Landscaping and construction of a retaining wall at a single family dwelling On a motion by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell, the Commission voted 5-0 to continue the hearing until December 16- at the applicant's request. On a motion by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd, the Commission voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting.